The Grand Valley Ledger Volume 10, Issue 20 Serving Lowell Area ' XjT Readers Since 1893 April 2. 1986 Chamber & Communly Ed. to n sponsor "Person of the Year' 4 Get hopping on all those com- munity- minded projects you've >: been meaning to do all year. The «s Lowell Chamber of Commerce ft and Lowell Community Educa- tion program are sponsoring their CHARLIE DOYLE IS PUBLISHED first annual "Person of the Year" banquet. The event will be held Lowell Postmaster Charlie Doyle recently submitted an article E aboard the Lowell Showboat on about the history of the Lowell Post Office to the state postal Friday, June 27. The evening's newspaper. The article was published along with a 1939 photo festivities will be highlighted by post card of the building. His article also included some facts and honoring a person from our com- rt history about our community which painted Lowell in a very nice munity for his or her efforts in H light. Charlie ended his article with a cordial welcome to anyone o| making Lowell a better place to visiting in the area. The editors of the newspaper tacked on a thank live. -I you to Charlie for his ''fantastic story and intertesting information'*. «, The party will begin with •i cocktails at 6:00 p.m. Set-ups / LOWELL SPORT SHOPPE TO OPEN will be provided. Alcoholic bev- erages are on a "bring your own Lowell's newest business is scheduled to open next week. The bottle" basis. Dinner will be Lowell Sport Shoppe will open its doors at 119 East Main St. The served at 7:00 p.m. Following building is known to many as the Levee, and was most recently the dinner and awards ceremony, occupied by Sparky's Cafe. The business will be operated by there will be dancing aboard the George and Ruth Summerfield who have moved here from boat and on the stage to the "Big Tekonsha, Michigan. George is a cousin of Lowell Wrestling Band" sound of the Bruce Early Coach Gary Rivers, and has fallen in love with our community Orchestra. Early led the Show- during his many visits here. The Summerfields operated a similar boat Orchestra for many years, shop in Tekonsha along with a baseball card trading business with and his eight-piece dance band an inventory of over I million cards. George and Ruth sold the is in big demand in the Grand baseball card business* put their home and store building up for Rapids area. sale, and moved their sporting goods inventory to Lowell. The Lowell Chamber of Com- store will specialise in team sports equipment, uniforms, trophies, merce President Bob Pfaller athletic shoes and custom lettering. We would like to be among says, 'There many individuals A the first to welcome the Summerfields to the community. who dedicate their time and tal- ents to this community, and the DID YOU KNOW. Chamber feels it is high time we i began the process of thanking . I** Lowell Senior High School offers 219 academic course selec- them." M •s| tions. Twenty-seven (27) of these are advanced or honors and The cost for the banquet is •••I seventeen (17) remedial. $15.00 per person. Seating is li- *11 Statistics for Lowell Senior High show 882 students enrolled, > A mited to 250, so get your tickets •M 42 teachers, 3 counselors, I librarian, 2 administrators and 3 sec- well in advance. Tickets are av- retaries. Eight students at Lowell High have a perfect 4.0 grade ailable from the Chamber Office AI average and 70 students have a 3.5 or better. There are 2% students located in the Lowell Area Ails I on the Honor roll. Council's Art Center on South • Hudson, Dave Gerst, Jerry Pat- I BOOSTERS MEETING PLANNED ton, Pfaller's Clothing and the AI Lowell Community Education t. Lowell Athletic Boosters will meet Monday, April 7 at 7:30 p.m. office. in the K-Quad of the High School. Bruce Walter is heading up the nomination committee for the COUSINS' BUNNY GOES HOME "Person of the Year" award. Any- one with a suggestion concern- Lucky Lyn VanStee of 14385 68lh Street. Alto is the proud winner ing a good candidate for the of the Big Bunny given away in the drawing by Cousins* Card award should call contact Walter and Gift Shoppe. at 897-5102. The event is open to the entire Bruce Walter and Bob Pfaller tour the Lowell Showboat, site of the "Person of the Year" OFF THE BLOTTER community, so circle June 27 on banquet slated for Friday, June 27. Walter is chairing the nomination committee and Pfaller is %\ 9 your calendar, and get your tick- the current Chamber President. » Joel Anderson, 22, of Lowell pulled his motorcycle out of a ets today! private drive on West Main near West Street on Tuesday, March « 25 into the path of a vehicle driven by Kathleen Rupp. 19, also of Lowell. Anderson sustained injuries and was transported to a G.V.S.C. Band to perform at Lowell High Grand Rapids hospital. Jenett Patrick, 49, of Saranac, collided with a telephone pole The Grand Valley State Col- graduate of Lowell High Schools "Festival Overture," written by Dance" written by a young Amer- on Washington Liid King Streets. Saturday morning, March 22. lege Bands will take its Annual plays flute and piccolo in the the great Russian composer, ican composer. John Barnes. No injuries were reported. Spring Tour on April 9, .10 and GVSC band. Dmitri Shostakovich and an The concerts are open to the Arrested by Lowell officers Thursday evening, March 27 for II. The GVSC band program is avant-garde selection "Torch public. driving while license suspended, second offense, was Robert Sig- Concerts will be presented at under the leadership of William Lowell athletes do well in classroom nor, 24 of Saranac. He was transported to the Kent County Jail. selected Michigan high schools Root who has taught in the fol- Arraigned on a warrant issued by the 63rd District Court was and will feature the Concert lowing institutions: Owendale The Lowell High School Ath- ter. They were Tom Nugent (JV Ronald Shoemaker. 24, of Belding for Uttering and Publishing, Bank, Ja// Band. Wind Ensem- Public Schools, Vicksburg Com- letic Department recently re- Football and Wrestling). Pam (writing checks on a closed account) at a Lowell business. ble and soloists. The programs munity Schools. Grand Rapids leased statistics regarding grades Durkee (Varsity Football Cheer- Two male runaways from a State operated home north of Lowell are designed as a "young per- Junior College, Ferris State Col- for participants in fall and winter leading and Volleyball. Michele were apprehended in Eberhards on Monday morning, March 31 son's concert" including educa- lege and Grand Valley since sports. The results showed that Shick (Varsity Kxnball Cheer- for shoplifting. tional and instructional functions 1976. Lowell High School athletes arc leading and JV Volleyball) and Debra Briggs. 31, oftawell collided with a parked car on West during the fast-paced presenta- The lour repertoire will in- doing very well in the classroom. Amy Davis (Varsity Volleyball). Main near Riverside Drive on April 1. Minor property damage to tions. The schedule includes a clude a wide variety of music, The 207 participants in the fall Also included in the report her car and a car owned by Sandra Dean of Grand Rapids, resulted performance at Lowell High rangii.^ Irom the traditional to sports programs combined for a were Lowell's ratings for in the crash. School on Friday, April 11 at the contemporary. Included will 2.892 Grade Point Average sportmanship in the OK White 1:25 p.m. Robert Rice, band di- be such extreme opposites as the (GPA). The 154 participants in Conference. Of a perfect live Appointments not always PRECISION & FASHION rector at Lowell High School is winters sports were just a little points, Lowell finished with needed at Vanity Hair Fash- HAIRSTYLING - For both in charge of all the arrangements better with a 2.899 GPA. 4.34, second only to Wyoming ions. Open six days Lowell, men and women. Man's World for the appearance of the GVSC We deliver 7 days a week 4 - Five athletes attained perfect Park with 4.40. 897-7506. Hairstyling. Phone 897-8102. bands. Mindy Walling, a 8 p.m. Heritage Meat Market 4.0 GPA's during the first semes- Grand Valley Ledger - Wednesday. April 2, 1986 - Page 2 Peggy McCaul agrees to Obituaries Grand Valley Ledger • Wednesday, April 2, 1986 - Page 3 chair St. Jude's Bike-a-Thon Coming Events Thur/ic al Ada Commumt) R |, THOMPSON C Notices In the Ledger's Pack 3188 will meet at Run- and 1 30 • 4:30 Saturday and MON., APRIL 7; Lowell Ath- •room. Please bring a dish to sign up at the Lowell Senior Thompson. of Alio, passed away Chureh. 7239 Thornapplc ^ The Central Regional Office Jude Hospital, children who k < t. ->"7 IIIUI. —• .U. rw Adu tlAti I • . I "Coming Events" are free ciman School, beginning at Sunday. Other viewing times letic Boosters will meet at share and your own table Neighbors' Center Thursday. Marvh27. imaiihe !> . Ada.Rev Jerry of St. Jude Children's Research have leukemia. Hodgkm's dis- of charge to any non-profit 7:00 p.m. This is a family can be arranged by calling 7:30 p.m. in the K-Quad of service. IN THE age of 92. She is survived by ficialmg Arrangemcnis ^ Hospital announced today that ease, sickle cell anemia, and organization In the Lowell, event.
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