Ithaca College Digital Commons @ IC The thI acan, 1993-94 The thI acan: 1990/91 to 1999/2000 10-7-1993 The thI acan, 1993-10-07 Ithaca College Follow this and additional works at: http://digitalcommons.ithaca.edu/ithacan_1993-94 Recommended Citation Ithaca College, "The thI acan, 1993-10-07" (1993). The Ithacan, 1993-94. 7. http://digitalcommons.ithaca.edu/ithacan_1993-94/7 This Newspaper is brought to you for free and open access by the The thI acan: 1990/91 to 1999/2000 at Digital Commons @ IC. It has been accepted for inclusion in The thI acan, 1993-94 by an authorized administrator of Digital Commons @ IC. Ooinion ................................. 13 Fall break Wine -and dine Movin' on up What's Happening .............. 16 The next issue of The Ithacan will be A guide to the Cayuga Karl Ravech '87 enters the Accent ............................... 17 published on Thursday, OcL 21 Wine Trail 3 7 Classifieds/Comics ............ 29 23 big time at ESPN Sports ................................ 31 The ITHACAN The Newspaper For The Ithaca College Community Vol. 61, No. 7 Thursday, October 7, 1993 40pages Free Call for action Noose incident and concern with racial issues spurs sit-in, demands at Trustee dinner Black Solidarity Day and Martin By Chrts Lewi• Luther King, Jr. Day and the estab­ Developments Ithacan Projects Director lishment of a black-latino alumni Frustrated by what they believe • Second forum scheduled for association. Tuesday, Oct 12, 7:30 p.m. is the College's lack of commit­ The College received national in Emerson Sui1es B ...... p.5 ment to mcial issues, SO-<iO stu­ media attention after nine pieces of dents held asit-in during aBoard of rope in the shape of hangman's • VP Oblak, SGA propose Trustees and Century Fund dinner nooses, each dipped in either tar, racism committees ...... ... p.5 in lheBmerson Suites on Thursday, cementorplmter,werefoundinthe • Chapman's judicial review still in process; outcome Sept. 30. Quad Academic early Tuesday uncertain ....................... p.4 President James J. Whalen said morning, Sept 28. be was presented wilb a list of five Undereachnoose was a wooden • 50-60 Students protest at demands: to increale lhe student of Century Fund/Trustees bJoct insal"bed with die name of dinner Thursday, Sept 30 color enrollment, ID incmlse the different African-Americans,- in­ faculty ex color enrollment. 10 es­ cluding "Michael Jordan," Lonnie sparked a hotly contested open fo­ tablish an ethnic 8bJdies major in­ Graoit.r" [sic] and "Emmett TdL" rum with more lhan 500 people in cluding black, latino, asian- . The nomes. which the College the Emerson Suites Wednesday, .ammcan.. ...-i~Slud-.. later determined to be an African­ Sept. 30. ies. f,9 audlorize· the obServante of American art student's project, See "Sit-in," page 4 Autumn apparel Photo Courtesy of The Cayugan Anita HIii testlfle• before Cong,... two year• ago. Anita Hill to speak Oct. 28 By Kristina Nwazota . Ithacan Contributor Ticket Info In less lhanammth, the Ithaca •· Tickets for the Hill College community will have speech will go on the ~ty to hear. a well­ known,cootroversial figure. She sale Oct. 18 in the currently teaches law at the Uni­ Campus Center versity of Oklahoma, and ap­ Lobby and will be ~ on national television when she testified against a Su­ sold for $5 to preme Court Justice nominee. members of the Now she will appear as this Ithaca College year's fall speaker. community. Who is she? Anita Hill. "We thought m. she was an The Ithacan / Ali Mroczkowski intelligent and vocal figure who Todd Crawford, working for HIio Dealgna, NIia t-ehlrta at the Apple HlrvNt Feallval OcL 2. would have IOIDetbing w:zy rel­ "We thought that evant to presmt ID the Idlaca she was an intelligent College community," said Katie and vocal figure who Clinton's health plan Bums '94, Chairw0018D of. the speakers coouniuee for the Stu­ would have something Health update: debated by IC profs dent Activities Board. very relevant to Aldlough Hill is recognized Musgrave, chair of the economics present to the Ithaca the government tatr.s the place of as a public figure because of her ~Mll'llleElllnatadt the insunnce company, be ex­ deparlment "This is fantasy." College community." lttiacan S1aff involvement in the Clarence plained.HeoftmcomJB'Cdittothe Mmgrave was the opponent of Thomas hearings. that experi­ -Katie Bums '94, Two IC pro(eaors sqaared off single payersysrem in Canada. Clinton's proposed plan. One point ence will not be the focwi of her chairwoman of the todebalDPlaidcatOaoo·sbcaltb Sbevarysaidlhealliancesysaem be made was thaltheFedtJal Trade addres.,. Bums said. speakers committee, cae pqml Wedl,eaday~ Oct. 6, poposed would be inclined toward Commission was conducting an in­ Hill, a professor al the Uni­ Student Activities Board . butneidaW11881n1118 propooent. monopolistic praclices. vesdplion intolbe verity ofweight versity ofOklahoma, will speak Thomas Sbevory, apolilics po­ Companies would be encour­ loss product advertising, and sug­ on Thursday, Oct. 28 al 8 p.m. in fessor, WIS paenlDd Uthe~ agedtoband together, which would gested ·m. the FI'C analyze the months of negotiations, even the Emerson Suites, and will though many care of the plan wilb manymerva­ way Ointoo is pooioting his plan. agents for other decreasethcpoweroffhe~. present a speech tided. "Sexual tioas. ..h is not dear mat you will be said. Musgrave said even though die public~askcdSAB to con­ harassment Histmical perspec­ said. have a flee choice of plans." be Sbevory agreed dial those who plan is advenised as cheaper, in the sider dml, Bmns tive Oil the abuse powe,." staredaboutlhetlneopdollspeople have been squeezed out in lhe past end it will cost die public more. ex SAB also consulted lhe Afri­ willbave. Musgrave said the combination of "She is caning to address her can Latino Society to gauge how experience as a professor and an -We'ieabout 100yanbehind." high and low risk groups in the lhe people of color on campus employeeofthegovanmeot,and might perceive the speaker. be said. Sbevory siiclbe is happy ID cbildren, and the poor will now be communitywouklincreasethec:ro­ =~=~~r= will provide insight on ismies ..We realize that some people see a plan far uniwnal coverage, focused as will preventative nomic burden on the young and on, such as race, gender and civil may view her as a controversial bu1 soppM1. ~ payer system medicine, be said. beahhy. rights." Bums said. speaker, but we feel inslead of lhe mukiple insurance "All of Ibis will be paid by the '"Thal will mean that young thaltheovez­ SAB secuml Hill as the fall all anitude liDW8rd br.r company sysaem proposed by tax of cigmelt,es and a decreme in people 111d employers will have to visit will speaker in July after several be C1in1on. ID a single payer system, Medicare spending," said Frank pay more." Musgrave said. enttmsiastic." Bums said. ALWAYS. THE. ... LOWEST PRICES·! 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NY • Olla ws October ,. 1993 THE ITHACAN 3 Professor accused of harassment says Holm discusses dismissal College 'not justified' in actions ByChrtsLlwla The Ithacan.
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