VOL. XXVII.—NO 37. ST JOHNS, MICH., THURSDAY MORNING. JUNE 8. 1893. / Spoctacte* and Kye Glasses at almost —Seats now on on sale at Littcll’s for ; 7 C! lew* and I’mm». Remember that the Garland Sloven wholesale prices at Krepps. Dc Witt A ** My Aunt Sally,” Saturday night. In addition to the manufacture aud aud Ranges are the only stoves made Co.'s Eyes tested free. —Watch for u genuine novelty in the 1 AIM PBISKY GOAT sale of freeh caudles, of every variety.we with aluminum in them—the lightest line of a street iiarade at noon Saturday. are manufacturing all kinds of ices and and toughest metal known. For sale creams which will be delivered iu any only by Fowlbh A Ball . HONK 1ATTKRN. —Miss Kiou. from Japan —fan and all, HALE AMU HEARTY AT THK A OK or A NEW KKATKRNAL INSURANCE OR­ (luantities at any time at low rate*. — will be at Newton Hall next Tuesday SKVKNTY-THHKK. GANIZATION. Special attention given to supplying Not a CJuick Meal Gasoline Stove re­ ■NNMM i evening, June 18. parties. Fowuu A Kress .’ turned last year, for sale by —See “My Aunt Sally” at Newton —Don't fail to see Terrence and Katy of the Candy Kitchen. Fowler A Ball . Hall, Saturday evening. dance the Irish jig at Newton Hall next Th« llrrcnt Celebration or I hr Guidon Austbrr Mnlual Inauraorp iliK«nl<*lloii Carp*** • A Dooirable llumr For Howl —Frank Valentine is the happy re­ Tuesday evening. WrUdlug of Oeorce W. Kale- end Wire supr«•■■<« IUpr*M*l«llvr, AhM In Got- We always lead in Carpets and do not The pleasantly situated and roomy cipient of a new safety bicycle. —The Hotel St. Johns was formally —Semr IMoneer Kotulalsronro* Kora I led line It on Itn Emi-lost of (IMcwr,. Ktr. allow auy oue to undersell us. Our dwelling bouse of the late A. II. Walk -Claim* the Honor or Morning tbr VII. stock is large and complete in all grades, er. on Oaklaud street, is for rent. En­ —The funniest play of the season at opener! to the public by E. C. Smith, On Monday evening of this week an­ and we will guarantee our prices as low quire of S. S. Walker. 1382 lace. Newton Hall, Saturday, June 10. late of Ann Arbor, on Thursday of last other mutual insurance organization as any in Michigan. Do not fail to call vffs.aoe —Don ’t fail to see the Flag Drill per­ week. Scarcely anybody to see George W. was organize*! in this village —a local on iu If in want of Carpets, as we will save you money, John H icks . Ouck Meal Gosoline Stoves in use. formed by thirty-three girls next Tues­ —Reserved seats for the Cantata can Estes upon our streets—and he is there commauderv of the United Friends of liest made. Call and see. For sale day evening. be obtained without extra charge, by almost every day —would guess that lie Michigan. This iscomparatively a new Kenyon'* New Emn I Harn. only by __________Fowlkii A Ball . organization, yet is is the llrst to origi ­ Having purchased the old Anstev —Buy your gold filled watches of calling at F. II. Frazell’s music store is |iast 78 years of age. lie was bom in nate in Michigan, and to be confined to The Michigan Stove Co. will show the Krepps. DeWitt ACo.. leading jewelers, House property, in St. Johns, have con ­ next Friday morning, June 9. Bredport township. Addison county, state jurisdiction. It is iucorporated vened It into a commodious, conven ­ largest and liest line of (Garland Stoves and save money. tf —A kiln of brick is now being burned Vermont, on the 18th day of February. under a special act of the legislature, ient and safe Boarding aud Feed Bam. aud Ranges at the World ’s Fair, of any —Come and see the children in their and now has some *1.000 members in the manufacture in the world. We are sole on the Holton brick yard, and will be 1820. and resided there until be was nine where the public may lind clean food agents here. Fowlkh A Ball . characteristic songs and (lances next reedy for delivery the latter part of next years old. when be. with his parent*, state. Deputy A. 8. Bennett, a funner for their animals ami careful, compe­ St. Johns boy, now of Ionia, has Iieen tent aud gentlemanly attendants. A Tuesday evening. week, or the tint part of the week fol­ moved west aud settled in Niagara in town for the past week only, aud yet waiting room for ladies while their For lllejrclo* —Sunday next will be Children's Day lowing. couuty, N. Y. He wan married at Cam­ at the meeting Monday evening, up­ horses are being got in readiness, bus And Bicvcle repairing and complete at the M. E. church and will be ob­ — We have in band a lengthy report bria, New York. May 81, 1843. to Miss wards of 35 applications were received Iieen provided. Prioes as low as the satisfaction, call ou and 25 persons were present. Three su­ lowest. Give me u trial. Cooper A Vincent , served with appropriate exercises. of the recent exerci.-es in district No. 2, Susan A. Smith, and it was the celehra- preme aliicers were present—8 upreme South of old Anstev House. —The A. B. Chase piano, kindly furn ­ tion of the fiftieth anniversary of tliat M. L. Kknyon . Bengal, which, owing to the late hour eveut which suggested these few brief Commander W. 11. Andrews, of Grand For Mr, ished by F. H. Fraxell. will be used for in which it came to hand, is unavoid notes which can but be hurriedly dashed Rapids ; Supreme Secretary Edwin F. Lausw Curtain*. the Cantata next Tuesday evening. luiuib, oi Flint, and Supreme Assistant An elegant line of Lace Curtains, di ­ A nice wall or side showcase at Alli­ ably omitted from this issue. together. The goldeug weddin' held at (’ommander Thomas <;. Broad bent, of son's. —Cliarley Moreland, the vender of —One day last week Fred Bowles, the the residence ol Mr. Estes on Lansing rect from the importers, just received street, was largely attended —many of Ovid. One feature which commends At John Hicks '. A Grrol Micro**. the unadulterated lacteal tluid, has been ga> man. found a certiticate for a the old citizens of St. Johns being this order to especial notice is the fact It will pay you to visit Plunkett ’s contiued to his home several days with tiiat the ladies are on an equal footing Chapin A Co., the Dress Goods Hust­ Studio and view the large collection of silver watch in a package of Briar Pipe present. Two sisters of Mr. Estes— lers are still in it. rheumatism. tobacco which be had purchased. This Mrs. W. Ii. II. llansnm and Mrs. Louis with the men and etui hold office ami life-like portraits —the tinest ever carrv insurance. The new commauderv offered to the people of this section — —‘‘My Aunt Sally,” a roaring comedy is thesecond time he lias drawn a watch Ransom, of Lockport. N. Y.—were was christened Bingam Commander) . __ iargest present. The happy couple were the re­ Dress Goods to lie found are the like of which he is giving with every in four acts, is the coming attraction at —the drat one about a year ago, and it cipients of many very useful and costly No. (H. and the following officers were dozen of cabinet photos taken at his Newton llail, Saturday eveuing next. — lias proved a line time piece. gifts which they highly appreciate. duly elected aud installed : At C hapin A Co. ’s. place. Theoffer is a surprising one. It is funny from start to dnisli. l**st Comiasuder - Wm. V. WVimer —John Beck, of Greenbush. and lion. They have five sons and one daughter Commander TimothyAt. Clark. Ladies in pursuit of Underwear will Kendrick is now receiving his beauti­ — Free Methodist camp meeting will living, all of whom but one. were pres Vice Commander— Mr*. C. II. Rennet! do well bv examining Cliapin A Co. ’s R. B. Caruss, of Essex, attended Win. ent at this anniversary. Secretary—F. H. Base ful Hue of Ladies' Spring Garments — lie held on the farm of Mr. Wiltsie. two Boyden'ssale of thorough bred short Treasurer—John Shaffer . stock of Jersey Rib goods where will be correct styles and low prices make the In 1846 Mr. Estes and wife moved to Prelate Mr*. Elisabeth Martin. found high neck and long sleeves, low attraction. They are beauties. miles and a half east of Elsie, com­ bom cattle at Delhi Mills, last Thursday. Michigan and settled in Bingham town ­ Marshal—William Murphy. neck . short sleeves and no sleeve vests mencing June 14 and continuing one 0 ship upon *W acres of laud which con ­ Warden—Mr*. Mary 11. (.'lark and knee pants. For Sole. There were 81 head sold, averaging $H Guard—Mr*. Flora Mulder. week. in price. Mr. Beck purchased two, male stitutes what is now known as the Trustee* —George Hulbert. Cornelius H. «lu*t Kerrlinl. The very desirable residence of the “Monroe farm.” This section of the Bennett. Stephen It. MeCUntnck late A. II. Walker, comer of Oakland —On Tuesday of last week Curt Con­ and female, for the improvement of the oountry was then a vast forest, there Medical Hsamlner—Dr. J. B. llodjfv. A large invoice of Portierie Curtains rad, of Wacousta. was kicked by a horse stock in his township.
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