SERVICE ORDERS ARMY ORDERS. IU, S. S. Marblehead as executive of- fleer. Parker. Col. Hugh A., Infantry, Palmer, Comdr. John R„ detached from Fresno, Calif., to the Panama Navy Yard. Washington D. C„ In Canal Department, January 26. November: to Asiatic Station. Orders v October 30 revoked. Anderson. Col. Thomas M., Infantry, Lamont, Lieut. Comdr. George P., active to be retired from service, detached as district communication February 28. officer, 13th Naval District, Seattle, Le Baron, Maj. Rudolph Wendell Wash., in January: to U. S. S. Raleigh Phillips, Engineers Corps Reserve, as navigating officer. ordered to active duty at Chicago, Aitkens, Lieut. (J. G.) Lloyd J. S., December 3. d.tached 11th Naval District about Lambert. Maj. Barret De T., In- November 9; to U. S. S. Neches. fantry, ordered home to await re- Elliott, Lieut. (J. G.) Thompson P„ tirement, November 30. detached Hydrographic Office, Navy Buskirk, Maj. Robert J., Coast Ar- Department in December; to U. S. S. tillery Corps, from Fort Monroe, Va., Nokomis. to Portland, Me., December 15. Woelfel, Lieut. (J. G.) John C., de- Guerin, Maj. Mark E., Judge Advo- tached U. S. S. Oglala in September; cate General's Department, from to U. S. S. Concord. here, to Fort Hayes, Ohio, January 2. Johnson, jr.. Ensign William C„ Beverley, Capt. George H., Air detached U. S. S. Oglala in Septem- Corps, from Boston, Mass., to the ber; to U. S. S. Pennsylvania. Panama Canal Department, Febru- Medical ary 19. Corps. McKenzie, First Lieut. Henry R., Riordan, Comdr. John F., detached Quartermaster Corps, assigned to Naval Hospital, Pearl Harbor, T. H., duty as assistant quartermaster at in November; to Naval Hospital, New 1 Philadelphia, Pa. York. N. Y. Meier, Second Lieut. Arthur F„ Allman. Lieut, (J. G.) Thomas L„ r Infantry, from Randolph Field, Tex., detached Receiving Ship at New York, OPEN ALL NIGHT 38 Modern Storet to Fort Snelling, Minn. N. Y.; to Marine Barracks, Quantico, Drug Walsh, jr., Second Lieut. Louis A., Va. Conveniently Located in Air Corps, from Randolph Field, McDonald, Lieut. < J. G.) Lester E„ Peoples Drug Store Check These Values! Tex., to Fort Francis E. Warren, Wyo. on discharge treatment Naval Hospi- • WASHINGTON tal, San Diego, Calif.; to U. S. S. • ALEXANDRIA Holt, Warrant Officer Frank, to be duty at Thomas Circle 35c Pisos Cough Remedy.24c examined by an Army retiring board, Lexington. • SILVER SPRING Ave. • HYATTSVILLE 75c Baume tube.50c here. Supply Corps. 14th St. & Massachusetts Analgesique, • BETHESDA Leave of absence is granted to Registered Pharmacists Always on Duty 60c for each of the following officers on or Davis, Lieut John H., detached Rem, coughs.49c about the dates specified: Norfolk Naval Hospital, Portsmouth, 30c Groves Laxative Bromo Quinine.21c Hughes, Brig. Gen. John J., Gen- Va., in December; to U. S. S. Hen- eral Staff Corps, three days, Novem- derson. 50c Groves Emulsified Nose Drops.45c ber 24. Lee, Lieut. Lamar, detached U. S. S. 7Sc Vapex Inhalant.63c McCleary, Lieut. Col. William R., Rigel in December; to Submarine dWfwfe Coast Artillery Corps, three months Base. Pearl Harbor. T. H. Caikaddl\ $1.00 Wampoles Creo-Terpin.79c * Overand. Lieut. John W., detached and four days, November 27. 50c Vicks Va-tro-nol Nose Drops.39c Pence, Capt. Adolphus B., Infantry, U. S. S. Henderson in January; to or extension of one month. Naval Ammunition Depot, St. Juliens 40c Musterole, jar tube .27c Each of the following Field Artil- Creek, Va. 30c Hills Cascara Quinine Tablets.19c 1 lery officers at Fort Sill. Okla., from Crapo, Capt. George R., dispatch 35c Hills Nose Drops.29c organization indicated after his name orders July 23 furth modified; to to 1st Battalion, 77th Field Artillery, naval aircraft factory, navy yard, 35c Minit-Rub, tube.33c 1 of n^Afinn HER5HEY Philadelphia, Pa, 50c Burma Shave.47c Russey, Capt, John W. Stanley, Capt. Emory D.. duty as 60c Danderine Hair Tonic .45c R. general inspector. Supply Corps, East Roberts, Capt. Edward 60c Youth Cold Strode, Capt. Robert T. Coast, Washington. D. C. Hoppers Cream.49c | Easter, Lieut. Cmdr. H., ad- for the on Chocolate First Lieut. Halstead C. Jamgs We're Bars Fowler, ready yowds 50c Ingrams Milkweed Cream.39c ? Fisher, First Lieut. Samuel H. ditional duty as disbursing officer, U. this bargain sale! You'd better S. Half-Pound 55c Java Face Powder. 42c Scott, First Lieut. Winfield W. S. Houston. stock up for months to come. 50c Molle Cream.36c Whiteley, First Lieut. Harold 3. Bullock, Ensign James E., detached Clean—fragrant—toilet size soap Milk Choco- Shaving The following promotions are an- as assistant for disbursing, U. S. S. that destroys body odor, and is 50c Marchands Golden Hair Wash.39c nounced : Houston; to duty U. S. S. Houston. fine for the complexion. late Bars 50c Mulsified Bower, Lieut. Gordon S., detached Shampoo.38c Woodburn, First Lieut. Robert Sam- 50c Dental uel, jr.. Engineer Corps Reserve, to Norfolk Navy Yard, Portsmouth, Va., Quantity Limited—Buy Phillips Magnesia.39c captain, November 22. about November 26: to Norfolk Naval IOC 40c Vaseline Hair Tonic.37c Hospital, Portsmouth, Va. Tomorrow Dine, Second Lieut. William Harry Your Supply Pure, rich, n u- 50c Williams Aqua Velva.38c to Van, Military Intelligence Reserve, vonsirucnon corps. tritious chocolate, 25c Mavis Talcum.17c first lieutenant, November 22. Powers. Lieut. Comdr. Melville made as only Her- Baumeister, Second Lieut. Karl W., 50c Ipana Tooth Paste.39c orders issued C. in C. shey can make it. Edward, Air Corps Reserve, to first by Asiatic, modified: to Bureau Construction and lieutenant, November 22. Repair, Navy Half-Pound Joerg, jr., Maj. Robert, Infantry, Department. j ***** from Gadsden, Ala., to his home to Warrant Officers. Not-So-Sweet await retirement. 5-.V Borst, Chief Boatswain William, de- Ephedrinated Orville of Walsh, Capt. E., Corps En- tached Submarine Base, Pearl Har- Bars Uncle Sam VAPEX NOSE DROPS gineers, relieved from additional duty bor, T. H„ about November 30; to with the Organized Reserves. SAYS: * U. S. S. Concord. First Lieut. Willis I £.45c Allerton, Leigh, Burnett, Chief Boatswain Edward, 10c Specialist Reserve, ordered to active detached U. S. S. Seagull about No- Just the candy duty at Chicago, December 3. “BUYNOW vember 30: to Naval Air Station, San for those who like Ballard, First Lieut. DeWitt, Infan- Diego, Calif. their chocolate not —MAIL try, from the Panama Canal Depart- I Dr Scholl's Legg, Chief Boatswain James C., so sweet. ment to Fort Howard, Md. EARLY” detached U. S. S. Concord about De- Smith, First Lieut. C. Rodney, Corps cember 16; to Submarine Base, Pearl of Engineers, detailed for duty with I Harbor, T. H. Zino-padsone is the Reserves, 7th Put on—the "pain gone! Organized Corps Moore, Chief Machinist Frank P„ 000-Size | Area, in addition to other duties at detached Navy Yard, New York, N. Y., Morris CHEMM Kansas City. Phillip about November 26; to U. S. S. A Delicioua Hair 1 V Moore, First Lieut. Wiley T., Ord- Clippers Brazos. Cigarettes Food Drink nance removed from ex- I CORNS Department, Hagan, Acting Pay Clerk John A., PACKAGE Just the right cepted list requiring duty with troops. Contains sub- Box of 12 detached U. S. S. Louisville in No- stances which sire for clip- ||| Second Lieut. Clin- 1 Ford, jr., Henry build resistance, ping the becks 1 I Pad* vember; to U. S. S. Texas. of necks. or ton, Infantry Reserve, promoted to 20.. stimulate the ap- Chief Boatswain James F., 15c hair on arms first lieutenant from November 20. Dillard, petite and pro- 2 for 29c mote -iund. rest- and legs. ▼__ • -~ detached 5th Naval District about lul sleep. December 26; to Asiatic Station. CARTON lowing officers on or about dates Hunter, Gunner Wilbur R., to duty specified: of U. S. S. $1.38* ;;^"79c McKinley. Maj. Gen. James F.. the Breckinridge. 200 69c Miller, Chief Machinist Louis F., adjutant general, two days, about No- detached U. S. S. Brazos about No- vember 23. A from Ancient China ... vember to New Haunting Fragrance Booth. Col. Alfred J.. Adjutant Gen- 30; Navy Yard, York, N. Y. eral's Department, two days, Decem- ber 1. Clark, Machinist Ernest, detached Fleet Air Pearl T. Thummel, Lieut. Col. Claude B„ Base. Harbor, H., about November 24; to U. S. S. Swan. General Staff Corps, one day, No- ORIENTAL NIGHT Chief Clerk vember 26. King. Pay Murray D„ detached Submarine Pearl Chaffee. Lieut. Col. Adna R., Gen- i Base, ! Harbor, T. H„ in to Nor- eral Staff Corps, three days, Novem- December; folk ber 22. j Navy Yard, Portsmouth, Va. Ehler, Clerk Arthur Peyton. Lieut. Col. Philip B., Gen- Acting Pay S., detached U. S. S. Louisville in No- eral Staff Corps, one day, Novem- I 61 Perfume I ber 22. | vember; to U. S. S. Oklahoma. Arrowsmith, Chief Boatswain Redner. Maj. Wallace J., Quarter- Wil- i liam P., detached U. S. S. master Corps, two months, Decem- Rigel about December to Asiatic ber 24. ; 22; station. Parsons, Boatswain to Ardrey, Maj. John E., General Staff Charles A., duty U. S. S. Chaumont. Corps, two days, November 24. Shepherd, Gunner Daniel B., to V Taylor, Capt. George F. R., Quar- duty fleet air base. Pearl Harbor. termaster Corps, four months, No- vember 30. Hammond, Machinist Stanley R„ detached U. Graham, Second Lieut. Winton S., S. S. Mississippi about November 30; to U. S. S. Milwaukee. Air Corps, extension six days. The Western World can now Each of the following officers from Deaths. enjoy the rare essences which :;-i> station indicated after name to Car- Rorschach. Comdr. Frank, retired, jiB have been so jealously guarded H lisle Barracks, Pa., about December 29: died November 19, 1934, at Seaside ;’S©| \^^-^^9^^Wtannr NURITO 'til bv the aristocratic provinces, Barrow, Capt.
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