ANTARCTIC1 Compiled by Mike Wing 12: 190, 19: 144, 22: 5, New Zealand Antarctic Society (Inc) Injury, 1: 340, 2: 118, 492, 3: 480, 509, 523, 4: 15, 8: 130, 282, 315, 317, 331, 409, Volume 1-36: Feb 2019 9: 12, 18, 19, 23, 125, 313, 394, 6: 17, 7: 6, 22, 11: 395, 12: 348, 18: 56, 19: 95, Vessel names are shown viz: “Aconcagua”. See also 22: 16, 32: 29, list of ship names under ‘Ships’. Ships All book reviews are shown under ‘Book Reviews’ ANARE, 8: 13, All Universities are shown under ‘Universities’ Argentine Navy, 1: 336, Aircraft types appear under ‘Aircraft’. “Bahia Paraiso” Obituaries & Tributes are shown under 'Obituaries', see Sinking 11: 384, 391, 441, 476, 12: 22, 200, also individual names. 353, 13: 28, Fishing, 30: 1, Vol 20 page numbers 27-36 are shared by both double Japanese, 24: 67, issues 1&2 and 3&4. Those in double issue 3&4 are NGO, 29, 62(issue 4), marked accordingly viz: 20: 4 (issue 3&4) Polar, 34, Soviet, 8: 426, Vol 27 page numbers 1-20 are shared by both issues Tourist ships, 20: 58, 62, 24: 67, 1&2. Those in issue 2 are marked accordingly viz. 27: Vehicles, (issue 2) NZ Snow-cat, 2: 118, US bulldozer, 1: 202, 340, 12: 54, Vol 29 pages 62-68 are shared by both issues 3&4. ACECRC, see Antarctic Climate & Ecosystems Duplicated pages in 4 are marked accordingly viz. 63: Cooperation Research Centre (issue 4). Acevedo, Capitan. A.O. 4: 36, Ackerman, Piers, 21: 16, Ackroyd, Lieut. F: 1: 307, Ackroyd-Kelly, J. W., 10: 279, A Acland, D, 31: 30 “Aconcagua”, 1: 261 Acta Palaeontolegica Polonica, 25: 64, “101 In Sung”, f/v, 21: 36, “Active” HMS, 35, 59, A-Frame Hut – see Scott Base ACZP, see Antarctic Convergence Zone Project ‘A’ Hut (TAE) – see Scott Base Adam, Dieter, 13: 6, 287, “Aaron” r/v, 30:1, 45, Adam, Dr James, 1: 227, 241, 280, Aaron, Edwin, 11: 55, Adams, Chris, 11: 198, 274, 12: 331, 396, Abbiss, Jane, 20: 8, Adams, David Hempleman, 29: 60, Abel Tasman, 28: 43, Adams, Dieter, 12: 294, Aboa Station, (Finland) 12: 227, 13: 114, Adams, Ian, 1: 71, 99, 167, 229, 263, 330, 2: 23, Abbott, George 36: 36, Adams, J.B., 26: 22, Abbott, R/Adm. J.L. Jr. 4: 467, 572, 574, 603-04, Adams, Lt. R.D., 2: 127, 159, 208, Abbott, Dr N.D. 3: 356, Adams, Sir Jameson Obituary, 3: 76, Abby, David, 25: 39, Adams Cape, 1: 248, Abdool, Ed, 24: 33, Adams Glacier, 2: 425, Aburn, Gary, 12: 396, Adams Island, 4: 201, 302, “Academician Knipovich”, 4: 32, 6: 97, Adamson, R.G. 3: 474-45, 4: 6, 62, 116, 166, 224, “Academik Shokalsky”, 29: 71, 277, Accidents, Adamussium colbecki, 28: 32, Aircraft - see Aircraft accidents/mishaps Adare, Cape – see Hallett Station, Cape Adare General, 16: 52, Addison, Vicki, 24: 33, Memorial Service, 7: 107, Adelaide Island (Base T), see Bases F.I.D.S. Personnel, Adelie Land, 1: 4, 23, 25, 40-41, 63, 91, 94, 124,132, Fatal, 1: 164, 172, 164, 209, 302, 323, 2: 15, 31, 139, 143, 145, 176, 206, 216, 233, 259, 264, 288, 118, 302, 337, 379, 492, 3: 225, 352, 325, 2: 15, 41, 54, 136, 174, 214, 253, 301, 362, 4: 259, 345, 7: 6, 84, 239, 370, 393, 8: 172, 391, 443, 495-97, 3: 14, 68, 111, 237, 284, 332, 207, 314, 315, 386, 9: 19, 24, 158, 191, 309, 387, 436, 500, 533, 4: 14, 176, 211, 239, 382, 613, 404-06, 10: 71, 430, 431, 11: 94, 260, 274, 7: 23, see also Terre Adelie 464, 12: 361, 12: 464, 15: 81, 18: 56, 20: 32 Adelie Annual and Cape Adare Sporting Life (issue 3&4), 34, 21: 44, 22: 5, 23: 44-45, (publication) 6: 364, 35: 11, Adelie penguins, 11: 6, 7, 97, 142, 197, 241, 320, 412, Illness, 2: 61, 360, 414, 3: 74, 190, 191, 197, 12: 50, 137, 216, 223, 293, 376, 13: 96, 109, 286, 355, 4: 4, 11, 9: 99-100, 320, 10: 16, 67, 150, 365, 470, 471, 438, 14: 88, 134, 174, 182, 249, 265, 447, 12: 57, ANTARCTIC2 Adie, Dr. R.J., 1: 207, 272, 2: 518, History, 19: 172, 20: 49-49, 57, Adkin, R.E. 4: 578, Hobart-Casey Station flights, 21: 69, "Admiral Vladimisky", 10: 17, 30, Indian plans, 10: 133, “Admiral Viel”, 20: 35 (issue 3&4), Lan-Chile, 6: 329, Admiralty Bay (Base G.) see Bases F.I.D.S. Late season flight, 20: 51, Admiralty Range, 1: 21, 2: 11, 28: 62, Medical evacuation in winter, 21: 53, Advanced Ionospheric Sounder, 8: 390, Mercy flights, 9: 17, 18, 23-24, 99-100, 17: 13, Adventure Network International, 12: 363, 366, 399, NZAP, 13: 292, 13: 223, 464, 14: 5, 7, 104, 128, 18: 7, 17, 19: 95, NZ/US/AU, 10: 14, 98-99, 103, 144, 154, 20: 29 (issue 3&4), 41-42, Polar overflights, 19: 93, 119, Adventure Tourism, 18: 5, 7, 17, 14: 129, 19: 118, 122- Recovery (C-130), 7: 287, 384, 23, RAF, 1: 218, 6: 269, Advertising, 16: 27, 31, RAAF, 1: 133, 197, 297, 2: 145, 317, 8: 145, 222, Aerial Depot, 1: 121, 306, 408, 9: 17, 90, 161, 165, 214, 250, 307, Aerial photography, 8: 157, 9: 366-8, 313, 392, 10: 14, Aerial reconnaissance, 1: 1, RNZAF, 1: 27, 49, 157, 225, 2: 1, 48, 84-85, 87, Aerial supply drops, 1: 51, 338, -see also Airdrops 119, 122-23, 163, 350, 4: 168, 172, 324, 375, Aerial surveys, 1: 17, 117, 177-8 444, 445, 480, 542, 593, 6: 125, 216, 251, 269, Aeolian dust, 29: 22, 419, 8: 145, 222, 254, 306, 408, 9: 17, 77, 90, Aerolineas Argentina, 9: 292, 110, 161, 165, 214, 250, 307, 313, 392, 10: 14, Aeromagnetic surveys, 14: 5, 87, 178, 250, 272, 428-29, 13: 292, 17: 7, 25: Aerovais DAP, 12: 366, 13, 28: 51, 30: 43, 33: 3, 35: 24, Afansyev, A. 3: 21, 24, Band, 25: 22, "Africana", 10: 345, Commitments, 6: 251, AFT (Antarctic Field Training) see Scott Base Flights, 6: 216, Ageitos, J.M. 4: 132, Helicopter, 11: 406, Agielbreen, 2: 30, Orion flight to McMurdo, 23: 62, AGO, see Antarctic Geophysical Observatories Rescues, 18: 52-53, 61, 20: 34 (issue 3&4), 35 Aguirre Cerde (Chile) 1: 18, 191, (issue 3&4) “Agulhas II,” 10: 273, 11: 209, 12: 267, 13: 67, 378, Runway (Dumont d’Urville Station), 21: 17, 14: 139, 20: 7, 35, 59, Runways, 19: 147, Ahazuka, Comm. K. 3: 351, Solo trans-Antarctic flights, 21: 33, 51, 64, Ahern, B. 3: 280, 324, 477, 4: 5,13, Solo flights, 9: 323, AHT, see Antarctic Heritage Trust South Pole Station rebuilding, 21: 64, Ainley, David, 26: 65, South Pole supply schedule, 20: 6, Air National Guard, 15: 76-77, 16: 2-3, 22-23, Stranded aircraft, 20: 6, Air New Zealand, 8: 410, 15: 81,- see also Tourism Tourist flights, 13: 500, Erebus memorial, 35: 22, Trans-Antarctic flight attempts, 20: 29 (issue 3&4), Erebus Oral Histories, 36: 63, 32 (issue 3&4), Air NZ flight TE901, see DC-10 (Air New Zealand) United States change of command, 21: 3, Air Mobility Command, USAF, 14: 95, USAP, 10: 397, 13: 118, 207, Air National Guard, 14: 56, 18: 2, VXE-6, 9: 16-17, 90, 214, 10: 14, 178, 397, Air Operations, see also: Aircraft, Aircraft Winfly, 21: 29, accidents/mishaps, Helicopters, Aircraft salvage, World Pole Flight, 10: 131, Airdrops, Airships, Airstrips see also Aircraft, Airdrops, Airstrips, Winfly, Tourism 17: 31, 19: 98-99, 103, 148, 153, 20: 53, and various countries scientific activities Airline route 9: 292, Air photography, 2: 231, Air NZ Policy, 6: 114, Air pollutants Antarctic plateau, 12: 99, ANARE, 13: 329, Air rescue, 2: 321, Arctic, 13: 352, Air routes, commercial, 2: 72-74, 476, 504, Australian plans, 10: 20, 103, 20: 7, Air sampling, 11: 408, BAS, 11: 78, 91, 13: 73, 329, 500, Aircraft, see also Helicopters Bulldozer delivery, 20: 5, Albatross, 1: 7, 170, Cargo 1983/84, 10: 178, Antonov-3, 19: 153, 20: 6, Cargo 1984/85, 10: 397, Auster, 1: 30, 34, 50, 64, 80, 84, 101, 110, 131, Chilean Pole flight, 10: 399-400, 134, 155, 162-63, 167, 181, 193, 240, 2: 1, 28, Damage, 9: 319-21, 48, 83, 86, 123, 159, 25: 19, 47, 27: 9 (issue 2), Emergency flights, 10: 249, 430, 28: 51, 53, 30: 35, Footsteps of Scott Expedition, 10: 365-66, Basler (converted DC3) see DC-3 TP67 & BT-67 French plans, 10: 27, 28, 32, Beaver, 1: 16, 30, 34, 49, 64, 82, 84, 101, 119, 130, Halley Base re-supplied, 21: 49, 131-32, 155, 165, 182, 184-47, 192, 196, 229, ANTARCTIC3 239, 240, 254, 287, 297-78, 300, 2: 1, 25, 48, 34, 72, 86, 118, 168, 11: 177, 184, 368, 377, 59, 64, 83, 86, 95, 120, 123, 143, 159, 162, 181, 418, 424, 13: 2, 331, 446, 25: 13, 26, 30 64, 206, 316, 366, 20: 49, 25: 13, 19, 28: 51, 53, 29: Otter (TAE), 6: 112, 37, 35: 24, P2V7 - see Neptune Bell Helicopters, 12: 344, 25: 31, Pilatus Porter, 13: 149, Blériot – monoplane, 31: 6 Piper Aztec, 6: 427, Boeing 747-400, 14: 144, 19: 93, Piper Dakota, 21: 33, Boeing 747-SP, 35, 37, Puma Helicopter, 12: 348 Boeing 757, 30: 43, 44, R4D - see Skytrain CASA-212, 20: 7, R4D-8 - see Skytrain Catalina flying boat, 1: 18, R5D - see Skymaster C-17 - see Globemaster RNZAF, 11: 406, 13: 16, C-141 - see Starlifter Rockwell Commander, 13: 92, 186, C-130 - see Hercules RV-4, 21: 51, C-212, 21: 69, Sikorsky s76, 13: 293, Cessna, 12: 570, 13: 149, Starky Helicopter, 12: 344 RD4 Dakota, see also Skytrain 1: 7, 88-90, 181, Skymaster, 1: 7, 10, 61, 88, 90, 170, 199, 338, 201, 216, 222, 240, 306, 320, 2: 13, 63, 95, 136, Skytrain, 1: 61, 170, 199, 205, 245, 2: 4, 104, 181, 366, 6: 431 130, 192, 24: 46, 27: 73, 76, 30: 13, Dash-7, 11: 424, 12: 57, 13: 75, 446, Sopwith Pup B2188, 31: 6 DC-3 (Basler), see DC-3 TP67 Soviet, 11: 82, DC-3, (LC47H) conversion, 21: 48, 28: 35, Starlifter, 4: 385, 14: 56, 95, 15: 35, 17: 82, DC-3 (TP67), 18: 38, 49, 19: 97, 20: 29 (issue Sunderlands – RNZAF 1: 7, 3&4), Twin Otter, 12: 57, 13: 2, 73, 446, 18: 78, DC-3 (BT67), 33: 40 UC-1 - see Otter DC-6B, 1: 148, UF - see Albatross DHC-7 De Haviland, 12: 185, With BAS, 11: 424, Dormier, 12: 57, With VX-6, 4: 469, Falcon 900 Business jet, 20: 7, Aircraft accidents/mishaps, First RNZAF flight, 4: 172, ANARE helicopter, 7: 19, 22, Fokker, 11: 274, 15: 13, ANI’s Basler (DC-3 TP67), 20: 29 (issue 3&4), Super Universal XI, (Byrd's)
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