BAARLE-GAELG Fockleyr CnyG (3) annulment (marriage) n mooghey n -poosee, pl mooghaghyn-poosee Cur magh Jerrey Souree 2006 Antarctic Circle, The Cryss yn Antarctagh antimony antimoan m Abbey Woods Keylljyn yn Abban Appledean Court Close Lhag Ooylagh abolish vb moogh, mooghey applicable law n leigh f breeoil, pl leighyn breeoil access n cair f -entreil application (legal) n obbraghey, m, pl obbraghyn accession n entreilys m apply vb cur ayns bree, cur ayns bree actinium aghtinnium m architect n ard-vasoonagh m, pl ard-vasoonee activities, deeds, proceedings npl daltyn mpl Arctic Circle, The Cryss yn Arctagh acupuncture n lheihys m -doral Arctic Sea, The Mooir yn Arctagh adrenaline n adrenaleen m Argentina Yn Argenteen add to vb cur rish, cur rish argon argon m addictive adj neu-lhiggagh Armenia Yn Armeain adoption (child) n doltanys m, pl doltanyssyn aroma therapy n lheihys m -soar Advisers’ Secretary Scrudeyr ny Coyrlee arrest vb gow seose, goaill seose advocate n turneyr , pl turneyryn arrestable offences npl loghtyn mpl fo ghlass AEO (Special Needs) OYC (Femeyn Er-Lheh) arsenic arsnick m Afghanistan Yn Afghanistaan Ashberry Avenue Astyl Berrishyn Keirn Africa Yn Affrick Ashberry Cottages Bwaaneyn Berrishyn Keirn Africa Court Cooyrt yn Affrick Ashbourne Avenue Astyl Strooan Unjin Alaskan Gulf, The Lhoob Alaska Ashbourne Grove Keyll Strooan Unjin Albania Yn Albaan Ash Grove Keyll Unjin Albany Lane Lhoan Nalbin Asia Yn Aishey Albany Road Raad Nalbin (Douglas) asparagus tips npl baareyn mpl lus ny sooghid Albert Street Straid Albert assessment base n undin m son coontey, pl Albert Terrace Strane Albert undinyn son coontey alcoholic liquor n liggar m meshtallagh Assessor of Income Tax, the n Ard-er-oik m ny Alder Grove Keyll Farney Keeshyn Alderley Close Close Alderley assets, charging of vb cur cooid fo gioalteeaght, Alexander Drive Imman Alexander coyrt cooid fo gioalteeaght Alfred Teare Close Close Alfred Teare Assistant Education Officer (AEO) Oaseir Alfred Teare Grove Keyll Alfred Teare Ynsee Coonee (OYC) Algeria Yn Algear Assistant Finance Officer Oikagh-coonee allege vb cur ny lieh, cur ny lieh Argidys Allen Street Straid Allen Assistant Finance Manager Reireyder-coonee all our yesterdays yn traa t’er n’gholl shaghey Argidys voin Assistant Manager Reireyder-coonee almond-leaved willow n shellagh f almonagh associate n sheshaghtagh m, pl sheshaghtee Alpine Cottage Thie Alpagh astatine astatçheen m aluminium ollymin m Athol Street Straid Athol (Douglas) amalgamate vb jean unnaneys jeh, jannoo unnaneys Athol Terrace Strane Athol jeh Attendance Officer Oaseir Assaarys Amazon, The Yn Amason attorney, powers of npl pooaraghyn m turneyrys amendments, make vb jean caghlaaghyn, jannoo Auckland Grove Keyll Auckland caghlaaghyn Australia Yn Austrail amendment n lhisaghey m, pl lhiasaghyn Austria Yn Austeyr americium americium m avenue n astyl m, pl astyllyn analyse vb myn-vrish, myn-vrishey award (legal) briwnys m ny quaiylyn, pl briwnyssyn analysis n myn-vrishey m, pl myn-vrishaghyn ny quaiylyn amusement machine n greie m -cloie, pl greienyn- Azerbajan Yn Asserbajaan cloie Baaregarroo Bayr Garroo Anagh Coar Close Close Anagh Coar Back Marine Road Raad-Cooyl ny Marrey Anagh Coar Road Raad Anagh Coar Bahamas, The Ny Bahamaghyn Angola Angoley Baldwin Road Raad Baldwin Annacur Lane Lhoan Anagh Coar Ballabrooie Avenue Astyl Balley Brooie announcement n fockley m. pl focklaghyn 1 Ballabrooie Drive Imman Balley Brooie Berrishyn Ballabrooie Gardens Garaghyn Balley Brooie Berry Woods Grove Keyll ny Berrishyn Ballabrooie Grove Keyll Balley Brooie beryllium beryllium m Ballabrooie Park Pairk Balley Brooie Bhutan Y Vutaan Ballabrooie Way Bayr Balley Brooie bill of exchange n billey m -coonree, pl Ballacraine Balley Craine billaghyn-coonree Ballagale Avenue Astyl Balley Gale Birch Grove Keyll Beih Ballagarey Balley Garee bird cherry tree n billey m shillish figgagh Ballagawne Road Raad Balley Gawne Birkin’s Bend Lhoob Birkin Ballakermeen Avenue Astyl Balley Kermeen bismuth bismut m Ballakermeen Close Close Balley Kermeen Bluebell Close Close Gleiy ny Muc Ballakermeen Drive Imman Balley Kermeen body search n ronsey m colbey, pl ronsaghyn Ballakermeen High School Scoill Ard colbey Vallakermeen Bolivia Y Volivia Ballakermeen Road Raad Balley Kermeen books, collection of n lioarlagh m Ballanard Road Raad Balley’n Ard boron boron m Ballaquayle Road Bayr Valley ’c Phaayl born disabled ruggit fo neuvondeishyn Ballaleigh Road Bayr Balley Leigh Botswana Y Votswaan Ballaugh Balley ny Loghey Braddan Bridge Droghad Vraddan Ballaughton Close Close Ballaughton Bramble Close Close ny Dressyn Ballaughton Gardens Garaghyn Ballaughton Brandish Corner Corneil Brandish Ballaughton Lane Lhoan Ballaughton Brandywell Çhibbyr Slieau Maggle Ballaughton Manor Hill Cronkan Mannor Bray Hill Cronk Bray Ballaughton Bray Terrace Strane Bray Ballaughton Meadows Lheeantyn Ballaughton Brazil Y Vrasseel Ballaughton Villas Villaghyn Ballaughton breast of chicken n cleeau f chirkey Ballig Bridge Droghad Vallig breeding vbn brey as troggal bandage n kianglane m, pl kianglaneyn Bridge Road Raad y Droghad Bangladesh Y Vangladesh Brighton Terrace Strane Brighton bankruptcy n brishey m argidoil, pl brishaghyn Brisbane Street Straid Brisbane argidoil Britain Y Vretyn f Vooar Banks Circus Kiarkyl Bank British Guinea Y Ghuinea Ghoaldagh barium baarium m British Isles, The Ny h-Ellanyn Goaldagh Barrack Street Straid y Varrick Brittany Y Vritaan Barrule Road Raad Barroole Broadway Raad Lhean bass recorder n feddan m millish bass, pl feddanyn bromine bromeen m millish bass Brunswick Road Raad Brunswick Bath Place Kerrin Oonlee Buck’s Road Raad Buck Bathurst Street Straid Bathurst Building Control Gurneil Troggal Bayr Cam Bayr Cam building society n colught m troggal, pl Beechwood Rise Dreeym Keyll Faih colughtyn troggal beg: I beg to move the motion ta mee shirrey Bulgaria Y Vulgeyr kied yn treealtys y chur roish bulldog clip n greimmeyder m -duillagyn, pl Belarus Y Velaroosh greimmeyderyn-duillagyn Belgium Y Velg Bungalow, The Y Bungalow Belgravia Belgravia Burkina Faso Burkina Faso Belize Y Veleesh Burma Burmey Belmont Hill Cronkan Belmont Burundi Burundee Belmont Road Raad Belmont cadmium cadmium m Belmont Terrace Strane Belmont calcium kelkium m Benin Benin caesium/cesium kaishum m Berkeley Street Straid Berkeley californium californium m Berkeley Street Lane Lhoan Straid Berkeley Cambodia Y Chamboyd berkelium berkelium m Cambridge Terrace Strane Cambridge Bering Sea Mooir Bering Cambridge Terrace Lane Lhoan Strane Berry Woods Avenue Astyl Keylljyn ny Cambridge 2 Cameroon Cameroon civil jurisdiction n briwnys m neu-chimmagh Campion Way Bayr Blaa ny Ferrishyn civil liability n currym m neu-chimmeeagh Canada Y Chanadey civil penalties n kerraghyn nmpl theayagh capital equipment n cullee f veayn civil servant n sharvaant m theayagh, pl carbon carboan m sharvaantyn theayagh Cardiff Cayr Deeth civil service n shirveish f theayagh; shirveish f y carer n fer m kiarail, pl fir-chiarail; ben f chiarail, pl reiltys mraane-kiarail Clarence Terrace Strane Clarence Caribbean Sea, The Y Vooir Charibagh Clarke Street Straid Clarke caring: Caring for the Nation Kiarail son yn Clarke Street Lane Lhoan Straid Clarke Ashoon Clerk to the Justices’ Office Oik Cleragh ny carriage (transport) arraghey m Briwnyn car sharing n rheynn f carryn client n cliant m, pl cliantyn cases, in certain fo conaantyn ennagh Cliff Flats Cummalyn Rea yn Eaynin Castle Drive Imman y Chashtal Clifton Terrace Strane Clifton Castle Hill Cronkan y Chashtal clipboard n boayrd m -greimmeyder, pl buird- Castle Lawn Terrace Strane Faaie yn Chashtal ghreimmeyder Castle Mona Avenue Astyl Cashtal Mona Close Cowley Close Cowley Castle Mona Shops Shappyn Cashtal Mona Close Fletcher Close Fletcher Castleward Green Faaie Rheynn y Chashtal Close Kennish Close Kennish Cedar Grove Keyll Cedar Close Moore Close Moore Cedar Walk Cassan Cedar Close Quirk Close Quirk cent n kent m, pl kentyn closed circuit television n çhellveeish f lhoob Central African Republic, The Pobblaght yn jeighit Affrick Veanagh close vb the case cur kione er y chooish, cur kione Central Promenade Shooylaghan Meanagh er y chooish cerium kerrium m Clypse Road Raad Clypse certain adj (specified) er lheh; (some) shiartanse (dy) cobalt cobalt m cesium/caesium kaishum m Colden Lane Lhoan Colden Chad Shad collection of books n lioarlagh m Chaffinch Close Close Ushag y Choau Colombia Y Cholombey chainsaw n saaue m -slouree, pl saaueyn-slouree Commissioners’ Office Oik ny Barrantee Chapel Row Strane y Chabbal compulsory acquisition goaill er egin chapman n fer m -margee, pl fir-vargee Communities, European Boodeeyssyn Oarpagh charge (money) vb trog veih, troggal veih (argid) commnity: in the community mastey’n theay charge of, to be in reill, reill computer consumables npl cooid f cho-earrooder Cherry Walk, The Cassan ny Shillishyn ry cheau Child and Adolescent Mental Health Service confer on vb cur cair da, cur cair da; stow er, stowal Shirveish Slaynt Inchynagh cour Cloan as er Sleih Aegey confiscate vb glack, glackey child custody n cair f -freayll paitçhyn confiscation n glackey m Chile Y Çhillee congenital adj eiraghtoilConister Road Raad China Y Çheen Kione y Ster chlorine cloreen m Congo Y Chongo chocolate mint n shocklaid f -mynthey, pl connected purposes npl cooishyn fpl bentyn rish shocklaidyn-mynthey y chooid cheddin Christian Road Raad Creesteen consequential provisions npl conaantyn mpl chromium cromium m femoil chronically sick adj sheer çhing consumable ry cheau
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