Redescription of Parastenocaris Brevipes Kessler and Description of a New Species of Parastenocaris (Copepoda: Harpacticoida: Parastenocarididae) from the U.S.A

Redescription of Parastenocaris Brevipes Kessler and Description of a New Species of Parastenocaris (Copepoda: Harpacticoida: Parastenocarididae) from the U.S.A

Redescription of Parastenocaris brevipes Kessler and description of a new species of Parastenocaris (Copepoda: Harpacticoida: Parastenocarididae) from the U.S.A. Janet W. Reid Abstract: Parastenocaris brevipes Kessler is redescribed and its presence in North America is established through comparison of specimens from the U.S.A., Finland, and Germany. Parastenocaris wilsoni Borutskii, Parastenocaris starretti Pennak, Parastenocaris biwae Miura, and Parastenocaris sp. 2 Strayer (Strayer, D.L. 1988. Stygologia, 4: 279 -29 1 .) are assigned to the synonymy of P. brevipes. Biwaecaris Jakobi is a synonym of Parastenocaris Kessler. Some North American records of P. brevipes or P. starretti refer in fact to P. brevipes, other records to a presently undescribed species. Newly verified records of P. brevipes include Massachusetts, Michigan, New Hampshire, New York, Virginia, and Wisconsin in the U.S.A., and Lake Biwa, Japan. Parastenocaris trichelata, new species, is described from Virginia, U.S.A. The taxon is distinguished in both sexes by the combination of the long slender caudal ramus with all setae inserted in the distal half and by the medial spine of the leg 1 basipodite, and in the male by the leg 4 with slender hyaline endopodite and 3 spines on the basipodite medial to the endopodite. The new species little resembles any known North American parastenocaridid, nor is it assignable to any presently defined species-group in the genus. RCsumC : Parastenocaris brevipes Kessler est dCcrit de nouveau et sa prCsence en AmCrique du Nord est confirmte aprks examen de spkcimens provenant des ~tats-~nis,de la Finlande et de 19Allemagne. Parastenocaris wilsoni Borutskii, Parastenocaris starretti Pennak, Parastenocaris biwae Miura et Parastenocaris sp. 2 Strayer (Strayer, D.L. 1988. Stygologia 4: 279 -29 1) sont dCclarCs synonymes de For personal use only. P. brevipes. Biwaecaris Jakobi est un synonyme de Parastenocaris Kessler. Des spCcimens nord- amCricains de P. brevipes ou de P. starretti sont en fait des P. brevipes et d'autres spCcimens appartiennent B une espkce encore inCdite. Un nouvel examen des P. brevipes de diverses collections confirme la prCsence de l'espkce au Massachusetts, au Michigan, au New-Hampshire, au New-York, en Virginie et au Wisconsin aux ~tats-~nis,et dans le lac Biwa, au Japon. Parastenocaris trichelata n.sp., Cgalement dCcrite ici, provient de Virginie, ~tats-~nis.Le taxon se distingue des autres par les caractkres suivants : la longue rame caudale Ctroite aux soies toutes insCrCes sur la moitiC distale et 1'Cpine mCdiale du basipodite de la patte 1 chez les deux sexes, et, chez le mile, l'endopodite mince et transparent de la patte 4 et la prCsence de trois Cpines sur le basipodite mCdial par rapport B l'endopodite. La nouvelle espkce est trks distincte de tous les autres parastCnocarididCs nord-amCricains et elle ne peut encore 2tre assingCe B aucun groupe d'espkces dCjB existant du genre. [Traduit par la RCdaction] Introduction from Germany. Parastenocaris brevipes has been reported several times from North America (dhappuis 1957; ~ennak Continuing investigations of the meiofauna of Goose Creek, Can. J. Zool. Downloaded from by MICHIGAN STATE UNIV on 05/31/15 1939a, 19396, 1940; Strayer 1985; C.B. Wilson 1932; M.S. Virginia, by Margaret Palmer and associates have yielded Wilson and Yeatman 1959). The presence of P. brevipes in several new locality records and new species of copepods North America has been accepted by these and other limnol- (Reid 1991, 1992, 1993). Two species of parastenocaridid ogists (e. g . , Chappuis 1937a, 1955; Damian-Georgescu harpacticoids were recently collected from the creek. One 1970; Kiefer 1967; Michailova-Neikova 1973; Pennak 1951, species resembled published descriptions of Parastenocaris 1953; Thienemann 1950; Wells 1964), but some have con- brevipes Kessler, 1913a, which was originally described sidered this distribution improbable (Borutskii 1952, 1954; Dussart and Defaye 1990;-~an~1948; Reid 1991; Rouch Received April 6, 1994. Accepted October 24, 1994. 1986; Whitman 1984). J. W. Reid. Department of Invertebrate Zoology, MRC- 163, The question of the distribution of P. brevipes is biogeo- National Museum of Natural History, Smithsonian Institution, graphically interesting, because the known ranges of all other I Washington DC 20560, U.S.A. species of the primarily hypogean parastenocaridids are con- Can. J. Zool. 73: 173 - 187 (1995). Printed in Canada / ImprimC au Canada Can. J. Zool. Vol. 73, 1995 fined to a single continent. To determine the distribution of 406, Fig. 255A. Chappuis 1957: 425, Fig. 15. Chappuis P. brevipes, the specimens from Goose Creek and available and Delamare Deboutteville 1957: 370. M. S. Wilson material of the P. brevipes-group from other locations in and Yeatman 1959: 823-824, Fig. 29.156. Miura North America were compared with specimens obtained 1969: 43. Jakobi 1972: 131, 136, Table 1. Kikuchi from Europe and Japan. A detailed redescription was desir- 1970: 173. Whitman 1984: 695, 698. Rouch 1986: 350. able, both because present descriptions are incomplete and Dussart and Defaye 1990: 236. Reid 1992: 2901. NEW because P. brevipes is the type species of the genus. SYNONYMY. The other species from Goose Creek is described herein Parastenocaris s. restr. starretti. Jakobi 1972: 131, 136, as a new taxon. Table I. NEW SYNONYMY. Parastenocaris starretti. Chappuis 1957: 430. NEW Materials and methods SYNONYMY. Parastenocaris Staretti. Chappuis 1957: 43 1. NEW Most specimens examined were initially fixed in formalin SYNONYMY. and stored in 70% ethanol. Unless otherwise noted, speci- Parastenocaris staretti. Borutskii 1952: 12, 387, 408. mens were measured in glycerin and drawn in lactic acid, Noodt 1952: 342. Borutskii 1964: xii, 360, 380. NEW and some were dissected and permanently-mounted in com- SYNONYMY. mercial polyvinyl lactophenol (PVL) with a little Chlorazol Parastenocaris Starreti. Brehm 1950: 112. NEW Black E added. Initial drawings were made at 600x or SYNONYMY. 1000 x (using an oil-immersion lens) from the whole animal Parastenocaris starreti. Rouch 1992: 156. NEW in a temporary mount in lactic acid, with the cover slip sup- SYNONYMY. ported by tiny pieces of glass. Details were confirmed from Parastenocaris sp. 2 Strayer 1988: 287-288, Figs. 6b, permanent mounts in PVL. A Wild M20 microscope fitted 6e. NEW SYNONYMY. with a drawing tube was used. Some specimens were ?Parastenocaris starretti. Williams and Hynes 1974: 246. deposited in the collections of the National Museum of Parastenocaris biwae Miura 1969: 40 -44, Figs. 1- 15. Natural History, Smhhsonian Institution (USNM). Kikuchi 1970: 170, 173; Jakobi 1972: 131, 140- 14.1, Table I. Shen and Tai 1973: 382. Shen 1979: 297 -298. Taxonomic account Imamura and Kikuchi 1986: 3 19, 329, Fig. 2C. Rouch Family Parastenocarididae Chappuis, 1940 1986: 343. Dussart and Defaye 1990: 254. NEW Genus Parastenocaris Kessler. 19 13a SYNONYMY. Biwaecaris biwae, n.comb., Jakobi 1972: 140- 141. NEW Synonymy : SYNONYMY. Biwaecaris Jakobi, 1972: 140- 141; Dussart and Defaye Non Parastenocaris brevipes. Pennak 1939a: 226. Pennak 1939b: 103. Pennak 1940: 580, 585, 613. Pennak 1951: 1990: 225. NEW SYNONYMY. 464-466, 480, Tables 111, IV (partim). Pennak 1953: Parastenocaris brevipes Kessler, 19 13a Figs. 1-4 405, 406 (partim). For personal use only. Non Parastenocaris starretti. Shiozawa 1991: 289, 297. Synonymy : Parastenocaris brevipes Kessler. C .B. Wilson 1932: xiii, Material 289 -290, Fig. 178. Chappuis 1937a: 197 (partim). Massachusetts: 1 0,partly dissected and mounted on slide Lang 1948: 1223- 1224 (partim). Brehm 1950: 112 in PVL by author, and 2 0 0,2 Q Q , and 1 copepodid, (partim) . Thienemann 1950: 256 (partim). Pennak 195 1: ethanol-preserved, Waquoit Pond, Falmouth, 11 July 1927, 465, 480 (partim). Pennak 1953: 405 -406 (partim). coll. C.B. Wilson, USNM 63880. Original label lists 15 Chappuis 1955: 68 (partim). Chappuis 1957: 423, 424, ethanol-preserved specimens; however, a note by Clarence 430, 431 (partim). Chappuis and Delamare Deboutte- R. Shoemaker on the catalog card states that only 7 speci- ville 1957: 370. M.S. Wilson and Yeatman 1959: 823. mens were found in February 1934; only 6 specimens were Wells 1964: 193 (partim). Kiefer 1967: 183 (partim). found by the author. Damian-Georgescu 1970: 220 (partim) . Kikuchi 1970: Michigan: 3 Q Q (1 damaged) and 1 0,mounted whole 173 (partim). Jakobi 1972: 130, 131, 136, Table 1 (par- together on slide in glycerin jelly, Bryant's Bog Mat, tim). Michailova-Neikova 1973: 39, 4 1, 42, 52 - 54, 6 August 1947, coll. P.S. Welch, prep. H.C. Yeatman, Can. J. Zool. Downloaded from by MICHIGAN STATE UNIV on 05/31/15 Fig. 27 (partim). Strayer 1985: 358, 360, Table 21. USNM 259886. 1 Q and 1 0, each mounted whole on Rouch 1986: 355 (partim). Dussart and Defaye 1990: separate slide, USNM 259887, and 1 0 on slide together 226 (partim). For North America. with 1 Q identifed as Parastenocaris delamarei, USNM Parastenocaris wilsoni Borutskii, 1952: 11, 388, 259888, all from Mud Lake near East Lansing, 22 October 400-401. Chappuis 1957: 424. Wilson and Yeatman 196 1, coll. and prep. H .C. Yeatman. 1959: 823. Borutskii 1964: xii, 361, 372-373. Whit- New Hampshire: 1 0 and 1 Q , partly dissected on slide man 1984: 695, 698. Rouch 1986: 351, 355. Dussart in CMC, Mirror Lake, Grafton Co., 2 August 198 1, coll. and Defaye 1990: 237, 383. Reid 1992: 2901. Rouch and prep. D.L. Strayer, USNM 259704. 2 0 0 and 1 Q , 1992: 156. NEW SYNONYMY. 10 July 1981; 1 Q,2 August 1981; and 1 0, 17 October Parastenocaris starretti Pennak, 1939a: 224 - 227, 1981 ; most partly dissected and mounted on slides in CMC, Figs. 1 - 10. Pennak 1939b: 103. Pennak 1940: Mirror Lake, Grafton Co., collection of D.L. Strayer. 580-581, 613. Pennak 1951: 465. Pennak 1953: 405, New York: 2 0 0,partly dissected and mounted on slide in CMC, Sample No.

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