• • Vol. 14, No. 11 'l'HE COLI.EGE OF PUGET SOUND, TACOMA, WASHINGTON DECEMBER 8, 1936 Lupton Stars Nye to Discuss War ASCPS Heads Students May Sub1nit Todd Leaves In Sherwood's And Profits at Armory To Attend Meet Work for Xn1as Trail On Six-Week 'Petrified Forest' Giving litLlc-known facts about At Reed College For the special Christmas is­ Tour of East profits and war, Senator G. P. sue of the Trail to be issued Tues­ Nyc oi muniLions legislation fame M. D. day, December 15, any special CPS Dramatists P e r f e c t speaks tomorrow night at 8 p. m., Webster. Harriss Leave President Plans to Visit Friday for Presidents' material such as short st,ories, Broadway Hit for in Lhe Annory. essays, poems or art work will Alumni. Meet With 'l'his Friday Coming directly to Washing­ Conference be welcome from the student body Educators ton !rom an appearance in the as a whole for publicat.ion. The Oampus playcrafters will present Maurice Webster and Dorothy Pres. Edward H. Todcl Is leaving Madlson Square garden, Senator deadline is this Friday, Decem­ on Friday, December 11, at 8:15 in Belle Hanlss, A~CPS president and l,he College today for a six-wee~ Nye's purpose in speaking is to bel' 11; and a theater pass will J ones Hall auditorium "The Petri­ vice president, respectively, will trip through the east with the first, bring to public attention the fact be given to the sLudent whose leave here early Friday for Port­ big event on his program the cele­ fied Forest'' by Robe!t E. Sherwood. that, our present neutrality legis­ contribution is pl'inted. Mr. Sherwood, recipient of the Pu­ lation is expiring May 1, 1937. A land, whe1·e they will represent the bration marking the hundredth al)., liLzer prize for his "Idiot's Delight," law banning trade and war ma­ Oollege at, the Reed college con­ niversary of Emory university In was also author of "The Road to terials Lo belligerent nations is ference !or north- Medieval Farce ALlanta, Georgia. Rome," "The Queen's Husband" and the Senator's goal. west student pres­ December 13 and 14 he will attend "Reunion Jn Vienna." The play re­ Chapel committee members idents. More than To Be Presented the joint meeting of the boards of ceived highly favorable reviews advise students to avail them­ a score of dele­ education of' the Methodist Episco- when it was produced on Broad­ selves at" th.is opportunl ty to hea.r gates, from ten or With an entertainment of mecli­ pal churches, Southern, and the way in 1935. Of It the Catholic Nye as a chapel presentation is more northwest eva.l setting the French club will Methodist Protestant cbw·ches. World said., "Never before has a out of the quesLion by reason of institutions are give n. program on Tuesday, Decem­ From At.lanta President Todd is to lunch room housed more interesting the necessary $75 fee .for ex­ expected t o b e ber 15 at 8 p. m. in the chapel. go dil·ectly to New Yol'lt city, and types or developed !their characters penses. present at t h e A play entitled "Fn.rce de Maitre plans to spend several days the1·e under more breathless circumstan­ convention, sche­ Pierre Pathelln," will be presented. visiting fl·iends and alumni of the ces. That is because Mr. Sherwood Employment Bureau duled for Friday Members of the cast, include Hal College. has written a soul into each of h.is afternoon a n d Murbland, Lont Bryning, Ronald His next stop will be in EvanstOll, SaLurday. Maurie Webster creations; he has teased a bit of ro­ Places Students by Lorimer, Jack Enright, Judd Day, Illinois, staying Lhere until January mance out of every spirit and h as Aid of Xmas Rush The meet, will open with a lunch­ with Gordon Hartwlch as general 1, during t.he annual meeting of the shot poetry out of the last rattle or eon at noon Friday, to be followed property man. College of Preachers, a group oi' the machine gun." With Lhe Christmas season in the by round-table discussions through­ Invit.ations have been sent to eth­ educators directing ministerial train'­ The play, composed of two acts, is offing, the Student Employment out, the afternoon and Saturday el' French clubs in the city and ing. The conference will be under set in the Black Mesa, a gas station Bureau of the College has been more morning. General problems of stu­ everyone interested in French may Lhe direcL!on of Alan MacRossie,· ex­ and lunch room at a lonely cross­ Lhan swamped with applications for dent government., particularly as attend the entertainment. Admis­ ecutive secretary of the commission rands in the eastern Arizona Desert! pa,rt time and full time worlc. Clar­ they exisL in northwest institutions, sion Is free. on courses of study. The action begins late in the after­ ence Keating, student manager a.nd will be discussed by the assembled On the evening of January 1, 'the student leaders. Visiting delegates noon of an autumn day in 1934 and Professor Battin, faculty advisor, College Musicians, Poets President plans to be in Chicago as conLinues int,o the evening of the have responded to the urgent re­ wlll be guests at a Reed college guest of !the College alumni of that same day. quests by assigning N. Y. A. workers clance saturday evening, concluding In Cooperative Group city. Helen Mav will be seen a~ Gabhv to t.hP iob of mR Icing rontRI"tc: wlt.h the conference. He will spend a short time in De­ Maple, ihe wi,stful deserc rat who local employmenL managers o.r the A coopera.tive organization of (:ol­ troit and Philadelphia before leav­ dreams of Paris, and Clayton Lupton downtown stores. Altogether from Plan Caravan to Rose lege musicians and poets has been ing for Wash.ingtol1, D. 0 . He w1ll will play Lhe role of Alan Squ.ier, the 23rd of November to date a formed to facmtate marketing and stay in the capital city from January the disillusioned poet. Francis Gal­ number of students well acquainted Bowl Football Classic presenLation of their work to the 8 to 12, and will pal'ticipate as a braith will portray Duke Mantee, with merchandizing, wrapping, de­ public, according to information re­ mcmbel' of the Senate of the educa­ the nerveless, inarticulate killer; llvering and the various other post­ Round trip to the Rose Bowl for leased from its headquarters in tional accrediting agencies of the Dean Tuell, Gl'amp Maple, Lhe old Lions that precedes the rush, have $14.50! Not a d1·eam, but an actual Massachusetts. Methodist chw·ch. President Todd .fact, according to the figures of Irv pioneer; Richard McKnight, Boze been successful in obtaining work • All members of the League are wiJl also visit several O~S alumni Hertzlinger, Lhe football player. De­ from Lhe business houses. Although Robbins, who is making all arrange- known as associates. Each and ev­ here. wane Lamka, Jason Maple, the own­ the actual hiring of these students ments for CPS st.udents, interested ery associate shares annually in the He is planning Lo return January er of the lunclu·oom; Jo-Ann Grant, will be made In a few days il; is parties can telephone M'ain 1665 net profits of the League, whether 17th. for information from Robbins. Mrs. Crisholm, the disappointed certain that employment managers • that nsociate has had a song pub­ Arrangements have been complet­ wealLhy lady. Other parts are as are eager to use college students lished during !,he year or not. CPS, U of W, and Reed follows: Mr. Orisholm, Garth Dick­ To bolster this fact a survey was ed with University of Washington Standard Uniform Popular song­ ens; Paula, Jane Anderson; Herb, made recently by a C. P. S. student student officials, w11ereby Oollege or writers' contracts are given to suc­ Students Plan Ol·cas Roger Scudder; Jackie, Bill Bw·­ as to the average of college men and Puget Sound students can make the cessful composers. Tllis conLract German Summe1· Camp roughs; Ruby, Helmut L. Jueling; women used in extra work in the trip at the same l'educed rate being has been approved and endorsed by offered tJ1e Seattle institution. A legion commander, Ned Cowles; an­ swres. Out o.f every five applying .ASCAP, SPA <Songwriters Protec­ How would you like to speak and caravan, similar to the CPS-Wi!l­ oLher legionaire, Robert Ingersoll; and receiving work, thl'ee are col­ Live Association) and MPPA (Music practice German on a vacation In amette trip, will be used, with aU Phylls, Eldon Anderson; Joseph, lege bJ•ecl. Credit should go to Prof. Publishers ProLective Association.) an atmosphere of camp life? The students driving their cars getting John Fukuyama; sheriff, Ronald Battin and Mr. Keating for the fine • All receipts of any nature derived opportunity is yours if you want It, the trip with gas, oil, and other au- Lorimer; telegraph linemen, James manner In which they have given by the League through its various t.he only requ.Jslte being that you' tomotive expenses paid for, while Docherty, Judd Day; deputies, l'.heir time in the aid of those who activities are placed in the common know how to speak a little German. thOse without a car pay !the $14.50 George Fot·syth, Weymor Rosso. appreciate the services of the stu­ pool and calculated in the annual A German summer camp will be and team up with car owners.
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