PEOPLE APPOINTMENTS & AWARDS EPS introduces new Lise Meitner prize The Nuclear Physics Board of the European Physical Society has created a new prize - called the Use Meitner prize - for nuclear science with sponsorship from the company Eurisys Mesures.The award consists of a medal, a diploma and €5000 in cash. The first recipients, for the year 2000, are Peter Armbruster and Gottfried Muenzenberg of GSI in Darmstadt and Yuri TsOganessian of the Flerov Laboratory of Nuclear Reactions in Dubna for their unique work over a long period on the synthesis of heavy elements, which has led to the discovery of elements in the nuclear charge region 102 to 105 (dubnium), as well as bohrium (107), hassium (108) and The European Physical Society's new Lise Meitner Prize for Nuclear Science goes to (left to meitnerium (109). right) Peter Armbruster (GSI, Darmstadt), Gottfried Muenzenberg (GSI, Darmstadt) and Yuri These discoveries involved extensive Ts Oganessian (Flerov Laboratory of Nuclear Reactions, Dubna) for their synthesis of new developments of experimental techniques and heavy elements. the use of a specific reaction mechanism - the "cold" fusion of two heavy nuclei. of the new nuclei. Europhysics meeting on East-West Measurements of these elements provide an The prize was given to Peter Armbruster at Collaboration in Nuclear Science in important cornerstone to the concept of the XXXIX International Winter Meeting on Sandanski, Bulgaria, in May. deformed shells in nuclei, the existence of Nuclear Physics in Bormio in January.The See "" which is responsible for the increased stability other two laureates will be honoured at the and "". Willis Lamb of Arizona, who shared the 1955 Chattopadhyay came to Berkeley in 1974 as Nobel Prize for Physics with Polycarp Kusch for a graduate student. After receiving his PhD in their precision measurements of, respectively, 1982, he spent two years at CERN before hydrogen spectroscopy and the electron's returning to Berkeley, where he made major magnetic moment, receives the US National contributions to national and international Medal of Science 2000 "for his towering projects. In 1987 he became leader of contributions to classical and quantum Berkeley Laboratory's Accelerator and Fusion theories of laser radiation and quantum Research Division's Exploratory Studies optics".These measurements showed the first Group, establishing the Center for Beam indications of the tiny effects due to quantum Physics in December 1991. Under his electrodynamics. leadership, CBP researchers have been at the forefront of such technological breakthroughs Alain Connes of the Institut des Hautes as femtosecond X-ray generation and laser Etudes Scientifiques, Bures-sur-Yvette, and plasma beam acceleration. the College de France, Paris, is awarded the At Jefferson Lab, Chattopadhyay will oversee prestigious Crafoord prize, which is adminis­ research and development as well as tered by the Royal Swedish Academy of operations of the main continuous electron Sciences, for "his penetrating work on the beam accelerator facility (CEBAF), plus the theory of operator algebras and for having Swapan Chattopadhyay, previously head of lab's free electron laser facility, light sources been a founder of non-commutative geome­ Berkeley's Center for Beam Physics, programme, applied superconductivity and try".This has provided powerful methods for becomes Associate Director of the Jefferson superconducting radiofrequency R&D centre, theoretical physics.The prize will be presented Lab, Newport News, Virginia. and its cryogenics and engineering by the King of Sweden on 26 September. programmes. He will also hold an appoint­ Associate Director of the Thomas Jefferson ment as the Governor's Distinguished CEBAF Swapan Chattopadhyay, previously head of National Accelerator Facility (Jefferson Lab) in Professor of SURA (Southeastern Universities Berkeley's Center for Beam Physics, becomes Newport News, Virginia. Research Association). 34 CERN Courier April 2001 PEOPLE significant and continuing contributions in the superconducting electronics as a researcher, Super-awards field of superconductive electronics, both as a educator and mentor, in particular for directing researcher and as an R&D manager, including numerous innovative research projects in The Council of Superconductivity of the the invention of the superconductive Quantum superconductive device and circuit concepts, influential Institute of Electrical and Interference Device (SQUID), which resulted in for mentoring many students who have become Electronics Engineers (IEEE) has recently the development of ultrasensitive magnetic the core of the US activity in superconductive established an IEEE award for continuing and sensors and is the basic building block for electronics, for his co-authorship of the stan­ significant contributions in the field of applied superconductive digital technology, for dard textbook on superconductive devices, for superconductivity for contributions "to the inventing numerous other superconducting serving as the founding editor-in-chief of the field...over more than 20 years, based on analogue and digital circuits and subsystems, IEEE Transactions on Applied novel and innovative concepts". and for outstanding insight in promoting the Superconductivity and for his enthusiastic The current recipients are: use of superconducting electronics in scien­ support to establishing, and frequently chair­ David Larbalestier, Wisconsin, Tor signifi­ tific, military and commercial applications". ing, various conferences, workshops and study cant and continuing contributions in the field John Stekly, retired, formerly Intermagnetics groups promoting the growth of the of superconductive materials: leading to the General Corporation, Tor significant and superconductive electronics technology". identification of microstructural features that continuing contributions in the field of Martin Wilson, Oxford Instruments, Tor resulted in dramatic increases in the superconducting magnet systems, and significant and continuing contributions in the superconducting critical current density: in devices, in particular the pioneering work in field of large-scale superconductive applica­ particular, for the identification and optimiza­ understanding, quantifying and applying the tions, in particular the pioneering research tion of magnetic flux pinning centres and the engineering thermal stability requirements of leading to the fundamental principles of identification and minimization of deleterious superconducting magnets operating in boiling superconducting magnet design and execu­ defects in superconducting wires and tapes". liquid helium, known as the Stekly Criterion". tion, for his documentation and explanation of Martin Nisenoff, retired, formerly US Naval Kyoji Tachikawa Jokai, Tor significant and these concepts and calculations pertaining Research Laboratory, Tor long and continuous continuing contributions in the field of to, for example, magnetization, minimum service to the superconductivity community as superconducting materials: in particular, the quench energy, quench development, etc, a scientist, program manager, activist and pioneering research in innovative and concisely presented in his book on supercon­ statesman; elected three times to Applied intelligent materials processing techniques for ducting magnets, and in recognition of his Superconductivity Conference board, long­ the formation of superconducting wires and leadership of outstanding forefront scientific standing member of IEEE's Committee on tapes, leading to the development of new and engineering teams involved in applied Superconductivity; three-decade career span­ high-field superconductors that incorporate superconductivity in research labs and indus­ ning activities in Josephson junctions, SQUID useful intermetallic compounds". try, for example, the development of applications, HTS filters and cryocoolers". Theodore Van Duzer, Berkeley, Tor significant Rutherford cable and the Helios synchrotron Arnold Silver, retired, formerly TRW, Tor and continuing contributions in the field of X-ray source". The Bruno Pontecorvo prize for 2000 is Pontecorvo prize awarded to Academician Georgi Zatsepin and Vladimir Gavrin (both from the Institute for Nuclear Research, Moscow) for their Going outstanding contributions to solar neutrino research using the gallium germanium method at the Baksan Neutrino Observatory. The prize, administered by the Joint Institute for Nuclear Research, Dubna, near Moscow, to work was awarded during the January session of JINR Scientific Council. In even-numbered years, the prize is awarded to Russian physi­ cists only. at CERN? Bruno Pontecorvo Prize 2000 laureate Vladimir Gavrin (right) with Dmitri Shirkov, jury chairman and honorary director of the For information, contact Joint Institute for Nuclear Research Bogoliubov Laboratory of Theoretical [email protected] Physics. (YuTumanov.) CERN Courier April 2001 35 PEOPLE MEETINGS This year's IEEE Nuclear Science Symposium and Medical Imaging Conference, including the Symposium on Nuclear Power Systems, will take place in San Diego, California, on 4-10 November. New this year is the International Workshop on Room-Temperature Semiconductor X- and Gamma-Ray Detectors.The abstract submis­ sion deadlines are 20 April (NSS, MIC, SNPS) and 15 June (Workshop). For more details see "". The 29th SLAC Cummer Institute, entitled Exploring Electroweak
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