INDUSTRIAL ARCHAEOLOGY NEWS OF THE BULLETIN OF THE ASSOCIATION FOR INDUSTRIAT ARCHAEOLOGY 95 Dence FREE TO MEMBERS AIA LE on gunpowder o Stroud mills o Scottish textiles o Polish steam engines lronbridge ivedkend o Magna steelworks project o new English Heritage o John Hume INDUSTRIAL ARCHAEOLOGY 1(t9 SUMMER 1999 NEWS FREE MEMBERS OF AIA THE BULLETIN OF THE ASSOCIATION FOR INDUSTRIAL ARCHAEOLOGY 95 Dence TO -wedkend lronbridge o Magna steelworks project o new English Heritage o John Hume Gunpowder in Lisbon AIA Brenda Buchanan are so many echoes of the latter that tt was appropriate for Steven Chaddo(k in his paper to The third neeting of the Gunpowder Section took lead us through the legal, organisational and INDUSTR,IAL place during the 25th Symposiun ol the physical pro(esses by which the WARGVI are al lntemational Conmittee tor the History ol becoming and'interpreted site', ready to rec ARCHAEOLOGY fechnology, Lisbon, l8 22 August 1998. fhe visitors. NEWS 109 Gunpowder sectio\ has now developed its own The main theme of the oceanir heritage nomentum within ICoHTEC, to whom we are received ample treatment in papers which showed Summer 1999 grateful for this oppottunity to meet. The the importance of such voyages in the history of prcceedings of the Section are rcpofted here. explosives. The Barcarena factofy played a significant part in Portuguese Prerident expansion overseas, 0. MichaelUarrison The Lisbon meeting, like those in Bath and butJosd lvlanuelde Mascarenhas selected two case 19 Sandler Close,Ihe Ridingr Droitwich spa WRg8RB Budapest, will be remembered for its panicular studies to show how this was supported by the flavour especially the theme of the oceans and development of gunpowder factories abroad, from their heritage derived from EXPO'98; and the visit 1630 in Goa (south-west India), and from 1808 in School of Archaeological Sludies, Th€ UniveBity, Leicesl€r to the recently-restored gunpowder nearby (Brazil - LEl 7RH millat Rio de Janeiro set up when the Portuguese Barcarena. We were introduced to the lattet by a Court was established there as Napoleon's troops paper [,!i(haelMessenger presented by Josd Manuel Mascarenhas who, invaded Portugal). The latter site is well looked 144LakeRoadEast RoathPa, Cardiff tF2 5NQ wilh colleagues Ant6nio de Carvalho Quintela, after by the Brazilian Institute forCulturalHeritage, Acting leCletary JoSo Luis Cardosa, and Maria da Con(ei6oAnd16, but the lormer is endangered by vegetation, and has published a study entilled A Fabrica da Polvora possibly housing. 48 Quay Stieet, Halesworth, Suttolk lP1 9 8EY de Batcarcna 11995]'.Ihis book is so well illustrated In a new role for our Section we are seeking to lA Review Editort and linely presented it may be recommended as make these concerns known, at first through Peler Neave6on and Dr lvarilyn Palm€r ploviding even non-Portuguese speakers with UNE5C0 to which IC0HIEC has an attachment. A School oJ Archa€ologiral Studie!, Ihe U niversity. Lei@ster IE1 7RH some understanding of the site. very positive response to this initiative has now The powder mills, km from were lA News tditor cl5 lisbon, been received, and we have been informed that Dr Pet€r Stanier founded on the banks of the Bdr(arena stream in the gunpowder mills will be examined as part of a 49 Brea(h Lane. shaftesbury, 0o6el SP7 8LF the sixteenth century, and a table in the survey proiect for the safeguarding of World Heritage tonfefenae Se(retary namesthe 22 managers of the works over the years cultural propenies in Goa. 5uch sites are important Janel Graham 1645 to 1862. Incorporation was initially by water- not only in their own right but also as part of an 107 HEddenham Road, Leicester tt3 28G powered stamps (with bullocks in reserve) until in international network of surviving explosives Aff iliated Socieries Ofi icer 1729 these were replaced by stone edge runners. factories. 7 Squinels Green, Greal Eookham, Lealherhead, Surrey As a safety measure these were in turn replaced in The oceanic theme was developed Iurther by KT23 ]LE 1782 by weighted wooden runners with bronze Brenda Buchanan who suggested that trade and Saler Oflicet tyres and bronze beds. But the work remained exploration, colonial settlement and imperial Roger Ford hazardous, with six explosions between 1805 and aspirations. had all been influenced by the demand 8am Cottage, Sridge Street Eridgenodh, Shropehrre closure in 1972. Although surviving works at for saltpetre. In examining the importance of Earcarena are more grand in style than those at supplies from India she questioned the validity of Publi(ity officer the Waltham Abbey Royal Gunpowder Mills, there the distin(tion made between that'occurring 48 Quay Streel, Halesworth, sufiolk lPl9 8tY tield$rork and Re.ording Award Officer ShaneGould Archaeology Advirory Group, Planninq, tssex County Councal, Couniy Hall, Ch€lmslord, Essex CM1 ltf Honorary Vic€-Preridents ProlAngusBuchanan SirNeilCo5sons lohn Hum€ Sluart 8. Smith Cooncil Member Dr V. Eeaudamp Dr R. J. M. Car M. Coulter ko-opted) L Crompton D. Eve {co-opted) H. Malaws {co-opted) P. Saulter ko-opted) C. Whitlaker l. & M. Yoward ko.oored) Liaison Ofiicer lrab€lWilson AIA otfi(e, School of A( hacoloq,(dl Studps. Un,vprsiryof Leicener, Leicester LE1 7RH.8 0116 252 5337, Far:0116 252 5005, e-mail: A|[email protected](.uk COVTR PICTURE Spingtine scene at the east end of the 1170 yard Husbands Eoswotth lunnpl on the leuettet Lne, photogtaphed in May 1997. Completion ol this Gndlin 1814 ptovided an inpoftant diect route frcn the East Pholo: RIM Can Re@nslrudion ol one of lhe in@Doratino nills at the Batcarcna wo s neat Lisbon 2 INDUSTRIAL AR.HAEoLjGY NEws t09 c 601 S/AJN A9O1O1VH)AV lVtAtSnONl dns sl'lvs uol lltuM lsvl'td ouv)utlsvt/! vst^ ssl))v :sPre) llp3D 6u!^ ollol aql Iq sluaurled lda))e r$ou uel vlv aql lv9 grAM oiqsdortls'q ou6pu8 'laa]ls a6prJ8 'a6Puof ure8 lo)ulo sales vlv ',prol ra6ou :ol sraprc qln luas puef,opaPq)rv Pusnpq rol uotlPDossv aql ol alqe,(ed apeul aq plnoqs sanbaq) 'suoqerlqnd vlv lle uo sJalFqooq ol alqele e sl luno)slp v '6ulleur a)epns Jo] ate sa)ud llV d+dpur s6 9t sllr vlv d + d pu! 0s ll :llx - | slo^ ol xopul d + d seaea^o 5t !J Ppe pur o0 9l :anssrrad 00! rad 5z'tl :surol6urpro)a8 d + d sPasra^o sl zl ppP llut 0o zll :aunlo^ lad d + d llur 0s zl :slooqpueH lllAx - Nx sawnlot stul tlrur 0S tl :(6ururl ) ! oN llx lo^ pue (salrlxaD Z'oN X lo^ lda)xa) (d + d seaea^o rol 51 B ppv) l)ur 00 tl :anssr rao seaea^o rad dos 'puelur lad dSZ ppe :sardor leuolllppv (d + d seasla^o lol Sl Zl pp l)ur 00 81 :aujnlo^ rad ^do) ^dor sPsea^o 08 ll lllx - llA sawnloA 'puelul 0z :saldo) aarql seaea^o 0€ ll 'puelur dsl :sardor o^ l !l (alqellP^e lou I oN I lo^ larba4 seasra^o dog 'puelur dst :,{do) auo :aua d + d d + d sPara^o 00 ll 'puelur 01 0l snld 00 zJ :anssi rad 0s l1 :arlqsryoA$aM 96',€J :sale0 $aM quoN d + d seara^o oo €l 'puelur ss zt snld oo st :aunlo^ rad 05 t! :spuPlplr! tsaM d1S :ltopoN d + d seaea o 02 1!l 'puelur s ! 91 snld 00 8tt :las rad gt'zl :easuetAs 0s tr :atqsJa$Dnol9 A - | saunloA gnssl s6 11 :altqsYoL qnos 96',r| uo ao ,)v8 0z'lJ :Puepos 09 €1 :elJqwn) MllAlu 490'lolvH)uv'lvlursnoNl sultlllzv9 lvN0t9lu vlv :raluo sales aql urorl alqelre^e are suall 6u|'tliollol aql sr'lvs ulu 'parnlas /'^ou spq lraqlru aql ase: aql palaruns efueqleueqg qsalrsv Dalqns !o#a aq pue aq r(q parel rlddns npaaod sua;qord"berapaluo) uorluaue Marp 's9 ol anulluol lll/t^ uo|l)as lap/uooun9 ar.ll leql^dnllo Fn4 slql lo burpuelsrapun aql ol palelal sltdol ,0 1o aqt ol glroM aa,r's6u[eatu ]xau I sueld lllHo)lsV FadepnS abuer ap!^ e para o) sladed yo dnot61sel aq1 -z9g I er6rca9 ur raprvrodung elsnonyaqlp ur ua^rb asoql lo uopalas e q!t!,\ Ilqtssod 'sladed 'satnpet, 6uIua^ard Ipnp s, raartodueu uer1d,$3 r(q palendo uoqsll aql qsrlqnd o1 6urlaas {q uraued qlpg ur uo)rlrs ,(q pa^eld aloj lelrtul aql lo asnelaq sassalotd,{.reuorlnlo^ar qluari 6utsn sltoM aq 6urr',ro1o11o r$rlqrssod aqt aroldxa ol pan;osal 'abreq: e learb ool qlma lo ool pall uaqM raprvrod e olur anbsou pasnsrp e 6uttlttolsu?tl aM'(9661 'ssard qte€ '/t6oloupal l5rnq ot alqprl ssal aue)aq asaql^lprde] os 'sun6 uluolllls pa^lo ur q)rqm'108 1-86111o 1dr63 ot uo4tpadxa PuoDeulaul ue p^Usra^run /0o7st11 aqf rap^aodung Jo lunoue aql patelnoar ,(lsnor)suolun sdPqFd s,auedeuo€ 6uunp orel ol r{6o;ouq:a1 rapa,rodun6 'pa/('ueueqlng t epuajg) looq tapa,todun6 r.llr.lm sanbruq)aliq 6urlFuls rlatp lotluo] ot uebaq qluarl lo ralsuerl or.ll uoon pasn)ol larS aql ol asuodsar aqt r(q pa6ernolul salrs q)ns ol snpunol uorr se pq1 6uD5a66ns 'uouu?] uor-tsel a)ued '(6uuedap pue 6urrrue su1e4 lauo i(snq srolrsr^ qlrM 6ulleaplo sllls ueurnq aql uo pe/ oH 6urpualap lo qreordde lenuab alou aql lool lleH ,(q paua^rlua)s6uu{etp pue sueld r(q sluaua;ddns atsns u04 puP 'L!na5nu.nprvrodun6 e 6ututelteut ua8 Puqelue) ur dn l€s a]aM salPurnj /vrau aql sluauin)op paqsr;qndun bursn')serluo) 'serpenl pue 6urqsrlqeFa lo sarlrlelDerd aql uo preMoH r.llt/v\ saupunol uouue) rfunluar qluaaluanas r(pea ul ur asoql se q)ns Prpul ur s4oM le asn uaqou u.rorj ?lr^pe lueqluarl auos u.ro4 polrlauoq aqt ur qonoqtle 'spunorb lrtlouola uo pansnd le>perd o11nd aq plnor nlSUVM aql aldurexa roJ osle a6 aurl ou uaaq r(lsnohaJd peq araql qlrqM lou seM slql'lnlssal)ns,(llerluqral q6noqrlv le parnbre asruadxs teql os lrPls lo sluaua^ou,l 'uausuerr rol lPDaleu Mar^ ol alqP ararvr aa,r qrtqrvr 6uunp ueurag pue qsrlug (,{Iuno) aql pue'srs, aperl'sleurnol leuorssalord 6urlaau palnpaqlsun ue ql|/l^ papnlluo) aM anbseg'eo>pnd19)ugberpuoulur g/s!^q u!suouue) 'slrsrn ;euorad q6norql

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