Montana State Universit • An ASMSU Publication [useum of the Bim Skala Bim ockies finds w fossil y Ble<;eh Writer lmagine a Makoshika Park er accidentally falling onto credible paleontoligical find. that has an excitement factor ten on a scale of one to ten use of its rarity. Thankfully ea! professionals were there e Makoshika State Park early e spring of '97, and they knew t to do. oon the Museum of the kies under the careful eye of f Preparator of Paleontology Harmon, was airlifting an ar­ ated fossil (its bones are in­ encased in 800 pounds of ter to Bozeman. This particu­ eaf munching dinosaur was ly hard to get out, basically use the people digging had to jackhammers on the incred­ dense sandstone, trying dessil photo by ZlJch Tanner Bim Skala Bim warms up the crowd for headliner The Mighty Bosstones Thursday night. The concert attracted see Museum page 4 approximately 5,000 people in the Bozeman community ycare helps with childcare MSU bnngs· p ts/Famili. .... th velyn Boswell arefl es LOge er communication services The reunion will be held Oct. 3, with a program at 3 By STAN WILSON Association,made up of parents dents, Hitchcock said. Th NEWS EDITOR of current students and an advi­ e p.m. and an open house run- Ali parents of students are 1SU Day Care at Mon- ning from 3 to 6 p.m. at the Montana States sory board representing 30 f arni­ automatically members ofthe as­ State Universitv- lies, organizes Parent/Family Louise Shunk Building, University's seventh annual Par­ sociation and there are no dues. eman will celebrate its weekend. Advisory board mem­ where the day care is located. ent/Family weekend kicks off Besides fostering closer relations birthday with a re­ bers are appointed by MSU Presi­ The day care center will Oct. 16 to "show otr' the best as­ with f amilics of student<> and tap­ n during Homecoming dent Malone and meet twice a also have a float in the pects of the MSU campus, ac­ ping the urnversity experience of kend, says director cording to Julie Hitchcock, assis­ year. parents, the association puts on see Day care page 6 ne Eggert. tant director for university rela- 'They are a most wonder­ Parent/Family weekend. Parents tions. ful group who help make this with students under 26 years of ollege offers NASCAR course Hitchcock is a fo1mer gcxx:I university even better' said age, traditional age students. are MSU student who graduated Hitchcock about the board. invited to anend the weekend's allege Press Exchange out at 15 students, requires an with a master's in Public Admin­ Funds to support the a<;­ evenL'>, \vh1ch always arc sched­ extensive amount of Jab work istration in 1983 and returned to sociation are raised through a uled around a football weekend. RLANDO, Fla. (CPS)­ on motors and a one-semester MSU in 1990.toassumehercur­ "phonathon·· twice a year. In the Plans are under \\ay to add a c people pursue graduate internship with either a race car rent position and helped launch fall, calls arc made to alumni, and home volleyball game to the slate ees so they can delve team or a motor manufacturer." Parent/Family weekend. for five days in the sp1ing par­ of activities. r into astrophysics or pre­ This is a program for Studies have shown that ents ofcurrent students arc given "lt 1s 1mporttmt for fami­ the spread of disease. Then people who love racing," says students who come from support­ the opportunity to contribute. lies to know ac;, much about the are those who just want Dr. Bob Hoekstra, a 20-year ive, involved parents do bcner, Only enteting its d1JJd yem·, the campus as they can." Hitchcock consultant to the race-car in­ said Hitchcock. and the weekend "phonathon has already raised said. so P<u-ent!F<unily \\·cckcnd orthe~e students, che Uni­ dustry who developed the UCF is a great way of getting parent'> $24,CXXl The libra.t). the Centen­ is fun <ind mfonnatt\"C .ity of Central Florida now program. invol\ed. Parent involvement nial Mali and the MSU march­ C'<m1pu-. Day. \\.hen high rs a master's degree in the The program is the only also leads ro bener retention of ing band have been the reciptenLs school students me mv1teJ to the y of rJce car engines.The students. she added. of the generosity of both alumni '-year program. \\ hich tops see Nascar page 4 and current fmni Iies of MS LI stu- The Parent/Family see parent/family page 4 I v -ex1onen 994-2224 editor Marcus Hib• 994-2551 news editor Stan Wi t comment page design/layout Karim Herr SIGNE Fr10,0E:.PHI~ Drl'l ~ HE\VS PIW~ us~ Proclaimed procrastinator comes clo "I just need a few more In the morning, the pound­ begin ironing towels an J minutes, days, months to get it ing realization/hangover is that ing names in underwea: all done." A common phrase the project is due TODAY by I'm not on the san11 uttered at least once in the life five. It's on the way to the when it comes to procr. of a college student. I am shower/sobering up session tion, as I would rather mumbling this as I write a col­ that something is mumbled newly formed ecosys1· umn after the dead.Jine. '.!bout how this will never hap­ the fridge exist unhann1 My roommate, normally a iXn again, next semester will fore using it as an escape• very industrious gal has the art be bener organized and friends Ultima~ely, my al. almost perfected, especially wiil just have to accept no for per:onal favorite procr when she includes me in the an answer. Yeah, right. tion technique. is c guest to avoid anything of the By mir:i.cle of miracle . the people. A tactic wh1 slightest productivity. crea~i'. e iL:ic-:.s be,_:!a to gush in quJres digging throu~ It all starts mail Lo find out innocently , legible when she asks notes witl me to go to cof­ dom numb fee and "study." people, of Dutifully, we take By Gwen Howell I would no backpacks Exponent Columnist (in my right stuffed with would nev€ books, papers My eyes s· and assignments in the trantC­ to our friendly revelation c coffee shop of choice, yet a heated effort to throw a sem­ I would love to find out somehow, almost magically, blance of the end product to­ new in their life. the work never actually makes gether so it looks like energy In the heated pass it out. What does make it on was put into it. In most cases, procrastination, I syst1~ the table, is coffee and an in­ it turns out to be a passing grade cally call everyone I kQl tense conversation(mostly even after skidding into the pro­ the United States, and •n about how much we have yet fessors office two microsec­ sufficient time suckage 1 A to accomplish). onds before five stapling and/ be obtained, I havetf "Going to coffee" is a fairly or gluing things together. It's known to phone peot safe tactic and is used in mild only after a breath is taken, that Au tralia and Chile. procrastination cases. More you notice the sweat streaming In truth, I'm not a often than not, someone in the onto those two cute, fuzzy, pink putting off anything. " Boza-ti.N ~L (.oN!>ol I Dt<:rlON" coffee shop wander over and bunny slippers staring little world, I tend to WE. Neeo -ro Ra-IE! extends an invitation to come moronicly up at you, laughing. be t under pressure bt 'NI.Jo ~ Fl"'-sr; f¢ro WI-lo 111e'/ L.,oo1:. Cf> To • • • out for a drink. Invariably, this Even though the projects it HAS to get done. S individual doesn't go to school actually do get done, by the my best work has b or have a job, but wants ome kin of the teeth. procrastina­ compli hed with them The Exponent " published most Acting Eduor company. Pleading.''Awww tion can prove to be quite effi­ of terror of all the h· Tucsdn,•s & FriJnys of the Marco< Hibdon • 994-2455 ncademic. year and 1s uflil1med News Editor come on, ju t for an hour. Just cient to accompli h all those things that could happe. with the Associnted Students of Stan Wilson • 994-2551 Montnnn S1:11e Univer'iity. Fen1ures Eduor one drink. So and so (in ert thing you wouldn "t do at any alien abduction. Thomas Ander<on • 994-3840 object of lusr who just broke up other time, like cleaning house. knows'? Procrastinat Editorial Policy Spons Editor Un'lgned eduonals represent the Pete Fnggen • 994-5482 with significant ex other here) Cleaning is one of my elf i everyone ·s s opinion of the Exponent editorial Senior Photogmphcr board: signed eJnorial column$ Roger De)' • 994-2233 is going to be lhere. (Smiling roomies favorite procrastina­ style of avoidance au reprc'Cnl 1hc opinion of the Photographer seductively) You can getup in tion tactics, as she will suc­ tactics taken. prove 1 nuthor. Opinions expressed 111 letters Zich Tanner• 994-2213 nntl ad,·ertisment' do not necc..,sruily Gmphic De<igners the morning and finish (insert cumb to the normally repre S­ beneficial conver atic · renect I.he views of \tnff members. JefWilliam< • 994-2614 Som l rvin • 994-2614 major project here). So and so ible urge to color code the ics in the bar the night g Lener< Pohcy Pa.ic-up would LOVE to see you." So boxes of cereal.
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