2 JUNE 19, 2014 METROWEEKLY.cOM METROWEEKLY.cOM JUNE 19, 2014 3 Publisher Randy Shulman Editorial JUNE 19, 2014 editor-in-Chief Randy Shulman Volume 21 / Issue 8 Art direCtor Todd Franson PolitiCAl editor NEWS 6 Obama’s LGbT ExEcuTivE OrdEr Justin Snow by Justin Snow AssistAnt editor John Riley 8 cOnGrEssiOnaL mOmEnTum Contributing editors by Justin Snow Rhuaridh Marr, Doug Rule senior PhotogrAPher 10 LaniEr HOsTs TOwn HaLL mEETinG Ward Morrison by John Riley Contributing PhotogrAPhers Christopher Cunetto, Julian Vankim 14 cOmmuniTy caLEndar Contributing illustrAtors Scott G. Brooks, Christopher Cunetto SCENE 18 cHEf arT smiTH’s POwErbEar ParTy Contributing Writers Photography by Ward Morrison Daniel Burnett, Christian Gerard, Brandon Harrison, Chris Heller, Will O’Bryan Troy Petenbrink, Richard Rosendall, FEATURES 20 amErican waTErs Kate Wingfield Interview by Justin Snow editor emeritus Sean Bugg 25 baltimOrE PridE WebmAster Photography by Ward Morrison and David Uy Aram Vartian multimediA Aram Vartian 28 an LGbT TravELLEr’s GuidE TO AdministrAtive / ProduCtion AssistAnt cHarm ciTy Julian Vankim by Troy Petenbrink advErtising & salEs OUT ON THE TOWN 30 HaPPy TimEs direCtor of sAles by Doug Rule Randy Shulman nAtionAl Advertising rePresentAtive 32 THE sinGinG nursE Rivendell Media Co. 212-242-6863 by Doug Rule distribution mAnAger Dennis Havrilla 34 sucH PusHOvErs by Doug Rule PAtron sAint STAGE 36 Patricia W. Waters unHaPPy days by Doug Rule Cover PhotogrAPhy GAMES 38 waiTinG GamEs Greg Gorman by Rhuaridh Marr PETS 41 inTErPETs by Rhuaridh Marr metro Weekly 1425 K St. NW, Suite 350 NIGHTLIFE 45 cLub HiPPO’s POsT-PridE ParTy Washington, DC 20005 Photography by Ward Morrison 202-638-6830 MetroWeekly.com SCENE 53 THE sTars Of ruPauL’s draG racE All material appearing in Metro Weekly is protected by federal copyright law and may not be reproduced in whole or part without the permission of the publishers. Metro Weekly assumes no SEasOn 6 aT TOwn responsibility for unsolicited materials submitted for publication. All such submissions are subject to editing and will not be returned unless accompanied by a self-addressed, stamped envelope. Metro Weekly is supported by many fine advertisers, but we cannot accept responsibility for claims Photography by Ward Morrison made by advertisers, nor can we accept responsibility for materials provided by advertisers or their agents. Publication of the name or photograph of any person or organization in articles or advertising in Metro Weekly is not to be construed as any indication of the sexual orientation of such person or organization. 54 LasT wOrd © 2014 Jansi LLC. 4 JUNE 19, 2014 METROWEEKLY.cOM METROWEEKLY.cOM JUNE 19, 2014 5 Now online at MetroWeekly.com Senate Confirms Two Gay Black Judicial Nominees NewsLGBT 25 Favorite Shots from the Capital Pride Fest obama acts After years of delay, Obama moves to prohibit federal contractors from LGBT discrimination by Justin Snow reSident Barack OBama will take executive action to pro- hibit federal contractors from LGBt workplace discrimination. Paccording to a White House official, Obama has directed his staff to prepare an executive order for his signature prohib- uza O iting federal contractors from discrimina- S tion on the basis of sexual orientation or Pete gender identity — a move long sought by y o b LGBt-rights advocates that builds upon t HO P Obama’s legacy as the strongest LGBT e S ally to ever occupy the White House. u O H “the action would build upon exist- ite ing protections, which generally prohibit H W federal contractors and subcontractors L from discriminating in employment deci- icia FF sions on the basis of race, color, religion, O President barack obama meets with Chief of staff denis mcdonough in the oval office sex, or national origin,” the White House official told Metro Weekly. “this is con- legislation in the form of the Employment an executive order raising the minimum sistent with the President’s views that non-discrimination act (ENDA) that wage for federal contractors if the strat- all americans, LGBt or not, should be would protect nearly all workers, rather egy is comprehensive federal legislation, treated with dignity and respect.” than just employees of federal contrac- White House press secretary Jay Carney For more than two years, Obama’s tors. That argument hasn’t sat well with responded simply, “i take your point.” White House has been forced to de- LGBt activists, who have been some of that puzzling position grew more fend a broken campaign promise made the president’s most passionate defend- complicated last month after Vice Presi- by Obama when he was a candidate for ers. they too support enda, but argue dent Joe Biden said in an interview with president in February 2008. It was then signing an executive order is necessary the Huffington Post said he did not see that Obama filled out a presidential- and a tangible step forward the president “any downside” to signing such an order, candidate questionnaire for the Hous- could take now. but reiterated the need to pass enda. ton GLBt Political Caucus indicating he at the beginning of this year, Obama the Senate approved enda 64-32 last would support a nondiscrimination pol- announced a shifting strategy to use his november, but the bill has languished in icy that includes sexual orientation and pen to take executive action when Con- the Republican-controlled House of Rep- gender identity for federal contractors. gress won’t act. While that strategy has resentatives where Speaker John Boehner in April 2012, White House senior advis- been applied to minimum wage, with has voiced his opposition to the bill and er Valerie Jarrett told leaders from some Obama signing an executive order to raise refused to allow it to come up for a vote, of the nation’s largest LGBt-rights orga- minimum wage for federal contractors although the bill has continued to gain bi- nizations that Obama would not sign an while the White House still pushes for partisan support as recently as last week. executive order prohibiting federal con- federal legislation raising the minimum “countless LGBt workers across the tractors from discrimination on the ba- wage for all americans, and to narrow- country will be able to rest easier once sis of sexual orientation or gender iden- ing the income gap between genders, the a strong executive order is in place, but tity. Since that meeting, the White House White House has found itself in a con- there is no denying that the time has has sought to defend its decision by tell- tradictory position on the executive or- come to do even more,” HRC President ing supporters and the press that Obama der for LGBt federal contractors. Asked chad Griffin said in a statement. “the favors passage of comprehensive federal in February by Metro Weekly why sign House of Representatives must seize this 6 JUNE 19, 2014 METROWEEKLY.cOM OFFiciaL WHite HOuSe PHOto by Pete SOuza METROWEEKLY.c OM JUNE 19, 2014 7 LGBTNews opportunity to immediately pass the Em- When Obama does attach his signature care Act, from reauthorizing the Violence ployment non-discrimination act, and to that executive order, it will further ce- against Women act with provisions to we will continue to fight for the greatest ment his legacy on LGBt rights. The first protect LGBt victims to ensuring equal- number of civil rights protections for the sitting American president to openly en- ity in federal housing, we have taken many greatest number of LGBt people around dorse same-sex marriage, he has all but important steps forward. While work re- the country.” ensured that a Democrat will never again mains to ensure that all americans, re- in 29 states it is legal to fire or refuse be able to run for the White House without gardless of sexual orientation or gender employment to someone based on their supporting marriage equality. under his identity, are equal under the law, we look sexual orientation, and in 32 states it is direction, attorney General eric Holder, forward to continuing to make progress in legal to do so based on their gender iden- the nation’s first African-american attor- the months and years ahead.” tity. about 20 percent of the american ney general, and the Justice Department during a June 17 appearance at the workforce, amounting to around 28 mil- ceased defending the defense of mar- democratic National Committee’s LGBT lion workers, is employed by federal con- riage Act (dOma) in federal court. When Gala in New York City, Obama addressed tractors. the Supreme court heard arguments in his decision to sign the executive order “the President has declared 2014 a same-sex marriage cases for the first time and was greeted with a roar of applause year of action – vowing to use the power in March 2013, Obama’s solicitor general, from supporters. of his pen and phone to take action on be- donald Verrilli, urged the Supreme Court “Because in the united States of half of the American people to strengthen justices to strike down DOma as well as america who you are and who you love the economy and the middle class,” the california’s same-sex marriage ban. the shouldn’t be a fireable offense,” Obama White House official said. “His actions repeal of “don’t Ask, Don’t Tell” bears his said in explaining his decision to take ex- have been driven by the core american signature, and the White House has indi- ecutive action. Looking forward, Obama principle that if you work hard and play cated his openness to at least a review of said that ultimately it would be better if by the rules, you should have the oppor- the military’s existing ban on transgender congress passed a more comprehensive tunity to succeed, and that your ability to service.
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