Band/RV Property Address Name 1825 91-93, Alfreton Road, Sutton-In-Ashfield, Notts, NG17 1FJ 10000 The Post Office, Brook Street, Sutton-In-Ashfield, Notts, NG Royal Mail Holdings Plc 3450 Welcome Institute, Morven Avenue, Sutton-In-Ashfield, Notts, Welcome Institute 740 Teversal Trail, Buttery Lane, Sutton-In-Ashfield, Notts, NG1 Ashfield District Council 3900 Teversal Grange, Carnarvon Street, Teversal, Sutton-In-Ashfi The Teversal Social Welfare Centre 1525 Mansfield & Sutton Astronomical Soci, Ety Coxmoor Road, Sutt Mansfield & Sutton Astro 3450 Store Adj, 23 Elder Street, Skegby, Sutton In Ashfield, Nott 9100 47 Forest Street, Sutton In Ashfield, Notts, NG17 1DA Bairstow Eves East Midlands Ltd 920 Housing 21, Heathcote Court, Sutton-In-Ashfield, Notts, NG17 Housing 21 Fao T 2050 13 High Street, Stanton Hill, Sutton In Ashfield, Notts, NG1 2325 17 High Street, Stanton Hill, Sutton In Ashfield, Notts, NG1 5700 6 Jubilee Buildings, Sutton In Ashfield, Notts, NG17 1DE W Yeomans Ltd 710 Boy Scouts Group, Lammas Road, Sutton-In-Ashfield, Notts, NG The Lammas Scout & Guide Group Fao M 1075 St Marys Scouts, Lammas Road, Sutton-In-Ashfield, Notts, NG1 2nd Sutton In Ashfield (st Marys) Scout 890 Sutton Portland Ambulance, Lammas Road, Sutton-In-Ashfield, Carousel Under Fives 1725 20, Main Street, Huthwaite, Sutton-In-Ashfield, Notts, NG17 9600 233 Mansfield Road, Skegby, Sutton In Ashfield, Notts, NG17 Skegby Miners' Welfare Trust 3450 45 Mansfield Road, Sutton-In-Ashfield, Notts, NG17 4EL Ladbrokes Betting and Gaming Ltd (2340) 9600 253 Mansfield Road, Sutton-In-Ashfield, Notts, NG17 4HG Hss Hire Group Ltd 4300 30-32 Market Place, Huthwaite, Sutton In Ashfield, Notts, NG Ladbrokes Betting and Gaming Ltd (2340) 730 1 Morley Street, Stanton Hill, Sutton In Ashfield, Notts, NG 465 45, Morley Street, Sutton-In-Ashfield, Notts, NG17 4EE 4350 Oldershaw Removers, Newfall Street, Huthwaite, Sutton In Ash 1775 53 Outram Street, Sutton In Ashfield, Notts, NG17 4BG 5200 57-59 Outram Street, Sutton In Ashfield, Notts, NG17 4BG 7200 75 Outram Street, Sutton In Ashfield, Notts, NG17 4BG Park Hall Furnishers Ltd 4450 81 Outram Street, Sutton In Ashfield, Notts, NG17 4BG Church Of England Childrens Society 5400 97 Outram Street, Sutton-In-Ashfield, Notts, NG17 4BG Cancer Research UK 2300 122-124, Outram Street, Sutton-In-Ashfield, Notts, NG17 4FT 1750 93, Outram Street, Sutton-In-Ashfield, Notts, NG17 4BG 11000 10a, Outram Street, Sutton-In-Ashfield, Notts, NG17 4AX 1750 Mills & Allen, Outram Street, Sutton-In-Ashfield, Notts, NG1 Mills & Allen Ltd 5800 53 Portland Square, Sutton-In-Ashfield, Notts, NG17 1AZ Mansfield Building Soc Ltd 7800 55a, Portland Square, Sutton-In-Ashfield, Notts, NG17 1AZ R I Blow Ltd 4050 Imperial Dry Cleaners, Portland Square, Sutton-In-Ashfield, Portland Laundry Co Ltd 4750 Opp 1, Portland Street, Sutton-In-Ashfield, Notts, NG17 4AW 4450 123 Priestsic Road, Sutton In Ashfield, Notts, NG17 4EA 6700 Units 2 & 3, Redcliffe Street, Sutton-In-Ashfield, Notts, NG 4800 Unit 9, Maun Valley Industrial Est., Station Road, Sutton-In 2800 Unit 1, Stoneyford Road, Sutton-In-Ashfield, Notts, NG17 2DA 2225 179 Sutton Road, Huthwaite, Sutton In Ashfield, Notts, NG17 3300 Adj Hardwick Inn, Stanley Lane, Sutton-In-Ashfield, Notts, N The National Trust For Places Of Histo 3500 Unwin Road, Sutton-In-Ashfield, Notts, NG17 4HN Greater Nottingham Co-Operative Socie 5700 9 Ashfield Shopping Precinct, Kirkby In Ashfield, Nottingham Ladbrokes Betting and Gaming Ltd (2340) 7500 Post Office, Ashfield Shopping Precinct, Kirkby In Ashfield, Royal Mail Holdings Plc 3200 20 Ashfield Shopping Precinct, Kirkby In Ashfield, Nottingha National Co-Op Chemists Ltd 5900 Coronation Club, Bannerman Road, Kirkby-In-Ashfield, Notting 2325 Unit 4, Byron Avenue, Kirkby-In-Ashfield, Nottingham, NG17 7 5700 East Midland Sporting Cars, Byron Avenue, Kirkby-In-Ashfield 4600 116 Church Hill, Kirkby In Ashfield, Nottingham, NG17 9LF 4250 East Kirkby Scouting Association, Cobden Street, Kirkby-In-A East Kirkby Scouting Association Fao M 4600 5, Diamond Avenue, Kirkby-In-Ashfield, Nottingham, NG17 7GN Diamond Avenue WMC 7400 37, Diamond Avenue, Kirkby-In-Ashfield, Nottingham, NG17 7GQ 4150 20, Diamond Avenue, Kirkby-In-Ashfield, Nottingham, NG17 7GR 2175 162A Diamond Avenue, Kirkby In Ashfield, Nottingham, NG17 7L 1275 126 Forest Road, Annesley Woodhouse, Kirkby In Ashfield, Not 1300 146 Forest Road, Kirkby-In-Ashfield, Nottingham, NG17 9HH 2000 124 Forest Road, Annesley Woodhouse, Kirkby In Ashfield, Not 2000 R/o 119-125, Forest Road, Kirkby-In-Ashfield, Nottingham, NG 1st Annesley Scout Group 7000 Annesley Woodhouse Working Mens Club, Forest Road, Kirkby-In Annesley Woodhouse Working Mens Club 3000 21 Kingsway, Kirkby-In-Ashfield, Nottingham, NG17 7DR 1750 Gnd Flr, 29 Kingsway, Kirkby In Ashfield, Nottingham, NG17 7 8500 1 Lowmoor Road, Kirkby in Ashfield, Nottingham, NG17 7BE 2900 36 Lowmoor Road, Kirkby in Ashfield, Nottingham, NG17 7BP 3850 170 Nuncargate Road, Kirkby In Ashfield, Nottingham, NG17 9E 1700 R/o 273, Nuncargate Road, Kirkby-In-Ashfield, Nottingham, NG 2275 R/o 275, Nuncargate Road, Kirkby-In-Ashfield, Nottingham, NG Band/RV Property Address Name 1575 83 Park Street, Kirkby In Ashfield, Nottingham, NG17 8DT 8200 Gypsy Fashions, Portland Street, Kirkby-In-Ashfield, Notting 1850 Adj 51, Sherwood Street, Annesley Woodhouse, Kirkby-In-Ashfi 10500 Units A & E, Sidings Road, Kirkby In Ashfield, Nottingham, N 2700 32 Station Street, Kirkby In Ashfield, Nottingham, NG17 7AS Bairstow Eves East Midlands Ltd 5100 78-80 Station Street, Kirkby-In-Ashfield, Nottingham, NG17 7 At Slade T/a Fidl 8700 88 Station Street, Kirkby-In-Ashfield, Nottingham, NG17 7AP Barclays Bank Plc 10500 21-23a Station Street, Kirkby-In-Ashfield, Nottingham, NG17 National Westminster Bank Plc 2250 Over, 29-31 Station Street, Kirkby In Ashfield, Nottingham, 910 21, The Hill, Kirkby-In-Ashfield, Nottingham, NG17 8JS 1025 23, The Hill, Kirkby-In-Ashfield, Nottingham, NG17 8JS 6400 Adj Railway Inn, Urban Road, Kirkby-In-Ashfield, Nottingham, Kirkby in Ashfield Old Peoples Welfare C 1775 36 Victoria Road, Kirkby-In-Ashfield, Nottingham, NG17 8AR 5900 Alliance Supermarket, Walesby Drive, Kirkby-In-Ashfield, Not Tallfine Ltd T/a P 4650 Before 2a Allen Street, Hucknall, Nottingham, NG15 7DS 3500 49 Annesley Road, Hucknall, Nottingham, NG15 7AD 5200 63/65 Annesley Road, Hucknall, Nottingham, NG15 7DR 2700 42A Annesley Road, Hucknall, Nottingham, NG15 7AB 2125 Before The Elms, Beardall Street, Hucknall, Nottingham, NG15 3rd & 8th Hucknall (rbl) Scout & Gui 7300 2 Central Walk, Hucknall, Nottingham, NG15 7HF 10250 5 Central Walk, Hucknall, Nottingham, NG15 7HF Johnson Cleaners Uk Ltd 8000 66 High Street, Hucknall, Nottingham, NG15 7AX 2500 51 Portland Road, Hucknall, Nottingham, NG15 7SL 2050 Butlers Hill Post Office, Portland Road, Hucknall, Nottingha 6700 13-15 Portland Road, Hucknall, Nottingham, NG15 7SL 5600 Draftco Engineering, Station Terrace, Hucknall, Nottingham, 5000 150 Watnall Road, Hucknall, Nottingham, NG15 7NH Hucknall Hope Lea Project Limited Fao J 640 Over 15-17, Watnall Road, Hucknall, Nottingham, NG15 7LD 4600 7a, West Street, Hucknall, Nottingham, NG15 7BW National Tyre Service Ltd 2950 Wigwam Lane, Hucknall, Nottingham, NG15 7TA 5600 Notts Newspapers Ltd, Yorke Street, Hucknall, Nottingham, NG North Notts Newspapers Ltd T/a H 10750 After 9, Alfreton Road, Underwood, Nottingham, NG16 5GA Underwood Miners' Welfare Trust 1600 Selston Parish Council, Alfreton Road, Selston, Nottingham, Selston Parish Council 4250 Ashfield D C, Church Lane, Underwood, Nottingham, NG16 5FS Selston Parish Council 1650 Miners Welfare Cricket Ground, Church Lane, Underwood, Notti Underwood Miners' Welfare Trust 6100 16, Dixie Street, Jacksdale, Nottingham, NG16 5JZ Ashfield Nominees Ltd In Receivership 1450 15 Hanstubbin Road, Selston, Nottingham, NG16 6BL 6200 24 Lathkill Drive, Selston, Nottingham, NG16 6GU 4350 Ashfield D C, Main Road, Jacksdale, Nottingham, NG16 5JU Selston Parish Council 1100 Bracken Park Football Club, Mansfield Road, Underwood, Notti Bracken Park Football Club 6500 35, Mansfield Road, Selston, Nottingham, NG16 6EE Selston Parish Council 4150 After 15, Recreation Street, Selston, Nottingham, NG16 6AG Selston Working Mens Club 950 Annesley Parish Council, Annesley Cutting, Annesley, Notting Annesley Parish Council 2900 149, Watnall Road, Hucknall, Nottingham, NG15 7NG Ladbrokes Betting and Gaming Ltd (2340) 2475 17, Percival Crescent, Sutton-In-Ashfield, Notts, NG17 5GD Ashfield Home-Start 10250 11 High Street, Hucknall, Nottingham, NG15 7HJ W Yeomans (Chesterfield) Ltd 1450 44, High Street, Stanton Hill, Sutton-In-Ashfield, Notts, NG 2800 R/o 12, Alfred Street, Sutton-In-Ashfield, Notts, NG17 4EQ 1850 36, Derbyshire Lane, Hucknall, Nottingham, NG15 7JX 450 Site No 4001-0013, Sutton Road, Huthwaite, Sutton-In-Ashfiel Clear Channel Uk Ltd 450 Site No 4001-0024, Alfreton Road, Sutton-In-Ashfield, Notts, Clear Channel Uk Ltd 450 Site No 4001-0011, Mansfield Road, Sutton-In-Ashfield, Notts Clear Channel Uk Ltd 640 Site No 9-01, 137, Kirkby Road, Sutton-In-Ashfield, Notts, N Mills & Allen Ltd 1500 64, Nottingham Road, Selston, Nottingham, NG16 6DE 2250 56, Nottingham Road, Selston, Nottingham, NG16 6DE 660 Hillbanks Cottage, Commonside, Selston, Nottingham, NG16 6FJ 4100 22 Kingsway, Kirkby-In-Ashfield, Nottingham, NG17 7BD Taylors Of South Wingfield Ltd 3250 Unit 33, Old Sheepbridge Works, Coxmoor Road, Sutton-In-Ashf 2150 74b, Forest Road, Sutton-In-Ashfield, Notts, NG17 3BB 6600
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