I JANUARY 31, 1963 THE TORRANCE HERALD 31 Armed Forces Army S/4 John C. Wlllls, trained to maintain and service son of Mr. and Mrs. Mcryl D. reciprocating aircraft systems. Willis, 2218 Gramorcy Ave., The airman, who enterei the recently participated with 1 service in June 1982, is other members of Battery A of graduate of Narbonne High DEL MONTE SAL the 43rd Missile Battalion in a School. one-week missile firing prac­ SAVE MONEY TOO! tice at McGregor Guided Mis­ Army pvt. Thomas A. Ben- OCK YOUR SHELVES...AND sile Range, N. M. nett, son of Mr. and Mrs. A I- Specialist Willis' unit, armed \ mus L. Bennett, 2610 Hunting- with the Nike-Hercules mis-;ton Lane, Redondo Beach, re­ sile, is part of the nationwide cently was assigned to the 57th LUCKY BONDED or USDA CHOICE U. S. Army Air Defense Com­ Artillery Nike-Hercules missile mand (ARADCOM), and is unit at San Pedro. M.J.B. regularly assigned at Cle,men- Bennett, a finance clerk in ton, N.J. the artillery's Headquarters He was graduated from Tor- Battery, entered the Army in ranee High School in 1957 and March 1959. attended the University of The 21-year-old soldier was Detroit graduated from Atchison (Ran) High School in 1959. )FFEE Steak Larry D. Anthony, radarman Round V. second class, son of Mr. and Staff sergeant Habacue CENTER CUT Mrs. Elmer D. Anthony of Garcla is being reassigned to 16418 Illinois Ct. is serving Holloman AFB, N.M., following Every Luelty Bended round iteek it cut from the CENTER his graduation from the United thit aboard the destroyer USS of the round . NONE u ever cut from BEYOND Perry, which has rejoined the States Air Force technical choice tender eroa. You're thui aisured of the UPMOST Sixth Fleet In the Mediterran­ training course for aircraft in tenderness and flevor! ean after a tour of duty in the maintenance technicians at Middle East. Sheppard AFB, Tex. During the cruise, the Perry Sergeant Garcia was trained 55 participated in a Joint Ameri­ to supervise the maintenance $1.09 can-Iranian naval exercise in and repair of reciprocating en­ i Can... the Persian Gulf and visited gine aircraft and test equip­ ports in Yemen, Aden, Saudi ment. Arabia, and other countries in The sergeant, whose parents the Red Sea and Persian Gulf reside at 3239 W. 189th St., is areas. married to the former Beatric Rodriguez of 422 Deleware St., BIURY'S BEST James M. Harper, seaman, Alamogordo, N.M. They have son of Mrs. Uramae Harper of two children, Rudy and Eliza­ 21812 S. Figueroa St.. recently beth. graduated from Aviation Fa­ miliarization School at the Airman basic Clarence W. Naval Air Technical Training < Durham Jr., son of Mr. and Center. Memphis, Tenn. | Mrs. Clarence W. Durham Sr. The two-week course covers of 163 W. 232nd Place. Wil- airplane types and designa­ mington. Calif., is being reas­ tions, safety, survival proce­ signed to Sheppard AFB. Tex., dures and fire-fighting. for technical training as a United States Air Force baso Dollcioui USDA Far a »!co ramp specialist. Lamb Shouldor... rooit tonight . Curtls M. Schlmmel, seaman, utilities to in- RUMP Durham, who com­ LAMB You'll wont E>tro fle»orf«l ond son of Mr. and Mrs. Fred Airman cludo it ofton In ttnd.r. Schlmmel of 917 Acacia St., pleted the first phase of his your menu. was serving aboard the attack military training at Lackland transport USS Okanogan while AFB. Tex.. was selected for the ROAST she was part of the United specialized course on the basis ROAST State quarantine forces in the of his interests and aptitudes. Caribbean. He attended Narbonne High The Ukanogan was part of a School. His wife is the former than 20 am­ Donna Del Rio of 1113 Des- For o dolno moo< task force of more Gonuino ihouldor loot . (inoii phibious ships which left ford St. chopi . From GROUND LAMB burfort ... bo Southern California in October tho finoit milli-fod two to buy plenty I with 18.000 Navy men and Ma­ Floyd G. KlrUey, seaman ap­ l«mb. rines aboard. prentice, USN son of Mr. and The Okanogan returned re­ Mrs. Glenn T. Klrtley of 23624 ROUND cently to Long Beach. Susana Ave., is serving aboard I IDE CHOPS the destroyer USS Brtnkley Edward E. Evansea, aviation Bass, which joined the Sev­ I1T SIZE BOX machinist's mate first class. enth Fleet In the Far East. Th« son of Mr. and Mrs. Earl Bass entered an anti-submarine STEAK Evansen of 1341 W. Carson St., unit Immediately after joining PRECARVED LAMB ROAST 45c BONELESS ROUNB Fleet. She visited Shoulder cut ... USDA Choice . Bonded by Lucky. All pure meat ... no bont. reported recently for duty at the Seventh the US. Naval Air Station. Yokosuka, Japan, shortly Atsugl, Japan. thereafter. BREAST OF LAMB 9c E-Z CUT CUBE STEAK _ He has been assigned duties Thit special lamb tr««t Is loeded with delicious meet. For delleloui meel In e hurry! with the Materiel department. Marine Pvt 1/C Jamee C. A graduate of the Belmont Erlekson, son of Mr. and Mrs. High School in Los Angeles, Clifton II. Erickson of 4813 LAMB SHANKS _____.... 39c SIRLOIN TIP STEAK ib. 89c St.. Is serving with . .It't Lucky Bended or USDA Choice Kvansen entered the Navy in Carmelynn Frethly cut from choice milk-fed lamb. Tender. .juicy. .deliciout. September 1950. the Third Marine Aircraft Wing at the El Toro Marine ROUND BONE LAMB CHOPS » 89c SIRLOIN TIP ROAST __.. *. 85c James B. Eaatenrood, air­ Corps Air Station, Santa Ana. U S 0 A Choice. Genuine bonelen to give you e tolid lean roast that's truly mperb. man, USN. son of Mrs. Edna P. The station is a base for IUIND DUBUQUE Easlerwood of 4304 W. 180th helicopters, jets, and trans­ St., is serving with the only ports engaged in supporting RATH BLACK HAWK SLICED BACON R'^tfc-1 ''TV, 59c weather squadron in the Pa­ cific, Alrbone Early Warning \ Pcndleton.. Squadron One. VIED HAM FRESH FRUITS AND VEGETABLES! The squadron completed an­ Terry Clno TrapletU, fire­ LUCKY SPARKLING other season recently as "Ty­ man apprentice, USN. son of naUfural phoon Hunters," locating and Mr. Egino Traplcttl of 932 at kos .youi tracking typhoons and storms Rayland Drive, Is serving throughout the Western Pa­ the San Diego headquarters of oomn. *679 cific. Flying radar-equipped the Pacific Reserve Fleet. Super Constellation aircraft, RED DELICIOUS the squadron's crew mem­ Marine Lance Corporal Ralph bers flew 332 reconnaissance Vargas, son of Mr. and Mrs. ttlHN FRANKS » .*, 53c Fancy Red Wethington De­ flights for a total of 2.180 : Manuel Vargas of 1055 W. iouit terved with beans or kraut. licious . Smell lite . hours in the air. They located! 204th St, was among 900 Ma- good for deiiertt, teledi, 25 typhoons, four more than MA Lucky 12-w. piei end eetlng out of the previous record set In Day In the Caribbean. Christ* n. i£«9C Sliced loioejim Nig. 1958. mas In Southern California, APPLES and New Year's Day in Hawaii Airman third class Michael and now Is In Okinawa. 245. ^% Plump, firm and golden-ripe D. BUkeley is being reassign­ The Marines were among Centre! American! t ed to McClellan AFB. Calif., 18,000 men called from the BANANAS following his graduation from West Coast for the United the United States Air Force States quarantine operations la Large die . Fuertei . technical training course for the Caribbean during Novem­ HOME ECONOMIST £ AM''5 OWN 2°25 ripe end reedy to eet. aircraft mechanics at Sheppard ber. They returned to Camp December BURGUNDY IEEF AVOCADOS AFB, Tex. Pendleton earlv In Airman Rlakeley, nephew of and departed, Dec 27. for Oki­ Hlert bottom round Mo I '/> U«h plocoi cite* Mr. and Mrs. P. H. Woodward nawa. New Year's Day was •I '/• «up flour, I tfolpoon lilt ond Vd tooipoo* of 1580 W. 218th St. was spent In Hawaii. i«»«y > tkillot fry * ilicol bo«o*. loltlno, It brown BROWN ONIONS 5; 25' > «'ii«p. Komovo I* from tho tklllot ond cut It Into !«•• Mho plocoi In • catiorolo dith. In tho bacon to tkilillot. brow* 1 Urgo «lov«i of finely chopped », $1 Colton Heads Harbor rod btoof plocoi «nd brown quickly on oil (Idol, YELLOW POPCORN 3 L» 29c ASSORTED CANDY 3 crlip '« tender! 8 verietiet . Individually wrepped to iniure frethneul th. pti.coi «„ brown, pour In on. ounco brandy, Direct from Iowa . Popi ttho mo*t to tho cottorolo dlih. Add to tho Real Estate Course tfro%h muthroomi or I —4 ounco c*n drained A clan In real estate prac­ THE INSTEL'CTOR of tht r4uickly ond add thorn to tho oauorolo dl»h. tice* will be offered In the eve­ spring course, Victor M. Col. I MmMining. In «h. ikillot add I cup boof bouillon ning division during the spring ton, holds a bachelor's degree) 9undy... Stir wtll. Pour ill liquid from th ( ikillot semester at Harbor College, it from the University of Califor­ rtd ndld II imtll whlto onloni II imoll cloaood was announced by Carmen nia at Santa Barbara, and has penonni. 3 wholo clov.t. I largo boy Uif. 1 to- Martnella, chairman of the studied at the University of •*rilo y *nd ''« toaipoon oach marjoram «nd buiineta diviiion. California at Los Angeles, and th.n pour evor on additional V> oup I JP«t U« HOME CENTERS The course, which meets at the University of Southern lorolo tightly «nd boko it 121 for I hour*.
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