SHAHIDFAROOQ PhD(Weed Science) GaziosmanpasaUniversity,Departmen t of PlantProtection Tokat,Turkey PERSONAL E–MailAddress: [email protected];[email protected] Nationality: Pakistani ACADEMICS Board/Univ. Year Degree Division Maxmarks MarksObtained MajorSubjects GaziosmanpaşaUniv.Tokat,Turkey 2018 PhD 93.1% WeedScience B.Z.Univ.Multan,Pakistan 2012 M.Sc.(Hons) First 4.00CGPA 3.89CGPA Agronomy B.Z.Univ.Multan,Pakistan 2010 B.Sc.(Hons) First 4.00CGPA 3.79CGPA Agriculture B.I.S.E.Multan,Pakistan 2006 F.Sc. First 1100 768 Pre-Medical B.I.S.E.Multan,Pakistan 2003 SSC/Matric First 850 653 Science PhD Thesis: Experimental and Ecological Niche Modelling Approaches to Predict Potential Distribution Areas of Some Invasive Weeds in Turkey M.Sc. (Hons.) Thesis: Mitigating Terminal Drought in Wheat (Triticumaestivum L.) through Seed Enhancement Techniques AREAS OF EXPERTIES ❖ Weed Biology and Ecology ❖ Crop Production under Stressful Environments ❖ Species Distribution Modelling ❖ Climate Change WORK EXPERIENCE i. Worked in a project funded by Bahauddin Zakariya University to improve wheat productivity through seed enhancement techniques under drought stress (part of MSc thesis) ii. Worked as BIDEB-Scholar in the project “Development of Monitoring and Information system for alien plant species in Turkey”. The main duties were to collect and analyze data and develop models for the potential spread of alien species in the country. I used multivariate statistics (CONACO and R software) to correlate the species’ distribution with environment and soil factors. I actively used Geographic Information System (GIS) through ARCGIS and R software to develop models for understanding plant invasion in Turkey under changing climate and other environmental conditions. iii. Worked as Visiting Lecturer at Bahauddin Zakariya University Multan, Pakistan (2012-2014) iv. Worked as Soil Reclamation Officer (BS 17) at Directorate of Land Reclamation, Irrigation Department, Govt. of Punjab (2012-2014) RESEARCH INTERESTS My specific interest are alien plant species, their spread patterns, spatial distribution and future spread potential. I am curious to know “why invasive plant species are there and how will they be distributed in future”. For finding these answers I used correlative (MaxEnt model, Ensemble of different models like, GLM, GBM, GAM, RF etc.) and mechanistic models (CLIMEX model) to understand the current and future spread potential of invasive plant species at different spatial scales. AWARDS&GRANTS ❖ FullyfundedPhDScholarshipfromthe ScientificandTechnologicalCouncilofTurkey(TUBITAK) 2014-2018 ❖ TravelGrantfor“ShortTermScientificMission”fromEuropean Cost Action - SMARTER(Sustainable ManagementofAmbrosiaartemisiifoliainEurope) ❖ StudentTravelGrantforattending“NEOBIOTAConference”,October2016inViandenLuxembo urg ❖ StudentTravel GrantAwardfromAsian PacificWeedScience Societytoattend“26thAsianPacificWeedScience conference”Kyoto,Japan, September,2017 ❖ StudentTravelGrantAwardtoattend“InternationalDiyarbakırSymposium”heldinDiyarbakır, TurkeyduringNovember,2016 JOURNALPUBLICATIONS– (Total Impact Factor = 35.40) Publications in Review 1. Farooq S., Onen H., Ozaslan C., Baskin CC., Gunal H. 2018. A Broad Seed Germination Niche for Common Ragweed (Ambrosia artemisiifolia L.) Populations Naturalized in Turkey. South African Journal of Botany. (In Review) 2. Farooq S., Onen H., Caldiran U., Tad S., Ozaslan C. 2018. Seed germination biology of three biotypes of Mile-a-minute weed explain their invasion success in Turkey. Flora. (In Review) 3. Onen H., Farooq S.,Akyol N., Ozaslan C. 2018. Seed Dormancy Differences among Invasive Populations of Common Ragweed (Ambrosia artemisiifolia L.) in Turkey. Journal of Field Crops. (In Review) 4. Farooq S.,Onen H., Ozaslan C. 2018. Seed Dormancy Differences among Different Populations of Two Co-occurring Invasive Congeners. Journal of Field Crops 5. Farooq M., Hussain M., Usman M., Farooq S., Alghamdi SS., Siddique KHM. 2018. Impact of abiotic stresses on grain composition and quality in food legumes. Journal of Agricultural and Food Chemistry. (Revision Submitted) 6. Hussain M., Latif A., Nawaz A., Farooq S., Hussain S., Dogan H., Ahmad S. 2018. Maize hybrids with deep and more proliferated root system observe better yield and water use efficiency under deficit supplemental irrigation. Pakistan Journal of Agricultural Sciencs. (In Review) PUBLISHED ARTICLES 1. Onen H., Farooq S., Tad S., Ozaslan C., Gunal H., Chauhan BS. 2018. The Influence of Environmental Factors on Germination of Burcucumber (Sicyos angulatus) Seeds: Implications for Range Expansion and Management. Weed Science, 66:494–501 (IF = 2.04) 2. Hussain M., Farooq S., Hassan W., Tanveer M., Shah AN., Al-Ullah S., Farooq M. 2018. Drought Stress in Sunflower: Effects, Responses and Management. Agricultural Water Management. 201:152-166 (IF = 3.18) 3. Onen,H.,Akdeniz,M.,Farooq, S., Hussain,M.,&Ozaslan,C.2018.WeedFloraofCitrusOrchardsandFactorsAffectingItsDistributio ninWesternMediterraneanRegionofTurkey. PlantaDaninha:v35:e017172126. (IF = 0.54) 4. Ozaslan C., Hüseyin E., Farooq S., Onen H. 2018. New Records of Microfungi and Chromista from Anatolian Peninsula of Turkey. PlantaDaninha:In Press. (IF = 0.54) 5. Kadıoğlu İ., Farooq S. 2017. Potential Distribution of Sterile Oat (Avenasterilis L.) in Turkey under Changing Climate. Turkish Journal of Weed Science, 20(2): 1-13. 6. Ozaslan C., Farooq S., Onen H., Ozcan S., Bukun B., Gunal H. 2017. Germination Biology of Two Invasive Physalis Species and Implications for Their Management in Arid and Semi-arid Regions Scientific Reports. doi:10.1038/s41598-017-17169-5. (IF = 4.12) 7. Farooq S., Tad S., Onen H., Gunal H., Caldiran U., Ozaslan C. 2017. Range Expansion Potential of Two Co-occurring Invasive Vines to Marginal Habitats in Turkey. Acta Oecologica. 84: 23-33. (IF = 1.61) 8. Onen,H.,Farooq,S.,Gunal,H.,Ozaslan,C.,&Erdem,H.(2017).HigherTolerancetoAbioticStresses andSoilTypesMayAccelerateCommonRagweed(Ambrosiaartemisiifolia)Invasion. Weed Science,65(1),115-127.(IF = 2.04) 9. Shahzad M.,Hussain M., Farooq M., Farooq S.,Jabran K., Nawaz A. 2017. Economic Assessment of Conventional and Conservation Tillage Practices in Different Wheat-based Cropping Systems of Punjab, Pakistan. Environmental Scienceand PollutionResearch. DOI 10.1007/s11356-017-0136-6. (IF = 2.80) 10. Farooq, S., Hussain, M., Jabran, K., Hassan, W., Rizwan, M. S., & Y a s i r , T. A. (2017).OsmoprimingwithCaCl2improveswheat(TriticumaestivumL.)productionunderwater- limitedenvironments.Environmental Scienceand PollutionResearch,24(15), 13638-13649.(IF = 2.80) 11. Ozaslan,C.,Farooq,S.,Onen,H.,Bukun,B.,Ozcan,S.,&Gunal,H.(2016).InvasionPotentialof Two TropicalPhysalisSpeciesinAridandSemi-AridClimates: EffectofWater-SalinityStressandSoil TypesonGrowthandFecundity.PloSone,11(10),e0164369.(IF = 2.76) 12. Ozaslan,C.,Farooq,S.,Onen,H.(2016)DorailwayscontributetoplantinvasioninTurkey?Agricultu re andForestry,62(3):285-298 13. Ozaslan,C.,Onen,H.,Farooq,S.,Gunal,H.,&Akyol, N.(2016).Commonragweed:anemerging threatforsunflowerproductionandhumanhealthinTurkey.WeedBiologyandManagement, 16(1),42-55.(IF = 0.77) 14. Hussain,M.,Farooq,S.,Jabran,K.,Ijaz,M.,Sattar,A.,&Hassan,W.(2016).Wheatsownwith narrowspacingresults inhigheryieldandwateruseefficiencyunderdeficit supplementalirrigationatthevegetativeandreproductivestage.Agronomy,6(2),22. doi:10.3390/agronomy6020022 (IF = 1.41) 15. Hussain, M., Waqas-ul-Haq, M., Farooq, S., Jabran, K., &Farroq, M. (2016). The impact of seed priming and row spacing on the productivity of different cultivars of irrigated wheat under early season drought. Experimental Agriculture, 52(3), 477-490.(IF = 1.68) 16. Onen,H.,Farooq,S.CurrentStatusandFutureProspectsofInvasivePlantsinTurkey.CIHEAMWat chLetter.33. 17. Farooq,S.,Shahid,M.,Khan,M.B.,Hussain,M.,& Farooq,M. (2015).Improving theproductivity of bread wheatbygoodmanagementpracticesunder terminaldrought.JournalofAgronomy andCropScience,201(3), 173-188. (IF = 2.57) 18. Ahmad,N.,Khan,M.B.,Farooq,S.,Shahzad,M.,Farooq,M.,&Hussain,M.(2015).Potassiumnutrit ionimprovesthemaizeproductivityunderwaterdeficitconditions.Soiland Environment,34(1),15- 26. 19. Khan,M.B.,Hussain,M.,Raza,A.,Farooq,S.,&Jabran,K.(2015).SeedprimingwithCaCl2andridg eplantingforimproveddroughtresistanceinmaize.TurkishJournalofAgricultureandForestry,39 (2),193-203. (IF = 1.43) 20. Hussain,M.,Bashir,W.,Farooq,S., &Rehim,A.(2013).RootDevelopment,AllometryandProductivityofMaizeHybridsunderTermin alDroughtSownbyVaryingMethod.International Journal ofAgriculture &Biology,15(6). 1243-1250.(IF = 0.86) 21. Shah,M.A.,Manaf,A.,Hussain,M.,Farooq,S.,&Zafar-ul-Hye,M.(2013).Sulphurfertilization improvesthesesameproductivityandeconomicreturnsunderrainfedconditions.International Journal ofAgriculture &Biology,15,1301-1306.(IF = 0.86) 22. Hussain,M.,Mehmood,Z.,Khan,M.B.,Farooq,S.,Lee,D.J.,&Farooq,M.(2012).Narrowrowspaci ng ensureshigher productivityoflowtilleringwheatcultivars.International Journal ofAgriculture &Biology,14,413-418.(IF = 0.86) 23. Hussain,M.,Khan, M.A.,Khan, M.B., Farooq,M.,&Farooq,S.(2012). Boronapplication improvesgrowth,yield andneteconomicreturn ofrice.Rice Science,19(3),259-262. (IF = 1.52) 24. Khan, M. B., Ahmad, M., Hussain, M., Jabran, K., Farooq, S., &Waqas-Ul-Haq, M. (2012).AllelopathicplantwaterextractstankmixedwithreduceddosesofatrazineefficientlycontrolTr ianthemaportulacastrumL.Zeamays,The Journal of Animal and Plant Sciences. 339-346.(IF = 0.40) 25. Hussain,M.,Shabir,G.,Farooq,M.,Jabran,K.,&Farooq,S.(2012).Developmentalandphenologica
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