Government Health Service Facilities1 Clinic Districts by Visits, Bahamas 2012 Island Health Population Centres/ Visits per 2010 Community Health Poly Main Satellite Island Island Census2 Districts Town/ Settlement Hospital Clinics Clinics Clinics Total Capita 1. Anne's Town - - 8,668 - 8,668 2. Blue Hill Road - - 15,142 - 15,142 3. Coconut Grove - - 13,913 - 13,913 4. Flamingo Gardens - 49,707 - - 49,707 5. Adelaide - - - - 0 6. Elizabeth Estates - 51,573 - - 51,573 7. Fox Hill - - 5,432 - 5,432 n/a 8. Gambier - - 4,715 - 4,715 New 9. Fleming Street - 27,508 - - 27,508 246,329 1.1 Providence 10. South Beach - 46,879 - - 46,879 11. Adolescent Health - - 6,416 - 6,416 12. Princess Margaret - - Hospital - 0 13. Sandilands Rehabilitation Centre - - - 0 Supplementary Clinics: 14. Postnatal - - - - 10,846 15. School Health - - - - 23,511 Subtotal 0 175,667 54,286 0 264,310 1. West End - 7,683 - - 7,683 1. West Grand Bahama 2. Eight Mile Rock - 16,396 - - 16,396 3. Hawksbill Creek - - 15,609 - 15,609 2. Central Grand Bahama 4. Rand Hospital - - - 0 5. PACE Clinic - - 658 - 658 6. High Rock - 3,732 - - 3,732 7. Pelican Point - - - - 0 3. East Grand Bahama 8. Freetown Clinic - - - - 0 9. Sweeting's Cay - - 1,490 - 1,490 10. McClean's Town - - 1,849 - 1,849 4. North Grand Bahama/ 11. Grand Cay Grand Abaco 51,368 - - 3,402 - 3,402 1.6 Bahama Supplementary Clinics: 5. Community Mental Health Centre - - - - 1,724 6. Disease Surveillance - - - - 5,401 7. District Nursing - - - - 4,061 8. Geriatrics - - - - 2,106 9. Postnatal - - - - 6,407 10. Rand Child Health - - - - 7,822 11. School Health - - - - 4,782 Subtotal 0 27,811 23,008 0 83,122 1. Cooper's Town - 5,861 - - 5,861 1. North Abaco 2. Fox Town - 3,800 - - 3,800 3. Green Turtle Cay - - 2,520 - 2,520 4. Marsh Harbour - 15,861 - - 15,861 5. Hope Town - - 1,852 - 1,852 2. Central Abaco 6. Man-o-War Cay - - - 496 496 Abaco 17,224 2.0 7. Dundas Town - - - - 0 8. Guana Cay - - - - 0 9. Moore's Island - - 2,061 - 2,061 3. South Abaco 10. Sandy Point - - 2,771 - 2,771 11. Cherokee Sound - - - - 0 Subtotal 0 25,522 9,204 496 35,222 1. Chesters - - - - 0 2. Masons Bay - - - 2,648 2,648 Acklins, 1. Acklins 3. Spring Point - 2,877 - - 2,877 Crooked 895 4. Salina Point - - - 2,524 2,524 12.3 Island, Long 1. Colonel Hill - - - 1,606 1,606 Cay 2. Crooked Island 2. Landrail Point - 1,323 - - 1,323 Subtotal 0 4,200 0 6,778 10,978 Island Health Population Centres/ Visits per 2010 Community Health Poly Main Satellite Island Island Census2 Districts Town/ Settlement Hospital Clinics Clinics Clinics Total Capita 1. Nicholl's Town - 6,527 - - 6,527 2. Lowe Sound - - - - 0 1. North Andros 3. Mastic Point - - 1,730 - 1,730 4. Red Bay's - - - - 0 5. Blanket Sound - - - - 0 6. Fresh Creek - 5,567 - - 5,567 7. Bowen Sound - - - - 0 2. Central Andros 8. Staniard Creek Andros 7,490 - - - 653 653 3.6 9. Stafford Creek 10. Cargill Creek - - 934 - 934 11. Mangrove Cay - - 1,726 - 1,726 12. Miriam Green Health 3. South Andros Centre/Kemps Bay - 10,137 - - 10,137 13. Driggs Hill - - - - 0 14. Mars Bay - - - - 0 Subtotal 0 22,231 4,390 653 27,274 Berry Islands 1. Bullocks Harbour - - 4,282 - 4,282 Berry Islands 807 5.3 Subtotal 0 0 4,282 0 4,282 Bimini 1. Alice Town - 6,694 - - 6,694 Bimini 1,988 3.4 Subtotal 0 6,694 0 0 6,694 1. Bain Town - - 886 - 886 2. Old Bight - 1,687 - - 1,687 Cat Island Cat Island 1,522 3. Orange Creek - - 2,721 - 2,721 4.8 4. Smith's Bay - 2,041 - - 2,041 Subtotal 0 3,728 3,607 0 7,335 1. Harbour Island - 3,988 - - 3,988 2. Lower Bogue - - 5,172 - 5,172 1. North Eleuthera 3. The Bluff - - 3,378 - 3,378 4. Spanish Wells - 5,294 - - 5,294 5. Current Island - - - - 0 6. Governor's Harbour - 5,952 - - 5,952 7. Gregory Town - - - - 0 8. James Cistern - - - - 0 Eleuthera, 2. Central Eleuthera 9. Palmetto Point - - - - 0 Harbour 11,515 10. Alice Town/Hatchet Bay - - 4,511 - 4,511 3.4 Island, 11. Savannah Sound - - - - 0 Spanish Wells 12. Rock Sound - 5,752 - - 5,752 13. Tarpum Bay - - 2,313 - 2,313 14. Wemyss Bight - - 3,052 - 3,052 3. South Eleuthera 15. Bannerman Town - - - - 0 16. Green Castle - - - - 0 17. Deep Creek - - - - 0 18. Waterford - - - - 0 Subtotal 0 20,986 18,426 0 39,412 1. Black Point - - 2,057 - 2,057 2. Farmer's Cay - - 221 - 221 3. Forbes Hill - - - 145 145 Exuma and Exuma 4. George Town - 7,464 - - 7,464 Ragged 7,000 2.3 5. Lydia King Rolle/ Steventon - 5,324 - - 5,324 Island 6. St. Luke's/Staniel Cay - - 654 - 654 Ragged Island 1. Duncan Town - - 458 - 458 Subtotal 0 12,788 3,390 145 16,323 Inagua 1. Matthew Town - 5,004 - - 5,004 1. Abraham's Bay - - 1,115 - 1,115 Inagua and 1,190 Mayaguana 2. Betsy Bay 5.1 Mayaguana - - - - 0 3. Pirate's Well - - - - 0 Subtotal 0 5,004 1,115 0 6,119 1. Simms - 4,034 - - 4,034 1. North Long Island 2. Seymours - - - - 0 3. Clarence Town - - 1,179 - 1,179 4. Deadman's Cay - 4,939 - - 4,939 5. Glinton's - - - - 0 Long Island, 2. South Long Island 6. Dunmore's - - - - 0 San Salvador, 4,133 3.7 7. Roses - - - - 0 Rum Cay 8. Mortimers - - - - 0 1. Cockburn Town - 4,675 - - 4,675 3. San Salvador 2. United Estates - - - - 0 4. Rum Cay 1. Rum Cay - - - 592 592 Subtotal 0 13,648 1,179 592 15,419 Total 351,461 All Areas 0 318,279 122,887 8,664 516,490 1.5 -' Not applicable. 1Clinic districts for the year 2010. 2Preliminary 2010 Census Health District (Family Islands): The island of residence and the area served by the resident Medical Officer Health Centres/Poly Clinics: Health facility with resident Medical Officer and Nursing Staff; consists of overnight beds for patients and delivery facility; offers ambulatory care, x-ray services, specialized care, and maternal and child health care. Main Clinics: Health Facility with resident/visiting Medical Officer, consists of resident nurse and no overnight bed facility; offers maternal and child health services and minimal emergency care. Satellite Clinics: Small facility for visiting medical and nursing staff (weekly, bi-monthly, or monthly visits); clinics are usually in a remote area. N.B. No resident Doctor/Nurse or overnight facilities in the New Providence Clinics. Source: Department of Public Health Prepared By: Health Information and Research Unit 08/2013 Government Health Service Facilities1 Clinic Districts by Visits, Bahamas 2011 Island Health Population Centres/ 2010 Community Health Poly Main Satellite Island Census2 Districts Town/ Settlement Hospital Clinics Clinics Clinics Total 1. Anne's Town - - 8,779 - 8,779 2. Blue Hill Road - - 15,585 - 15,585 3. Coconut Grove - - 14,106 - 14,106 4. Flamingo Gardens - 46,775 - - 46,775 5. Elizabeth Estates - 47,355 - - 47,355 6. Fox Hill - - 5,497 - 5,497 7. Gambier n/a - - 4,028 - 4,028 8. Fleming Street - 28,954 - - 28,954 New 248,948 9. South Beach - 37,760 - - 37,760 Providence 10. Adolescent Health - - 6,798 - 6,798 11. Princess Margaret - Hospital - - 0 12. Sandilands Rehabilitation Centre - - - 0 Supplementary Clinics: 13. Postnatal - - - - 9,316 14. School Health - - - - 31,694 Subtotal 0 160,844 54,793 0 256,647 1. West End - 7,148 - - 7,148 1. West Grand Bahama 2. Eight Mile Rock - 17,384 - - 17,384 3. Hawksbill Creek - - 16,095 - 16,095 2. Central Grand Bahama 4. Rand Hospital - - - 0 5. PACE Clinic - - 637 - 637 6. High Rock - 3,919 - - 3,919 7. Pelican Point - - - - 0 3. East Grand Bahama 8. Freetown Clinic - - - - 0 9. Sweeting's Cay - - 1,435 - 1,435 10. McClean's Town - - 1,725 - 1,725 4. North Grand Bahama/ 11. Grand Cay Grand Abaco 51,756 - - 3,546 - 3,546 Bahama Supplementary Clinics: 5. Community Mental Health Centre - - - - 1,595 6. Disease Surveillance - - - - 5,444 7. District Nursing - - - - 3,374 8. Geriatrics - - - - 2,425 9. Postnatal - - - - 6,591 10. Rand Child Health - - - - 7,462 11. School Health - - - - 3,213 Subtotal 0 28,451 23,438 0 81,993 1. Cooper's Town - 6,538 - - 6,538 1. North Abaco 2. Fox Town - 3,399 - - 3,399 3. Green Turtle Cay - - 2,821 - 2,821 4. Marsh Harbour - 11,496 - - 11,496 5. Hope Town - - 2,254 - 2,254 2. Central Abaco 6. Man-o-War Cay - - - - 0 Abaco 16,692 7. Dundas Town - - - - 0 8. Guana Cay - - - - 0 9. Moore's Island - - 2,276 - 2,276 3. South Abaco 10. Sandy Point - - 3,360 - 3,360 11. Cherokee Sound - - - - 0 Subtotal 0 21,433 10,711 0 32,144 1. Chesters - - - - 0 2. Masons Bay - - - 2,398 2,398 Acklins, 1. Acklins 3. Spring Point - 3,034 - - 3,034 Crooked 883 4. Salina Point - - - 2,259 2,259 Island, Long 1. Colonel Hill - - - 1,438 1,438 Cay 2. Crooked Island 2. Landrail Point - - 1,454 - 1,454 Subtotal 0 3,034 1,454 6,095 10,583 Island Health Population Centres/ 2010 Community Health Poly Main Satellite Island Census2 Districts Town/ Settlement Hospital Clinics Clinics Clinics Total 1. Nicholl's Town - 6,918 - - 6,918 2. Lowe Sound - - - - 0 1. North Andros 3. Mastic Point - - 2,347 - 2,347 4.
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