Encyclopedia of Heavy Metal Music This page intentionally left blank Encyclopedia of Heavy Metal Music WILLIAM PHILLIPS AND BRIAN COGAN GREENWOOD PRESS Westport, Connecticut x London Library of Congress Cataloging-in-Publication Data Phillips, William, 1961– Encyclopedia of heavy metal music / William Phillips and Brian Cogan. p. cm. Includes bibliographical references and index. ISBN 978-0-313-34800-6 (alk. paper) 1. Heavy metal (Music)—Encyclopedias. 2. Heavy metal (Music)—Bio-bibliography— Dictionaries. I. Cogan, Brian, 1967– II. Title. ML102.R6P54 2009 781.66—dc22 2008034199 British Library Cataloguing in Publication Data is available. Copyright C 2009 by William Phillips and Brian Cogan All rights reserved. No portion of this book may be reproduced, by any process or technique, without the express written consent of the publisher. Library of Congress Catalog Card Number: 2008034199 ISBN: 978-0-313-34800-6 First published in 2009 Greenwood Press, 88 Post Road West, Westport, CT 06881 An imprint of Greenwood Publishing Group, Inc. www.greenwood.com Printed in the United States of America The paper used in this book complies with the Permanent Paper Standard issued by the National Information Standards Organization (Z39.48-1984). 10987654321 Contents List of Entries vii Guide to Related Topics xiii Preface xix Acknowledgments xxiii The Encyclopedia 1 Heavy Metal Music: An Introduction 3 Entries A–Z 10 Selected Bibliography 271 Index 275 This page intentionally left blank List of Entries Accept Bad News AC/DC Bang Tango Aerosmith Bathory Agalloch Beatallica Airheads Behemoth Alabama Thunder Pussy Biohazard Alcatrazz Black Label Society Alcohol Black Metal Alice Cooper Black Sabbath Alice in Chains Blitzkreig The Amboy Dukes Bloodstock Amon Amarth Blue Cheer Amps Blue Murder € Anaal Nathrakh Blue Oyster Cult Angel Witch Body Count Anthrax Tommy Bolin Anvil Bolt Thrower April Wine Bon Jovi Arch Enemy Boris Armored Saint Britny Fox Asphalt Ballet Buckcherry At the Gates Budgie Autograph Bullet Boys Avenged Sevenfold Burning Witch Badlands William S. Burroughs viii LIST OF ENTRIES Burzum Dream Theater Cacophony DRI Candlemass Dusk Cannibal Corpse Dust Carcass Eagles of Death Metal Cathedral Earache Records Celtic Frost Electric Guitars Cinderella Elf Circus of Power Emperor Cirith Ungol English Dogs “Cookie Monster” vocal style Enslaved Corpsepaint Europe Corrosion of Conformity Exodus Crossover Extreme Crowbar Faith No More Crumbsuckers Fargo Rock City Cryptic Slaughter Fashion and Metal The Cult Faster Pussycat Cult of Luna Fates Warning Danzig Festivals Dark Angel Filter The Darkness Firehouse Darkthrone Flotsam & Jetsam Dead Horse Foghat Death Lita Ford Death Metal Fu Manchu Decline of Western Civilization, Part II: Funeral The Metal Years Girlschool Deep Purple Goatsnake Def Leppard Goblin Cock Deftones God Dethroned Deicide Godflesh Demos Godsmack Dethklok Gorgoroth Dimmu Borgir Great White Dio Grim Reaper Ronnie James Dio Grindcore Discharge Dave Grohl Dismember Grunge Dissection Guitar Hero Disturbed Guns N’ Roses Dokken GWAR LIST OF ENTRIES ix Hanoi Rocks Lez Zeppelin Hardcore (Punk) Limp Bizkit Hatebreed Living Colour Headbanging Lord of the Rings Heaven and Hell Lords of Chaos Heavy Metal Kids Machine Head Heavy Metal Parking Lot Yngwie Malmsteen Hellhammer Manowar Helloween Marilyn Manson High on Fire Masters of Reality Holocaust Mastodon The Horns Mayhem Immortal Megadeth Incubus Melvins Infectious Grooves Mercyful Fate Insane Clown Posse Meshuggah Iron Butterfly Metal Blade Iron Maiden Metal Church Isis “Metal Up Your Ass” Jackyl Metalheads Jethro Tull and the Grammys Metallica Judas Priest Misfits Juggalos M.O.D. Jen Kajzer Monster Magnet Diane Kamikaze Montrose Kat Moonsorrow Kid Rock Morbid Angel Killswitch Engage Moshing King Diamond Motley€ Crue€ King’s X Motorhead Kiss Mr. Big Kittie Mudvayne Kix Mushroom Head Korn Napalm Death Kreator Nashville Pussy Krokus Neurosis Kyuss New York Dolls Lamb of God Nickelback L’Amours Night Ranger Leather Nile Led Zeppelin Norwegian Black Metal Leng Tch’e Ted Nugent x LIST OF ENTRIES Om Savatage Orgy Scatterbrain Ozzy Osbourne Scorpions Overdose Sepultura Overkill Shock Rock Pariah Shotgun Messiah John Peel Sir Lord Baltimore Pentagram Skid Row Piercings Slaughter Pig Destroyer Slayer The Pit Sleep Poison Slipknot Poison the Well Smokewagon Possessed Andy Sneap Power Mad S.O.D. Powerman 5000 Sodom Primus Soilent Green Probot Soulfly Prong Soundgarden Queens of the Stone Age Southern Lord Records Queensryche€ Speed Metal Quiet Riot Speedcore Racer X Spikes Rage Against the Machine Spinal Tap Raging Slab Spread Eagle Rainbow Static X Rammstein Steve Stevens Ratt Stryper Raven Studs Riot St. Vitus Roadrunner Records Suicidal Tendencies The Rods Sunn O))) The Runaways The Sword Running Wild Tad Rush Tesla Sacred Reich Testament Saigon Kick Thin Lizzy Samson Thor Sarcofago Thrash Metal Satanicide Tora Tora Satanic Rock Tribute Bands Joe Satriani Triumph LIST OF ENTRIES xi Trixter Vision of Disorder Trouble Vixen Eddie Trunk Voivod TSOL Warrant Twisted Sister W.A.S.P. Type O Negative Watain UFO White Lion Upper Crust Whitesnake Uriah Heep White Zombie Steve Vai Wino Vandenberg Wishbone Ash Van Halen Woodstock 1999 Venom Wykyd Sceptre Vinnie Vincent Zolar X Virtuosity in Heavy Metal Rob Zombie This page intentionally left blank Guide to Related Entries BANDS Bathory Accept Beatallica AC/DC Behemoth Aerosmith Biohazard Agalloch Black Label Society Alabama Thunder Pussy Black Sabbath Alcatrazz Blitzkreig Alice Cooper Blue Cheer € Alice in Chains Blue Oyster Cult The Amboy Dukes Body Count Amon Amarth Bolt Thrower Anaal Nathrakh Bon Jovi Angel Witch Boris Anthrax Anvil Britny Fox April Wine Buckcherry Arch Enemy Budgie Armored Saint Bullet Boys Asphalt Ballet Burning Witch At the Gates Burzum Autograph Candlemass Avenged Sevenfold Cannibal Corpse Badlands Carcass Bad News Cathedral Bang Tango Celtic Frost Cinderella xiv GUIDE TO RELATED ENTRIES Circus of Power Filter Cirith Ungol Firehouse Corpsepaint Flotsam & Jetsam Corrosion of Conformity Foghat Crowbar Lita Ford Crumbsuckers Fu Manchu Cryptic Slaughter Funeral The Cult Girlschool Cult of Luna Goblin Cock Danzig God Dethroned Dark Angel Godflesh The Darkness Goatsnake Darkthrone Godsmack Dead Horse Gorgoroth Death Great White Deep Purple Grim Reaper Def Leppard Dave Grohl Deftones Guns N’ Roses Deicide GWAR Dethklok Hanoi Rocks Dimmu Borgir Hatebreed Dio Heaven and Hell Discharge Heavy Metal Kids Dismember Hellhammer Dissection Helloween Disturbed High on Fire Dokken Holocaust Dream Theater The Horns DRI Immortal Dusk Incubus Dust Infectious Grooves Eagles of Death Metal Insane Clown Posse Elf Iron Butterfly Emperor Iron Maiden English Dogs Isis Enslaved Jackyl Europe Jethro Tull and the Grammys Exodus Judas Priest Extreme Kat Faith No More Killswitch Engage Faster Pussycat King Diamond Fates Warning King’s X GUIDE TO RELATED ENTRIES xv Kiss Nile Kix Om Korn Orgy Kreator Overdose Krokus Overkill Kyuss Ozzy Osbourne Lamb of God Pariah Led Zeppelin Pig Destroyer Leng Tch’e Poison Lez Zeppelin Poison the Well Limp Bizkit Possessed Living Colour Power Mad Machine Head Powerman 5000 Yngwie Malmsteen Prong Manowar Queens of the Stone Age Marilyn Manson Queensryche€ Masters of Reality Quiet Riot Mastodon Racer X Mayhem Rage Against the Machine Megadeth Raging Slab Melvins Rainbow Mercyful Fate Rammstein Meshuggah Ratt Metal Church Raven Metallica Riot Misfits The Rods M.O.D. (Method of Destruction) The Runaways Monster Magnet Running Wild Montrose Rush Morbid Angel Sacred Reich Moonsorrow Saigon Kick Motley€ Crue€ Samson Motorhead Sarcofago Mr. Big Satan Mudvayne Satanicide Mushroom Head Savatage Napalm Death Scatterbrain Nashville Pussy Scorpions Neurosis Sepultura New York Dolls Shotgun Messiah Nickelback Sir Lord Baltimore Night Ranger Skid Row xvi GUIDE TO RELATED ENTRIES Slaughter White Lion Slayer Whitesnake Sleep White Zombie Slipknot Wino Smokewagon Wishbone Ash S.O.D. Wykyd Sceptre Sodom Zolar X Soilent Green Soulfly PERSONALITIES/SOLO Soundgarden PERFORMERS Spinal Tap Tommy Bolin Spread Eagle William S. Burroughs Static X Ronnie James Dio Stryper Lita Ford St. Vitus Dave Grohl Suicidal Tendencies Jen Kajzer Sunn O))) Diane Kamikaze The Sword Kat Tad Kid Rock Tesla Yngwie Malmsteen Testament Marilyn Manson Thin Lizzy Ted Nugent Thor Ozzy Osbourne Tora Tora John Peel Triumph Joe Satriani Trixter Sir Lord Baltimore Trouble Andy Sneap TSOL Steve Stevens Twisted Sister Eddie Trunk Type O Negative Steve Vai UFO Vinnie Vincent Upper Crust Rob Zombie Uriah Heep Vandenberg Van Halen BOOKS/FILMS/LABELS/FESTIVALS Venom Airheads Vision of Disorder Bloodstock (festival) Vixen Decline of Western Civilization, Part II: The Voivod Metal Years Warrant Earache Records W.A.S.P. Fargo Rock City Watain Heavy Metal Parking Lot GUIDE TO RELATED ENTRIES xvii Lord of the Rings “Cookie Monster” vocal style Lords of Chaos Demos Metal Blade Records Electric Guitars Roadrunner Records Fashion and Metal Southern Lord Records Festivals Woodstock 1999 Guitar Hero Headbanging SUB-GENRES Jethro Tull and the Grammys Juggalos Black Metal Leather Crossover “Metal Up Your Ass” Death Metal metalheads Grindcore Moshing Grunge Pentagram Hardcore (Punk) Piercings Norwegian Black Metal The Pit Satanic Rock Scatterbrain Shock Rock Spikes Speed Metal Studs Speedcore Tribute bands Thrash Metal Virtuosity in Heavy Metal HEAVY METAL CULTURE Alcohol Amps This page intentionally left blank Preface The Encyclopedia of Heavy Metal Music was a daunting but enjoyable endeavor for a
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