GOVERNMENT OF THE PEOPLE'S REPUBUC OF BANGLADESH ROADS AND HIGHWAYSDEPARTMENT OFFICE OF THE ADDMIONAL CHIEF ENGINEER SARAKBHABAN, RAMNA, DHAKA Public Disclosure Authorized DETAILED ENGINEERING, PREPARATION OF BID DOCUMENTS ENVIRONMENTAL IMPACT ASSESSMENT AND RESETTLEMENT PLAN OF NALKA - HATIKAMRUL - BONPARA Public Disclosure Authorized NEW ROAD Public Disclosure Authorized E-236 VOL. 8 DETAILED ENVIRONMENTAL STUDY panS Environmental Management and Monitoring Plan Air and Noise Pollution Assessement Public Disclosure Authorized DECEMBER 1996 DHV Consultants BV ConsultingEngineering Services (India) Pvt., Ltd. The Netherlands DevelopmentDesign 'ConsultantsLtd., Bangladesh in associationwrth Desh UpodeshLtd., Bangladesh DHV CES DDC DUL The Government of the People's Republic of Bangladesh NALKA - HATKAMRUL - BONPARA NEW ROAD Loan Agreement 2638 BD DETAILED ENVIRONMENTAL STUDY Part 1 Executive Summary Part 2 Socio-Economic Survey Part 2a Appendices Socio-Economic Survey Part 3 Base Line Survey Part 4 Resettlement Issues Part 5 ENVIRONMENTAL MANAGEMENT AND MONITORING PLAN Part 5a AIR POLLUTION ASSESSMENT Part 5b NOISE POLLUTION ASSESSMENT Subject Detailed Enviromnental Study File K4008.01.001 Date December 1996 Status Version I Our reference NHB/LJW/DES.VR1 I TABLE OF CONTENTS Page PART I PROJECTSETTING 1. Introduction 4 1.1 Termsof Reference 4 1.2 Scopeof Assessmentand ManagementAction. Plan 6 1.3 Approachand Methodologies 6 1.4 Policy,Legal and AdministrativeFramework 8 2. Project Description 10 2.1 ProjectRationale and Justification 10 2.2 ProjectComponents and Technical Layout 10 2.3 Civilworks and ConstructionMethods 11 2.4 ConstructionPlanning and ImplementationSchedule 12 PART II ENVIRONMENTALIMPACT ASSESSM:ENT 3. ExistingEnvironmental Impacts in the ProjectArea 12 3.1 Natural Impacts 12 3.1.1 Flooding 12 3.1.2 Storms 13 3.1.3 SeismicActivities 14 3.2 Man-madeImpacts 17 3.2.1 Destructionand Modificationof Natural Habitats 17 3.2.2 Pollutionof Water Resourcesand AssociatedHealth Hazards 17 3.2.3 ImpactsInfluencing the HydraulicRegime 18 3.2.4 Air Pollution 21 3.2.5 Noise Pollution 21 3.3 Developmentin the ProjectRegion 22 4.- EnvironmentalImpacts Anticipated Due to the NHBNRProject 23 4.1 Issues at Stake 23 4.2 Constructionand OperationRelated Physical Impacts 25 4.2.1Disruption of Floodand SurfaceDrainage Pattern 27 4.2.2Interruption of LocalTransport & Communication 27 4.3 Constructionand OperationRelated Ecological Impacts 28 4.3.1 Destructionand Modificationof Habitats 28 4.3.2 Impactson Wildlife 30 4.3.3 Risks of Deteriorationof Surfaceand GroundlwaterResources 31 4.3.4 Disposalof-Construction Materials and SolidWaste 31 4.4 Constructionand OperationRelated Socio-Economic Impacts 32 4.4.1 Impactson Agriculture 32 4.4.2 Impactson Fisheries 33 4.4.3 Constructionand TrafficHazards 35 4.4.4 Air Pollution 36 4.4.5 Noise Pollution 36 4.4.6Health and SanitationHazards 37 4.4.7 SocialLife Disruption 37 4.5 PotentialEnvironmental Benefits due to the Project 38 DHV Consultants BV PART m[I ENVIRONMENTAL MANAGEMENT & MITIGATION PLAN 5. EnvironmentalDesign Aspects and Mitigation Measures 39 5.1 EnvironmentalCriteria for Optimising Road Alignment and Final 40 Selection 5.1.1 Alignment ConsiderationsRelating to the Bio-Physical Environment 40 5.1.2 Alignment ConsiderationsRelating to the Human Environment 40 5.1.2 Measures to Reduce Accident Risks During Operation 40 5.1.3 Final Route Alignment Selection Process 41 5.2 Road Safety Designs in NHBNR 44 5.2.1 Measures to Reduce Accident Risks During Construction 44 5.2.2 Measures to Reduce Accident Risks During Operation 44 5.2.3 Curves, Junctions, Busstops 46 5.3 Sensitive Areas that should be Protected from Borrow Activities 46 5.3.1 EnvironmentalCriteria 46 5.3.2 Selection of Borrowpit Sites 47 5.4 - Control of Air Pollution 48 5.5 Control of Noise Pollution *48 5.6 EnvironmentalMeasures in Construction 49 5.6.1 Safe Deposit of Construction Material and Wastes 49 5.6.2 Rehabilitating Campsites after Completion 49 5.6.3 Rehabilitating Borrowpits 49 5.7 Mitigation of SocialTensions 50 6. Managementof Water Resources, Flooding and Navigation 51 6.1 Provision of Stable and Safe Drinking Water Supply 51 6.2 Control of Erosion, Siltation and Scour 51 6.3 Design Provisionsto Mitigate Flooding Events 54 6.4 Embankment Protection 57 6.5 Provisions to Maintain Unobstructed Navigation Routes 58 7. Fisheries Mitigation Plan Measures 59 7.1 Mitigation of Impacts Affecting Fish Migration and Ecology 59 7.2 Fish Stock Conservation Measures 60 7.3 Culture-BasedFisheries Schemes in Dighis 61 7.3 AquacultureDevelopment in Modified Clay Borrowpits 63 7.4 Additional Income Generating Facilities 65 8. Forestry Schemes 66 8.1 Embankmentand Roadside Plantation 66 8.2 Selection of Suitable Species 66 8.3 Plantation and Harvesting Scheme 68 Envizonranl ManageneatPlan - 2 Novmeiber1996 C: \ MMA \ EIA \ EMAP.DOC DHV Consultants BV' PART IV ORGANISATION AND MONOTORING PLAN 9. Organisation of the Environmental Management Plan 71 9.1 Organisational Framework 72 9.2 Tasks and Responsibilities of the Technical Team / Contractor 73 9.3 Tasks and Responsibilities of the Environmental Team 80 9.4 Tasks and Responsibilities of the Resettlement Co-ordinating Team 85 10. Monitoring opf the EMAP 86 10.1 Elements of Monitoring 86 10.2 Sectoral Monitoring Activities 87 Annex A Legal Framework to conduct this Environmental Impact Assessment Annex B Detailed Inventory of Trees which have to be Removed by NHBNR Annex C Fishpond Management for Rehabilitated Clay Borrowpits Annex D Cost Estimate Tables for EMAP Elements Enviromeaj Managem Plan - 3 - Novenber1996 C: \ MMA \ EIA \ EMAP.DOC A I I~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ABBREVIATIONS ADB Asian Development Bank AMP Asphalt Mixing Plant BAFRU Bangladesh Aquaculture and Fisheries Resources Unit BDT Bangladeshi Taka BRE Brahmaputra Right Embankment BWDB Bangladesh Water Development Board CIECC China International Engineering and Consulting Corporation CL Centre Line CPUA Catch Per Unit Area dBA Decibel with A Weighting DOE Department of Environment DOF Department of Fisheries DPHE Department of Public Health Engineering EIA Environmental Impact Assessment EMAP Environmental Management Action Plan EP Entitled Person ERAP Economic Rehabilitation Action Plan FAD Fish Attracting Device FAP Flood Action Plan FCD Flood Control and Drainage GIS Geographical Information System GOB Government of Bangladesh HYV High Yield Variety IFADEP Integrated Food Assisted Development Project IRC Indian Road Congress IWTA Inland Water Transport Authority JMBA Jamuria Multipurpose Bridge Authority MIS Management Information System MPO Muriate Potash (K20 - fertiliser) NGO(s) Non Governmental Organisation(s) NHBNR Nalka Hatikamrul Bonpara New Road NW North West NWFP Northwest Fisheries Extension Prejject/BAFRU OD Operational Directive ODA Overseas Development Agency PAP(s) Project Affected Person(s) PDB Power Development Board RAP Resettlement Action Plan REB Rural Electrification Board RHD Roads and Highways Department ROW Right of Way RRMP2 Second Road Rehabilitation and maintenance Project SWMC Surface Water Modelling Study T.S.P. Triple Super Phosphate (P2 05 ) ToR Terms of Reference WARPO Water Resources Planning Organisation WB World Bank I ha = 2.47 acres = 247 decimals Monetary values are expressed in BDT (Bangladesh Taka). Where applicable, US$-equivalents are given, using an exchange rate of BDT 42 per US$ 1.00 as per October 1996. I .. .........~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~.:i n . I DHV Consultants BV ENVIRONMENTAL MANAGEMENT PLAN 1. Introduction The main objective of the Consultancy Services is to assist the Government of Bangladesh in preparation of detailed engineering design and detailed environmental studv for the proposed new road (NHBNR) connecting Nalka-Hatikamrul and Bonpara/Ahmedpur. This report includes all findings and assessments with respect to the environmental issues related to NHBNR. It also elaborates an Environmental Management Action Plan for the major interventions of this project in order to mitigate, minimiseor to avoid potential environmentalhazards. 1.1 Terms of Reference During its screeningand assessment procedures, the Feasibility Study (CIECC, 1993) has identified many issues relating to engineering and environmentalaspects as needing more detailed investigation during a detailed design phase. Based on this analysis, the ToR.) that relate directly and indirectly to both the EIA and the EMAP are as follows: Scope of Services Taking into account the findings of the feasibility analysis and preliminary engineering, as well as the relevant environmental impact studies, the Consultants shall perform detailed environmental studies, economic analysis, detailed field surveys, surface and subsurface investigation, including specific soils and materials investigations, laboratory testing and related works, and proceed with the detailed design of the road, bridges and other drainage structures. A master plan for environmental mitigation shall be drawn up, and implementationprocedures established. During the course of their services the Consultant was supposed to carry out inter alia, a detailed environmental Study in accordance with World Bank Operational Directive 4.01 and 4.30 for a Category A project. *) Selectedtext. adoptedand modified.where applicable. from ToR providedby the Client. Ewramnww Mamsrem PLia - 4 - Novmber 1996 C: \ MMA X EIA \ EMAP.DOC
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