■f+„. c. </ •/ LG£ FOURTEEjf SATURDAY, APRIL 1,1N4 X. Manchester Evening Heratd Average Dailjrr S i w i l alation F^.the Moath «( 1944 ' The iVi-alhcr Foreeast ul U. S. Weather Bureac To Take Census . / |s Proluoteil Guest Soloist -Vs 8,706/ , Clear and conliaued mid to­ About Toilm IHeard Along Main Stre^ EAT '^HE BEST AT REY m An DER’S X; I Member of tho Aodlt night; Tueoday fair with moder- OiSTown’s Vbler^ ROAST BEEP AU JUS V. BareM ot droolattowi iito tsinperaturee. iRiomaJ Scott o f MoelchouM. /ind on Sortie o f Mdncheiter^g Sirle Sireehi\Too V NATIVE BROILERS ■-X' , o / VUlaBtf Charm V fMd ku entered ttw Hartford ‘ The registrars. voters kospltal where ha wfll be operated \ r \ DELICIOUS 45TEAKS start on Monday with a number of iqwn. No doubt'ipany Republicans In'^froni malaria which he contract YOL. LXm „ NO. 156 (CteiMiaed AdverttalBg oa Fhga 10) MANCHESTER, CONN.V MONDAY, A P ^IL 1944 (TWELVE PAGES) ...anehester are wondering how after more than a year In tl assistants to take a census of.'the OYSTERS AND CLABI8 ON THE HALF SHELL PHl^E^HREE CENTSCE also with, ^ ■■ V_____________________ _ i Group l{Of IlM Kamorlal liospl- the Town Committee had grown South Pacific but voters In Manchester. This will be DINE AND DANCE TOIUGHTI M AintlUary, Hra. Ralph Kauf> to the number ot 6?. A few years wicked toothache. He tr ie d 'to 'g it an appointment with three-' dent­ completed., by Jiily 1. There will BIMU), actlnc leader, and Group 3, bat!k the committee was made up . itrm D. If. Oaldwell, leader, will of 15 members. When', the cam­ ists but all of them were booked be .many ne^<i' names added this Reswander's R«ita|i#ant FirB|^Radiotelephoto from on Sofia Attack ' aieet llonday at two o'clock at paign got undei way thC<commit­ far ahead. year, because of the new dcvclop- ■^^'Floe Wines. Liquors and American Bombers 'I A neighbor inquired If he had the MemoiHal hospital. tee would call In special 'Workers menfA slhce the last,list was com­ 35-37 Oak Sti*;9et telephone 3922-. ...... ' —’i " ' to do special ' work. Theae^.m ^+cyntacted Dr. Sheridan, -^ e Ma- pleted. "I * ......... ' ■ riWe had not. but he went Imme- and women would willingly g^ve , c . ■ i It is likely that the census '.vlll : Thai' Junior Luther Lehi^ie of office, 'S h n n u el Lutheran church will their time to the job. Although show atsurt 13.000 names on the . y.*'' they were not regular memberswere three patients ahead list thJS year. Attack Budapest; :5eht Tuesday evening at 7:30 o f the committee. This system bf the soldier, but when the doctor h’elock at the church. An e<]uca- saw the Marine uniform he Im- W E REPRESENT THE jBTRONGBST tlonal program la being prepared. worked out Very well. In'mcent 7^ar«." however, after STOCK AND DIYIDBND the chairman had named his coM - ' M t^ n g room. He found the tooth i r ;s baiily impacted and extracted it. PfC. Carl O, E. Gustafson of iiiittce there were some members N&turally^tbe soldier was tbank- PAYING USOl HlUlard street haa been pro- who tjelieved tiiat there Wei'|C ftif, but he Was even more so when ' looted to Technician fifth grratle. other good worker* In the pargy Dr, Sheridan refused to take pay- COMPANIES H e ia atatlonec at the Tank De- who aiiould be on the committee.. Fly from Base^ . in OSS jflioyer Replacement Training meiilrfor the service INSURE me A* a result at about every meet­ Tax Windfall Center, North Camp H<x>d,iTexas. We didn't hear .this story from Italy to Hit Railway ing new member* were added. DV. Sheridan but from a sister of X Many were added to th*.^comnUt- IN ■ Aviation Cadet Wesley E. Van- OorponU «lohn AcArrhuk the Marine. Miss Anna Ragosa Centers an d/im port­ tee who Ttnew nothing about It For Draftee Other Russian Fore cour, husband of Mrs. Florence K,. SUREj INSURANCE! until the secretary notified them ant Aircraft Fac­ Planes Score Farm Crops ^ Vm oour of 316 Spruce street has ' John Scarchuk, of 2 f North Has Manchester lost Its village The seven last words of Cffirlst V about a meeting. The result was Strike to W itliiir/1 9' dOpopleted his training a t the School street, has been promoted charm ? Here’s one person - who from the Cross will be celebrated DIAL, 58;9 — 85.1 MAIN ST. tory J u ^ South of that not more thah 60 per cent of Dads Looms yBaalc .I^ylng^ school at Oourtland, to the grade of Corporal as a thinks so. Read the follow ing. let­ In sacred cantata at ' South /BURKE@ Several Hits Miles o f Odessa I/Molo-; laboratory technician of an AAF’, them ever attended more than one Methodist church at the Palm Hungarian Capital. Waste May j / Ala„ and will -be transferred to an ter: , \ ' wtvanced fijing; school for his photographic technical squadro>v meeting In a year. ‘‘I understand yoiir c<^mn )i Sunday evening service at 7:30 toV Says Invasion Is' ^ At the recent Republican cau- IrsucihnRsi lUNOitsnRCDiiii .^dmal period of pilot training. operating In the Mediterranean anonymous.' I enjoy It aiM The o’clock In the church sanctuary. London, April 3.— A Experts Calculate Many Upon Tirpitz Dictated hy Military^ theater. Corporal Scarchuk, a the voter* named Wm. 8. Herald but' I don't enjoy \Uvlng 'The cantata "Ths Seven Last jj^dvertise in The Herald— ^It Pays ^^pply Gas ^ graduate of Manchester High Hyde as chairman of the Town here. By reading further you. will Words of Christ" by Theodore great formation of American Will Be Eligible for Committee and authorized him to Necessity add Not With AUCE COFRAN school and the University of Con­ find out why. I trust miy letter will Dubois will be sung by the South heavy bomber.® attacked Refund in Addition to necticut, wears battle stars for form a committee not to exceed help bring to public notice a smel church choir with James New­ Geniiaiis’X Mo8t Po.wer- Aims o f Seizing Any': V" (Known As Queen Alice) 30 mcm^cs. Republican worker* Budapest today, carrying out Post-W^ar Plan Also In-^ SPIRiniAL MEDIUM participation In the North African ly nuisance. It's really a case for comb at tjis oigan and aa direc­ the first U. S. attack on the Mustering Out Pay. ful Battleship Still and Italian campaigns. Before the who have had experience know the Board of Health. eludes Making Coal; i Part o f Territory.^ Sieeath OangMer of a Seventh Son tor. The sploista will be . ' Mrs. Hungarian capital. Thejlipnib- Bom With n Veil •w)^ Corporal Scarchuk was em.' full well that with a Uve commit­ "The person who. It was stated lunice Hohenfhal and Miss Elea- tee of 30 mch.hnd women better New York, April 3.— — One Skulking- in Alten ■ r n fr g - Dnily, biciiHling Sondhy^ pilled as a geneticist at the Con­ in a recent column, had bis garb­ Wlllard, sopranos, Bernard ers flew from bases in, Italy, Process Developed' London, April work can \be accomplished for the t A . M. to 9 P. M. Or By Appolnt- necticut Agricultural Experiment age pail damaged, could easily dis­ ipagna, tenor and Robert J. and the Berlin radio told of silver lining appeared in the fath­ Fjord; No Details. During Past 18 Years. Red Army troops, having StatiiOT,' New, Haven, Conn., where party than a coimmttee twice pose o f bis garbage by bringing anant. In the Service of the Peo­ in, baritone, all of whom are violent battles between Amer­ er-draft clouds today as income tax smashed across the Prut riv- ple (or SO Vanra. hi^ (tp^iallzed in plant breeding. that size. A succeasfw commit­ it over to the North End,— to be membere of the choir. tee must work togetherXThere Is ican. and German planes over experts calculated that many London, April J- ()P) —British Its Cbnrch Street. Hartford; Conn. Cortionif Scarchuck Is a son of more,, specific, .,g house alm ost. in A sXvlce of worship, will pro- By lloward M, Blakeslee er in their first invasion of : bound to be differences of'oplnlon hungary. draftee dads would be eligible for Naval planes have scored several Phone «-S024 Mrs. Scarchuk. the M adow o f the nice old red .cede thV singing of the cantata AssoWuted Press' Helene« Editor Axis soil were reported driv­ in regard to policy but whMV^he Railway Center Target bomb hits on ihc Germans' most chur£lt.i Frtom that point North and will be led by the minlater of a windfall of "folding money” In Cleveland, April 3— A Post-war ing across eastern Rumania ! committee has voted to fo lto ^ his nosib will be his best guide. South' chUrcb, Rev. W. Rplph The Budapest railway center addition to their ftiustering-out powerful battlesnip. the 35,000-ton certain course then the ifntl plan for making the world’s gaso­ toward "the Danube rtver d "H e can divide the garbage be- Ward, Jr.,/Frederick I. Roge^ and an Important aircraft factory pay. Tirpitz, the Admiralty announced membership should stick M> that line, and later Its coal, from f^rm reen all the animals in that one will play uie Case Memorial jtwt south of the capital were the A fter sharpening their pencils to<!ay. ■ ta and the Carpathian moi policy.
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