Reiterates Candidacy; Refutes Assertion of ''Kidding^ 1 II W?af ^ Fprec^, TODAY’S Bilii « m m 1. Net aoch ehaa*» in.tenarate*. NEWS High yeaicrd^SI, U w ^ ; Ja. U w tUs fpomliiK 1 TODAY A Regional NewBpap«r Serying \ J— ,FAl.L,g_f /-» Six Irrigated Counties in Idaiio VOL. X X . NO. 27ft-6 CENTS. m n ■ Hour htttea Wlr« TOtfrtphle TWIN FALLS, IDAHO, THURSDAY. MARCH' 3. 1938 OFFICML COUNTY NEWBPAPI». •«*»«• th> PiUtod P w DEATH TOLL 40 IN COASTAL FLOOD LITTLE HOPE HELD FOR 'n INE ABOARD MISSING PLANE Two Inquests Called after Father C if E X E B Damage Reaches DRIFTS l E l E D Kills Baby, Dies in Police Gunfire DPWSINIIIAL To 25 Million as USONiyCM N Officer’s Bullets I Where Lawyer Awaits Word of Son A M I HERE Waters Subside By JOHN DUNLAf Repudiating a press service FRESNO,- Calif., March 3 dispatch from Boise that put Southern California Witliout (U.R) — The only hope today Fell Parent Who him in the light of ‘kidding’ for the safety of nine per­ at the time he revealed his sona aboard a Tranacontin- candidacy for a second terra Communication After Storm ental and Western A ir trans­ Murdered Boy, 2 Tuesday night in Twin Falls, port plane- that vanished Gov. Barzilla W. Clark today By RONALD W. WAGONER Tuesday night was that the substantiated the exclusive (Copyright, 1»M, United Prea) plane had been landed intact, Twill Falls and Payette Man Evening Times announce­ LOS ANGELES, March 3 (U,R)~(Via Radiophone to San in the eight feet of snow that ment. Francisco)—Southern Callfornla’8 worst flood in 60 yeara blanketed the mountains east The Times story Wednes­ began to ease today after a dlsastroUB 96 hour cloudburst of here. Fii’es Thi’ee Shots mto Child day was the first announce­ which took a toll of at least 40 dead, caused property dam­ The plane, en route from ment in the state. I t dis­ age exceeding |25,000,000, left 8 ,^0 persons homeless and San Francisco to Los Angeles Separate inquests will be held starting Friday at 10 a. closed that Governor Clark virtually isolated the entire area from the rest of the world. with six passengers and a m. in the deaths of Henry Edwin St. John, 47, killed during will enter his name in the Hardest hit were Los An- crew of three, last was heard an exchange of gunfire with local officers last night after August primary and will cam* gcle8». .Riverside . and Long - - from shortly after 9 p. m. he is alleged to have pressed a .38 revolver against his paign to succeed himself in Beach.- More than six inches Tuesday night. A t that timie two-year-old son LeRoy and murdered the child. the state’.s highest office. FISH of devastating rain poured it was believed to have been St. John, a Twin Falls and Payette horsetrader and Today at Boise, Uio chief executive L06 AKOELES, March 3 (U.R) down 6 d the three cities and in the vicinity of Shaver reiterated hl.^ Intention to enter tho -Sounds fishy, maybe, but it's vicinity in the last 24 hours' farmer, was shot and fatally primary and began mapping pre­ Lake, approximately 40 miles true: for a total of 11 inches since .. wounded by Chic^f of Police liminary plans for his campaign. At the height of yesterday's northeast of here. Howard Gillette after a bul­ He stated definitely Uiat he had the storm started. Bud Rhoades. 20-ycar-old Fresno storm, Dorothy Nelson fished a Informed the Evening Times reporter three-inch perch from tho swirl­ Beach reported 11 puaooa youth, offered the only possible due let from St. John’s gun had LOrS MEDICAL that the formal announcement could ing gutter at the comer of 11th swept out to sea and beUeved dn nm - - grazed Gillette’s left cheek. lo the plane's whereabouts today. be Issued. He denied erroneous as­ ed when a bridge over the Rhoades said he heard an airplane After a illelt« had fired twice, one and Broadway streets In the N. Y., that 12-ye«-.- sertions that ho had said ho was heart ot the business district. Ing Los Angeles river w u cwepfi . Ilyins over his cabin six miles north bullet striking the m an in the lower away. chest and the other in the upper old Peter Levine, son of M wray Levine, prominent lawyer, was "kidding," and declared that he A messenger boy "hooked" an­ of Bass lalce at 11:45 p. m. Tuesday At least 10 perions were drowned night, A few ficconds later he heard abdomen, he started to fall but suc­ EX A M m lA M E D retom lnt from high acbooi wben lie disappeared, preiomably kid­ seeks to carry out in a second term other at Seventh and HIU streets, or crushed to death by ItndaUdei ceeded In firing two more bullets In­ tho program he has charted In his while Patricia Pease found a a loud crash, and at 3 a. m. Wednes­ Dr. Dean H. Affleck. Twin Falls, naped. In a radio plea, Lertae aUted federal and local aathorlUes in Los Angeles. day he said he heard two shots. to the body of hla son, whom he bad agreed to remain oat of the case, and pleaded for non-interfer­ IniUal period In office. perch floundering <6' help us. It's has been appointed by tlie bureau Tea lost their U m a t R ln n k is Rhoades told his story to TWA held In his left arm. and another at ence oatll he had negotiate* with the presmned kidnapers. It Is true) on Uie “welcome" mat, of air commerce at Washington to DENIES -KIDDING- wben the Santa Ana rim burst * officials, who sent a new pos» to the th ^ chlcf of police. be medical examiner for all pilots In reported that a demand tor «M ,M « ransom has been made. when she opened her beauty BOISE, Id a , March 3 {U.R>-aov. ibop at Eighth and Hope. ' dam and broke from iU vtabllshed Bass lake area to Investigate. Bass Threatened Family this foction of Idaho, it was an­ channel' lake Is approximately 20 miles from BarzUla Clark today denied that he Gillette, accompanied by Art nounced here this afternoon by Shaver lake, where the search had had been “Just kidding'' when he an­ n v e died a t S o Bernardino, Parker, deputy sheriff; F. M. Kings­ Lionel A. Dean, president of the been concentrated. nounced yestarday th at he would IM M 1 bury, state traffic officer; John Idaho PUots’ association. The pilot, Capt. John D. Graves, ieek • Mcond term as chief exeeuUve aoertzen of Haniu»n and Lud Drexler Affleck's appointment was first apparently confused by heavy raiD> announced the regular meeting Payment of/Ransom: o f Idaho. • fall and p o o r > « 2 ^ t7 In the vicln* of TwMX'l^ObriiMl been called to th* He refuted iUtements jiUhbuted jiw ic S S iS a resldenee Mra. St. John's motber, ' " ' Kon held last night at Itjr a i the T a b ia ^ p l mountains, ro< at to blra in which ha wai.<|lio£ed as located a 4uarter>mlle n « t h »Dd the hotel A dinner pre> ported first th«Tt be was turning back ceded the business session held in hiving said he was having a joke at ''mg mu wii'ilra^ tSt Sn same dlAance east of A ve Polnta wctt mlMlas at Vtntura.' . from the route to Los Angeles to seek the club rooms. ^een for Kidnaping the expense ot a newspaperman who east. The call for the police was made One matt was drowned a t Oolton* the Fresno airport and later that he Appointment of a local .physician asked him if the goveioor woold per­ Intended to land at Bakersfield. by James Crawford, Mrs. 8t. John's to give all pilots physical examina­ NEW BOCUELLE, N. Y.. March X (U.R>-T»»6 Levine family has m it announcement of ^Is candidacy SAN PRANOISOO, M arch I OIA- Thousaodi were marooned tv Hood TWA pfflclals forced to abandon brother, who said that 8t. John "had tions as well as other testa, as Is raUed the $60,000 ransom demanded by kidnapers tor the return of for'^a second term. nallro«is and highways between waters. a search for tlio liner lost night be­ broken Into the house and was required by law, was one of the ob­ Peter Levine and the way is clear for BegotUtlons, a source close to Governor Clark said he *^ost ietl- Loe Angeles and San Francisco . Kora than 10,000 pwioos wen cause of weather, resumed the hunt threatening to klU all of them.'* jectives of the association. H ie ap­ the family said today. Qoertzen ond Drexler accompanied nltely” told a reporter that: were blocked today by sUdes, wssh- reKued from roofs of their flooded air daylight by air and by ground pointment of a physician In Twin “Yon can announee that X will parties. the three officer* on the call, hav­ Palls wUl make it unnecessary for hornet by lifeguards in boats. NEW ROCHELLE, N. Y., March 3 <U,R)—Ransom to ob­ seek a second term as govemer of 7ba Red Grow announced it was Donald Black, spokesman for the ing been In attendance at a review fliers of this section to go to Boise msln line through the San Josquln of the federal bureau school recent­ tain the release of 12-year-old Peter Levine, kidnaped a Idaho and 1 will not deny it.’! caring for 8,000 to lOfiOO refufec* .
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