T^v > ■ 7 7 ' y '•\ PAGE SIXTEEN TUESDAY, MAY 12. 195* iianrl|[(etpr Eti«ning 1$praiik Averags Dafly Net P i ^ Rtin Far the Week Ended Thd Wcathdr Members of the Christoforo Col­ have been made available to Oon- see their hospital duriii^ National May 9. 1S5S Povoenst of C. S. Waatbo About Town ombo Society and the Italian- Engaged Hospitals Face necticut hospitals depicting hos­ Hospital Week, and to boys and American Society are requested to pital personnel at,work on their glrls^ in high schools who are in Olondy witb abowen tenight. meet at the .Itallan-American Club Bad Shortages jobs: the nurse caring for a new­ the process of choosing their fu­ y 10,981 An important meeting of the tonight at 7:30 to proceed from born baby, the labora'tory . tech­ ture career. Hospitals offer an un- Member e« the AndH Thursday cloudy wltb mqralat Senior CSioir of the Coiicordia there to theAv. p. QuI.sh Funeral nician making a count of blood paralled oppot-tunlty for service to BoreM el drealatlaEM ■ / showere aad eeobr. LntNeran Church will be held, at 7 Moine to pay respects to the 'late Of Personnel cells, the chef preparing the noon­ one's neighbor, thus providing a Manche$ter— A CUy of Village Charm o'clock tomorrow night before the Mrs; -Peter Cignetti, whose hus­ day meal, the electrician replacing greatly appreciated job satisfac­ regular rehearsal. Plans for the band la'a. member of both clubs. s OPENING MAY 14' . "Your Hospital- ia an interesting a ■ Section in an electrical line, tion. Connecticut hospitals expect annual banquet and picnic will be to continue this program, which iCIaaMfled AdvartialBt aa Pa(a SS) MANCHESTER, CONN.,. WEDNESDAY, MAY 13^ 1953 place to w’ork" Is the theme this the medical secretary preparing VOL. LXXIL NO, 190. (TWENTY-FOUR PAGES— IN TWO SEtmONS) PRICE FIVE d N IB £seussed.. All members are re- The Alpha Ggmma Delta Found­ the physicians case report, the has its - Inauguration in National THURSDAY II A.M. .quested to be present. ers' Day state luncheon will be year in, Connecticut for National maid preparing a hospital room Hospital • Week, throughout the held at Waverly Irih^Cheshire, on Hospital Week, May 10-17, which for an expectant mother, the an­ rest of the year. *nie next meeting of the Con­ Saturday, May 23, at 'l- p. m. celebrates the anniversary of the esthetist elirninating the pain of an • X . ■N.. necticut Chapter. 88th Infantry birth of Florence. Nightingale on operation, the X-ray technician Lodge Veto Division Association, will be held Linne Lodge No. 72, Kdights of operating the complicated X'-ray Sunda'y at the American Legion Pythias, will hold its-regular meet­ May 12. This theme was selected equipment. UN Truce Hall. M Washington street, New ing tomorrow night at 8 o'clock iii by the Connectloit Hospital As­ The slides, which portray these OLLIE an ! STAN’S Britain. Orange Hall. _ sociation In order to bring., to the and many other hospital people at D isturbing N . X’ the'r wo;k, have been prepared Miss Alice P. Barber of 571 Tol- attention of Connecticut ri'tizrns AUTO BODY:^ Lawrence J. Decker,. ,Ir., of 73 the hard fact that hospitals face from photographs taken by mem­ X, land turnpike will observe her 30th Cooper street, yesterday joined the ber hospitals of the Connecticut CANDINAVIAN ton serluua shortages of trained per­ ★ W ELD IN G anniversary with the Factoty In­ Army Airborne forces and ' has Hospital Association. They will be Sen. Saden surance Association on May 17, sonnel,, so necessary to good pa­ ★ AUTO lODY and proceeded to the Recruit Recep­ tient care. exhibited to visitors who come to tion Center at Fort Benning, Oa. , CRAFT SHOP Marine Sgt. Donald S. Cordner. In'm aqy areas of the state it FENDER REPAIRS State (Capitol, Hartford, aO, husband o t Mrs. Mary Cordner A daughter was born at the Mt. has not been possible to ntiliae or f COMPLETE CAR . Main Street— Tel. Ml-9-6117 . Seeking Relief from Tear Gas May 13— (A*)— Governor John of 141 Edgerton street and son of open newly built facilities becau.se 11:1 Sinai Hospital In Hartford Sat­ LET US FILL YOUR PAINTING MRS. ALMA CASPERSON, Prop. Move'Held Lodge’s first veto of the se.s- Mrs. Alice Lowell of 24 Eldridge urday to Mr. and Mrs. Nels John­ of lack o f nurses or technicians. As LACQUER and iJNAMEL ________ - ______ \. '• sion— on a labor bill— brought street, recently completed the 55th son, -633 Middle turnpike west, -.. a result the community suffers sj_ Hass o f tHe f e l MarineT5i vision -mt-mnro; -rumblings o f dissatisfaction Thereaa J. Brown walling TUC'rTor "eTectlve surgery 8 (iriswold Street •Noncommissioned Officers' School grow. Since (raining of nursea or today among some legisla­ The meeting of the Manchester Tel. MI-9-5023 I M PO l^ f E D SW ED ISH C R A FT ck iStep ^i in Korea. He attended Manchester Branch of the Connecticut Cancer Mr. and Mrs. Earl K. Brown of technicians requires one or more tors. Air View of Devastated Area High School and was employed at .veai-s to obtain, the hospitals of | Society will take place Tutsda.v Vernon and Grand Streani.. M e„ A reliable source repoAed that •'the-Campbell Auto- Suppy prior to Connertlrot have Joined In a pro-1 • BRASS • COPPER # WROUGHT IRON especially disturbed was a mem­ Royal Navy his enlistment in the Marine evening of next week. Instead of announce the engagement and ap­ gram to intere.st people of all ages i Nam It tonight, at the Manchester Memo­ proaching ,m'>rrlage of their Called for and delivered ber of Lodge's own . Republican Corps. In careens in hospitals. Their pay | promptly at no extra party. Sen. George A. Saden (R- rial Hospital, d.iughter, Mi.ss There.s.a Joan rates are comparable with other • STAINLESS STEEL ~ WOODEN OBJECTS Brown, to Richard Win.slow Esta- Bridgeport), Senate chairman of Units Leave busines.Scs in their f ommunities | charge. PL0WIN6 AND Panmunjom, May 13—</P) the Labor committee. TTie drill team of the WBA The Sacred Heart Mothers-CJircle hrook, son of Mr. and Mrs. W?lns- Juniors will have a dress rehearsal ,anrl both security and health care ' Open 11 A. M. ^ 5 P. M„ Thursdays 11 A. M. to 9 P. M. —The UN Command today Refuse* Discne*ion will meet Thursday at 8 p.m. with low E.stabrook of 210 Avery ' Is assured, since hospitals operate ! HARR0WIN6 tomorrow at 6:30 p.m. in Tinker Mrs. Edward L>mch. 235 Vernon street, Manchester. P'NE PHARMACY handed the Communists a Saden himself, however, de­ Hall. It is important that all of round the clock year after year, i \ ^'Ulosed All Day Wednesdays F or Canal street. The members are reminded Mi.ss Brown attended schools in 'ALL Ml.9.9814 CALL A. RUTLER new blueprint for an armis­ clined to discuss publicly the gov­ the boys and girls be present. to bring articles for . the "white Maine and graduated from Scotia I To interest people in hospital , tice in Korea, It was a sweep­ ernor’s action other than to say I careers a series of colored slides M l.9 .9 5 4 3 They will present the drill at the elephant" sale that evening. High School in Schenectady, N. ing: 11-point plan for exchang­ that the bill will be redrafted in Cairo, Egypt, May 13— (IP) Hotel Burrltt. New Britain. Satur­ Y. She is employed hy the Aetna an attempt to meet Lodge's objec­ — Lt. Gol. Gamel Abdel Nad- day, at the state rally of the order. ing prisoners of war, last big tions. Organist Barry Wood has called Insurance Company, Haitford. The vetoed bill is intended to ser, chief of. staff to Premier Mr. Estabrook attended school.-! roadblock to a truce. ’a rehearsal of the choir of the The Alliea would free 34,000 speed up appeals in labor Injunc­ .Naguib, said today that un-* Second Congregational Church for in Maine and is with the Manches­ North Koreans who refuse to go tion disputes. tomorrow at 8 p.m. in the sanctu­ ter Lumber Company. leas Britain evacuates the home and—on certain conditions— Lodge said In his veto message, Suez (3anal Zone within tw o ary, and all members are urged to The wedding date has been set give temporary custody of 14,500 made public last night, that he STATIONERY attend. for Sunday, June H, In the Tal- balky Chinese to a five-nation was In sympathy with the bill’s or three months the temper AIKMAIL. NOTES cottville Congregational Church. commission made - up of Sweden, purpose, but that there were two of the people would not even rUEADINGING BRANDS y ^ St. Rita's Mothers Circle will Switzerland, Poland, Czechoslo­ provisidna he believed were "too allow the existence of the meet tomorrow at 8 p.m. with vakia and India. ~ rigid." base. ■■ ^ Mrs. Arthur Thayer of 176 Middle One provision provides that no AiHwr D r u g ^ S t ^ J -as The Communists called the pro-’ This b the first time Mgypt haa~ turnpike east. posal a "step backward" and "aid extension of time, beyond the pro­ Uven any hint of a doodHno for the Allied attitude "threatens the cedure set forth in the ball, shall evacuaUon. prospects of the. whole armistice be granted for perfecting on ap­ negotiations." peal. The other stipulates that the Abdel Nuser, who at 35 yean 'Hie broad plan—a counter-pro- Supreme Court must hear the case of age b a leading flguia la No- ■ posal to one advaheed by the Com- wltoln a week after the appeal is -gulb'e government eald neltbar " munlst—is based on the ' long- perfected.
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