![Symposium Program [Pdf]](https://data.docslib.org/img/3a60ab92a6e30910dab9bd827208bcff-1.webp)
The Winnipeg effecT: Should i STay or Should i go? Winnipeg art gallery november 3-5 2016 centre for contemporary canadian art 20th anniversary symposium conTenTS Symposium Program 5 Welcome 13 Foreword 15 The Centre For Contemporary Canadian Art 18 The CCCA Canadian Art Database 19 Guest Speaker Martha Langford 21 Reading Jeanne Randolph 22 Spotlight Board Member Presenters 24 Spotlight Guest Presenters 25 Panel 1 The Winnipeg Effect: (t hose from here, who left or stayed) Noam Gonick 26 Suzanne Gillies 28 Robert Houle 30 Laura Letinsky 32 Panel 2 The Winnipeg Effect: (those who came and stayed) Mary Reid 34 hannah_g 36 Kristin Nelson 38 Alexis (Letch) Kinloch 40 Panel 3 The Winnipeg Effect: (assessing the history of contemporary art in Winnipeg) Kegan McFadden 42 Sigrid Dahle 44 Steve Loft 46 David Churchill 48 Keynote Presentation Shawna Dempsey & Lorri Millan Why Winnipeg? 50 Akimbo Writer in Residence Jenny Western 51 SympoSium Committee Book Launch 52 Andrew KeAr, Bill KirBy, KegAn mCFAdden, SheilA SpenCe, diAnA thorneyCroFt, liv vAlmeStAd Library/Bookstore 54 Cover: SuzAnne gillieS & douglAS SigurdSon, 1980. Everything Must Go! 56 photo: SheilA SpenCe There’s More Than One Way 57 deSign: SuSAn ChAFe The Afterlife Cabaret 58 editing: Bill KirBy, KegAn mcFAdden Acknowledgements 60 SyMpoSiuM prograM ThurSday noveMber 3 6:30 pm Registration 7:00 pm Welcoming remarks Winnipeg Art Gallery Patricia Bovey, [MC], Director Emerita, Winnipeg Art Gallery; Past Chair, Centre for Contemporary Canadian Art launch of the Winnipeg effect project Bill Kirby, Founder and Director, Centre for Contemporary Canadian Art guest Speaker Dr. Martha Langford Research Chair and Director, Gail & Stephen A. Jarislowsky Institute for Studies in Canadian Art, Concordia University (And now a word from our sponsor): How the CCCA has kept faith with the artist – what a concept! What an effect! SPoNSoRED By BoRDER CRoSSINGS 7:30 pm Reception 1968 1971 Bill Lobchuk The Eleventh New Winnipeg Art establishes Winnipeg Show Gallery building opens The Screen Shop at Oct 31 - Nov 24 at 300 Memorial Blvd. 48 Princess Street Winnipeg Art Gallery 4 5 friday noveMber 4 friday noveMber 4 8:30 am Registration / Coffee 11:00 am Spotlight 3 Diane Whitehouse & Mentoring Artists for Women’s Art (MAWA) 9:00 am Welcoming Remarks Presented by Liv Valmestad reading by Jeanne randolph panel 2: The Winnipeg effecT Sewer of Stories (ThoSe Who caMe and STayed) SPoNSoRED By WINDoW / AS WE TRy & SLEEP PRESS Panelists: hannah_g, Kristin Nelson, Alexis (Letch) Kinloch Moderator: Mary Reid Spotlight 1 SPoNSoRED By MENToRING ARTISTS FoR WoMEN’S ART, ACE Art INC., Border Crossings UNIVERSITy oF MANIToBA SCHooL oF ART Presented by Kegan McFadden Spotlight 4 panel 1: The Winnipeg effecT: Celebrating the legacy of The Professional Native Indian (ThoSe froM here, Who lefT or STayed) Artists Inc. in Canada Panelists: Suzanne Gillies, Robert Houle, Laura Letinsky Presented by Jaimie Isaac Moderator: Noam Gonick SPoNSoRED By PLUG IN INSTITUTE FoR CoNTEMPoRARy ART, 12:30 pm LUNCH [provided] BUHLER GALLERy, VIDEo PooL MEDIA ARTS CENTRE, AND PLATFoRM CENTRE FoR PHoToGRAPHIC + DIGITAL ARTS library/booKSTore Spotlight 2 in The lecTure rooM all day Bill Lobchuk,Grand Western Canadian Screenshop & Border Crossings Study Centre CARFAC Manitoba Also As Well Too Press Presented by Leona Herzog and Ted Howorth Lives of Dogs Press As We Try & Sleep Press 10:45 am HEALTH BREAK Parameter Press Martha Street Studio prints Grand Western Canadian Screen Shop prints 1972 1973 1974 Plug In. Inc. is co-founded Bruce Head: Painted New Prints from Winston Leathers Ivan Eyre: Recent Don Reichert [A Winnipeg by Suzanne Gillies, Douglas Objects and Graphics the Screen Shop Cosmic Variations Paintings and Sculpture Centennial Exhibition] Sigurdson and Lorrine Raboud April 10 - May 17 Nov 15 - Dec 31 March 1 - May 16 March 19 - June 19 Oct 21 - Jan 12, 1975 Winnipeg Art Gallery Winnipeg Art Gallery Winnipeg Art Gallery Winnipeg Art Gallery Winnipeg Art Gallery 6 7 friday noveMber 4 friday noveMber 4 1:30 pm Spotlight 5 3:45 pm Spotlight 7 The 1980s in Winnipeg The Sleeping Beauty Cabaret Guest Presenter: Jon Tupper Presented by Doug Melnyk panel 3: The Winnipeg effecT KeynoTe preSenTaTion: (aSSeSSing The hiSTory of ShaWna deMpSey & lorri Millan conTeMporary arT in Winnipeg) Introduced by Bev Pike Panelists: Sigrid Dahle, Steve Loft, David Churchill SPoNSoRED By THE LIBRARy GALLERy/CLIFF EyLAND Moderator: Kegan McFadden SPoNSoRED By URBAN SHAMAN CoNTEMPoRARy ABoRIGINAL ART, 4:30 pm book launches THE UNIVERSITy oF WINNIPEG’S GALLERy 1C03, MARTHA STREET STUDIo Aunt Agony’s Cavalcade of Mysteries , by Bev Pike Lives of Dogs Books by Artists Spotlight 6 Winnipeg Telephone (Artist) Book The Royal Art Lodge Also As Well Too Presented by Diana Thorneycroft 7:00 pm + FIRST FRIDAy Exhibition openings & Events 3:30 pm HEALTH BREAK 1975 1976 1977 Don Proch’s Eight from Toronto West Coast Waves David Umholtz opens Arts Manitoba: The Design Process Asessippi Clouds Aug 22 - Oct 5 Sept 4 - Nov 14 the Moosehead Press Issue 1 [Sheila Butler] at Herman Miller Jan 8 - March 2 Winnipeg Art Gallery Winnipeg Art Gallery Lithography Workshop is published March 10 - April 17 Winnipeg Art Gallery Border Crossings Winnipeg Art Gallery 8 9 SaTurday noveMber 5 SaTurday noveMber 5 11:00 am – 5:00 pm 8:00 pm ccca Winnipeg effecT cabareT open for visits to Winnipeg’s galleries and artist-run centres. Jekyll & Hyde’s Freehouse 437 Stradbrook Avenue at osborne Street 4:00 pm exhibition opening and publication launch The Revival of the Sleeping Beauty Cabaret: Lantern Fine Art, 211 Pacific Avenue The Afterlife Cabaret Everything Must Go! - Plugette ephemera 1972-1980 Performers: Ellen Peterson, Cathy Nosaty, Sharon Bajer, Archival material and photographic documentation from the first Debbie Patterson, Lori Freedman, Erika MacPherson, decade of Plug In Inc. from the personal archives of co-founders Gerry Atwell, Angie St. Mars, Allysa Watson and Frances Koncan Suzanne Gillies and Douglas Sigurdson organized by Doug Melnyk Publication launch: Mondo Trasho, edited by Kegan McFadden (As We Try & Sleep Press) 6:00 pm exhibition opening Special Collections Gallery, University of Manitoba School of Art 313 ARTlab, University of Manitoba (Fort Garry Campus) There’s More Than One Way: An overview of collective art making practices in Winnipeg, 1968-NOW Curated by Kegan McFadden 1977 1977 1978 1979 Prints from the Grand Sculpture on the Prairies General Idea: Kenneth Lochhead. Form & Performance The Winnipeg Perspective 1979: Western Canadian July 16 - Sept 25 Hot Property An Exhibition of Nov 10 - Jan 7, 1979 Photo / Extended Dimensions Screen Shop Winnipeg Art Gallery Oct 19 - Oct 22 Paintings. 1952-1975 Winnipeg Art Gallery Feb 23 - April 8 March 17 - April 25 Winnipeg Art Gallery Winnipeg Art Gallery Winnipeg Art Gallery Canadian Cultural Centre 10 11 WelcoMe The Winnipeg Art Gallery joins in celebrating the twentieth anniversary of the Centre for Contemporary Canadian Art. As the venue sponsor partnering with the CCCA for the symposium The Winnipeg Effect: Should I Stay or Should I Go? I welcome every participant and visitor drawn from across the country, to this art-charged city. As Canada’s oldest civic art gallery, the WAG strives to ensure that exhibitions and programing continue to both celebrate the role artists and artistic communities have played in developing art in Winnipeg and, in turn, reflect on how this city, its history and environment, have shaped the artistic excellence that Winnipeg is known for. The CCCA Canadian Art Database continues to be an important resource for artists, students, and scholars. As an online record, it represents a primary source of vital information about contemporary Canadian art to the world. I commend founder and director Bill Kirby for the passion and work he has in - vested in creating and developing the CCCA Canadian Art Database, as well as Dr. Martha Langford and the commitment Concordia University’s Jaris - lowsky Institute for Studies in Canadian Art has demonstrated by providing the Database with a sound institutional home. Welcome to Winnipeg, where you all should most definitely stay! Dr. Stephen Borys Director & CEO Winnipeg Art Gallery 12 13 foreWord bill Kirby The cenTre for conTeMporary canadian arT and...“The Winnipeg effecT” A bit of history… In 1973 I was invited by Don Reichert to come to Winnipeg to be the Director of Gallery 1.1.1. at the School of Art, and to teach a course on Canadian Art. The invitation was delivered through Virgil Hammock [who I had known some 5 years earlier, when he was Art Critic at the Edmonton Journal, and I was Di - rector of the Edmonton Art Gallery]. The following year, Ferdinand Eckhardt invited me to become Curator of Con - temporary Art at the Winnipeg Art Gallery (replacing Philip Fry). By the time I left Winnipeg in 1978 to join the Canada Council as a Visual Arts officer, I had developed a close relationship with the art community and I know that I took some of Winnipeg with me. I kept in contact with Winnipeg over the next 18 years largely through annual jury visits to artists’ studios and galleries in Winnipeg as Director of the Canada Council Art Bank. After leaving the Art Bank in 1995, I founded the Centre for Contemporary Canadian Art (CCCA) as a registered charitable organization with a mandate to foster and promote the appreciation of contemporary Canadian Art. To ac - complish this, I created the Canadian Art Database to document the careers of leading Canadian artists, along with various Canadian art institutions, artist groups and events. From modest beginnings in a high school in ottawa, the Canadian Art Database has grown to be an essential resource for exhibitions, teaching and learning, and scholarly research. My contact with Winnipeg over the years had clearly left a lasting impression on me so, after 15 years in Toronto, when circumstances suggested a change, I decided to move back here.
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