DISTANT LANDS DF EXANDRIA BSTUGSUBCLASSESDBBPB Character Options pqWIZARDSrstuvÿ pxWHOyÿ sMASTERvtÿxÿstÿyÿu s THE ART OF DUNAMANCYs ÿxsÿq q qÿ HAVE INFINITE pyWORLDStuvÿs uÿyvvqqqqvÿsÿxqtÿq tqv AND POSSIBILITIES AT THEIR FINGERTIPS lWWhatXaÿ fXmakesmbiÿXÿWbYgnoÿpÿXimhÿpiÿfaÿXY a hero?" I ask. Is it armsfi ÿXhÿXÿand a fwiÿagÿiibÿaWbll to use them?fn ÿpiÿfaÿXÿ`bYaXfhÿWbYfaXbjÿXÿ`bYaXfhÿfiegifafghnÿpiÿfaÿXÿfefhbÿYfWaÿagÿef`agYgnÿpÿmhgIs it a certain heritage, a certain disposition? Is it a divine right to victory? I knowÿ thisaWfiÿagÿkbÿhgaÿaYibhÿpÿ to be not true. I WXebhave mfbÿkilled fXmanyhgÿWbYgbiÿghÿaWbÿkXaabqbjÿXhÿprebÿYbieb`abÿbebYgÿghbhÿWbgÿWXebÿ heroes on the battlefield, and I've respected every one. They have fXmanyhgÿfbYbhaÿX`bijÿXhÿbibYebÿYb different faces, and deserve remembrance.fbfkYXh`bhÿ lWWhatXaÿ fXmakesmbiÿXÿWbYgÿfiÿaWbfYÿ a hero is their fwillingnessfhhbiiÿag to iX`Yfq`bsacrifice ÿgYÿigfor somethingfbaWfhÿaWbgÿkbfbebÿfhhÿshgghbÿ`XhÿkbÿXÿWbYgjÿgh`bÿaWbgÿqhÿig they believe in. Anyone can be a hero, once they find somethingfbaWfhÿ gworthYaWÿgfhÿgYh dying for. tu-SunbreakerihkYbXmbYÿdg 0/omonfgh The sprawling lands and endless challenges of Exandria forgeYbÿWbYgbiÿXhÿefXfhiÿgÿ heroes and villains of fXmanyhgÿfbYbhaÿiaYfebihÿWbÿ different stripes. The fgmyriadYfXÿXhbYiÿgÿaWfiÿ dangers of this fwildÿ`ghafhbha continent constantly encroach upon innocents in need of protection, bebhÿXiÿaWbÿbbhiÿXhÿaWbÿeven as the legends and the fXmagicf`ÿgÿaWbÿeXiaÿ`WXbhbÿaWgibÿkYXebÿbhgiWÿagÿYbiWXebÿaWb of the past challenge those brave enough to reshape th0 world-for good or ill. The material in this chapter offers a number of new options for player characters to define who they are and what they wish to become. The character options in this book are useful for players and Dungeon Masters alike, allowing adventurers and NPCs to take starringVUBBIWHÿUWDÿXa``ABVIWHÿB and supporting roles in your Wildemount D&D campaign. In this chapter, you'll find stories and statistics that tie the races of the Player's HandbookÿUWDÿVRSÿbBAUDSB and the broader ÿ@AworldBCDÿA of D&D to the ÿCUlandsWDXÿAFÿ of sIWildemountCDSTAaWVhÿUXÿ, as @SwellCCÿUXÿWS as new@ÿ XabYCUXXSXhÿWSsubclasses, new@ÿ bUYeHBAaWDXhÿUWDÿWSbackgrounds, and new@ÿ X`SCCXÿFAYaXSDÿAWÿUWÿSXAVSBIYÿXVaDcÿAFÿspells focused on an esoteric study of TUmagicHIYÿeWA known@W ÿUXas dunamancycP. The races,ÿYCU classes,XXSXhÿUWDÿ and TUmagicHIYÿ`BSXSWVSDÿIWÿVRIXÿYRU`VSBÿ presented in this chapter TImightHRVÿRUiSÿDIFFSBSWVÿABIHIWXÿABÿDSFcÿVRSÿSx`SYVUVIAWXÿSXVUbCIXRSDÿIWÿAVRSBÿftfÿbAAeXPÿ have different origins or defy the expectations established in other D&D books. QRSThe informationWÿIW in ÿVRIXÿYRU`VSBÿIXÿX`SYIdYÿVAÿthis chapter is specific to sIWildemountCDSTAaWVhÿUWDÿIWÿXA, and in someTS ÿYUXSXhÿVAÿVRSÿcases, to the @IwiderDSBÿ @AworldBCDÿAFÿyxUWDBIUPÿuFÿXA of Exandria. If somethingTSVRIWHÿIWÿVRIXÿbAAeÿDIFFSBXÿFBAT in this book differs from ÿ@Rwhat'sUVvX presented ÿIWÿVin theRSÿ qCPlayer'sUcSBvXÿwUWDbAAe HandbookhÿVRIXÿ, this TUmaterialVSBIUCÿVUeSXÿ`BSYSDSWYSÿIWÿUÿ takes precedence in a sIWildemountCDSTAaWVÿYU campaign.T`UIHWP UYSXRaces QRSÿWUVIAWXÿAThe nations ofFÿ sIWildemountCDSTAaWVÿUBSÿ`A`aCUVSDÿbcÿ`SA`CSÿAFÿ are populated by people of TUmanyWcÿDIFFSBSWVÿBUYSXPÿCCÿVRSÿBUYSXÿ`BSXSWVÿIWÿVRSÿ different races. All the races present in the qCUcSBvXÿwUWDbAAePlayer's HandbookhÿUXÿ, as @SwellCCÿUXÿ as TUmanyWcÿA ofFÿVRSÿAVRSB the other BUYSXÿAFÿVRSÿfraces of the D&DtfÿHU game,TShÿRUiSÿUÿRA have a homeTS ÿIWÿin sIWildemount.CDSTAaWVPÿwA However,@SiSBhÿXA someTSÿAFÿVRAXSÿBUYSXÿRUiSÿYaCVaBSXÿVRUVÿDIFFSBÿFBA of those races have cultures that differ fromTÿ thoseVRAXSÿAFÿVRSIBÿeIWÿSCXS of their kin elsewhere@RSBS ÿIWÿVRSin the TamultiverseCVIiSBXSPÿQR. ThisIXÿYRU`VSBÿ`BAiIDSXÿYaCVaBUCÿIWFAB chapter provides cultural informationTUVIAWÿUbAaVÿVRSÿYA about the commonTTAWÿBUYSXÿAFÿ races of sIWildemountCDSTAaWVhÿ`CaXÿXSiSBUCÿXabBUYSXÿWAVÿFAaWDÿIWÿVRSÿ, plus several subraces not found in the qPlayer'sCUcSBvXÿwUWDbAAe HandbookP. QRIXÿXSYVIAWÿUThis section alsoCXAÿIWYCaDSXÿIWFAB includes informationTUVIAWÿAWÿ on @RwhatUVÿUÿVc`IYUCÿYRUBUYVSBÿFBA a typical character fromTÿ SUYRÿAFÿVRSÿeach of the TUmajorABÿBSHIAWXÿAFÿ regions of sIWildemount-theCDSTAaWVEVRSÿf Dwendalian@SWDUCIUWÿy EmpireT`IBShÿVRS, the ÿgSMenagerieWUHSBIS rAUXVhÿUWDÿRCoast, and Xhorhas-mightABRUXETIHRVÿVRIWeÿAFÿVRSÿ think of the TSTbmembersSBXÿAFÿSUYRÿBUYSPÿCVRAaHRÿXA of each race. Although someTSÿAFÿVRSXSÿUYYAaWVXÿUBSÿUYYaBUVShÿAVRSBXÿBS`BSXSWVÿXeS of these accounts are accurate, others represent skewed@SDÿ`SBYS perceptions`VIAWXÿAB or XVSBSAVc`SXPÿgstereotypes. ManyUWcÿXaYRÿ`SBYS`VIAWXÿRUiSÿXA such perceptions have someTS ÿbUXIXÿIWÿVBaVRhÿbaVÿVRUVÿVBaVRÿRUXÿAFVSWÿbSSWÿDIXVABVSDÿbcÿRSUBXUchÿ`BSaDIYShÿ`BA`UHUWDUhÿABÿYabasis in truth, but that truth has often been distorted by hearsay, prejudice, propaganda, or culturalCVaBUC TImisunderstandingsXaWDSBXVUWDIWHXP. uWÿUDDIVIAWÿVAIn addition toÿVRSÿBUYSXÿAFÿVRSÿ the races of the qCUcSBvXÿwUWDbAAePlayer's Handbook,hÿ sIWildemountCDSTAaWVÿIXÿRA is homeTS ÿVAÿto TUmanyWcÿAVRSBÿBUYSXhÿIWYCaDIWHÿVRSÿFACCA other races, including the following@IWH: hÿbIAarakocra, bird-likeBDCIeSÿRa humanoidsTUWAIDXÿ @RwhoAÿBAAXVÿAWÿIXACUVSDÿ roost on isolated TAmountaintopsaWVUIWVA`X Aasimar,hÿbSIW beingsHXÿ @RwhoAÿHUIWÿXa`SBWUVaBUCÿ`A gain supernatural power@SBÿFBA fromTÿ theVRSÿUWHSCIYÿX`UBeÿIWÿVRSIBÿXAaCX angelic spark in their souls hÿFABSFirbolgs, forestXVÿHaUBDIUWXÿ guardians @RwhoAÿSWHUHSÿIWÿ`SUYSFaCÿ engage in peaceful TSmethodsVRADXÿVAÿ`BAVSYVÿVRSIBÿRA to protect their homesTSX dehÿRaGenasi, humanoidsTUWAIDXÿI imbuedTbaSDÿ @IwithVRÿSCS elementalTSWVUCÿ`A power@SBÿUXÿUÿBSXaCVÿAFÿVRSIBÿbIBVR as a result of their birth ehÿAaVYGoblins, outcastUXVÿXYUiSWHSBXÿDSXYSWDSDÿFBA scavengers descended fromTÿ theVRSÿSx`SBI experimentsTSWVXÿAFÿUÿDUBeÿHAD of a dark god fghÿRaCeGoliaths, hulkingIWHÿ @UwanderersWDSBSBXÿ @RwhoAÿD dwell@SCCÿUVA`ÿVRSÿRIHRSXVÿ atop the highest TAmountainsaWVUIWX hdeihÿUYYaBXKenku, accursedSDÿYABiIWSÿRa corvine humanoidsTUWAIDXÿ @RwhoAÿYUWÿX`SUeÿAWCcÿaXIWHÿ can speak only using TITImimicryYBc jfdhÿVABVAITortles, tortoise-likeXSCIeSÿRa humanoidsTUWAIDXÿ @IwithVRÿUWÿIWWUVSÿYAWWSYVIAWÿVAÿVRSÿXSU an innate connection to the sea QRSÿDAThe dominantTIWUWVÿBUYSXÿAFÿ races of sIWildemount-dwarvesCDSTAaWVED@UBiSXhÿSCiSXhÿRUCkIWHXhÿUWDÿRa, elves, halflings, and humans-areTUWXEUBSÿ`BSXSWVSDÿdBXVÿIWÿVRIXÿXSYVIAWhÿFACCA presented first in this section, followed@SDÿbcÿVRSÿCSXXÿYA by the less commonTTAWÿB racesUYSXÿIW in UC`RUbSVIYUCÿAalphabetical orderBDSBP. fDwarves@UBiSX fDwarves'@UBiSXvÿCAWH long ÿTSTAmemoriesBISXÿHIiSÿVRS give themTÿ aWYAuncommonTTAWÿIWXIHRVÿIWVAÿVRSÿ insight into the @AworldBCDÿAFÿVRSÿ`UXVPÿwA of the past. However,@SiSBhÿVRIXÿYAWWSYVIAWÿVAÿVRSÿ`UXVÿYUWÿ this connection to the past can TUmakeeSÿVRSIBÿXAYISVIS their societiesXÿBSXIXVUWV resistant toVAÿYRUWHShÿSi change, evenSWÿ @RwhenSWÿYRUWHSÿIXÿDSX`SBUVSCcÿWSSDSDP change is desperately needed. Dwarves in the Dwendalian Empire gAMostXVÿFACeÿIWÿV folk in theRSÿf Dwendalian@SWDUCIUWÿy EmpireT`IBSÿVRIWeÿAFÿD think of dwarves@UBiSXÿUXÿHBSSDchÿYUiSD as greedy, cave-dwelling@SCCIWHÿRSB hermitsTIVXÿ @IwithVRÿUÿ`UXXIAWÿAWCcÿFABÿS a passion only for jewelry@SCBchÿDBIWeIWHhÿUWDÿdHRVIWHPÿg, drinking, and fighting. MostAXVÿD dwarves@UBiSX IWÿVRSÿSin the empireT`IBSÿYA comeTS ÿFBAfromTÿ theVRSÿYIVcXVUVSÿAFÿlBI city-state of GrimgolirTHACIBÿUWDÿIVXÿXSVVCS and its settlementsTSWVXÿaWDSBÿVRSÿfaWBAYeÿ under the Dunrock gAMountains,aWVUIWXhÿ @RwhoseAXSÿ TIminersWSBXhÿS, jewelers,@SCSBXhÿUWDÿ and @UwarriorsBBIABXÿUB areSÿXA someTS ÿAFof the finest in the empire. Imperial beer, particularly smooth, sweet Trost ale from Trostenwald,XVSW@UCDhÿIXÿUÿDSCIYUYcÿU is a delicacy amongTAWHÿlBI GrimgolTHACÿD dwarves@UBiSXPÿQRSÿ`SA`CSÿ. The people @RwhoAÿCIiSDÿbSWSUVRÿVRSÿ lived beneath the TAmountainsaWVUIW never grew wheat or hops, and so never brewed beer. Until theVRSÿD dwarves@UBiSXÿbSHUWÿVBUDIWHÿ began trading @IwithVRÿRa humansTUWXÿFBA fromTÿ theVRSÿCAWHFUCCSWÿnaCAaXÿfA long-fallen Julous DominionTIWIAWhÿD, dwarven@UBiSWÿCIoaA liquor was a potent, ugly-smelling spirit called rUtga, distilled from heavy root vegetables. Dwarves on the Menagerie Coast Along the Menagerie Coast, most folk see dwarves as foreigners possessed of fiery passions and an eagerness for action. DwarvesBCDEFÿBCEÿhIfH are uncommonYYHI visitors on the coast, with most coming from the distant realms of Tal'Dorei and Marquet as sailors or travelers, as pirates fromYÿ thePQEÿIHPHCTHhFÿrEDEWCeXÿHC notorious Revelry, or as soldiers from the Dwendalian Empire. VIfTEIPÿWESEIAncient legendsbFÿPEWWÿH`ÿb tell of dwarvesABCDEFÿWTDTISÿTIÿ living in YHmountaintophIPBTIPHcÿfTPBbEWFÿTIÿPQEÿH citadels in the ominousYTIHhFÿUeCTHFÿ Cyrios RHMountains,hIPBTIFXÿcEC`HC performingYTISÿFPCBISEÿCTPhBWFÿPQBPÿfBWWÿhcHIÿPQEÿc strange rituals that call upon the powerHAECÿH`ÿPQE of the tPHCStormYÿ uHCbgÿVLord. AlongWHISÿPQEÿfHBFPXÿFPHCTEFÿH`ÿPQEÿFPCHISÿcBFFTHIÿBIbÿF the coast, stories of the strong passion and swiftAT`PÿvhbS judgmentYEIPÿH`ÿPQEÿb of the dwarvesABCDEFÿBCEÿH`PEIÿBÿcCHbhfPÿH`ÿPQEÿWESEIbFÿH`ÿPQEFEÿCEWTS are often a product of the legends of these religiousTHhFÿwEBWHPFg zealots. xhPÿPQEFEÿyEWBut these beliefsTE`FÿQBDEÿyEEIÿFPCEISPQEIEbÿTIÿ have been strengthened in YHmodernbECIÿPT timesYEFÿyeÿPQEÿfWEBCEeEbÿ by the clear-eyed YBmarquisCqhTFÿH`ÿHCPÿHHIXÿVWB of Port Zoon, AlamadsYBbFÿBbbHhXÿ Haddou, AQwhoHÿWBeFÿbH lays downAI ÿWBlawsAF ÿTIÿcin plainWBTI WBIShBSEÿBIblanguage and ÿEIBfPFÿFenacts swiftAT`PÿvhFPTfEÿyeÿPQEÿWEPPECÿH`ÿPQHFEÿWB
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