inHEHmi Bliiiii I mill ^ O F 1 9 8 3 SnowUII In Inchaa T T V W i * % C ' t r . e r t r«e 1?) NV - ...... S y m mI j S , H a n ss e n K eB n d p i G k CCCONN,-^ ^ MonsS ter s f^ i o r m a d d r ef i s s t i n c od I p i G rr a c e / “ O- J n d H c; ^ f "> EEast 24| i ■ i * 3 b a n q u w ii l n - P l k U . - 'a '_ l>^>*. r -t s I pwttmnflie"- H i W c & i m 5 0 ^ 76th yey e ar. N o. 44 T w in F a lls, Idahc3ho ------------------- --S u n d ayayrFobruaryl3.l963: ; ---------- S h i ip c a ip s i z ie s , 3L e r e ; w m < e n s i u r v i \v e CH1NC0TE;\GUE. Va.. (UPI)(I — A may have causedci the ship to (lip ' T I (ectlve hatchesles Iin the forward p art of ship loaded with 27.000 Ionslor of coal upside down,n. ' the ship." sailsaid attorney 'William ■ ~ capsized'in’a'gale x mlUn lles off lh e — H esald thehe crew wailed a "consid*------ ------------- -Breit. “The shship began - taking on ---------- V irginia coast Saturday, pplunging li the erable" Umeye before abandoning ship water, and aftcafter considerable wail- 36-man crew Into the fey Atlantic, "but by thenn il il was too late." 1 ing, the crewf msm ade the decision lo gel Only three crew mcmlxmbers were Some of thethe crew members appar- a D H M i M off. but by thenen 11It was too late." known lo have survived. ently manageiged to get Into lifeboats. } Dewey saidid the ship's bow went rerccovctwl M most dieded w hen they plunged into ^ ^ ^ ^ 3 under as life rar a( d s were being pul out. Twenty-four bodies w ere I he already was in a life Coast Guard «3^lesr«!■ee waters wilh only life Dewey said he by aflenwon and two Coa | E ^ ^ H ra d when th e»ship shl fllpp^ over. cutters continued a searchdioveraleht Dewey was considering embers wlw A spokesmaman for lhe owner of the ^ for nine other crew mem I legal action againstaga the ship’s owner, d dead. vessel. Marinirine Coal Transport Co. of were missing and believed d pending comipletion ple of a Coast Guard 1, Cfe].. said the //rm d/d . T h e 605-foot Marinele Electric. W«mJngton. I investigation.1. what caused the ship to loaded wilh 27.000 Ions of coal and fno'" '"h Charies EureJure, vice president of 147.000 gallons of fuel, was^ a s e n route <^apsize. - • • Norfolk Shlpbul^building Co. wbere the from Hampton Roads to BaBoston when “Initially.. lheU shock was Jusl seeing Marine Electric:tric was maintenanced. ll capsized about 3:30 a.mj.m. EST off body. body,i. body." said U. J.g. • said the vessel^ 1 was due for routine Chlncoteague Isiand. a mnature pre- Thomas Bllsillsard. 33. one of lhe ^ un,/K«o repairs in abouloul a month. al pony swim hellcopler rescueres pilots senl to the se rv e fam ed for ils annual p T h e M a r in e IElectric, which capslzsized S a tu rd a y , Is s h o>wn w t In a n e a r l i e r p h o to "B ut I've nev(le v e r heard of a ship that and lhe selling for ^Margeurite scene of the: sinking sii vessel. size flipping ovcover wilh the keel lo the __ Henp''8book.‘‘Misty.” "Some_of_tf th e bodies were really Iclow as 15 feet above the whilecaps.v the water, ananother Coast Guard o(- G enera] Hospital In Sallsbubury^ Md.. skyjike lh at t—_€ In the rnovies."______ One of lhe three survivorvors said the hard lo spol)l becauset thelife-Jactets— ii ther any of ficersaid.-------------------------------------------------- Ulthat faulty forward Hatdiwfrnayhave n Eure said. le Electric ^ 1 a.distress coo] ship began takingg <on waler and bodies werew covered with oil.” U-the men were alive. O ne survivorvor. Paul C. Dewey. 28. of causedci tbe disaster. The Marine E through its forward halchiIches. which said Bllsard.1. One survivor was pulletled from a G ran b y . Conn.inn., said through his at- “ F ro m w hat Mr. Dewey/ told me. signal a t 3:31I a.ia.m . F,ST, saying It was a p p eared lo be defective. He said lhal He said hethe helicopters skimmed a s nraft, one from a lifeboat andnd one (rom to m e y fromn :his bed a t Peninsula waterw was coming In thrcirough de- going down. D oct'torsni o w d < e m a rnd ca!ish be d d i v €eryv. ByHARRIETGUTHERTZrz addresses andUld credit references. Uthe accepted billlngjy^cticeIce. the poll- advanced paynayment of a claim buty„x Tlmes-News writer In those MSyises. "the doctor ends up c;cy-on deposits an d th e lotaItal cost for ' ' can't honor thenJiem . About the only thing' working f onero."hesays. ^ cic a re during pregnancy antind delivery • itiraraarebad.tiKt leoplearey people can dok) Is lo try lo woric oul an TW IN FALLS - Pregnaipant women Kramer alio» sayi s doctors would tend v,varies considerably. a ltem al /e paymentpa> plan,with the' are discovering lhat TwTwin Falls to be moree Iflexible with long-time Twin Falls doctors quotedxi prices for ' "ctBIIlptel ive insurance doctor, she saysay s. _ . ixiwincome obstetricians are no longeiiger working patients thanlan wilh people who ju st olobstetrical c are ranging froJom «50 lo ^^TnO T'alsoT ■ “ ne women, who can't on a credll basis. Thai meansm< cash walked In thel e< d o o r . ------ --------------------- $r.$700. Most doctors also requ : scrape up thehe imoney for obstetrical before deliverj;. Doctors alsalso say obstetrical care itits b e f^ lhe first visit. Th (esses'and care, may bo (eligible for Medicaids. Doctors surveyed said OB01 fees are should be look)oked a t a s a package. The nrange fromStOOlo $275. V -— says-Judy-Bro«Brooks, the medicai and hard to collect during a rea'ecesslonand patient nolt <only Is paying (or a ' One doctor with a longng-standing lose cases, the , :Ly... financial supenpervisor at the local office the billing procedure hass changedci In doctor’s c are r d during delivery bul also clientele, who Isn't acc^epling new of the s ta le DepDepartment of Health aod response lo that. for prenala]aj care. The expectant ppatients, doesn’t require s ig for nothing; r r •: W elfare. Howe')wever. only women who Previously, doctors wouliould hold off mother is exp<xp^led to pay as she visits pjHowever, he still requirescs" tSifpay- — Dr. Wotbt Rrai»m er are heads of)f hhouseholds or families on a bill unlil a womanI cccould (ile a the doctor Iri the sam e way as for p.ment by the eighth month. withhandicapp*spped heads of households — ^7nT'«raniinffluranc€“xrcompany:— bih'enypeffcr"orcare. / areellglble7sheshe says. y'menttefore Patients papay a fixed amounl for The deposit policy hasJ left1 some — Now they require full paymi leallh Services of Twin - and some obstetrical cca are no m atter how m any fam ilies lhat a re insured bu t sh o rt or c i a j j Ixon. the group claims hhelp people out. The insurairanee com- ■ th e baby Is delivered — i I be another alternative, } ar c required o r how long cash In a Jam. pany can’t process the <claim In J?"® would t e require a deposit before•e services is office visits aj manager for)r Newi York (Jfe Insur- p which partially Is (unded says Dr. George Miller, a Though the family’s hea advance because there m.may be a Th« rendered. labor lasts, sa eailh insur- a n c e in SaltIt UkeI City, says he Is a> II grants, specializes In Dr. Wemer Kramer,•. a family Twin Fallss iobstetrician. “It’s the aiance may cover maleraltyr costso fully, fa m ilia r withlh the problem, and that c<complication or miscarrijriage that wl“>, 8 M v ei« i,h e serving low-Inc,■income (amilies and ml- p ractitio n er in Twin Falls,Ils. says thal sa m ep ricelfiIfawomanhastwlnsandl Uthe company can'l process!ss a claim th e practice5 ofol requiring a deposit or wwould change the amount co grant farm worivorkers. when limes are bad peoplepe are have lo stayy liIn the hospital ali day or untiluj a bill is subm itted. Thm a t means p ay m e n t in fullfu was b ^ m l n g more sjsays. tempted lo say they haveve insurance if a woman1 ddelivers in an hour." he Uth e family has lo com e up with the- p rev alen t, A Blue Cross of Idaho clallalm repre- The clinic: Is open( lo everyone, b u t .......... w hen they don’t. K ramer also says says, rrm oney (or the deposit and someso of the N ixon. how(3wever. say s there isn't s<senlallve In Twin Falls isays the low-Income palpatients are eligible for p atie n ts have given him falsefal; names. Though paylayment before delivery Is stsubsequent payments.
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