GERT JAN BESTEBREURTJE Rare Books Langendijk 8, 4132 AK Vianen The Netherlands Telephone +31 - (0)347 - 322548 E-mail: [email protected] Visit our Web-page at http://www.gertjanbestebreurtje.com CATALOGUE 154 - AMERICANA Item 501 - Spilbergen 1 A BILATERAL BICENTENNIAL. (200 years of friendship between the Netherlands and the United States). 's Gravenhage, Martinus Nijhoff, 1982. Wrappers. With illustrations. VIII,279 pp. € 20,00 BMNG. - J.H. HUTSON. John Adams and the birth of Dutch-American friendship, 1780-82; H.& B. van der ZEE. The Dutch in New Netherland; Fr. FREIDEL. The Dutchness of the Roosevelts; etc. 2 MAP COLLECTION OF THE PUBLIC REFERENCE LIBRARY OF THE CITY OF TORONTO, CANADA. Toronto, Public Library, 1923. Wrappers. 111 pp. € 35,00 3 ABBOTT, Lyman & S.B. HALLIDAY. Henry Ward Beecher: a sketch of his career: with analyses of his power as a preacher, lecturer, orator and journalist, and incidents and reminiscences of his life. Hartford, American Publishing Company, 1887. 8vo. Original embossed cloth, spine gilt. With frontispiece portrait and 17 plates. 670 pp. € 125,00 'It cannot be questioned that no other man has exerted so wide and profound an influence on the progress of thought - moral, political and religious - in this country for the past fifty years, as has Mr. Beecher' (Preface). With characterizations and personal reminiscences, contributed by thirty-nine eminent writers, and Beecher's life as sketched by himself shortly before his death. Beecher was converted to imediate abolitionism of slavery. 4 ABREU E CASTRO, B.F.F. Nossa Senhora dos Guararapes. Romace histórico, descritivo, moral e crítico. (Pernambuco, 1847). 2 ed. Prefácio de J.A. Gonsalves de Mello. Recife, 1980. Wrappers. (24),120;119 pp. € 30,00 5 ACOSTA, José de. Historie naturael en morael van de Westersche Indien. Waer inne ghehandelt wort van de merckelijckste dingen des hemels/ elementen/ metalen/ planten ende gedierten van dien: als oock de manieren/ ceremonien/ wetten/ regeeringen/ ende oorlogen der Indianen. Uit den Spaenschen in onse Nederduytsche tale overgheset: door Jan Huyghen van Linschoten. 2e editie. Amsterdam, by Broer Jansz. voor Jan Evertsz. Cloppenburgh, 1624. 4to. Contemporary vellum (warped, 1 joint splitting but firmly holding). With large woodcut on title-page and 13 large woodcuts in the text. € 2250,00 € 2.250,00 First published in Seville in 1590: Historia natural y moral delas Indias; first Dutch edition Enkhuizen 1598. - José de Acosta (1540-1600), Spanish Jesuit missionary and historian, wrote this early important eye-witness account of South America, dealing i.a. with the history of the Indians of Peru and Mexico. 'Agosta was one of the first scholars to formulate a systemic theory of anthropology, suggesting a classification of different peoples into different types, and anticipating later theories of social evolution' (Howgego p.3). It is one of the earliest balanced accounts of the New World. A great classic translated into nearly every European language. - (Age- browned; some small library stamps). Tiele 26; Tiele, Mémoire, 291 ; Muller, America, 8; Cat. NHSM I, p.261 (ed. 1598); Sabin 127; European Americana II, 624/3. 6 ADAMS, James Truslow. New England in the Republic 1776-1850. Boston, Little, Brown, and Company, 1926. Original cloth. With plates. XIV,438 pp. € 45,00 7 ADAMS, Nehemiah. A south-side view of slavery; or, three months at the South, in 1854. 3rd edition. Boston, T.R. Marvin, 1855. Sm.8vo. Original embossed cloth (extremities spine sl. dam.; spine sl. discoloured). 222,(4) pp. € 125,00 First published in Boston in 1854. - After personal observations in Georgia, South Carolina, and Virginia, the author concluded that the abolitionists had exaggerated conditions in the South. Although he disapproved of slavery, he found the slaves well treated and contented (Clark III, 441). Sabin 341; Work p.283 (other ed.). 8 AHLBRINCK, Willem Gerardus. Encyclopaedie der Karaïben, behelzend taal, zeden en gewoonten dezer Indianen. Amsterdam, Koninlijke Akademie van Wetenschappen, 1931. Original printed wrappers (spine sl. damaged). With 160 pages with drawings by E. la Rose and photographic illustrations (some in colours). XIV,555 pp. € 375,00 Standard reference work on the Carib Indians living near the Marowijne/Maroni River in Suriname. - Scarce. 9 AINSWORTH, W(illiam) F(rancis). (Ed.). All round the world: an illustrated record of voyages, travels, and adventures in all parts of the globe. London & Glasgow, William Collins, 1866. 4 volumes in 2. 8vo. Contemporary half red morocco, spines lettered in gilt. With 12 folding coloured maps and 400 wood- engravings after drawings by Gustave Doré, Bérard, Lancelot, Jules Noël, and other eminent artist. XII,372; V,372; X,374; X,374 pp. € 350,00 From the index of volume I: Five days at Jerusalem; Sicily as it is; China, Cochin China, and Japan; The islands of the Indian and Eastern seas; Up and down the Amoor; From Asia to America; Vancouver Island; From the Atlantic to the Pacific; Cremation chat at Calcutta; M. Brun-Rollet, traveller on the Nile. Volume II: North America; Barth's travels in Central Africa; Missionary's adventure in Eastern Africa; The Fiji Islands and the Fijians; The sources of the Nile; Voyage of Don Giovanni Mastai, actually his holiness Pope Pius IX; Fragments of a journey to the West Indies and to New Orleans; Australia; The colonies of Australia. - Profusually illustrated work. Ferguson 5784-5785. 10 ALBANY BIRTHPLACE OF THE UNION. Commemorating America's oldest community, the growth of an idea, and an institution dedicated to the advancement of each. Albany, National Savings Bank, 1940. 4to. Wrappers. With many illustrations. XII,66 pp. € 20,00 11 ALLEN, James Lane. The blue-grass region of Kentucky and other Kentucky articles. New York, Macmillan Comp., 1900. Original decorated cloth, top edge gilt. With 16 plates. 301 pp. - Including a chapter: Uncle Tom at home. € 35,00 12 ALPHEN, G. van. Jan Reeps en zijn onbekende kolonisatiepoging in Zuid- Amerika 1692. Assen, Van Gorcum & Comp.,1960. Wrappers. With facsimile. 103 pp. - A Dutch attempt at colonization near the estuary of the Amazon. € 20,00 13 AMERICA.. Bruid van de zon. 500 jaar Latijns-Amerika en de Lage Landen. Antwerpen, Koninklijk Museum voor Schone Kunsten, 1992. 4to. Wrappers. With many illustrations in colour. 528 pp. € 35,00 Fine illustrated catalogue referring to 500 years relations between Latin-America and the Low Countries. 14 ANDERSON, Alexander D. The Silver Country or the Great Southwest. A review of the mineral and other wealth, the attractions and material development of the former kingdom of New Spain, comprising Mexico and the Mexican cessions to the United States in 1848 and 1853. New York, G.P. Putnam's Sons, 1877. Original green cloth, with map of New Spain in black to upper cover, spine lettered in gilt. With folding map (some tears rep.). 221 pp. € 150,00 First edition. - The first important work on the whole of America's Southwest, California, Nevada, Arizona, Utah, Colorado and New Mexico, including much information on the gold and silver mines, agriculture and stockraising, topography and climate, etc. - Blind-stamped library stamp on title-page, otherwise fine. Cowan p.5. 15 ANDERSON, Johann. Beschryving van Ysland, Groenland en de Straat Davis. Uit het Hoogduits vertaalt door J.D.J. waar by gevoegt zyn de verbeteringen door Niels Horrebow. Amsterdam, Jan van Dalen, 1756. 2 volumes in 1. 4to. Contemporary mottled calf, spine richly gilt (upper front hinge sl. splitting). With fine engraved frontispiece, folding map and 5 engraved plates (2 folding depicting whales). (16),286,(6); (8),158 pp. € 2750,00 € 2.750,00 Second and best edition; first published in Hamburg in 1746 Nachrichten von Island, Grönland und der Strasse Davis. - 'Anderson's detailed account of the arctic regions was immediately accepted and highly regarded. It was followed the next year by a second German edition, then by Danish, Dutch, English, and French editions' (Ingalls 446). The first part contains an account on whaling and a Danish-Dutch-Greenland vocabularly and grammar. The second part by Niels Horrebow contains the corrections and an extensive description of Iceland's natural history. The description of Davis Street makes this book also an important Americanum. - (Age-browned). - A nice copy with the bookplate of F.C. Koch and Isaac Meulman. Tiele 39; Cat. NHSM I, p.301 (German ed. only); Muller, America, p.69; Sabin 1407; Jenkins p.75; Allen 233. 16 ANDREWS, Charles M. The Fathers of New England. A chronicle of the puritan commonwealths. New Haven, Yale Univ. Press, 1919. Decorated cloth gilt, top edge gilt. With 10 plates. X,210 pp. - (The Chronicles of America Series; Abraham Lincoln edition). € 25,00 17 ANDREWS, Charles M. Colonial folkways. A chronicle of American life in the reign of the Georges. New Haven, Yale University Press, 1919. Decorated cloth gilt, top edge gilt. With 13 plates. X,255 pp. - (The Chronicles of America Series; Abraham Lincoln edition). € 25,00 18 ARCHER. Circumstantial account of the wreck of his majesty's ship Phoenix, of 44 guns, which was lost in a hurricane, off Cuba, in the West Indies, in the year 1780, as communicated by Lieutenant Archer, in a letter to his mother. Also, the sufferings of Francis Pirard de Laval, on the Maldivia Islands. London, Thomas Tegg, (1810). Sm.8vo. Modern boards. With folding aquatint plate depicting the ' wreck of the Phoenix frigate, capt. Sir Hyde Parker, in a hurricane off Cuba' (mounted; small part of the left side of the engraving wrinkled). 28 pp. € 450,00 Extracted from the collection, Mariner's marvelous Magazine or wonders of the ocean, containing narratives of the most noted shipwrecks and disasters at sea. - ' The Phoenix was one of the thirteen ships of the Royal Navy lost in a terrible hurricane about October 1, 1780.
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