Improving Healthcare Together 2020-2030 Integrated Impact Assessment Appendices 1 June 2020 Mott MacDonald Spring Bank House 33 Stamford Street Altrincham WA14 1ES United Kingdom T +44 (0)161 926 4000 mottmac.com Improving Healthcare Together 2020-2030 Integrated Impact Assessment Appendices 1 June 2020 Mott MacDonald Limited. Registered in England and Wales no. 1243967. Registered office: Mott MacDonald House, 8-10 Sydenham Road, Croydon CR0 2EE, United Kingdom Mott MacDonald | Improving Healthcare Together 2020-2030 Integrated Impact Assessment Appendices Document reference: 396624 | 2 | A Information class: Standard This document is issued for the party which commissioned it and for specific purposes connected with the above- captioned project only. It should not be relied upon by any other party or used for any other purpose. We accept no responsibility for the consequences of this document being relied upon by any other party, or being used for any other purpose, or containing any error or omission which is due to an error or omission in data supplied to us by other parties. This document contains confidential information and proprietary intellectual property. It should not be shown to other parties without consent from us and from the party which commissioned it. This report has been pr epared sol ely for use by the party whic h commissi oned it (the ‘Client’) i n connecti on with the capti oned proj ect. It should not be used for any other purpose. N o person other than the Client or any party who has expressly agreed terms of r eliance with us (the ‘Reci pient(s)’) may rely on the content, i nformati on or any vi ews ex press ed i n the repor t. W e accept no duty of care, responsi bility or liability to any other r eci pient of thi s document. T his r eport is confi denti al and c ontains pr opri etary intell ectual property. 396624 | 2 | A | | 1 June 2020 Mott MacDonald | Improving Healthcare Together 2020-2030 Integrated Impact Assessment Appendices Contents A. Governance 8 A.1 Integrated Impact Assessment Steering Group 8 A.2 Travel and Access Working Group 14 B. Stakeholder engagement 18 B.1 Stakeholder engagement plan 18 B.2 Screener questions for focus groups 30 B.3 Focus group discussion guide 39 B.4 Note on focus group recruitment 54 B.5 Delivery of additional engagement 58 B.6 Solutions workshop 59 C. Air Quality Assessment Methodology 64 D. Green House Gases Assessment Methodology 73 E. Travel and Access Methodology 75 E.1 Technical note on travel and access methodology 75 E.2 Key questions 79 F. Background data collected for travel and access analysis 82 F.1 Data sources 82 F.2 Utilisation maps 85 F.3 Hospital catchment maps 96 F.4 Deprivation analysis maps 108 F.5 Study area maps 109 F.6 Parking costs 111 G. Travel and access baseline data 112 G.1 Demographic density maps 112 H. Results of travel and access analysis 118 H.1 Improving Health Together – Travel and Access Analysis: Blue Light Ambulance 118 H.2 Improving Health Together – Travel and Access Analysis: Car 118 H.3 Improving Health Together – Travel and Access Analysis: Public Transport 118 I. Initial Equality Scoping Report 119 396624 | 2 | A | | 1 June 2020 Mott MacDonald | Improving Healthcare Together 2020-2030 Integrated Impact Assessment Appendices J. Public Sector Equality Duty (PSED) 120 396624 | 2 | A | | 1 June 2020 IHT Appendices to the Final Report 8 1 June 2020 A. Governance A.1 Integrated Impact Assessment Steering Group Integrated Impact Assessment Steering Group Terms of Reference Purpose of this document This document details the Terms of Reference (ToR) for the IHT Programme Integrated Impact Assessment Steering Group (IIASG) which forms part of the governance structure for Improving Healthcare Together 2020-2030. An Integrated Impact Assessment (IIA) aims to (a) analyse the consequences of a reconfiguration option(s), and (b) produce evidence-based recommendations to maximise positive impacts, and minimise the negative impacts, of an option(s). The output is a series of full written reports. Role of the Group The IIASG is established to provide advice to the Programme. It will agree the IIA scope and oversee and scrutinise the IIA work programme to ensure delivery against key milestones and the final IIA. The IHT Programme will be asking the members of the IIASG to undertake the following tasks: Review and agree the IIA scope. Agree membership for Travel and Access Working Group. Review the interim impact assessment report Review the final impact assessment report taking account of recommendations from the public consultation for submission to the IHT Programme along with the IHT Programme decision making business case (DMBC). IHT Appendices to the Final Report 9 1 June 2020 Responsibilities Responsibilities of the IIASG is to: 1. Fulfil its role as set out above. 2. Request responsible owners to support and input into the constituent parts of the IIA. 3. Provide critical response on the methodology and findings of the IIA, including on the validity of data sources. 4. Represent patients and members of the public in the IIA process, paying particular attention to protected groups as outlined in the Equality Act 2010. 5. Endorse a sector-wide view and not an organisation-specific view. 6. Adhere to the IHT Programme’s communications strategy: a. Key stakeholders are briefed and involved in at each key milestone of the programme b. Co-production will involve the community at each stage in the process, testing out assumptions and emerging thinking. c. We will specifically engage with seldom heard groups, deprived communities, carers, protected characteristic groups and service users to ensure that activities and events are inclusive. This will include working with voluntary organisations to engage through their networks and creating events designed for a specific audience. d. Specific consideration is given to the impact of any potential changes on groups protected under the Equality Act 2010. 7. Provide the communication link between the IIA and the organisation represented at the IIASG. It is the duty of members to ensure that their organisations are fully briefed about all aspects of the IIA. Membership of the Group Standing members of the IIASG will include from: Member Expertise Responsible for the running of meetings and An Independent chair (recruited by the main point of contact for members, and programme) external scrutiny of the process as set out by Mott MacDonald To provide an oversight on the programme’s IHT Programme representatives aim, objectives and activities, to respond to programme queries (if requested) Mott MacDonald representatives Technical advisors on the IIA process Public Health representatives (Merton, Sutton Health and equality impacts and Surrey) Local Authority representation (Merton, Health, equality, travel and sustainability Sutton and Surrey) impacts Clinical Commission Group representatives Health, equality, travel and sustainability (Merton, Sutton and Surrey) impacts IHT Appendices to the Final Report 10 1 June 2020 Health an equality impact and stakeholder Voluntary sector representatives engagement Health and equality impacts and community Healthwatch (Merton, Sutton and Surrey) engagement Representative of the Travel and Access Travel and access impacts Working Group Briefed deputies can be nominated from standing members of the steering group. A more detailed list of the programme members can be found in the appendix. Decision-Making The Steering Group will aim for a consensus on the quality assurance of the deliverables. Accountability The IIASG will submit regular updates to the Programme team. The IIASG will provide updates to the stakeholder reference group (SRG) as requested The day to day management of the integrated impact assessment is held and administered by the Senior Programme Manager of the IHT. Frequency of Meetings It is expected that the IIASG will need to sit in conjunction with a number of programme milestones. These are: Review and agreement of terms and reference and project scope. Interim progress update. Submission of interim assessment report prior to the start of the public consultation (to be confirmed by the steering group). Submission of the final impact assessment report. The IIASG will be called to sit at dates appropriate to the delivery of these report submissions. Additional meetings are to be held where there is a particular need to engage members. Governance The IIA Steering Group will convene a Travel and Access Working Group with their remit as defined in the scoping document. The terms of reference for the Travel and Access Working Group will be developed and agreed by the IIA steering group and its membership. Confidentiality The working assumption is that all materials disclosed at the meetings are confidential unless specifically stated. While some material may be made publicly available over the due course of their working, unless it has been stated that the workings and/or briefings can be discussed or shared publicly, all Group members have a duty of confidentiality. The person disclosing such information to the Group is responsible for identifying when material will no longer be IHT Appendices to the Final Report 11 1 June 2020 confidential at the time it is given. Any challenge to the confidentiality of information given to the Group will be referred to the Programme Board for review. The agenda and notes of the IIASG meetings will be published on the Improving Healthcare Together website – here – following sign off by
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