Biodiversity Journal, 2017, 8 (1): 211–238 MONOGRAPH Land mollusks of Chalki and Alimia (Dodecanese Archipelago, Greece) Fabio Liberto1*, Mauro Grano2, Cristina Cattaneo3 & Salvo Giglio4 1Via del Giubileo Magno 93, 90015 Cefalù, Italy; email: [email protected] 2Via Val Cenischia 24, 00141 Rome, Italy; email: [email protected] 3Via Eleonora d’Arborea 12, 00162 Rome, Italy; email: [email protected] 4Contrada Settefrati, 90015 Cefalù, Italy; email: [email protected] *Corresponding author ABSTRACT A check list of land snails of the island of Chalki and the nearby islet of Alimia (South Aegean Greece, Dodecanese Archipelago) is given. The literature concerning the non-marine mollusks living on the two islands is critically reviewed. New data on morphology of some snails spe- cies are presented, with particular account to the genus Rhabdoena Kobelt et Mollendorff, 1902, Zebrina Held, 1838 and Albinaria Vest, 1864. KEY WORDS Land snails; endemism; Dodecanese Islands; Chalki; Alimia. Received 16.12.2016; accepted 10.02.2017; printed 30.03.2017 Proceedings of the 3rd International Congress “Biodiversity, Mediterranean, Society”, September 4th-6th 2015, Noto- Vendicari (Italy) INTRODUCTION the island of Chalki nine species of terrestrial mol- lusks: Hyalina aequata Mouss., Helix (Pseudocam- The malacological researches on Chalki Island pylaea) pellita Fer., Helix (Iberus) spiriplana Oliv., and Alimia Islet began in 1887 with the naturalistic Helix (Pomatia) aperta Born, Helix (Xerophila) surveys of Eberhard Von Ortzen, carried out in cretica Pfr., Bulimus (Mastus) turgidus Kobelt, the Aegean Islands and in the southwest corner of Pupa (Orcula) scyphus Pfr., Clausilia (Albinaria) Asia Minor with the support of the Royal Prussian brevicollis Pf., Clausilia (Albinaria) teres (Oliv.) Academy of Sciences. The Von Ortzen’s collections var. extensa Pfr. of terrestrial mollusks were later studied by the Ger- Gude (1902) published a list of the Helicoid man malacologists Oscar Boettger and Eberh Von land snails of Asia, listing for the island of Chalki Martens. the Von Martens’s data for this group: Retinella Boettger (1889) published a monograph on aequata Mouss., Helicella (Heliomanes) cretica Clausiliidae describing several new species, includ- Pfr., Hygromia (Metafruticicola) pellita Fér., Helix ing a new subspecies of Albinaria brevicollis (L. (Levantina) spiriplana Oliv., Helix (Helicogena) Pfeiffer, 1850) endemic to Chalki A. brevicollis aperta Born. chalcidensis (O. Boettger, 1889). Of particular significance is the work of Gam- In the same year Von Martens (1889) published betta (1929), as this was the first comprehensive the first comprehensive survey of the mollusks of study of the mollusks of the Dodecanese Islands as the Aegean Islands and Asia Minor, reporting for a whole. Her research was based on material result- 212 FABIO LIBERTO ET ALII ing from extensive samples carried out by Festa MATERIAL AND METHODS (1913), Desio (1922–1924), Ghigi-Issel (1928– 1929). Part of the specimens collected by Ghigi Study area were complete with soft parts, and this material al- lowed Gambetta to study for the first time the ana- The Dodecanese Archipelago is a group of 12 tomy of some species. Gambetta reviewed most of large islands plus 150 islets. The island of Chalki is the previous literature on the Dodecanese non-mar- located 13 km west of the island of Rhodes (Fig. 1), ine mollusks and listed 106 species for the Do- its approximate geographical coordinates are: lat- decanese Islands and 11 species for Chalki Island: itude 36°13’51’’N, longitude 27°34’35’’E. It has an Hyalinia (Eopolita) aequata Mousson, Metafru- area of 28 square km and its maximum height is ticicola (Metafruticicola) pellita Fér., Eobania ver- Maistros (593 m a.s.l.). miculata Müll., Levantina spiriplana var. carinata The most interesting aspect of the island is given Bgt., Helix (Cantareus) aperta Born, Helicella (Xer- by vertical cliffs of massive limestone and deep ocrassa) cretica Fér. Let., Rumina decollata gracilis gorges along the coastline (Fig. 3). These vertical Pfr. Let., Ena (Mastus) turgida Parr., Clausilia cliffs allowed the presence of a rare and highly spe- (Albinaria) brevicollis Pfr., Clausilia (Albinaria) cialized chasmophytic flora. Several species are en- unicolor Bttg. Let., Clausilia (Albinaria) extensa demic with a distribution area limited to the island Pfr. and to the SE Aegean, including W Turkey (Cat- Other two faunistic and taxonomic works on taneo & Grano, 2015a, b). Recently was discovered land and freshwater mollusks of Aegean Islands a new species for science that seems to be restricted were those of Fuchs & Käufel (1934, 1936) based to Chalki and the nearby island of Tilos: Seseli on the material collected by Franz Werner in the halkensis Cattaneo, Tan et Biel (Cattaneo et al., year 1932. In these works special emphasis was re- 2016). Chalki is mostly constituted by rocky hills served to the genital morphology and geographical characterized almost exclusively by a phryganic distribution of species. vegetation with prevalence of chamaephytes and Fuchs & Käufel (1934) reported for Chalki Is- nano-phanerophytes, as Sarcopoterium spinosum land only two species: Helicella (Xerocrassa) cret- (L.) Spach, Salvia fruticosa Mill., Origanum onites ica-cauta Westerlund, and Metafruticicola (M.) L., Thymbra capitata (L.) Cav., Teucrium capitatum pellita-graphicotera Bourguignat. Fuchs & Käufel L. A steppic vegetation is also present on exploited (1936) report other three species Mastus (M.) pupa lands and the most representative species are Hy- turgidus, Albinaria (Albinaria) brevicollis chal- parrhenia hirta (L.) Stapf), Andropogon distachyos cidensis and Retinella (Eopolita) protensa protensa. L., Carlina corymbosa L., Picnomon acarna (L.) Frank (1997) in his work on land mollusks of Cass., Echinops spinosissimum Turra, Asphodelus Rhodes recorded Xerocrassa cretica (A. Férussac, fistulosus L. and A. ramosus L. On the hilly slopes 1821) and Metafruticicola (M.) pellita (A. Férussac, of the valleys of Kania, Zies, Pondamos and Ghiali 1819) on Chalki and Levantina spiriplana malziana a characteristic floristic composition with Anagyris (L. Pfeiffer, 1861) on Alimia and Chalki. foetida L., Euphorbia dendroides L. and E. chara- Other data on land mollusks of Chalki and Al- cias L. is developed. The site of Limenari (north- imia were published in papers concerning a single west of Chalki) is characterized by a low maquis genus or species: Pfeiffer (1949) on Levantina whose distinctive elements are Juniperus phoenicea Kobelt, 1871; Zilch (1977) and Nordsieck (2007) L. and Pistacia lentiscus L. The tree vegetation is on Albinaria; Gittenberger & Hausdorf (2004) on almost exclusively represented by Olea europaea Orculella Steenberg, 1925; Bank et al. (2013) on L. and Pistacia terebinthus L. subsp. palestina Metafruticicola Ihering, 1892; Neubert (2014) on (Boiss.) Engl., the latter restricted to Pondamos and Helix Linnaeus, 1758. Ghiali bay. Pinus brutia Ten. grows in a small area Until recently a total of 14 species was reported near Kania. In Chalki there are also several alien from Chalki and 2 from Alimia. In this paper we species like Anagyris foetida (widespread), Agave present the results of a land snail survey of Chalki americana L., Carpobrotus edulis (L.) N.E. Br, and Alimia carried out in July-August 2014 and Opuntia ficus-indica (L.) Mill. and Oxalis pes- April 2015 by M. Grano and C. Cattaneo. caprae L. (Cattaneo & Grano, 2015a, b). Land mollusks of Chalki and Alimia (Dodecanese Archipelago, Greece) 213 The study area belongs to the Thermo-Mediter- small islands, is included in the European Network ranean zone, with a long dry period from end of “Natura 2000” as SPA, Special Protection Area, April to early October. with GR4210026 code. Alimia is an uninhabited islet located 6 km east of Chalki (Fig. 1). It has an area of 7.42 square Sampling methods km and a maximum height of 274 m a.s.l. Its ap- proximated geographical coordinates are: latitude The samples examined for this paper were col- 36°16’26’’N, longitude 27°42’24’’E. It consists of lected by M. Grano and C. Cattaneo, from 30th limestone rock with steep cliffs on the northern July to 12th August 2014 and 23rd April 2015. The side, lacks superficial hydrography; there’s only a names of local places mentioned in the text and in small retrodunal pond of brackish water in the bay the map (Fig. 1) follow the map of Chalki produ- of Aghios Georgios. The islet vegetation is characterized by wide ced by Anavasi Ed. (2008). Specimens were col- low shrubs with Juniperus phoenicea and Pistacia lected chronologically from the following lentiscus (Fig. 2). Where shrubs become more thin localities: and open, thrives a phrygana almost exclusively characterized by Thymbra capitata, to which some- Chalki, Imborios, 36°13’23’’N -27°36’45’’E, 22 m times is associated Teucrium capitatum and more a.s.l., 30.VII.2014 sporadically Salvia fruticosa, Origanum onites and Chalki, Kania, 36°14’02’’N - 27°37’05’’E, 48 m Sarcopoterium spinosum. Clusters of Pinus brutia a.s.l., 31.VIII.2014 are scarce and localized. Chalki, Chorio, 36°13’13’’N - 27°35’07’’E, 268 m Alimia together with Chalki and the surrounding a.s.l., 01.VIII.2014 Figure 1. Map of Chalki Island and Alimia Islet. 214 FABIO LIBERTO ET ALII Chalki, Pefkia, 36°14’15’’N - 27°36’53’’E, 125 m also present on other Aegean islands or/and nearby a.s.l., 02.VIII.2014 coastal mainland areas of Greece and Turkey; Grek Chalki, Ag. Ghiorgos, 36°14’21’’N-27°34’43’’E, = Greek: species distributed within the Greek main- 108 m a.s.l., 03.VIII.2014 land or/and islands; E Med = East Mediterranean: Chalki, Plaghia, 36°13’38’’N- 27°34’45’’E, 423 m species which are found in the eastern part of a.s.l., 03.VIII.2014 Mediterranean region; Med = Mediterranean: spe- Chalki, Areta, 36°14’43’’N-27°35’58’’E, 95 m cies which are found around the Mediterranean; Eur a.s.l., 04.VIII.2014 = European: species found in various countries of Chalki, Zies, 36°13’39’’N-27°36’57’’E, 54 m a.s.l., Europe.
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