DESTEKLENEN BİREYSEL ORGANİZASYONLAR LİSTESİ EK-31B (BİLİŞİM SEKTÖRÜ) Sıra Ülke Şehir Organizasyon Adı Organizatör Firma Başlangıç Tarih Bitiş Tarihi İnternet Adresi No. 1 A.B.D. Los Angeles OFC 2015 OFC 24.03.2015 26.03.2015 www.ofccongress.org https://www.isteconference. 2 A.B.D. Philadelphia ISTE 2015 ISTE 28.06.2015 01.07.2015 org/2015/ National Training and 3 A.B.D. Orlando I/ITSEC 2015 30.11.2015 04.12.2015 http://www.iitsec.org/ Simulation Association http://www.ausa.org/meetin Association of The United 4 A.B.D. Washington DC AUSA 2015 31.03.2015 02.04.2015 gs/2015/Pages/2015GlobalFo States Army rceSymposium.aspx 5 A.B.D. Las Vegas International CES CEA 06.01.2015 09.01.2015 www.cesweb.org http://tdwi.org/calendar/201 TDWI 2015 World The Data Warehousing 6 A.B.D. Boston 26.07.2015 31.07.2015 4/12/world-conference- Conference Institute events-2015.aspx http://cloud.channelpartnersc 7 A.B.D. Boston Cloud Partners 2015 Virgo Publishing LLC 16.09.2015 18.09.2015 onference.com/ Penny Arcade Expo East 8 A.B.D. Boston Reeds Exhibitions 06.03.2015 08.03.2015 http://east.paxsite.com 2015 http://ignite.microsoft.com/# 9 A.B.D. Chicago Microsoft Ignite Microsoft 04.05.2015 08.05.2015 fbid=GutYHlLuu2T 10 A.B.D. Los Angeles IRCE 16.03.2015 18.03.2015 http://focus.irce.com/design DISRUPT TECH CRYNCH http://techcrunch.com/event- 11 A.B.D. San Francisco TECHCRUNCH 2015 Eylül 2015 Eylül 2015 type/disrupt/ 12 A.B.D. Las Vegas MONEY 20/20 MONEY 20/20 25.10.2015 29.10.2015 http://money2020.com/ 13 A.B.D. San Francisco GMIC SILICON VALLEY GWC 2015 Ekim 2015 Ekim http://sv.thegmic.com/ http://www.tceaconvention.o 14 A.B.D. Austin TCEA 2015 TCEA 02.02.2015 06.02.2015 rg/2015/ http://itexpo.tmcnet.com/eas 15 A.B.D. Miami IT EXPO TMCNET 28.01.2015 30.01.2015 t/ http://www.cloudconnecteve 16 A.B.D. Las Vegas Cloud Connect UBM Information Limited 27.04.2015 01.05.2015 nt.com/ 17 A.B.D. Omaha Infotec 2015 AIM Institute 21.04.2015 22.04.2015 http://infotec.org/ Entertainment Software 18 A.B.D. Los Angeles E3 Expo 2015 16.06.2015 18.06.2015 www.e3expo.com Association Game Developers 19 A.B.D. San Francisco UBM Tech 02.03.2015 06.03.2015 www.gdconf.com Conference America http://www.himssconference 20 A.B.D. Chicago HIMSS ABD HIMSS 12.04.2015 16.04.2015 .org/ NAB (National Association 21 A.B.D. Las Vegas NABSHOW 2015 13.04.2015 16.04.2015 http://www.nabshow.com/ of Broadcasters) 22 A.B.D. Las Vegas INTEROP UBM Tech 27.04.2015 01.05.2015 www.interop.com SXSW Interactive 23 A.B.D. Austin SXSW 13.03.2015 17.03.2015 http://sxsw.com/ Festival 24 A.B.D. Baltimore DSS 2015 SPIE 20.04.2015 24.04.2015 http://spie.org/x6776.xml ATD 2015 International http://www.atdconference.or 25 A.B.D. Orlando Conference and ATD 17.05.2015 20.05.2015 g/ Exposition http://www.digitalwpc.com/ 26 A.B.D. Orlando WPC 2015 Microsoft 12.07.2015 16.07.2015 WPC2015/ 27 A.B.D. Orlando InfoComm Infocomm International 13.06.2015 19.06.2015 www.infocommshow.org ATD's Techknowledge http://www.tkconference.org 28 A.B.D. Las Vegas ATD 14.01.2015 16.01.2015 Conference 2015 / 29 A.B.D. San Francisco RSA Conference RSA Security Inc 20.04.2015 24.04.2015 www.rsaconference.com SES Conference & Expo Incisive Interactive 30 A.B.D. Atlanta 2015 Temmuz 2015 Temmuz http://sesconference.com Series Marketing LLC. SES Conference & Expo Incisive Interactive 31 A.B.D. Denver 2015 Ekim 2015 Ekim http://sesconference.com Series Marketing LLC. HFTP (Hospitality Financial http://www.hospitalitynet.or 32 A.B.D. Austin HITEC & Technology 15.06.2015 18.06.2015 g/event/3003033.html Professionals) http://www.speechtek.com/2 33 A.B.D. New York SpeechTek 2014 Speech Technology Media 17.08.2015 19.08.2015 015/ Chicago 11.03.2015 11.03.2015 Denver 07.04.2015 07.04.2015 Boston 20.05.2015 20.05.2015 http://www.itroadmap.net/e IT Roadmap Conference 34 A.B.D. New York ITRoadmap 29.07.2015 29.07.2015 home/index.php?eventid=10 & Expo San Jose 03.09.2015 03.09.2015 8717&#.VH3DHtKsWz4 Dallas 10.09.2015 10.09.2015 Washington 01.12.2015 01.12.2015 http://www.oracle.com/javao 35 A.B.D. San Francisco JavaOne 2015 Java 25.10.2015 29.10.2015 ne/index.html 36 A.B.D. San Francisco Casual Connect USA Casual Games Association 11.08.2015 13.08.2015 http://usa.casualconnect.org/ http://cloudcomputingexpo.c 37 A.B.D. New York Cloud Expo SysCon 09.06.2015 11.06.2015 om/ http://cloudcomputingexpo.c 38 A.B.D. Santa Clara Cloud Expo SysCon 03.11.2015 05.11.2015 om/ 39 A.B.D. Washington Cartes America 2015 Compexposium 05.05.2015 07.05.2015 www.cartes-america.com National Harbor, 40 A.B.D. Sea Air Space 2015 Clarion Events 13.04.2015 15.04.2015 http://www.seaairspace.org/ MD SES Conference & Expo Incisive Interactive 41 A.B.D. Miami 2015 Nisan 2015 Nisan http://sesconference.com/ Series Marketing LLC. 42 th International Conference and 42 A.B.D. Los Angeles Exhibition on Computer Siggraph 11.08.2015 13.08.2015 http://s2015.siggraph.org/ Graphics and Interactive Techniques International Security 43 A.B.D. Las Vegas Reed Exhibitions 15.04.2015 17.04.2015 www.iscwest.com Conference West http://americas.lteconference 44 ABD Dallas LTE North America 2015 Informa 17.11.2015 19.11.2015 .com/ Embedded World - www.embedded- 45 ALMANYA Nürnberg Exhibition & Conference NürnbergMesse GmbH 24.02.2015 26.02.2015 world.de/en/ Nürnberg 46 ALMANYA Hannover CEBIT Deutsche Messe AG 16.03.2015 20.03.2015 www.cebit.de 47 ALMANYA Berlin IFA Messe Berlin GmbH 04.09.2015 09.09.2015 http://b2b.ifa-berlin.com/ http://www.messe- The Trade Fairs for 48 ALMANYA Stuttgart Messe Stuttgart 29.09.2015 01.10.2015 stuttgart.de/en/where-it- Business IT works/ http://www.kioskeurope.com 49 ALMANYA Berlin KioskEurope 2015 2015 / http://www.eurocis- 50 ALMANYA Düsseldorf EURO CIS 2015 Messe Düsseldorf GmbH 24.02.2015 26.02.2015 tradefair.com/ 51 ALMANYA Berlin ITB - Berlin Messe Berlin GmbH 04.03.2015 08.03.2015 www.itb-berlin.de Digital 52 ALMANYA Hannover Factory/Hannover Deutsche Messe AG 13.04.2015 17.04.2015 www.hannovermesse.de Messe Gamescom - Interactive www.gamescom- 53 ALMANYA Köln Games and Koelnmesse GmbH 05.08.2015 09.08.2015 cologne.com Entertainment Fair 54 ALMANYA Köln ANGA COM ANGA Services GmbH 09.06.2015 11.06.2015 http://www.angacom.de http://www.technologie- 55 ALMANYA Bonn EHI Technologie Tage EHI Retail Institute 03.11.2015 04.11.2015 tage.com/ 4th International Exhibition of Feire İnternacional de http://www.eventseye.com/f 56 ANGOLA Luanda Information and 14.05.2015 17.05.2015 Luanda - Eventos Arena airs/f-expo-tic-15238-1.html Telecommunication Technologies of Angola 57 ARJANTİN Buenos Aires Mobile Life Expo 2015 Eylül 2015 Eylül www.expomobilelife.com 58 AVUSTRALYA Sidney CEBIT Australia Hannover Fairs Australia 05.05.2015 07.05.2015 www.cebit.com.au The Road and Traffic www.roadtraffic.iteca.az/201 59 AZERBAYCAN Bakü Iteca Caspian 12.05.2015 14.05.2015 exhibition 5/ 60 AZERBAYCAN Bakü BAKUTEL Iteca Caspian 02.12.2015 05.12.2015 www.bakutel.az 61 AZERBAYCAN Bakü ADEX Iteca Caspian 2015 2015 http://www.adex2014.com/ http://www.arabhealthonline 62 B.A.E. Dubai Arab Health 2015 İnforma 26.01.2015 29.01.2015 .com/ 63 B.A.E. Dubai Cabsat Dubai World Trade Centre 10.03.2015 12.03.2015 www.cabsat.com Cards&Payments Middle 64 B.A.E. Dubai Terrapinn 12.05.2015 13.05.2015 www.terrapinn.com East IDEX 2015 International 65 B.A.E. Dubai Idex LLC 22.02.2015 26.02.2015 http://www.idexuae.ae/ Defence Exhibition GITEX - Gulf Information 66 B.A.E. Dubai and Telecommunication Dubai World Trade Centre 18.10.2015 22.10.2015 www.gitex.com Technology Exhibition 67 B.A.E. Dubai M.E. Customer Festival Terrapinn 2015 2015 www.terrapinn.com Middle East Banking 68 B.A.E. Dubai Terrapinn 2015 2015 www.terrapinn.com Innovation Summit Middle East Contact http://www.insights- 69 B.A.E. Dubai Center (MECC) Conf. Insights Presents 12.05.2015 13.05.2015 me.com/callcentre/ And Fair 70 B.A.E. Dubai Total Telecom Fest Terrapinn 2015 2015 www.terrapinn.com http://www.thehotelshow.co 71 BAE DUBAİ Dubai Hotel Show 2015 DMG Events 28.09.2015 30.09.2015 m/ http://www.abteclive.com/Co 72 BAHREYN Manama ABTEC MENA 2015 Pinnacle Comm. 10.02.2015 11.02.2015 ntent/ABTEC-About-ABTEC http://www.epmtech.jotne.c 73 BELÇİKA Brüksel NATO LCM Conference CFD 27.01.2015 28.01.2015 om/images/pdf/News/LCM% 20Conference.pdf www.brasilgameshow.com.br 74 BREZİLYA SAO PAULO Brasil Game Show Riot Games 08.10.2015 12.10.2015 / http://www.tradefairdates.co 75 BULGARİSTAN Filibe INFOTECH International Fair Plovdiv 28.10.2015 03.11.2015 m/Infotech- M1505/Plovdiv.html 76 Ç.H.C.
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