THREE WED THURS FRI PARTLY CLOUDY CLOUDY/WINDY RAIN/SNOW/WIND DAY 72% HUMIDITY 54% HUMIDITY 80% HUMIDITY FORECAST 67° | 42° 66° | 49° 54° | 28° THE $1 Vol. 133, No. 15 Holstein, IA 712-364-3131 www.holsteinadvance.com Wednesday, April 11, 2018 Holstein council approves fi rst step in raising utility rates by DEB LOGER percent excise tax. With the Christine Wiese addressed The Holstein City Council elimination of the state sales the council during the citi- approved the irst reading on tax, the city will no longer col- zen’s forum, concerning the three ordinances pertaining lect its 1 percent LOST (local new policy to pick up garbage to increases in utility rates option sales tax) on water and recyclables on hard sur- during its meeting April 2. sales. Last quarter this would faces only that went into ef- Ordinance 236 sets new have translated to an approxi- fect April 2. monthly rates (a 9 percent mate $350 loss in LOST.” “My garage is on the alley increase) for water service The council opted to go and, starting tomorrow, I have as follows: irst 1,000 gal- with the 9 percent increase, to go to the garage to get my lons—$6.54; gallons over stating, if the loss was sig- garbage, walk it to the front 1,000—$3.55 per 1,000 gal- niicant, the rate could be of my house, then repeat the lons; capital projects fund— changed next year. process for my recyclables. $5.81; meter charge—$1.09; Ordinance 237 states each It’s okay because I’m in good water availability—$10.90; contributor shall pay sewer health, but, as I age, I’m con- outside city limits: irst 1,000 service charges for $11.03 cerned that it will be dificult. gallons—$13.08; gallons over per month for 1,000 gallons. I’m worried about our elder- 1,000—$7.10 per 1,000 gal- Additionally, each contributor ly who aren’t in good health. lons; capital projects fund— shall pay the rate of $3.42 per Also, in the winter, we’ll have $5.81; meter charge—$1.09 1,000 gallons in excess of the to scoop a path to the front and bulk water: $13.08 for 1,000-gallon minimum. curb. That may be dificult in irst 1,000 gallons, $7.10 per The third ordinance, Or- heavy snows,” said Wiese. 1,000 gallons thereafter. dinance 238, increases the Wiese commented that GG-H-H ssingers:ingers: City Administrator Kay storm water drainage utility she was concerned for those ADVANCE PHOTO | MIKE THORNHILL Hanson had prepared an or- for each residential, commer- folks who put their garbage Galva-Holstein’s Upper and Lower Elementary students presented their annual spring dinance with a 10 percent cial and industrial premise and recyclables out early in concert entitled “Showtime” Thursday in Holstein. Here, the third graders sing “Banana increase, stating “it has been from $1 per month to $2 per the morning before they go Phone.” The concert included the fifth grade band and songs by kindergarten through found that within the water month. to work, and then the wind fifth grade vocalists. quality bill signed by the gov- Before inal adoption, the comes up. She said their trash ernor, which takes effect July council must approve the sec- and recyclables and contain- 1, the 6 percent state sales tax ond and third readings of the ers could blow out into the on water sales is being elim- ordinances. street. G-H/S-C boards review whole inated and replaced with a 6 Councilman Rod Regen- “Not that they don’t blow nitter was designated as the out into the alleys, but people city’s animal control oficer don’t drive as fast in alleys, grade sharing, cost savings AT A GLANCE and Danny Gebers as his al- and the containers catch on The Galva-Holstein and Schaller-Crestland a year sooner than the current arrangement Professional Directory ..................4 ternate, per city ordinance. fences, etc. Another concern School Boards continued their review of possi- would increase the ratio of middle school ex- Public Notice ................................... 5 Hanson reported an indi- is residents putting their con- ble whole grade sharing options and cost sav- penses billed back to G-H. Obituaries ........................................ 6 vidual interested in purchas- tainers out front along High- ing measures during separate and joint work Transportation expenses were also dis- Courthouse News .........................9 ing Rose Hamlin’s property way 59. Won’t that be dan- sessions April 2-3. No action was taken during cussed. Projected costs/savings were explained Classifi eds ......................................10 has expressed interest in an- gerous for the garbage trucks the work sessions. when transporting to either Schaller or Early, Society ............................................11 nexing the property into the and workers? Also, if cats During G-H’s work session April 3, shared depending on where the middle school would FFA Awards ....................................12 city limits and connecting get into the garbage, it could Superintendent Jon Wiebers presented projec- be housed and the number of busses that would to city water and sewer. His cause an unsightly mess for tions of inancial data based on adjusting the be used. Wiebers said that estimate of costs only concern was if he could people to see driving through whole grade sharing agreement from its cur- ranges from no change to as much as a $22,000 DEADLINES raise his show horses on the town,” said Wiese. rent sixth through 12th grade arrangement to increase. He said there would be some cost sav- th Legal Notices ............. Friday, 3 p.m. land. Hanson told the coun- During her report, Mayor a ifth through 12 grade share. ings in transportation if the middle school were Submitted News ........Friday, 3 p.m. cil the land would be classi- Connie Ludvigson reviewed Wiebers said the rough estimate of what it to be located in Schaller. Display Ads .................Friday, 3 p.m. ied agriculture, and she saw the following meetings she would cost the G-H district to send ifth grad- The G-H board also discussed an estimate of Classifi ed Ads .............Friday, 3 p.m. nothing in the city ordinance attended in March, SIMP- ers to a middle school in Schaller or Early is savings if the Galva building were to be closed. Obituaries ...................Friday, 3 p.m. prohibiting keeping horses CO Membership Workshop, $28,000 to $32,000. He said the cost would in- The G-H board also reviewed the district’s on the land. The council indi- Branding Committee, Urban crease mainly due to educational costs associ- current facilities and what would be required cated it had no problem with Revitalization, Holstein De- ated with G-H having to send some ifth grade in moving all of the G-H students to Holstein. OFFICE HOURS him raising the horses on the velopment Authority, Ida teachers to Schaller or Early. The increased ex- Included in this discussion was a schematic Holstein – Thurs property. See COUNCIL: page 2pense is due to the fact that sharing with S-C See G-H/S-C BOARDS: page 2 10 a.m. - 2 p.m. (at McGuire Auction) Ida Grove – Mon-Fri Construction 8 a.m. - 12 p.m. 1 p.m. - 5 p.m. update Road construction work NEWSSTANDS for the expansion of U.S. 20 Find a copy of in Ida and Sac counties will require closing the road- The Holstein Advance way to trafic between Ida at the following places: County Road M-25 (near HOLSTEIN SUPERMARKET Galva) and U.S. 71 (near Early) from 8 a.m. Wednes- HOLSTEIN TRAVEL CENTER day, Apr. 11, until Friday, MCGUIRE AUCTION Sept. 28, weather permit- A&A FOOD AND FUEL ting, according to the Iowa Department of Transporta- IDA COUNTY COURIER tion’s District 3 Ofice. Motorists will be direct- PHOTO SUBMITTED ed around the work zone Capitol visit: The Holstein seventh grade Girl Scout Cadette Troop attended Girl Scout Day at the capitol in Des Moines on a signed detour using March 28. The Scouts learned how the legislature works, how laws are created and toured the capitol. During their visit, Ida County Road M-25, they attended sessions in the Senate and House of Representatives and met Iowa Gov. Kim Reynolds and Lt. Governor Ida/Sac County Road D-15, Adam Gregg. Pictured are: Kiara Dutler, Jenny Huerta, Gregg, Chloe Gottschalk, Reynolds, Kendra Schossow, Aylin Herrera, and U.S. 71. Grace Venteicher and leader Stephanie Dutler. Spring has Sprung! BEAT THE HEAT! 3rd Sundayy of Easter PROPANE Schedule your A/C check-up before you flip that switch! April 15: Worship 9:30 am HANK CORNER with guestg musicians “Trilogy”gy Battle Creek Presbyterian Church Call PropanePropane HankHank Christian Education Hour: 10:40 am 1-888-365-12411 888-3 36565-1 124124411 Fellowship & Coffee: 10:40 am HenryHHenryyJ R.R JessenJJessenn Propane Heating ServingSSeervini gyg youryour “The best exercise Let our family OOwnerwner OperatOperatoroorr and Cooling Inc. ComCommunitymumunity SiSincence 19194545 Everyone welcome! is stooping down take care of your family! CheckCheck outout ourouurrw websitewewebsite www.propanehank.com www. proppropanea hank.com Come Share the LORD! and lifting up another.” 2 Wednesday, April 11, 2018 The Holstein Advance more about — . council (continued from front page) charge, summer theatre arts proceeding with the change County E-911 and Ida Coun- camp (June 5-8), summer on a trial basis to see how it ty Public Safety and Commu- ilmmaking camp (June 12- works. Niemeier reported nications Commission, NW 15) and summer art camp they’ve been moving a lot of Iowa League of Cities and (dates to be determined).
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