St. AnthonyYour Park Park award-winning,Falcon Heights nonprofitLauderdale community Comoresource Park St.www.parkbugle.org Anthony Park / Falcon Heights www.parkbugle.org BugleLauderdale / Como Park January 2021 New CEZ director Page 3 Reimagining preschool during Covid pandemic By Sarah CR Clark terrains. She has also seen fewer challenging behaviors. Joyful preschool children wiggled “The open space seems to have their way down Como Avenue to a diffusing effect on some of our College Park one recent morn- bigger personalities and we are not ing. Two teachers walked among experiencing children reaching them; one wearing a hiking back- sensory overload as we do in an pack containing a speaker playing enclosed space,” Duerr said. “Addi- “The Grinch Who Stole Christ- tionally, the children have bonded mas,” the other pulling a wagon over their shared adventuring and of water bottles, snacks and extra tend to work together rather than hats and mittens. in competition with each other.” The kids walked, jumped and Michael Townley, the mother rolled along the sidewalk, the bou- of son Miles who attends the pre- levard and any snow piles nearby. school, said she hopes that shifting 2020 Year in review I saw beautiful chaos as I accom- Molly Breen and Martha Duerr accompany their pod of students to the outdoors becomes a signifi- panied them . until a pedestri- during a day of outdoor-based preschool. Photo by Sarah CR Clark. cant movement. Page 8-10 an appeared on the same sidewalk “The success of the outdoor heading towards the children. Then explained. While students spend rating being outside into safety,” curriculum is really one of the sil- all was orderly. Each child, without some time indoors (mainly lunch she said, recalling her enrollment ver linings of the pandemic, and hesitation, quietly hopped off the and rest), at least 75 percent of decision. “In all honesty, the first proof that sometime unique cir- sidewalk onto the grass and waited every day is spent outside. few cold, rainy days I was a bit cumstances push us to try things at a distance for the woman to pass “It took a ton of planning,” worried about them. That said, we wouldn’t have otherwise,” she before continuing to the park. Breen reflected about going to they came home happy! We send said. “I hope this focus on outdoor While much of the preschool outdoor learning and activities. them in warm gear. It is amazing integration becomes a permanent life at St. Anthony Park Commu- She and her team tackled sever- how much fun kids have outside.” part of the preschool program, nity Nursery School remains the al logistical challenges including Similarly, SunMin May Hwang and that other schools see the suc- same during this pandemic time, mobilizing and weatherproofing voiced enthusiasm for her son’s at- cess of it and follow suit.” some things are very different. classroom materials and gear, help- tending the Community Nursery Meanwhile, back to the pre- When it became clear last ing all 34 kids navigate safely with- School this year. school adventurers. On that recent summer that COVID-19 would in fenceless urban parks and even “JuneHan loves being outdoors morning, they made it to College continue to alter daily life, Com- procuring portable composting more than I could ever imagine!” Park, stopping once to admire a munity Nursery School Director toilets with pop-up latrine tents. she said. “We thought the benefits neighbor’s goat sculpture. After Molly Breen began to reimagine And they met the challenges. of going to preschool outweighed showing me the rock where they preschool. The 70-plus- year-old “Now that we’ve moved out of the risk.” While this is JuneHan’s once found coyote poop, the pre- preschool program is housed the theoretical and into the prac- third year at the Community schoolers scattered across the field People in your within Centennial Methodist’s tical, lived experience of outdoor Nursery School, his mother said and into the trees to play their fa- SAP building (2200 Hillside). learning, it’s such a joy and so nat- he doesn’t miss the way preschool vorite games such as “hide and neighborhood As new health and safety guide- urally open-ended and liberating was held before COVID-19. seek” and “roll down the hill.” lines emerged, Breen shifted her for kids, it was worth all of the Martha Duerr, a teacher at While so much about preschool at Page 11 program from a classroom based additional planning and gear,” Community Nursery School, SAP Community Nursery School preschool to an “adventure pre- Breen said. sees advantages in adventure is different this year, so much is school” that sees the outdoors as Sarah Langford, parent of two based preschool. She has noticed wonderfully still the same. n its primary classroom. preschoolers, said she feels fortu- preschoolers’ confidence and in- That shift seemed logical, giv- nate her kids attend SAP Com- dependence increasing as they Sarah CR Clark is a resident of en the health information that munity Nursery School. begin to see themselves as “capa- St. Anthony Park and a regular “we had a lot fewer transmissions “We love their safety consider- ble adventurers;” managing their Bugle freelance writer. of COVID-19 outdoors,” Breen ations and how they were incorpo- own gear and navigating outdoor Vacant Luther Seminary dorm PRSRT STD PRSRT TWIN CITIES, MN US POSTAGE PAID US POSTAGE PERMIT NO. 30308 PERMIT is temporary homeless shelter By Scott Carlson in need,” Heidi Droegemueller, Currently, Ramsey County es- vice-president for Luther Semi- timates there were several hundred As a new year is dawning, a former nary relations, said at a recent vir- homeless people in emergency dormitory at Luther Seminary is tual community meeting attended shelters during periods of 2020. taking on a new life: It has become by more than 200 people. The temporary Stub Hall shel- a temporary homeless shelter. Ramsey County officials said ter is operating 24/7 with trained Seminary officials signed a lease that leasing the Stub Hall build- staff on site, also providing meals effective Dec. 1 that allows Ramsey ing will help ease the shortage of and other support services. The County to use the religious insti- available housing for homeless county screens potential residents tution’s vacant Stub Hall through people, a problem that has been before admitting them to the shel- the end of April 2021 to provide exacerbated by the coronavirus ter, said Keith Lattimore, director temporary housing to more than pandemic. Prior to using Stub of the Ramsey County Housing 75 women and some couples ex- Hall, the county was largely re- Stability Department, which was periencing homelessness. lying on a hotel program to pro- recently initiated to consolidate “We feel a call to use all of vide shelter for some homeless Park Press, Inc. Park Press, Box 8126 P.O. Saint Paul, MN 55108 our facilities for our neighbors people. Luther Seminary to p. 3 2 PARK BUGLE n JANUARY 2021 CITY FILES Como and St. Anthony Park Community Council news Upcoming meetings: Here is the District 12 meeting District 10 • Neighborhood Relations: schedule for January. Community Council Tuesday, Jan. 5 • Land Use Committee: 7 p.m., Thursday, Jan. 7 A time for recognition • Land Use: Wednesday, Jan. 6 • Environment: Wednesday, • Board Meeting: 7 p.m., Know someone who makes the Jan. 12 Thursday, Jan. 14 Como Park area a better place • Environment Committee: to live, work or play? Nominate • Board meeting: Tuesday, Jan. 19 7 p.m., Wednesday, Jan. 27 them for the District 10 Neigh- All meetings begin at 7 p.m. borhood Honor Roll. Whenever possible, agendas and • Equity Committee: The honor roll pays tribute to other relevant documents are 5:30 p.m., Monday, Jan. 25 everyday people who make sus- posted in advance in the “Board • Transportation Committee: tained and lasting impacts on our News” section of District 10’s web- 7 p.m., Tuesday, Jan, 26 neighborhood or Saint Paul as a The generosity of Como residents enabled 150 seniors in the neigh- site: www.district10comopark.org Meetings are subject to change. whole. borhood and 50 homeless youth at Booth Brown House to receive You can join either by video con- District 12 public meetings are Submit your nominations by Thanksgiving meals. Como residents donated more than $2,300 to ference or by phone. held only online. Visit sapcc.org/ email to: district10@district10 the cause and nearly 50 volunteers delivered the meals. Here, Joan Submitted by Michael Kuchta, event/ for links to Zoom meetings comopark.org. Deadline to re- McKernan picks up means to deliver from Molly Fitzel, director of the District 10 executive director. and updates. ceive nominations is Thursday, North End-South Como Block Nurse Program. Photo by District 10 Jan. 14. Tell us who you are nom- Community Council. Submitted by Emily Rodriguez, inating and why. The Como community organizer for St. An- Community Council board then Notice of District 10 meetings join either by video conference or District 12 thony Park District 12 Community selects three of your nominees Pandemic or not, renters, home- by phone. Community Council Council. To obtain links, phone num- at its January board meeting to owners and other community SAPCC January meetings recognize for 2020. members are always welcome to bers or other access information, Happy New Year and well wishes participate in District 10’s board send a request by email to district10 from the St. Anthony Park Com- and committee meetings. You can @district10comopark.org. Or call 651-644-3889 munity Council board and staff. Tobacco ordinance hearing planned in Lauderdale By Anne Holzman asked the council to reconsider raised the purchase age to 21 last that reads in part, “When the City succeeded.
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