1- / - - -- , . J!tj · ~ '4:7' !>THF'LOOR Sl:ffi.R.M.A.t-1 OAKS. CALIFOR."-"'lA S>l40J·SJJQ TF.LF.PH(')r-ffi (1=¢18) 377~5300 FAX (S 18) 3'17-.">333 Web:l.itc: b«p:ltwww.J)f"e •)' ietc~djO,<;OJ.O AMElllt.ul TOP 4G 'lflTHilYA.'I SiACREST Show Code: #08-18 Show Date: Weekend of May 3-4, 2008 Disc One!Hour One Opening Billboard · None Seg. 1 • Content: #40 "HOLLYWOOD'S NOT AMERICA" - Ferras #39 "STRONGER" - Kanye West featuring Daft Punk #38 "IN LOVE WITH A GIRL"-Gavin DeGraw CommemaJs. :30 James Patterson :30 Radio Shack :30 Washington Muru :30 Zeno Outcue: ".. .producls are sold • Segment time: 15:37 Local Break 200 Seg. 2 Contenr #37 "SV.''EE'TESTG!tll. DOU.AR BlLL • - \.',tde!Jean '1Akon. UI Wayno & Niio ~ "S'1A.<E,..,..--&..:D<! ;35 '"'T""'r£ •"t.!.'" .t~ - -rrb!iana ie.:!Lr'1Q Ken H1lson t$4 '\.EAII'N""-..esse '.!cCa.-;ney :30 Slate Farm lnsu :30 Fox Broadcastin .,:)i) 'fv'(;\i--i.. l.ciri 2"-IJH:::S :30 Washington Mutu Outcue: " ... or checks tree." Segment time: 18:29 local Break 2'00 Seg.3 Content: i33 "ClUMSY'- Ferljll! i'32 "BREAK THE ICE"-8nmey Soea<s Break Out: "IrS NOT t.<v IME"-3 Doors Down #31 "INDEPENDENT" - WebbOe ~'UI Booste Commercials: :30 Wal-Man Expres :30 James Patterson O.Jtcue: •... yes, James Pauerson.· Segment time: 16:27 Local Break 1 :00 Seg4 ...This is an optional cut · Stations can opt to drop song for local inventory-.. Content: AT40 Extra: "CRAZY IN LOVE" - Beyonce 1/Jay-Z Outcue: • ... American Top 40." Segment time: 4:43 Hour 1 Total Time: 60:16 END OF DISC ONE l':l6() V:eNTUR.A S0il,."'U:VARJ) 5n:t f:l...QoR. SJ!B.RMAN OAKS. CA.L..U'O.R.N.IA 914Q)-..SJ.39 Tfll.P..PJIONn (SUI"• .r-7 .$300 FAX (1'03'! 1~-S))) Website: tmp:l/ www.pn:mien::::::af.lo.axn AllERICAII TOP 40 /WITH RYAN SEACREST Show~ J08.18 Show Date: Weekend of May 3-4, 2008 DiscTW<>HourTwo :05 Fox #30 "NO ONE" - Alicia Keys #29 "LOLLIPOP" - Lit Wayne f/Static Major #28 "PARALYZER"- Finger Eleven :30 State Farm lnsu :30 FYE :30 James Patterson :30 Wai-Mart Expres •. .•live better. Wai-Mart: Segment time: 15:53 _neal &eak 2:00 Seg.2 Content. #27 "WHEN YOU LOOK ME IN THE EYES" - The Jonas Brothers #26 •ALL AROUND ME" - Fly1eaf #25 "TAKE YOU THERE" - Sean Kingston #24 "REALIZE" - Colbie Caillat Commercials: :302ero ~- '30W~E- 30 Slale =~ """' :30 James Patterson Outcue: " ...yes. James Patterson." Segment time: 20:27 Local Break 2:00 Seg.3 Content: #23 "APOLOGIZE" - Timbaland featuring One Republic #22 "DAMAGED" - Danity Kane #21 "OUR SONG"-Taylor Swift Commercials: :30 Washington Mutu :30 Radio Shack Outcue: •... buy stuff, do stuff." Segment time: 11 :48 Local Break 1: 00 Seg4 ......This is an optional cut· Stations can opt to drop song for local inventory·•· Content: AT40 Extra: "ROCK YOUR BODY" - Justin Timberlake Outcue: -...h ere. he would." Segment time: 5:06 Hour 2 Total Time: 58:14 END OF DISC TWO -~:~- vnWTURA SOULtiV AR.O STHFLOOR SIIERMAN OAKS. CALTFQR.."-"lA 9 1•103-5339 TRLHPHONF. {S-1 R) 371-~~()() t•A X 0~ 1 8) 377- S3:l3 AMERitU TOP 40 llr1IH ~!YAH SEACREST W<:b$it~: http://www.pr-emicrcrodio.cClofn Show Code: J108-18 Show Date: Weeicend of May 3-4, 2008 Disc Three.llour Three Opening S..boa!d None Seg. 1 Content lt20 "KLLLA"- Cherish featuring Yung Joe # 19 'WHATEVER IT TAKES" - l.ilehouse Extra: "ELEVATOR"-Flo Aida tmmbaland #18 "PPCKETFUL OF SUNSHINE"-Nalasha Bedingfield Commc-rcas :30 Wal·Mart E>cp<es :30 Fox Stoadcas'"o :30 James Panerson :30Zeno Outcue: •.prod>x:s a-e soil: Segment time: 16:49 local Bcez.~ 2:00 Seg. 2 Comeoc -;·- "'TA<E. !. S(J.':"- R."la,..~.a. i16 "NE'\<ER -oQ ..ATE· -_.,.,_ Da'J~ Gtac:l> ~ 15 "SUPERSTAR" - Lupe F<asco leawmg Ma;;!le'N Samos #14 "DON'T STOP THE MUSIC" - Rihanna Comrnercials: :30 American lnterc :30 James Pauerson :30 State Farm lnsu :30 Wai-Mart Expres Outcue: • •.. five be!ler Wa!-Mor~· Segment time: 19:51 local Break 2:00 Seg. 3 Content: :13 "FEELS LIKE TONIGHr- Daugtrtry #12 "SEXY CAN I"- Ray J. 1/Yung Berg #11 "SORRY" - Buckcherry Commercials: :30Zeno 30FYE Outcue: • •..n ear you today." Segment time: 14:27 Local Break 1: 00 Seg4 •--rhis is an optlonaJ cut - Stations can opt to drop song for local inventory-••·• Content: AT40 Extra: · soMEBODY TOLD ME" - The Killers Outcue: "... next. hang on." Segment time: 3:47 Hour 3 Total Time: 59:54 END OF DISC THREE \ - -- , 1.5160 VllNTURA HOui,.:L.VAJU) M4:A, STH FLuoR SlT.nkMAN O AK$, C ALIF01L''lA 91403 ·5339 Tf\I ..,RPI JONE (818) 371.'$""100 ,:-A x (JUK)377-~~U Wc:~ba'rl:o IU1p llww'W ~:::!rlttU-.dte ~ AMERICAN TOP 40 /VIIlll RYAll SUCREST Show Code: #08-18 Show Date: Weekend of May 3-4, 2008 Disc Four'Hour Four Opening Billboard :05Fox Seg.l Content #10 "4 MINUTES'- Madonna & Justin Timbe~ake 119 "STOP AND STARE"- OneRepublic #8 "LOW"-Flo Rtda featuring T·Pain Commercials· :30 James Patlorson :30 Fox Broadcastln :30 WaJ-Mart Exprcs :30 State Farm lnsu Outcue: ~.. .in al1 areas.· Segment time: 16:02 local Break 2:00 Seg.2 Contem: #7 "TOUCH MY BODY"- Mariah Carey #6 •LOVE IN THIS CLUB" - Usher featuring Young Jeezy Commercials: :30 Wai· Mart Expros :30 Zeno :30 Washington Mu:u 30 James Pa::arson • ..yes Ja:nes Pa::~ • Segmenttime: 11 :55 local Brenk 2;()0 Seg3 Content: #5 'WITH YOU"-Chns Brown #4 "SEE YOU AGAIN"- Miley Cyrus #3 "LOVE SONG" - sara Bareilles Commercials: :30 State Farm lnsu :30 Radio shack Outcue: • ...stuff . do stuff • Segment Time: 13:52 Local Break 1 00 Seg.4 --"This Is an optional cut - Stations can opt to drop song lor local inventorr­ Content: AT<O Exira "GI\IE IT TO ME' - Trnbalond fiNely Funado & J-JSlin Trnbedake Outcue: ••. .Amenca are next· Segment time: 3:38 Seg.5 Content: #2 "BLEEDING LOVE" - Leona Lewis #1 "NO AlA'-Jordtn Sparks featuring Chris Brown Close Billboard: None Outcuc: •... e• Entertammcnt Television: Segmenttime: 11:18 Hour 4 Total Time: 61 :45 Show Total: 4;()0:09 Tracks 6 & 7: Promo Track 8: Promo Bed I .
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