f olTtrt, at prirat* <alt, bra I fiCinity «r Uttnwn, J«f- containing •bout 3OO d of which ,. in gnml Imprnrornenti comuit of tiling HIIIKII, and all, Mh,- r [for farming operation., > W purchase, are invited to r. COOKE... • w....,«.~ »w-v --~««w-.»-^.w—..-.,^v.».,. = ..* * ....„ ... ...,.y ,.-. • ...r. ., t k'to'nU -*«».w nr ' Pt BLISIIED WEF.KL Y B Y J. S. «k H. >. <; U,LAIIKH. •Tr«a, ilrcM, or tha firm of >««g^^ bund,,note, 'or Rich' ara nijvr ilun, ar* jn- (tleinenta \n not made (M. suits wjll hit brniighY \,f ' THURSDAY MORNFWG, JULY 14, 1836. NO. eaiiw, without reiperl lit pialinn nf tha ctttata it vnii rnlv lettlemi baffle our authority but for heiv^Thia 'and who 'desired to convene, tfiltidutj "This very inmtant." .thisjoint resolutiijfl of rtta Senate in defed Mil iqfracjion ofthis SitfriHH'taJMaa.i*.uiiiltrr-r tfiWi^-l>»itne»ps^__! :^, '-^l^k'.: ; «B«t ynu wla.ti"V<V'iMi-*5j"ui,ninctvVW'»takeri!. A»Tict.»>-lh. By. eipren to be irti- • vWwt.r,^f*W^ft^4fin.Wfy^it ..w . y , , ,.. -iniW|*^i^i^.jnHaT ^rt'!ii^;3^>^'-V*i^c^tt'^ «*'i#j';/»*t^ to : and :i Mat* Oh'. (aid 'nir. if nil w k tii kin'nv, dunwpd hp.r; audV it it.vour duty to; . "I am tue nraTCprrs ov Ctatrvar. s8i(T(l^n;,*t>iJwTnrrgraittr tr dnjmg f rn tlin trading Ineidentf In Y "i mint faxe aruiind. i-.i •>•-. below, 'sanction lie la.w'-» gward. .You heVe^he;; "I possess a castle jn France, nenVith >vhfich bolli exact the bi' thrte m«mbers was accordingly ap- jih»H be sent to (Ren. Vicente'Fili«ol«. '. t tliB tail .ay's «itti..g m both liimiei uf Con' Ir.tnership 'of ''the fifm ,of"* For earth and hraven and ocean irll _|ileiifeiLiSurM-lf 'o 'he rigid execution' which, likp you'rt, U on.lh'e very| -fron?.- penalty?" pointed'pi) the part -of' the Hi>u«e,*to|and-to'rjenTT. J. Rink, commander of lit Cb.'""w"nT'be7di»»nfvp;p" wTii'rwTnw a|}lfH cn^^BHrafy Iv. i^a li» ' of iuVlice in your vaiVafr'aMdybivasVali. and VOtil ow'oW'n -ItriiItrr." Win"ttktf'youaltil" ttfctf' you'' 1I' SttDimi .....engtigr.d iii « ''^ I 'know 'very' we .n gt'BH '.' President'arid inform\hirn'! the T«4i«n'.*fttry,- that tlwr'—--^ ly nr-xt, wn r«qu«rt all prr- Out ««% »he i .inn-* with the early -H. ..,„ Tim *ord of a_SpanKli"*uppresjing.nmuir.gliiig,. and ejifeciiting Frartce and Spain, the dnelli.t. is pitn- lit as»AT«. that the two Houses were ready to close may be apprised nf it* stipulation—eSJPn T T »ll perv)ir» Inirinn claim*., And-wlnnuwn the air with her fragrant wlnj.J' '9 ' • • -• f. •, /Mr. Divis, from the Committee) on thf session' by m adjournment. ••<i :in-, ,-tirl they will exchange i call ami n»kn uulmnui.!" irh tnpadnw. and hill, and tree, , gramli>e is '<4WWf. thereforire'e, my'lord .ju»tii*p atriunid thjjse engaged,in it." ' r'rShotf by the forfeiture t)f,-his entates !. day,. M-KH, im:u WI'LUAMSON. rax i>:rii; . , . "•• 'IC'IS.. .Y-."r.-. ' ••-..- "It "yt tlin. »iln nf thTTT~'~t— ly liHJimtJnz to tb« «Y- " . HCUsT, UKC <l, haeaino [il«y of May, 1830. Tim ''flaw i« »iii-!t 34 will require And hi.le in lh« »taii-ly lily'i «t the sentenc<mirnrre. IJ.intliirt Mil-.iuotla.lirif. Iv bi!caui>u they refusej to giva reasons- " B*-it no. And-oow aigii Milaaotta'i j»n». ii'mada fur their futuro aiding of the House, and which termi- vernmentof Texas, shall ft liiilui -.---H'.- cannot be- I an I'oinil »'ii\rr <hr.-r\«l il ' I wiiiflTto' iee"aud interrognio her p'er->'or their behaviour. " .. *• rpard/in." On rtiolioh 'of"Mrr'Glayton,^t}).i9 natcdjn a resolutioncpiisuriiirfthe con- ly...released. The remainder of th» ROUHIIT 8LCMONB, Vii fern to 'iri-M in • diamond mini*; *•"-"' - '.-•••• nTn.n.hi« ^ri » ,, y.ll.,,U mnn.i.Mr)" •• ' nate prpceeded to the consideration of duct of )i1r collnagne, 'if.Mr. S. Wil- . Mexican prisoners that continue in poa- I blonro in the dnuer that -In U; tlir ?r«»«, tonally. "To- what do. yonu allude; pnrdon And rid* on the cmt of the dark frreen ,»nvo, My deputy obeyed, and n an in- "Li .IIMI to'.rne. -A girl, narti " It i . ih'- lii >t ami only condition of. Executive business; and after a short liams,) and. stated that his colleague, liessidri of the Govornmenf of Texat, to I'm up and-avray .,. -r earth and u'er -ra. [slant afterward Milenatta stood before ed Milanetta, has f.illcu iuto-the hands r meetific.eling. " • " .... , ' (time the door1 s were re-operjed- - upuii lnr'iliiT reflection, wjshed !o dia^be treated with ilur hiimnniry;.jny ex- . :- . ..- K---5.-: W^ "- ------- -r--^, .. claim any intention ttiflffer any disra- traordinary comforts that may be t'ur- I of iBu V .illisv. in Virginia, f signed it. handed it to Mila-j Mr. Davit uSered the following .re- i\ n* " .rlitf»rt»,» <!' i» tl ,rrl I'll i<ri i4 ' * f 4 .1 !l ' ("I II I i't ,|irrt t,> ih.. II..ii:,« or to th« honorable j nuhed them, to be *t the charjo of the If i}iirrii>r«. nml for bthrr ': feature, glittering with grace atiiTK'^'Hari^rvgin^you-exphnir i 11!'?_.. >ht. ^.-^ . • • ' f -~-^ ' - :•' '•' ' i; Ttiat the Secretary ~pf War caute *AH-T.7wiTvi4~rT?r--TiKS i^fCn^rntnn^ f-t/ 'tfli»^ fl/VPHynfTtHnt^n^ M*»lgft^ . -'-r —'.—1-.— Ihold nt IliB (Unking. H0l£>u And the si<h.of (he «*hi»perml{.wind;frheautLvl.,hav d yo«inotived..the sublinfitv! "That is the^ole object of my-vjsit. ." What will Itavuil me," said she. I *.: , *. .• l -• . i »• T fi ' _.i__- i .1 • ..* _•«! .rt-.^-.j'./1 rtH! »'oilnV«dav (iio iJUlh dnv ^" 'h^PP'ing' brcasi of u.ejvindinc'ire-Jin. „(• her looks at that Irvin_ e «,iomentf, the: ..(t.wi. w iiiit this ..mornin_ ^g that f heard of " whenjrhy-falhe„_.. ...ji_._.....r knmvVthe iecr'et af, " PrrP*r«l and taitj, tefope ibii 9enaie- atjwh0|et fjyfr. gutherland-Jand he-moved •IQtb. General Antonio Lo- Tn'lhIn Uieo mellouipllow c!e!o .v-i.v f ttiir iii'inirx inilil bbeaminii; .1 . i- ' . i__' •' L 'i '! k«^ ..^,,.» i....- ,......!....,., .ii.... .....i ,u,, .^ ««^..».«i >M*.». 31 ho n K hlI I > t . .M. BK.F.".NT, Cash'r. " " clear olive""of her expansive brow— her arrest, her condemnation, and that! m v nbcTurnaTjourneVsn ? When heaues^^*^;^^!! ""*"!'' *! J *, '' ?' r hat the vote adoptinr that resohition |pez de S.uils Anna will be sent to Ve- ijfl, liaii.— 3L . I fan the air with the bird's lizlil « m^i 1 illltl -llil' I ">*•)• -- i 1 . J (•you know, ki»*es ourSpani»hj?he declined disclosing, the'mbtive of J lions me. what answeri---•"-'-—I- ran Fj^^rm^!^,^-.),^^,^;^'^^^---'-" OM, rtT«ia,-ai^ i Hu.»lM rB2—0tj--_ld edj jra Cruz, a* soon aa ii imUl liv dewmed And (urk in tire graM nf (he lairy run;; (the sun byihe tfnitedi . -«p n« « .l, with aascorching embrace)r—j herfrequent.trips into France by night.. If I tell him the truth, he \\ill kill.m,e ..MatcK—what wn» (hejonjioai ettinilimatct d coit L__AO r some-explanations from Messrs, proper. r ~My.tents ih the rninltow arch are «t, . 'ftraid^ns 1 harm*; .ii .' And 1 braathr .in tho fragnnt >iiileti her dark'Irenes- floatinavlo^siViD'-Th'iri'I know the eauie, antt am.corne to un- on the spot.! ' jof each'of »urti impro»e~inenti, what surai o.f | Sutherland, Williams of Ky., and Jar- The cpntractin; plrtie* «ip tLis in- f ofM.\L.inii STALEY, Jr.- .1, ninney- have frptn.tiine lo tiim; liri-n, iji|ir:i|in- • yis, the qiicstion was taltn . - Louk when you may, ynu will find -me there, mountain breet_ _.e , .he r noble, attitude ! told it to .you . ; u-jii full honour .-..'»Kill you;' Mfldhpflaf*--' | mnney have froq. tima io_itme-been^ takf?n, and there striimenl for the abovementioned. pur- ui,l,:in...| to make pav- For the spirit of Beauty i» every wliera. 1 ;j l.aled in aid of '^^^^M^SfWSmni^V» W, Ws20, no quo-1 poses, .in duplicate, at Ihe port of Ve- oMhle; ami those having and the majestimaiestic bearinbrtrinigt off herr head![anheadliand discrelijnji-discretif-n-.. MilaMilanHtn n is mine P. " He is ,,nly a smuggler or'a bandit( ,' 1' «tir^h ^l^L'Sr^appropriations rcilinin uneiCpcnutd^ . nnd' ' C;_u;.. — : • *i^. • "Now li»teh to.tne— For. tooth In «ay, ! luco.t'his'14th "day of May, 183S. -preiicnt.ibem, properly Like m*. you would first Of all have ".Yours ? ^Yo^aiflafli-tla'a. lover!" in youc eyes— But this is as Jea-a->| wnUwhli|t ;i,n th^«nr»»«iitl conditiornniiilinnn ooff eaceachwnrkh work.. ' TUIII Voting. ?.. ' • . There ia onedear *p<>t .where I Tiiin wuuld Stay: admired! like me, you i-nuld have! •', "You-seem; surprised-at this^be- lous 'of his daughter's, honor,, as any) ftf«i(»fd,'Tntt'th' e - ii-i Secretary tause to Some farther remarks were made by DAVID K, ni'MlNKT. Pmitnt. ; J.VCO.II STALEY, I liiv«all tiling iiu-arth, sea. <ky—' ' such a beautiful croatjire y Mil-. pcer-of France! <ir grandee of-Spaii[ifb»ootlettedanditrran.;tc.

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