ff % ?Ixft It- S^EST LlHtsMlY Tg cvi-aai TO THE GRAND COUNCIL OF THE INTERNATIONAL FRATERNITY OF DELTA SIGIviA PI March 27, I960 Gentlemen; We, the undersigned members of the Business Club, hereby petition for a charter to establish a chapter of the INTERNATIONAL FRATERNITY OF DELTA SIGMA PI on the campus of the West Liberty State College, at West Liberty, West Virginia. Having been organized for the sole purpose of petitioning the INTERNATIONAL FRATERNITY OF DELTA SIGI^IA PI, we are fully aware of the high ideals, the purposes, the aims, and the requirements of the FRATERNITY. In seeking this affiliation, we pledge ourselves to uphold the CONSTITUTION and BY-LAWS of tne organization, and to observe faithfully the rules and regulations set forth by the FRATERNITY. Witness to our signatures: -y/)A:rJ\Jayo -^^ . \ ^r^-^ PRESIDENT VICE-PRESIDENT � d-^l^'K�-e^ A^X- ((^xtOA l^.>iY^i:Je. -if^.j,...J J)^M,^. -U^iXL^ m�Mm:. -nJ'^t Jr.^ 4^Hr^ ^^gVy.JL �- <L/.. J) h.^j. UJUUii..,^ 7<tiA^^i^^ dfVr'y. .^L^f^(^^. ^H^-^^'^^'-' (^^^.<x^.<:.^-<'^X^^ ^njL^ C , .y^~2A,cn~*^ \'-l Dr. Paul N, Elbin, President West Liberty State College West Liberty State College Paul N. Elbin, President West Liberty, West Virginia March 24, 1960 Mr, J. D, Thompson Executive Director DELTA SIGMA. PI 330 South Campus Avenue Oxford, Ohio Dear Mr. Thompson: The application of our Business Club for recognition by Delta Sigma Pi has my approval, as well as the approval of the entire Administrative Committee. I believe our Club has worthy leadership and that the fraternity will be able to realize its objectives. Sincerely yours, Paul N, Elbin, President PNE:bv WIST LIBERTY STATE COLLEGE PAUL N. tLBIN. MlSIDKNT WIIT LIBERTY, WW VIMIHU March 23, I960 Mr, J, D, Thompson, Executive Director Delta Sigma Pi 330 South Campus Avenue Oxford, Ohio Dear Mr, Thompson: For over five years our Business Glub has been a very active campus organization. It has devoted its energies toward better preparing college students for careers in teach ing and in business administration. The social aim has also been considered but has not been overemphasized. It has been my privilege to examine the aims and pur poses of Delta Sigma Pi. I am sure that it is an organization which can be of great benefit to a college group such as ours. Since our local organization has been an active and ^TOrthy one, I hereby approve of the local club's petition to become affiliated with Delta Sigma Pi, We hope that our petition mil be considered in a favorable light and that we may soon have a chapter in your national fraternity. Sincerely yours. ^^JjC^U^/'CAJ^ ^-'^^^^<^-i^^^^^ Denver F, Arnett Dean DFA/lm Paul Elbin Dr, Jesse J, Ptigh Denver F, Amett Br. N, Registrar Academic Dean Pi*eai4ent E, A, �rsini Dr� Bartell Jos^ir% Dr, Virginia N, Mills Business Manager Dean of Students Dean of Women WEST LIBERTY STATE COLLEGE PAUL N. ELSIN, PnniDaNT WIST LIBIRTY, WIST VIROINIA March 2l!,, I960 Mr, J, D, Thompson, Executive Director Delta Si^ma Pi 330 South Campus Avenue Oxford, Ohio Dear Mr, Thompson: The Business Club of West Liberty State College has made application for membership into the Delta Sigma Pi and I want to take this means to say something about the Business Club, For a number of years it has been very active on the of Business campus in carrying out the airns and objectives the Department as well as in social activities. Its members are active in many campus organizations and their leadership has played an important part in su.pporting many worthwhile activities of on the campus. The Business Department through the energies its raembers has done a good job in preparing students for careers in both business administration and teaching, I know the Delta Sigma Pi is a worthy organization and can be of great benefit to the merabers of the Business Club. I heartily with Delta approve the club's petition to become affiliated Sigraa Pi, it comes We hope you will act favorably toward the petition when before the meeting of the cornr.iittee. Sincerely yours, 7osep)n A. Bartell /hea.r)L of Students JAB/lm West Liberty State College WEST LIBERTY, WEST VIRGINIA DEPARTMENT OF BUSINESS MarCh 23 , I960 Mr. J, B. Thomson Executive Director International Faternity Delta Sigma Phi 330 South Campus Avenue Oxford, Ohio Dear Mr, Thomson: I recommend that the Business Club of West Liberty State College be taken into membership in the international Delta Sigma Phi Fraternity, The Business Club has been one of the leading organizations on campus during the past few years that I have been associated with them. They have planned and executed many outstanding profes sional activities, I feel that an affiliation with an international professional faternity will do much to promote the interest of the club and of the division of business. Sincerely yours. Bernard Landwehr, Chairman Division of Business mkc March 25, I960 To Whom It May Concern: This is Twritten as a letter of recommendation to endorse the action being taken by a group of young male students who are enrolled ^t ?fest Liberty State GoUege and who are petition ing for adiaittance as a chapter of Delta Sigtaa Pi. I have met several of these men and know them to be of good character and high scholastic standing, I am an alumnus of Lambda Chapter, University of Pittsburgh and would be honored to call these men brothers if they are successful in their petitioning to become another chapter of this Professional Business Administration Fratemity, Sincerely yours, Elwood Ifoore 1205 Pennsylvania Avenue Steubenville , Ohio HISTORY OF -WHEEIING Wheeling, 'West Virginia is located on the east bank of the Ohio River, 59 miles south of Plttsb-urgh. In 1769 a group of -white settlers consisting of Colonel %enezer Zane 1 and his brothers Jonathan^ Issac and Silas, took tomahawk possession of what is now known as the Vflieeling area. A settlement was made after the ratification of friendly relations between the Indians and the Settlers. In 177^ Chief Logan, of the Mingo tribe, and-, his faiaily were ma.s sacred by a group of white settlers. The alUance of the Indians with the English thus took place, and a series of battles ensued, including two serious stormings of Fort Henry, then the only military stockade and- protection for the pioneers. The last of these bloody conflicts took place in I782 when Colonel Zane and, his men defeated the rii8,in body of Indians. According to the old legend, the name "wheeling" originated from the Delaware Indians. as a town does not The existence of Wheeling date back further than 1793 > when the first lots, 112 in number, were laid out by Colonel Zane. In I806, when the total population did not exceed a few hundred, a common council met and elected its officers. Wheeling became an incorporated city in I836, Wheeling is now a city of about 65,300 in population. It's trade consists of a number of chemical corporations, steel industries, glass making, etc. Possession of land was made by marking the trees stirrounding the property ^ with a tom3.hawk., Points Of Interest The suspension bridge, completed in I85O, was at one time the longest single span in the world. It measured 1,010 feet from the center of the span to the center of the supporting towers. In l85ij- a strong wind over turned the structure but it was promptly rebuilt. Mcculloch's leap, located at the top of />,3ieeling Hill on U. S. Route i|-0, is the site where Major Samuel McCulloch, pursued by a band of In<3-ians during a raid in 1777,? spurred his horse over the hillside to the banks 2 of T./heellng Creek nearly two huncl-red feet below.-. Horse and rider both svirvived and. crossed the creek to McCulloch was late.r escape. Major ^ '/ killed 'b'^ Indians not far j'^om Fort Henry in I782. V \ Fort Henry is located in downtown Wheeling. Here, the last battle of the AmericazL Revolution was fought. Todaj?', all that rems.lns of the Fort is a stone marker standing on the corner of Eleventh and,. Main Streets. Oglebay Park, located in the hills stirrounding Wheeling, exemplifies the fruition of one ma,n's desire to give all of the people of Wheeling some thing beautiful, beneficial, entertaining and stimulating. Oglebay Park comprises 8OO acres of hills, woods, meadows and field_s fonaerl;^'- known as Wadd.ington Farm, By the terms of his vill r-Ir. Oglebay for as long as the people "shall operate it for the purpose of public recreation and education", turned it over to the people of ^'^_eeling. A small creek emptying into the Ohio River, The creek runs through the southern part of the city. -2- Oglebay Institute provides leadership and opportunities in arts and crafts, rausic, d.ram3. and childrens theater, nature edtication, radio, audio-vistial aids, museums, hobby clubs, vespers, summer concerts, and camps including folk dance, nature, and d.rurii ma,jor. In one season more than 200,000 people participated in Institute sponsored programs. HISTOKT OF WEST LIBERTY STATE COLLEGE West Liberty State College had its first beginning in 1837, when the legislature of the Commonwealth of Virginia chartered West Liberty AcadenQT, The Acaderr^y was, however, everything but what one would ex pect* The first classes were held in the home of a minister, the Rev, Nathan Shotwell, He taught the boys in one room of his home and his wife taught the girls in another.
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