INDUSTRIAL RELATlbm THE SPIRIT OF EASTER APR l L Vol, Vlll 1931 No. VI I W. HORACE WILLIAMS CO., INC. ENGINEERS AND GENERAL CONTRACTORS ANYWHERE IN THE WORLD Specializing in Design and/or Construction of Dock Wharves, Piers, Breakwaters, Dams, and Jetties, Bridges, Railways, Highways, Industrial Plants. All classes of Building Construction, Building Foundations. Maintaining an Engineering Department for Consultation, Investigation, Reports, Surveys, Designs. HOME OFFICE BRANCHES Fdth Floor Southern Building Pennacola, Fla. Mobile, Ala Houston, Tex. 833 Howard Avenue NEW ORLEANS, LA. Representativar In Principal ~itiaaof all Southern States FRECO TERMINALS at PENSACOLA, FLORIDA, WARRIOR 'RIVER BRIDGE and Other Important Works for Frisco Lines BUILT BY THIS COMPANY JOURNAL BEARINGS and BRONZE ENGINE CASTINGS Page 2 General American Tank Car Corp. General American Car Co. BUILDERS LESSORS Tank Cars Tank Cars Milk Cars Milk Cars Railroad Cars Refrigerator Cars OFFICES : Continental Illinois Bank Bldg., Chicago, Ill. Chanin Bldg., 122 E. 42nd St, N. 1. Cib Canal Bank Bldg., New Orleans, La. Cosden Bldg., Tulsa, Okla. Magnolia Bldg., Dallas, Texas Richfield Bldg., Los Angeles ,Cal. ""INALL KINDS OF LUMBER SPECIALIZING IN RAILROAD BUILDING MATERIAL Strong as Ever for the "Frisco" Exchange Building MEMPHIS, TENN. Phone 6-2311 Page THE FRISCO EMPLOYES' MAGAZINE ROOMS 737-738 FRISCO BUILDING .. ST. LOUIS WM. L. HUCCINS. Jr.. Editor MARTHA C. MOORE. Aswefate Edllor C. E. STAPZES. Spcclal Repru~nlafloe WM. McMILLAN. Admrtlrfng Manager Vol. VIII APRIL. 1931 No. 7 Permission is given to reprint with or without credit, in part or in full, any article appearing in this Magazine Contents of This Issue Pages Test Laboratory is Wonder Plant ........................................................................................................ 4-5 Railroad Plight is Nation's Problem ....................................................................................................6-7 By John T. Flyran Springfield and St. Louis Bowlers Win Meet ..................... ............... .......................................... 8 9 Switchman Thomas Recalls Rides with "Casey" Jones ................................................................. 10 Monett Merchant Shows Fine Frisco Spirit ........................ .................................................................. 11 Veteran W. C. Knight Is a Business Getter ............................ ..... .......................................................12 Charts of the 1930 Frisco Dollar .............................................................................................................. 13 News of the Frisc~Clubs .................................................................................................................. 14-19 Frisco Modernizes Four Old Type Engines .......................................................................................... 20 Annual Report Shows Large Decrease in Earnings for 1930........................................................ 21 For Meritorious Service .............................................................................................................................. 22 1,124 Relief Fund Orders F,illed................................................................................................................ 23 Hungarian Colony Located in Florida .................................................................................................... 24 Frisco Passenger Trains 97.6% On Time............................................................................................ 27 Locomotive Fuel Performance Records ............................................................................................2E-29 How They Get the Business !................... ..................................... ... .......................................................31 Flashes from the War on Per Diem ......................................................................................................32 A Page of Praise from Frisco Friends .......................................... ....................................................... 33 The Pension Roll ..................................................................................................................................... 34-35 Homemakers' Pages................................................................. ......... ........... .......,.. ...,. ......................... 36-37 The Twilight Hour .................................................................................. .......... ......................................... 38 Frisco Children ............................ .... .............................................. .. ...........................................39 Flashes of Merriment ............ ...................................................................................................................40 Frisco Mechanic ...................................................................................................... .................................. 41-46 Frisco Family News ............................................................................................. ................................... 47-72 THE FRISCO EMPLOYES' MAGAZINE MEMBER The Frlsco Employes' Magazlne Is a monthly publlcatlon devoted prlmarlly to the Intereats Di the more than 25,000 actke and retlred employes 01' the Frlsco Llnes. It contalna St~rleS, llems nf current news, personal notes about emplayas and thelr families, artlcles dealing wlth varlous phases of rallroad work, poems, cartoons and notices regarding the servlce, Good clear photographs sultable for reproductlon are especlally deslred, and wlll be returned only when requested. All cartoons and drawings must be In black India brawing Ink. Employes are In~lted to wrlte artlclea for the magazine. Contrlbutlons should be type- wrltlen, on one slde of the sheet only, and should be nddreased to the Edltor, Frlsco BulldlUi3, St. Louis, Mo. Dlstrlbuted free amoug Frisco Employes. To others, price 15 cents a copy; subscription rats $1.50 a year. Adrertlslng rate dlbe made known upon application. TEST LABORATORY ISbWONDER PLANT T WAS back in the day when SpeCfaCUIarPart in Frisco of fuel. There is also a viscm' iron horses were but two-thirds meter for determining the bod; I grown iron colts. A locomotive Efficiency Played by of oils. This device is equippl was toiling jerkily down a stretch with a heat control panel thg of Frisco Lines. Gradually, its Springfield Test will hold the temperature at eccentric speed lessened; it fal- given setting. The panel ras ,j, tered once or twice, then stopped Department signed and constructed by I+ altogether. A thoroughly dis- Frisco's own scientists rjrt,. gruntled engineer spat a string of ical tests-i. e. tests of resistance to there in the laboratory. powerful expletives into the already wear, Pressure, light, etc.-are made. So much for a few of the devices . blue air of the cab and concluded his What an array of scientific apparatus this one room. Adjacent to it on dl oration with: west is a smaller room I "It's that bum caal again!" which photographic suppl: The little drama just re- are kept. In addition to~. re: counted belonged to an era ular picture-making furnigi. which closed on Frisco Lines ings, in this room is found in 1912, when the Frisco's ma- remarkable instrument, spo:i-- terials testing laboratory came of as a metallographic camer,. into existence. Roles similar and it is useless for a sam:! to the one played by inferior of material to try to kw fuel in the incident of the pre- secret even the most mino: test age, related above, were defect when it is put into (ha. frequently taken by any of sev- camera, because Lt magnif.. eral materials, such as low. up to 1,500 diameters 6- grade steel, poor lubricating photographs the n~agnifiedn' oil or what not. ject. Today, the story is different. Joining the large rao- Engine failures or any other which is used chiefly lor php failures occasioned by medi- ical tests at the east Is a sar ocre materials occur on Frisco p 1e s preparation r o n s Lines with about the same fre- equipped to cut samples r' quency that porters refuse tips, steel or any other substan, and a large share of the credit to any size or shape desk. for this belongs to the mate- To the east of the aampl rials testing laboratory which preparation division and n:- has grown from an inauspi- ning the width of the buildi-. cious beginning in St. Louis is the room in which !,. until today, with its modern greater part of the chem? scientific equipment it occu- analysis is done. Here 2- pies about 3,300 square feet of found chemical glassware 1- floor space or the greater part all shapes, large supplies of the second floor in the West chemicals, electric furnw Shops Store Building at which develop up to 1,804 rl. Springfield and normally re- grees temperature, torehe< quires the services of six tecli- distillery for .-preDaring - %. nically trained men. If. A. HERZOC tilled water and a wide vay. For the important task of of other necessities to f testing the supplies that are bought, greets the eye! Along the north wall chemist's craft. In a safe in pV Frisco Lines has done a thoroughgo- is a row of glass-encased scales, each corner of the room are kept the nr,. ing job of outfitting this department, delicate enough to accurately deter- chemicals and among other thinss i.. because a purchase by Frisco Lines mine the weight of a pencil mark up-
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