disability ISSN 1041-5718 . studies ·Fall 1990 quarterly Volume 1O No. 4 Editor: Irving Kenneth Zola · Managing Editor: Janet Boudreau Co-editor for this. issue: Sandra Gordon, Senior Vice-President, Communications, National Easter Seal Society Issue Theme: The Media II Dear Reader, No DSQ has not shrunk. Ow new format allows us to print more mo.terial in a smaller space. Our updated computer facilities .will also pennit us to go to. direct billing for subscriptions. You will receive the first· request for 1991 in about a month. This issue returns to a favorite topic - the Media with a special section just devoted to reviews ofMy Left Foot and Born on the Powth ofJuly. Winter 1991 (deadline December 1, 1990) will as usual be a generic one. Spring 1991 (deadline March 1, 1991) will be devoted to Bioethics. Adrienne Asch, (316 W. 104th SL, Apt 3A, New York; NY 10025) will serve as Co-Editor Summer 1991 (deadline lune 1, i991) will emphasize Disability Policy- Past, Present and Fuiw-e. ATlll in the wings, depending as always on interest and further suggestions Aging II, General Issues of Technology and Psychosocial,· Models ofRehabilitation. The Editors much the same way it once gingerly introduced black faces." An Associated Press story, 11Advertisers Work_ to Hire the Handicapped,U publishedin th~ By Sandra Gordon, (Senior Vice CillCAGO TRIBUNE Oct. 29, 1989, cited a President, Corporate Communications, National number of television commercials in which Easter Seal Society). people with disabilities are cast. According to the A number of times during this past year article, "Advocates for ... physically challenged I've noticed articles in newspapers and magazines Americans have welcomed this increased that point out more and more people with visibility~" · disabilities are being hired for jobs in the media. In its Spring 1990 edition, SCREEN. And this news was published before passage of ACTOR Magazine, the publication of the Screen the Americans with Disabilities Act! Actors Guild, devoted a number of stories in the A column in the September 7, 1989, issue to performers with disabilities and WALL STREET JOURNAL, "Disabled People opportunities in film and. television. Featured in More Ads," .spoke to a number of ,. With the recent passage of the advertisers hiring disabled persons. According to Americans with Disabilities Act, which prohibits 11 the article, •••the ad industry is becoming discrimination against people with disabilities, increasingly unchanted with the disabled--and is opportunities for employment in the media are bringing token handicapped actors into ads in going to be greater than ever. 1 see this opportunity. to· be positive and a long time in arriving. But there's one area with regard to the media that must be addressed and that is language. You can see in. the quotes above the many different references to people with September 23-26, International disabilities -- 11handicapped,11 "disabled" and even Conference on "Comprehensive System of Social "physically-challenged Americans." Furthermore, and Other· Services for Disabled Persons," in the state of Michigan a person with a disability Warsaw, Poland. Contact: Polish Society for is referred to as a "handicapper." Some disability Rehabilitation of the Disabled, ul. Partyzantow 4 organizations use terms such as "handicapable" or m.10, 00-629 Warszawa, Poland. "differently able." Most organizations advocate for October 7-10, The Making of the referring to a person with a disability as a person Physician. Twentieth Anniversary Meeting, first. We've published brochures with guidelines Association for the Behavioral Sciences and about' reporting about people ~ith disabilities. Medical Education at Crystal Mountain Resort, We've consistently reminded the media that Thompsonville, Michigan. Contact: ABSAME, people with disabilities should be portrayed as 6728 Old McLean Village Drive, McLean, contributing and productive members of the Virginia 22101. (703) 556-9222. community. And yet, the language used by the media remains as varied as the examples October 11-13, Fifth National mentioned earlier. Are we at a point, now that Conference on Perinatal Care and Prevention of ADA has passed, to begin the crusade all over? Handicap: 'Promotion of Health: Prevention of Or are we at a point where we expend energies Handicap,' Saskatoon, Saskatchewan. Inquiries: in another direction. Like getting ADA Saskatchewan Institute on Prevention of implemented? Handicaps, Box 81, University Hospital, I've been told by some highly acclaimed Saskatoon, Saskatchewan S7N OXO. (306) 966- writers that they just will not keep using the term 2512. -"people with disabilities" over and over. again. They say we have to give a little in our crusade. October 12-14, Society for Applied They can understand not using the term ''victim" Sociology Conference, Cincinnati, OH. Theme: when referring to a disabled person; they can "Strategies for Problem Solving: The Role of understand not using the term "wheelchair- Applied Sociologists." Contact: William R. bound.11 But they have a problem with our Brown, Department of Sociology and guidelines regarding the use of "handicapped" or Anthropology, University of Central Florida, "disabled" (without using the "person" after it). Orlando, FL 32816. ls language an important issue to harp on to the media? Or are there others equally <?,r October 15-16, at Boston Park Plaza more important? Should we leave style up to Hotel and Towers (617) 426-2000. Massachusetts editors and concentrate on the substance of the Biomedical Research Corporation and article? Massachusetts General Hospital Committee on The Americans with Disabilities Act Research and MGH Institute of Health prohibits discrimination against people with Professions and Public Responsibility in Medicine disabilities.. Is it discrimination to call a person and Research present CONFLICTS OF with a disability "handicapped" or "wheelchair INTEREST IN BIOMEDICAL & bound?"· BIOTECHNOLOGY RESEARCH. Contact: We came together as a group to get PRIM&R, 132 Boylston Street. 4th Floor, ADA passed. We need to come together and Boston, MA 02116. (617) 423-4112. decide this issue of media language orice and for all. Should we remain inflexible -- or should we October 17-19, AAMR Region IV concentrate efforts on getting ADA Annual Conference: 'Sharing the Vision', implemented? Calgary, Alberta. Inquiries~ Dr. Steven Dennis, 2 AAMR Region IV, 1990 Conference Chairman, . Annual Conference, The Americans with: 13325 St; Albert Trail, Edmonton, Alberta T5L Disabilities Act of 1990: New Access to the 4R3. Tel: ( 403) 454-9656 Fax: ( 403) 451:..0168. Workplace. A Conference on Taking Positive Steps Toward Compliance with the ADA. October 21-26, American Congress of Contact: Mainstream, Inc., P.O. Box 65183, Rehabilitation Medicine 67th Anriual Meetings: · Washington, DC 20035-5183. If you have any Proclaiming the Practitioner: 1990s and Beyond questions, please call:· (202) 898-1400 at Phoenix Civic Plaza Convention Center. · (Voice/TDD). · Contact: Convention Manager, · AAPM&R/ACRM, 122 S. Michigan, Suite 1300, November 1-2, The- Research & Training Chicago, IL 60603-6107. (312) 922-9366/68. Center on Head Trauma & Stroke New York University Medical Center, in collaboration with October 22-23, ·Family Caregiving ·Across the Beach Center on Families and Disability the Lifespan: A National Conference,. Cleveland, University of Kansas. Head Injury and the OH. Contact: May L. Wykle, Director, University Family System. Contact: New .York University Center on Aging and Health, Case Western Medical Center, R & T Center on Head Trauma Reserve University, Cleveland, OH 44106; (216) & Strolce, 400 East 34th Street - RR 811, New 368-2692. York, NY 10016. October 22-23. The 4th Annual National November 1-2, Research with Drugs and· Disability Management Conference & Trade Devices: IRBs, Industry and Investigators, Boston Show, at Doral Resort & Country Club, Miami, Park Plaza Hotel & Towers, Boston, Florida. For more information regarding: Massachusetts, will. consider a range of drug .and AGENDA CONTENT -- Contact Elise Lipoff, device research issues, as well as the ongoing ·WBGH (202) 408-9320. CONFERENCE regulatory, policy. and operational concerns faced REGISTRATION -- Contact Sheri·Farris, by Institutional Review Boards (IRBs~) In · WBGH (202) 408-9320. EXHIBITOR addition, PRIM&R's sister organization, Applied INFORMATION -- Contact Jane DeVito, TU Research Ethics National Association. (ARENA) (215) 834-6440. HOTEL ARRANGEMENTS -- will host its annual meeting on October 31, 1990. Contact the Doral (800) 327-6334 or (305) 592~ For further information about both meetings, 2000. TRAVEL ARRANGEMENTS -- Contact please write or call ];>RIM&R, 132 Boylston St., American Airlines (800) 433-1790 or your travel 4th Floor, Boston, MA 02116 (617) 423-4112. agent. PLEASE USE REF. NO. Sl0-0-0-GZ. November 2, from 9-lpm, Re-examing October 22-23, Conference on Social Leisure and Work Issues in the Lives of Our Structure and Caregiving: Family and Cross- Clients: a critical look at the services we provide, National Perspectives at Pennsylvania State will be held at the Howard Johnson's Hotel in · University~ Contact: Barb Impellitteri, 410 Keller Cambridge, MA. Cost is $45 .00. Wheelchair. Conference Center, Pennsylvania State Accessible. Information concerning group rates University, University Park, PA 16802. (814) 863- and financial assistance available upon request. 1738.. Contact: Oce Harrison, MED,CTRS at (617) 628-9379. October
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