October 23rd to October 30th St. Stanislaus, Bishop and Martyr Roman Catholic Parish and Oratory JUNE 19TH TO JUNE 27TH 524 W. Historic Mitchell Street, Milwaukee, WI 53204-3509 FOURTH SUNDAY AFTER PENTECOST ~ 2021 Provincial Superior for the United States Canon Matthew Talarico Parish Administrator and Rector Rev. Canon Benoît Jayr (414) 226 5490 (Priory), (414) 226 5534 (fax) , (414)-335-3124 (Emergencies) Oblate Abbé George Baird Assisting Priest Canon Matthew Weaver Fr. Ronald Kotecki Secretary Mrs. Jo Ann Neumann Mr. Christopher Berry ~ Director of Sacred Music Mr. Fabian Qamar ~ Associate Director of Music Mr. Mark Schuh ~ English Mass Organist To contact the St. Stanislaus office, please send e-mails to [email protected] Website: institute-christ-king.org/milwaukee-home/ FROM THE RECTOR’S DESK Dear Faithful, Jesus’ teaching from Peter’s boat foreshadows the reality of the Catholic Church: for the past 2000 years, Jesus has sat in the middle of this boat which is the Church. By giving preference to Peter, Jesus singles him out for a position of leadership in the Church. The large catch of fish symbolizes the many members of the Church. After a miraculous catch of fish, Jesus invites Peter and the others to follow Him. They respond with alacrity and fervor: they leave all to follow Him. By reflecting on this event, we learn about God’s dealing with ourselves: He calls to each one of us and looks for our response to Him. Are we ready to bear testimony to others of our faith in Jesus Christ? Very truly yours Canon Benoît Jayr INSTITUTE OF CHRIST THE KING SOVEREIGN PRIEST ST STANISLAUS BISHOP & MARTYR PARISH Announcements and Upcoming Events WELCOME TO ST. STANISLAUS PARISH AND ORATORY. The Parish of St. Stanislaus has been given over to the care of the Institute of Christ the King Sovereign Priest. The Parish Mass is said in English on Saturdays at 4:00 pm. Calendar of Events HOME ENTHRONEMENT If you still want to have the Sacred Heart of Jesus en- Sat 6/19 4:00 pm English Mass throned in your home, please get an application from the vestibule, fill it out and drop it in next Sunday's col- Sun 6/20 Fourth Sunday after Pentecost lection. 8:00 am Low Mass 10:00 am High Mass HOLY NAME SOCIETY BOOK SALE 12:00 pm Low Mass Last Sunday’s book sale was an outstanding success. 11:30 am High Mass in Sheboygan Many thanks to all who donated books, bought books Sat 6/26 9:00 am Low Mass and those who helped out. Please watch for the next sale, probably at the parish pic- 4:00 pm English Mass nic next month. Sun 6/27 Fifth Sunday after Pentecost 8:00 am Low Mass Parish-Wide Event with Bishop Perry 10:00 am High Mass On Thursday, July 1st Bishop Perry will visit the parish 12:00 pm Low Mass with Christopher Foley to make better known Fr Tolton 11:30 am High Mass in Sheboygan in his route to canonization. 600 pm Pontifical Low Mass Upcoming Events 700 pm Social intermission 730 pm Video on Fr Tolton Sun 7/18 Annual Summer Picnic ~ Sacred Heart 815 pm Presentation by Bishop Perry and Chris Foley Parish Picnic Grounds ~ Noon to 4 pm 845 pm Social for Sursum Corda Young Adults Sursum Corda Events MASS VESTMENTS Thu 7/1 Pontifical Low Mass and Presentation At the time of the early Church, the same items of ap- with Bishop Perry parel worn now at the altar by the priest were part of ordinary clothing. Over the centuries, fashions changes but the vestments did not. This is symbolic of the conti- Altar & Rosary Society nuity of the Church. The ARS will be offering Father's a Sweet Treat and The second item the priest puts on is the alb. This is the Carnation TODAY, June 20th after the 8 & 10 am long, white linen garment, often decorated with lace. masses in the narthex & courtyard. Free will donations The length of the lace is sometimes depictive of the so- will go to Canon Jayr for sacristy items. lemnity of the Mass. There is even a special length of lace to be worn during the inter regnum period between Holy Name Society Popes. All parishioners are invited to participate in a Pro-life Rosary The alb is symbolic of the innocence and purity of the for the Unborn following the 10 am High Mass. The rosary priest’s soul. will be prayed on the Mitchell Street bridge over the freeway. ~ CORPORATE COMMUNION The Holy Name Society will be collecting food donations for The Holy Name Society, Altar & Rosary and Confrater- the St. Hyacinth Food Pantry. Please leave your donations in nity of Christian Mothers will have Corporate Commun- the containers provided near the east entrances of the church ion today, Sunday, June 20th at the 10 :00 am High Mass. before the 12 pm Mass. Items most requested are canned tu- na, peanut butter, and empty egg cartons. St. Hyacinth Food Holy Name Society will go to the Epistle side and the Pantry has expressed their gratitude for all the generosity from Altar & Rosary and Confraternity of Christian Mothers donors at St. Stanislaus, particularly in recent times. will go to the Gospel side of the altar. FOURTH SUNDAY AFTER PENTECOST LITURGICAL CALENDAR Dominus illuminatio Missa XI Orbis factor. Credo IV. Illumina oculos meos, Lassus (1530-1594). SATURDAY, JUNE 19, TWELVTH SUNDAY OF ORDINARY TIME Sicut cervus, Palestrina (1525-1594). 4:00 pm English Mass † Catherine Ajala & Hildegarde Stark by Family & Friends Salve Regina Simplex. Pièce d'Orgue, BWV 572. J.S. Bach (1685 - 1750). SUNDAY, JUNE 20, FOURTH SUNDAY AFTER PENTECOST Saturday 4pm Mass 2ND CLASS/GREEN 502, 579, O Lord, I Am Not Worthy 8:00 am Low Mass Poor Souls (not in hymnal), 490 10:00 am High Mass Laura Van Beek 12:00 pm Low Mass Cole, Michael, Rebecca Heffel by Helena Heffel NATIVITY OF ST. JOHN THE BAPTIST This Thursday, June 24th, is the feast MONDAY, JUNE 21, ST. ALOYSIUS GONZAGA, CONFESSOR day of the nativity of St. John the Bap- 3RD CLASS/WHITE 12:00 pm Low Mass † Janina Aloysius Gauthier tist. Besides the Blessed Virgin Mary, he is the only saint to have a separate feast TUESDAY, JUNE 22, ST. PAULINUS OF NOLA, BISHOP & CONFESSOR for his birthday. This illustrates the im- 3RD CLASS/WHITE portance of St. John in the Church. He 12:00 pm Low Mass † Dick Whichello by the Noone Family was the precursor to the coming of Our Lord. WEDNESDAY, JUNE 23, VIGIL OF THE NATIVITY OF ST. JOHN THE BAPTIST 2ND CLASS/VIOLET St. John the Baptist is represented in 12:00 pm Low Mass Michael Jon Offutt the stained glass window, below the choir loft, on the south side. In this THURSDAY, JUNE 24, NATIVITY OF ST. JOHN THE BAPTIST window he is depicted baptizing Jesus 1ST CLASS/WHITE in the Jordan River. The window is ap- 12:00 pm Low Mass Daniel Martin John Offutt propriately located next to our baptis- mal font. FRIDAY, JUNE 25, ST. WILLIAM, ABBOT 3RD CLASS/WHITE 6:30 pm Low Mass † Cheryl Rabine 2021 Dedicated to St. Joseph Throughout the year we strive to honor SATURDAY, JUNE 26, SS. JOHN & PAUL, MARTYRS St. Joseph as the guardian and protector 3RD CLASS/RED of the Church and her faithful with heart- 9:00 am Low Mass † Bernice Sabez by Elizabeth Sabez felt prayer and devotion, encouraging all to take his virtuous life as our model for SATURDAY, JUNE 26, THIRTEENTH SUNDAY OF ORDINARYDouay ~ T RheimsIME Holy Bible for $100 fulfilling our personal vocation to holi- 4:00 pm English Mass † Daniel GozdziewskiThanks by Tod to Spakowitz a very generous benefactor we ness. have brand new Douay - Rheims Bibles Litanies of St. Joseph will be prayed on SUNDAY, JUNE 27, FIFTH SUNDAY AFTER PENTECOST with commentary for sale! These are the 19th of each month after the Daily 2ND CLASS/GREEN 8:00 am Low Mass † William Jennaro by Jimbeautifully Vitucci bound bibles. This will be a Rosary. 10:00 am High Mass † Peter Zignego by Marybethwonderful & Chris Christmas Foley gift. Limited quan- 12:00 pm Low Mass Susan Campbell tities!!! Please contact the parish office to JUNE LITANY reserve your bible. The litany for the month of June is The Most Sacred Heart of Jesus. June is the month of the Sacred Heart. We honor Parish Registration Would you like to register as a parishioner at St. Stanislaus Parish & Oratory? the Sacred Heart with a Mass on June Registration forms are located in the back of the church in the Narthex. 11th this year. This is also the month for inviting Jesus into your home by having a priest lead All Altar boys are requested to serve at the Mass they attend to you through the Enthronement of the insure a full and glorious Mass. Sacred Heart. The most recognizable images of the Sa- PRAYER INTENTIONS cred Heart are familiar to us all and go Isaiah Patterson, Pauline Fichtner, Henry Stoecker, Jerry & Anne Marie Dempsey, Dick Muchka(†), Dean back to 18th century Italy. A small image Kusik, Caterina Kolodzinski, Fr. John Rausch, Edward Heckenkamp(†), Randy Rakowski, Peter Zignego(†), of Christ holding out His Sacred Heart William Sweetman Jr., Mike Balister (†), Ann Biwer, Phyllis Wegener(†), Betty Jane Sharkey (†), Helen & George Polacek(†), Richmond Family, Frances Wirtz(†), Msgr. Olszyk(†), Rose Flees(†), Kathy Brockman was painted for the Church of the Gesu (†), Fr. Turner, Holly LeSac, Cathy Schmanski, David Bonar, Scott Francis, Rita Speth (†), Sandy Muchka, in Rome by Pompeo Batoni.
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