![T Ng Tradi Seed Growing Tradi 100 Years of Seed Growi Onit](https://data.docslib.org/img/3a60ab92a6e30910dab9bd827208bcff-1.webp)
100 Years of f Seed GrowiGrowingingng TraditionTradi ttiion PioneersPi InI SeedS d PotatoP CertificationCeC rt ifiification i Scientists found that, through careful monitoring o MMuch u ch of ttheh e eearly ar ly rresearchesearesear c h work oonn ppotato ot ato diseasesdi seases andand how ttheyhey sprspreade ad wwas asScientists done iinn GGermanyfound erma nythat, and throughSimilar HHollandolland researchcareful araroundoundound monitoring tthe hsoone tturn ur nwas of thethe century.cent ury. ScientistsScient is sts foundfoundo that,that , throughthrough carefulc areful monitoringmonioni toring bo of thethe ccrop rop and rremovalemoval off unhealthyunhealthy plplants,ant s, ttheyhey ccouldould mmaintain aintain Similar research soon was a vivigorous,gorous , healhealthythy sstock tockoc iindefinitely.ndef initely. SSimilarimilar resresearchear ch ssoonoon wwasas b bbeingein g cconductedonduc ted iinn tthehhee UUnited nite d SStates. tates. Henry Darling (Left), program leader, instrumental in establishing USDA plplantant patpathologist hol ogi stt W.A. OrtonOrt o n had sstudied tudi ed potpotato ato T the University seed farm. certificaticertification on iinn GGermany ermaanyny and upon hihiss return, began ttoo wwork ork withwith ppotatoot ato grgrowers owers and UniversitiesUniver sities to intrintroduceoduce tthosehose cconceptsoncept s T TThehe prprogramo gr am maintains variety trutrueness enes s ttoo ttype;yype;pe; rrogueing oguei ng of hhere.er e. weak,weake ak , genetgenetic iic variants,var iant s, and didiseaseds eas ed plplants antant s ttoo continuec ont inue to developdevel opop and mmaintainaintai n gergermplasm mplasm of f your ffavoriteavoravor ite varvarieties. ieties. EEffortsfffforts by WisconsinWiscons in grgrowers owers lleded ttoo tthehe esestablishment tabl ishment off tthehe T WiWisconsin sco nsin Seed Potato o Improvement AssociationAsso ciation in 1901905. 05. TThehe WWisconsin iscons in CCollege ollege off AAgriculturegriculture had been engagiengagingngng wwith ith A Century Centur ry Long Tradition: The Wisconsin Wiisconsin Idea T tthehe grgrowerower ccommunityommuni ty alreadyalready ttoo iimprove mprove ppotatoot ato prproductionoducoduc tion The throughthrough specialspec ial teachingteac hinngg rrailcars ailcars tthathat traveltraveleded tthrough hroughough potpotato ato TheThe WisconsinW isconso ns in SeedS eed PotatoP otato CertificationC ertificati on ProgramP rogrogr am has been C The program areasareas inin northernnor thern WWisconsin, iscoonsns in, calledcalled ““Potato Potato SSpecials.”pec ials.” The administeredadm inistereded sinces ince inceptioni ncept ion by tthehe CCollege ollege off AAgriculturalgricultural and The r The program CollegeCollege programmingprogr amminngg ememphasizedphas ized tthehe sstandardization tandar dization and LifeLiffee Sciences,S ic ences,es UniUniversity ver sity off WWisconsin isc ons in - Madison.Maadi di so n. The programprogr am Cpuritypur ity of potatopotato varieties.var ieti es.es r retains a full-timefulull-tim e staffs taffff off experiencedexper ienced prprofessionals ofesessional s ttoo ensensure ure thoroughnessthorooughnesughnes s and iimpartialitympar tiality iinn iinspection nspec tionon and ccertification ertification A conventionconv ent ion wasw as helheld d iinn RhinelanderR hin elander on NNovemberovem ber 2020-21-21 of procedures.procedures. 19131913 ttoo discussdi scuss “Pure“Pur e SeedS Ateed this of SStandardconvention,tandar d MMarket arket a formal VarietiVarieties planes for for All iCommercial Purposes.”Pur pos es.” ” AAt t this cconvention,onvent io n, a fformalormal plplanaan n fforor And for more than 100 years, the University The WWiWisconsinisc oonsns in And IIdeadea for, ismore tthathat than thethe 100UniversityU niversity years, theis involvinvolved Universityed iinn wwherehere Tinspectionins pec tio n and ccertification ertific atiat onAt thisof f potpotato convention,at o sseedeed wwas as a putformal intintoo planplplace. ace. for r ryyouou lilivev e aand nd work. AndA nd forf or more tthanhan 100100 years,year s, theth e UniversityU niver sity iTheThe firstf irst off now manymany officialofff ficial seedseed iinspection ns pec ti on prprograms o gr ams iin n NNorth orth remains a keyk ey partnerpartner witwith h WisconsinW iscons in seedseedeed potpotato ato grgrowers, owers, a TAmericaAmeric a wasw as establishedes tabl isThe hheded same and ffully ullyobjectives implemimplementede ofnt e“varietal d wwith ith ffield iel purity”d and relatirelationshipons hip tthathat strstrengthensengthens botboth.h. “inspectionsinspec tions ini n 1914. The ssameam e objobjectives ectives off ““varietal var ietal purpurity” ity” and “freedomrf“ eedom from disease”disease” determineddetermined ffrom rom fieldfield iinspections nspec tions The same objectives of “varietal purity” and remainremai n today.today . “ TThroughhrough providingprovovidin g iinformation, nformati on, eexercisingxer cisi ng ttechnicalec hni cal skill, doingdoing State Seed Farm resresearchear ch didirected rrect ed at solvisolving ng prproblems,o bl ems, and cconducting onduc ting A reliablereliabl e ssourceour c e of f hihigh-quality,gh-quagh lity, ooutreachut This re ac This specialh activities,ac special tivities, relationship relationship tthehe UUniversity nitov er sit toy disdisease-freeeas e-fre e basbasic ic sseedeeeded sstocks tocks wwasas t tmmeetse et s tthehe growersgr at tthehe fielfield d aandnd rremains emains esessentials ent ial ttoo tthehe sstrength tre ngth llevel. evel . ThisThis specialspec ial relatirelationshipo ns hip ttoo andand growthgr owth off Wisconsin’sWisc onsin’s i certificertified ed tthe he academicacademadem ic commcommunity uni ty bringsbrings seedse ed potatopot ato program.progr am. The UniversityU niversity of newn ew informationinform atati on on patpathogens, hogens , WisconsinWi sco nsin Lelah StarStarkskks s EliteE lite FoundationFoundat ion SSeedeed PPotato otato FarFarm m iinn bestbes t practices,practices, and introducesintroduces RhinelanderRhinel ander has been tthehe WisconsinW iscons in highhigh qualityqual ity basbasic ic sseedeed iinto nto tthehe seedseed potatopot at o growers’gr owers’ prprimaryimary ssourceour ce of marketplace.market place. newnew and esestablished tabl ished didisease-testseas e-tes t potatopot ato varietiesvar ieties sincsincee 1941. PropagationPropagat ion off diseasedisease ffree ree sstock tock and P attattentionent ion ttoo cclonal lonal selselectionecection werew ere kkeyey MiMissss LelahLelaahh SSt tarksra ks ttoo ttheh e ssuccess uccess of f tthishis program.progr am. InIn P1984,1984, a 1000 aacrecre ffarm armm becbecame ame homhome e of thethe UUWW ffarmarm operoperationation On the cover:coveCover:r: A potato field in bloom is a thing of beauty. at tthehe bequesbequest t off MMississ LelLelaha h SStarks, tarks, a pipioneeroneer WiscWisconsinons in sseedeed PotatPotatoesoes arare e a tthing hin g of beautbeauty y comcome e fflowering. loweri ng. PhotPhotoo by TamTamasa s HHoulihan,oul ihan, Photo by Tamas Houlihan, Communications Director, Wisconsin Potato ccommunicationsom muniicat iionnss didirector rect or of tthehe WWisconsin isconsin PotPotato ato and VegetVegetableable GrGrower ower ppotatoot at o grgrower. ower. & Vegetable Growers Association. AAssociation.ssociatio n. o 4 5 that the acreage data listed in Welcome! Please Please note note t Tolerances for Certified and Foundation Seed this directory represent acres meeting field tolerances for Potato Classes in Wisconsin foundation and certified class seed potatoes in Wisconsin at the completion of summer field inspections. Wisconsin seed potatoes are classified as "certified" or "foundation", depending on disease and mixture levels and All certified and foundation class seed potatoes in Tolerances for certified class are set to meet intended use. Tolerances for certified class are set to meet Wisconsin are post-harvest tested to ensure compliance with m minimum acceptable standards for commercial production (see certification requirements. As such, these figures are not final, Foundation class seed meets much stricter tolerances table). Foundation class seed meets much stricter tolerances as certification requirements are not met until tuber inspections, r T required to protect the integrity of the seed industry. Typically post-harvest testing and grade inspections are complete. over 85% of seed lots entered for certification meet Buyers who purchase seed prior to completion of the post- B FOUNDATION quality standards for both field and winter- harvest test are encouraged to check the final classification test inspections. of seed lots (generally available after February 1) prior to shipping. Wisconsin Field and Harvest Inspection Standards Buyers of Wisconsin certified seed potatoes are encouraged to for Certified and Foundation Seed Potato Classes* contact the Certification office to obtain this information at any Disease or Defect Certified (%) Foundation (%) time. The professional staff at the Certification office also can The professional staff at the Certification office also can ________________________________________________ provide and explain "generation" designations of 2014 seed lots. p Results of summer field inspections, tuber inspections and the 0.25 R Leaf roll 1.00 0.25 post-harvest winter test may be obtained by writing or calling the M 0.25 Mosaic 1.00 0.25 Wisconsin Seed Potato Certification Program, P.O. Box 328, S 0.00 Spindle Tuber 0.00 0.00 Antigo, WI 54409: Phone (715) 623-4039;
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