cASS CITY CHRONICLE 8PAGES VOL. 22, NO. 8. CASS CITY, MICHIGAN, FRIDAY, JULY 2, 1926. about 40 guests and the whole com- CHOIRS To I Tll pany sat down t9~'ether. The color BUNKER HILL FOREV ER SACRED GROUND UPERVISORS NOW scheme was carried out'in the bride's BADLYHURT ,,, .,.., cake and other dishes. m CHURCH iTN APPIIIEklTO A~i~er ~ile weddiu~ b~ak;~, Lh~ i witi compete for t)rizes during the AlU ! U ijijiijLj ! 0 bridal party left on a motor trip to annum summer Farmers' Day at the Niagara and other Eastern points, Mid~igan State College on Friday, after which they will be in evangel:s- July 30. Mrs. Harvey Brock Cut by Board Will Consider Purchase of tie services throughout Ohio and Twelve choirs, from 11 different the Miller Top Factory Pennsylvania during the summer. The counties, have already filed their en- Glass; Two Akron Youths groom, who is an evangelistic sing- Building at Caro. tries for this great song contest, Hurt Wednesday. or, is a-student at Asbury College, with several more expected in before and is fitting himself for the ministry. July 30. As a result, those sponsor- Mr. and Mrs. Bevington expect to go Godfrey Schultz of the Tuscola ing the event at East Lansing predict Blinded by the headlights of an to China as missionaries in the near the best church choir competition the • county road commissioners appeared future. The bride, who is a graduate approaching car as he was driving ~)n Wednesday before the board of state has ever seen. to Cass City Sunday night, Albert of Asbury College, has a B. A. and Winners of the various prizes supervisors now in June session and Whitfield drove too close to the edge a B. 0. degree and has ben teaching which are offered in the singing con- ~cecommended the purchase of the of the road five miles soutt~ of town in the Croswell schools during the test will appear on the general Farm- Miller Top factory building at Uaro and his car went into an eight-foot past year. They will be at home af- ers Day program, as part of the en- for the use of the board of road corn- ditch. With Mr. Whitfield were Mr. ter Sept. 15 in Wilmore, Ky. tertainment features of the day. A "missioners as an office and for the and Mrs. Geo. Palmer and Mr. and band concert and numbers by a men's storage of road equipment. The build- Mrs. Harvey Brock. Mrs. Palmer re- glee club will be other music numbers ing is equipped with a heating plant, ceived several bruises and Mrs. Brock on the program. is located on the railroad making it received two bad cuts from broken convenient for unloading supplies and glass which required several stitches has other advantages pointed out by to close the wounds. She was taken Mr. Schultz. The matter was referred to Pleasant Home hospital where she to the eommitte on county buildings A UAL [UI ION THUMB was a patient two days. The men and it was expected that they would EIISTRIT in the party escaped without serious submit a report on Thursktay. Tl~e fore part of the week was de- Ideal Weather Favors Gather- N[WS PARAI]RAPH8Morris Morton and Emerald Mal- voted mainly to routine work by the ings and Relatives Find loy were injured, the former serious- supervisors. Judge of Probate Hill ly, when the automobile in which was authorized to attend a convention Happiness in Meets. ]:terns Gleaned from Newspaper they were riding was crowded into a of probate judges and Co. Treasurer ditch on M-31 about two miles south Hoover was given a similar privilege Exchanges and Other of Unionvilte at 1:30 Wednesday to attend a convention of county treas- This is the-season for family re- Sources. morning. The driver of the second urers. unions and several family gatherings car failed to stop. Both youths re- have been held during" the past week Lost for. years, John TrumbulVs famous painting, "The Battle of Bunker Hilt," has been found in Wash The board of education of Caro es- b~gton and now hangs in the office of Secretary of the Treasury Mellon. side in Akron and were returning to timated that the cost of instruction when ideal weather conditions have Pairgrove--Barns, garage and all their homes from Unionville when for the current year for the county prevailed and happiness has been the buildings except the residence on the the machine was ditched. They were normal training class will be $4,150. dominant note in the annual events. Fred King farm burned Thursday. Miss Gwendolyn Wilson of Ann badly cut and bruised and were re- Of this amount, the state pays $2,000. Meredith Family° The fire started from a back fire frp~)! Arbor was a Sunday guest of Mrs. Church Calendar° moved to the Unionville hospital° This report was referred to the com- Members of the Meredith clan to a tractor. i iYialloy was able to leave the institu- mittee on ways and means. G. H. Burke. the number of more than 100 gath- Evangelical Church~Bible study, Vassar--The Columbia hotel has tion later. Morton has a bad injury John McDougall, game warden, ap- ered at the Sanilae County Park for I 10:00 a. m. Sermon 11:00. Theme~ been sold by Robert Crobar to Mr. to his hip. peared before the supervisors asking" their annuaI meeting and basket din- Paragraphs Con- "The Problem of Perpetual Youth." and Mrs. G. W. Anderson of Man:s- them to petition John Baird, director ner. Single men won the ball game tee, who will take possession about of conservation, to have Tuscola coun- Senior and Junior Leagues 6:45 p. from the marrieds in the afternoon Clark Knapp left Monday to spend cerning Michigan July 17. ty closed to Sunday hunters. The and various other sports were on the the week with Dr. and Mrs. Foster ' Union service at the Baptist Caro--property owner~ in the yil- Robt. Warner Heads local act now closing the county to program. Addresses were made by in Detroit. I (By Ed. Nowack). church, ~:30. 'lage of Caro will pa~ ~ tax ~'ato of Sunday hunting has so many defects Geo. Meredith of Minden City, A1- Thumb Oil Club Lansing~At the golden wedding" C. F. SMITH, Minister. $17.50 on each $1,000 valuatle~ t}lis that it is of little value. Other coun- dred Meredith and Ephraim Meredith, The Misses Bernice Hitchcock and ties in the Thumb are effectively celebration in Cheboygan the other summer. This tax rate is the same both of Detroit, John Meredith and Bernice Wager spent Thursday and ~The a~hual meeting of the Tri- closed, it is said, with the result that day of Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Allair, Presbyterian Church~Sunday, Ju- as in 1925. • Lawrence Meredith, both of Flint, Friday at Casevilie. county 0ii Men's Club was held in hunters from Flint, Saginaw and the fiddler who played the wedding ly 4, morning worship, 10:30: Ser- Argyle--The national holiday will and Geo. Gardner of Croswell. Mrs. G. W. Landon, Mrs. F. A. the Hotd Montague at Caro on other near-by cities come in large march 50 years ago tickled the mon, "Our Country's Need of Chris- be celebrated here on MOnday, July Officers were re-elected as follows: Bliss and Miss Audrey Bliss spent 'rnursday evening, June 24. The wives numbers to Tuseola county on Sunday strings again. He was John W. Smith. tian Leadership." Church school at 5. Calithumpian parade, races, barn- President, Elmer Hawksworth of Thursday at Caseville. of the members were guests. Fifty- and sportsmen of Tuscola fear that Anton Andreske of Menominee, noon. Union evening service at the ~olf and. other,, sports, fireworks Cumber; vice president, Mrs. Wm. Mrs. Hiram Baxter has for her ,,yard, five were seated at the banquet. Dur- the supply of game will be too great° tired of carrying home from the hos- Baptist church 7:30. Bring someone an everything make up a full Smitherman, Detroit; secretary, Mrs. guests, Mr. and Mrs. Malcolm Baxter in~ the evening the wives were sup- ]y diminished within a few years. pital the amputated leg of his wife with you. day's prdgram. W. N. Wendt, Sandusky; treasurer, and son, Gerald, of Detroit. posed to introduce themselves and The supervisors took the stand that tossed it into the Menominee river Croswell--City water lines have W. N. Wendt, Sandusky. The 1927 each was to tell something good about the petition should come from Tusco- Mr. and Mrs. 0. W. Moulton and where it was found. Anton had prom- been laid in the Croswell cemetery meeting will be held at the Sanilae Baptist Church--10:30 morning her husband. It is understood very la county hunters as the ones vitally two children of Caro were Sunday ised his wife to give the leg decent and lot owners have the advantage County Park. visitors at the B. F. Gemmill home. worship; subject, "Some Patriotic little was said. interested and not the board of super- burial. Events." of being able to secure water supply Bayley-Cooper. Harbor Springs, by action of its Robert Warner of Cass City was visors and laid the petition on the Miss Averal Clement of Pontiac is 12 m., Bible school. from twenty taps on the grounds. A Bayley-Cooper reunion was held chamber of commerce and others in- elected president of the club and D. table indefinitely.
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