ESTABLISH SATURDAY MORNING, DECEMBER 28 1901 DAILY EDITION* commercial competition. The paper man to light Jeffries. Every inducement has consulted sir Thomas Sutherland and will be offered Fitzsimmons to draw him pod It to New York,- are probably the vic­ years, and at Butte, the workday has Kenric 15. Murray, secretary of the Lon­ in another match. "Bob" Is the man the tims, occurred sometime between Sunday public is anxious to have against the cham­ afternoon and this afternoon. The jewelrv been reduced from ton hours to eigh* don Chamber of Commerce, and others, was dispatched from here to Joseph Fran- hours. It is reasonable to believe that ARE NOT AFBAIB only to discover the greatest divergence pion. I don't know whether he has retired IN DON Kcl & Sons, New York. When delivered In the views of the persons questioned, to for good or not. If he does not want to should the price of copper go back to 12 whether any real necessity for "waking light again he has a perfect right to stay there was no evidence that the seal had SHIPS WBECEED up .England" existed. out of the game. All he has to do Is to tell been tampered with and the package was cenU> the prices of other things," includ­ me so, and we shall not trouble him fur­ not opened in New York until today, when ing labor, would also decline sufficiently ther. I have made arrangements to hold the chain was found missing. Prince Edward Island Tragedy. a sort of reception in New York Monday, to enable all of the companies above VENEZUELA. CAN DO WITH­ CHARLOTTETOWN. December 27.—Four afternoon between the hours of 4 and C KITCHENER IS THE STORM Henning Was Outclassed. ° named to cut l,cent per pound oft: their o'clock. All the leading heavy-weights or mining costs. MUCH DAMAGE DONE AT men. forced an entrance into Mrs. McAu- their representatives will be requested to SAVANNAH. Georgia, December 27.— OUT CORN. lay's boarding-house at Annsdale on attend and make bids for a light with CENTER AT PRESENT. Feltz of Brooklyn and Kid Henning of fit is a mistake to suppose that the Christmas night. The men refused to leave Jeffries. I do not mean to play favorites, Washington were scheduled to fight for the present low prices of copper mining VANCOUVER. until one of their number, Dennis Brown, and the man that gets up his forfeit money 112-pouiid championship . before the Savan­ stocks accurately represent the condi­ was shot dead by captain John Warren, for a match first will be Jeffries' next op­ nah Athletic Club tonight, the mill to be one of Mrs. MeAuley'j? boarders. ponent. Madden will have to look elsewhere 25 rounds for a decision. The bout lasted tion of the' copper industry, or the for a match for Denver '•Ed" Martin. less than one round.1 Henning was knocked profits the various mines will he able THE INTERIOR WOULD BE DIFFI­ While Jeffries does not draw the color line G. P. HILL BONDS MORE CLAIMS down four-times and took the count twice. to earn for their owners on 15-cent cop­ -. ? Attending Physician Is Hopeful. strictly, yet he refuses to box a negro for h e f0u t h kn0ck down the «(-^oi f v, *;. , . referee per. The decline is the result of un­ CULT OF INVASION BY DETROIT, December 26.—Dr.: I.ongyear, the championship. Whoever Jeffries may TO THE MONTREAL stopped the mill to save Henning from se­ STORM SEEMS TO HAVE EXTENDED who is one of the attending surgeons oii be matched with, the contest will undoubt­ vere punishment1______. natural speculative conditions, brought edly take place at 'Frisco, as it Is the only about by mercenary stock jobbers, who ALL ALONG THE PACI­ THE GERMANS. general Alger, said tonight that the criti­ locality where a big fight can be brought SYNDICATE A Race War Outbreak. ° cal period in the general's illness had off in absolute safety. have succeeded in a scheme of whole­ FIC COAST. passed, and his recovery was practically BIRMINGHAM, Alabama,' December 2G.— sale plunder because they have been able certain so far as he could determine at ln a general fight between white men and present. <**>. ... Investigating American Methods negroes at Childersburg yesterday after- to wholly destroy public confidence. PS?11., J' *A- Whiteman and his son were "WASHINGTON, December 27;—The gath­ BERLIN, December 27.—The German killed and a white boy and a negro woun- government has decided to attach agri­ MONTREAL,•*:. December 27.—[Special ering of German warships In the vicinity ded.oWitr a h great difficult The y a general out-* Decemb VERY IMPORTANT DISCOVERY cultural experts to the more important to The Tribune.]—It Is reported here ? ,e VS prevented. negroes are now in CHINESE PHONE EXCHANGE T^J .? ?*• «- 27.-[SPecial to of Venezuela, and the presence in the The Trtbunej-The worst storm for sev- same locality oC many American, British, .German"consulates. The first of these ex­ that the Canadian Pacific railway syn­ jail at Talladega. perts will be sent to the United States UCk Vancouv French, and other foreign warships, is di­ ami I M , er at midnight where agricultural dvelopments. are now dicate, which last summer secured the, and continued all day. Great damage was recting attention to the imminence of the Cholera and Typnoid Specific. being more carefully observed than - for­ Fraudulent Apple Packers. No Numbers Used. group of iron properties near Kitchener, done, especially to small shipping, the -;• naval demonstration Germany is about to ANN ARBOR, Michigan, December merly. This action is understood to be one TORONTO, December 27.—W. A. McKin­ SAN FRANCISCO, December 27.—Th(V e make against Venezuela. Thus far, the of the results of the increasing use of has secured another group of prospects non, the oilicer appointed to enforce the tmL *n ,S estlmat^ " «I>™ of German government has not made known 27.—Scientific men at the University of new Chinese telephone exchange is open S American machinery In Germany, and the in the same neighborhood. C. P. Hill, Fruit Act of the Dominion, reports his first •5100,000. lhe steamer Aorangi, coming in the details of her proposed move, the offi­ Michigan are eagerly awaiting the de­ belief that the American system of farm­ prosecutions under the act at Port Col- and ready for business, after months ot Irom-Australia, lay ln English Bay all cial communications to the United States ing on a large scale might be adapted to who negotiated the first deal is also borne. The practice consisted of "facing" tailed results of some remarkable ex­ up barrels of second-class apples with preparation,- says the San Francisco night and got her anchor foul of the C P being* confined to an inquiry as to the at­ periments that have just been concluded the princely estates of Germany. said to have brought the second one to lirst-class fruit. Light fines were imposed. li. cablo to Victoria, the end of whicli is titude of this government on the question Chronicle. The exchange differs from now lost. The cable station was wrecked by professor Frederic G. Novy. He is of a demonstration, in view of the purpose a. successful termination. The last deal all others in this city or in the world by the,, .storm and logs were .piled up of Hie Germans not to acquire any perma­ a foremost bacteriologist and" the pro­ includes the purchase outright of four against it. The bark Elizabeth Nicholson nent foothold in-Venezuela... The answer of WINNER ON ENGLISH TRACKS WILL BE NO CLOSE-DOWNS in that it is gorgeous with oriental dragged her anchor across the harbor .and this government was entirely satisfactory fessor of physiological chemistry and' claims, known as the Creston, Oray, X- wont broadside against the Hastings' mill I beauty and a marvel of luxurious good to the German authorities, who since have bacteriology at Michigan. If in actual Ray and X-Ray Fractional, the consider­ wharf. She broke the copper sheeting over proceeded with the execution of their plans practice as good results can be obtained American Trainer Heads List. taste and splendor. The telephone com­ her bows but no holes were stove in her. ior coercing Venezuela. It is said to oe ation being given as $25,000 cash. The Copper Comparisons. The'bow of the steamer Active was car-, as were secured in the laboratory, all LONDON, December 27.—For the first pany has made it a point' to make the n probable tnat the first move by Germany syndicate has also taken a bond upon BOSTON December 27.—The best ried right on to the'wharf and the vessel til will uc the'--'establishment'of a ulockado such diseases as Asiatic cholera, typhoid time since he became an owner of race posted copper people here, both pro­ Uetf eAenuu&e Due OL iiic aliuw i/.acvS ul damaged. Fifteen small steamers went of Venezuelan ports, as to prevent me in­ horses, in 1SS3, sir J. Blundell Maple comes the balance of Hill's mineral claims, uuiuutowii. n mxs fapareu no CAI/CU^S; U> adrift, and wore all more or less damaged.. 't lever, dysentery and other intestinal ducers and consumers, say that the re­ * L troduction of food products into Venezuela, »out at the head of the list of winning own­ and-if the bond is taken up the total uuuuu tait) leouu, *«iu cmet ungiueei' This afternoon several cases of Alaskan : troubles will be stricken from the list cent cut in the price of copper can have and thus starve tne besieged mtu suonus- ers In England, with $107,063-to his credit.
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