* ' * < il -»C* •• ♦ If f ♦ I et U lti, U t, M fa*tafag .. » the lu d »Uhi» tb, i fa r «M bli4t n u ! Z fa (fatteli thTTr.” » ti* Aal»««,. r^ak M h A« n 4 ^wyg^wa*gg?twy>^H^aj r^5w»w w»>w-t'»WtW; _■__ -Y-...P['.«H|_ lCT\ i y-- ^i*fii,P*^rffnPf-| tKf y%'IJ "l'.J-'f ui Í.VÍ nu* h u «TtJTtàhir Cranford To Adopt SChoCk Re-OpeaWith RepubliCan Club Wifl Lions'and Rotarías oCmU UBIS___ Tells Belated Story Al Soldi for Hoover TnmkSewerOrdhianCe &veFmDaieMHotiie — Atßttdrfti! OfSimuaffCiffipIie .. Chib StartCdHere To Be IntroduCed at Next Full Complement of Teachers Plan? Made ta- Equip New LoCal ServiCe Club» Spend Ev SCverxJ Would-be Fishermen SCout Who Waa Awignod to Write- Up - H i. Experience» Unique Orgnniintton WhicK • Meeting of the Committee and-Everything Ready for Headquarters end Keep Op Citing Together. Have En Indiate Sounds Made by thë . Promise« to Be Nation Wide . All the Other Municipalities ; the New School Year. Did So and Then I‘ut the en House for All Local ' joyabl? , Time. ‘ Rotarían»] Famous Sea Uon. - Story Where He Couldn't Get« It* Start Under Accep­ , in the Agreement Have Ta The publiC sChools, including the new Members of G. O. P. Bowl Beat. i On Monday-morning at five o’CloCk Hod It. table Condition*. .' ken Same Steps. _ ■ Roosevelt School and the big addition t®- ^îWfln^Schort-weTernpw^-ffT^tTta. *r»sfíy gf fitheriaoBt-ieU-ky-auteiao- The Cran/ord Lloo« C te hOe. Snwa Cranford Trust Oo comer, Tluua.JapmbaWyhota. numaUve - Cranferd'a own.Al.Emllh wha.4lM« at mpaniet the first FalT term. as. scheduled, on Monday, ^ Application was mad* by thé “Cran­ ford Republican Club at the meeting Chib' held a joint nMettng test 3thes rtnffimlirm being tlut yacht dub out wui appreCiate "the prsdieamom 401 Central avenue haa atartCd'Vn or- 'Op. Not. only is At tbs next meeting or the Townihlp Everything was In fine altape for the 'S as Beach Haven. The inp u i made in Uiat. a loCai scout found huuaeU in ganlaatUMi which promteea to apniad Committee the ordinanCe providing for school work and there was tittle con­ of the township committee Tuesday evening ts the-dubheoae eg tbr when ne put something away so care- lourishntent that fo al u a a , ti* party iun>pusg ti Tom's rapidly all over Uto United Bute». ContraCt with seven other municipal- fusion other than that caused by the night for a lease'on the Uttell House In man Fountain PWx Go. •& tE m m i Ntttvr lor ooOee and rulU. Upon Uietr muy that he couldu t hud il Every Wherever It lure been heard of it ha» shifting of pupils from one sChool to ued'daily, giving ltles for the Joint Trunk sever will be Springfield avenue for Club purposes. street, Newrmk. upon Urn itititt—i bit ameal at Beads. Haven, arrangements mau* wno was uoef a boy, can at onCe beCome Immediately popular. ~ |uality.\ another by reason of assignment to comnuttee had -been appointed by Geo/K. Warner. who Is to efauge eg « m quickly made to get aboard Uie ber Uie days wheu Uut used to hap- The liame of the-new organisation 1« Introduced and passed on final read-' new sChool buildings. Teachers and huwt of them it will recau President UarreU to take the uiattri the personnel depanmnw of CisatC to- boat .azM .ihe. j^ail- aas mOdo-tor-Uie •Uted In. Uie heading of Uiu article. —V; tax af the U rn meetln» in OCtober. pupUs-sUke 'pralsed the fine.'condition •Tiihin« grwmda The membem of the nay* when ' * • - - * Ira purpose Is to do all It Can to pile of the old sChool buildings and the up with Ute committee with power to stHution. About thirty to m ataJbd to locate a liât, a cap or even a pair The delay In the passing of the or- negotiate, .a deal. 'Hie house, which, ha« party «we Rev-. O. C, Hopper. Jr, Fred 01 up Uw blggeet vote for Eecretary Heav­ wonderful improvements* and - Conven- themselvea uf the oppu tuuuy w>- twct g^^etCTg^Qfrty-JamentQui trousers, not to say miyUUiui of yhte- er Utet luu ever been given to «ity cen- lenCertSra prrrff " """ " itldaW lur the ptcUlriivy In Uie hleliirv •' — istlon -of-the-report-In eereratrother !.TW-whde- undef-eonsfderatlbn- oqrthe this I ______ ____ _ _____ ________ S 5F “ ^ieTotal>hronment' foir "ihe first da7 ped with six bowling aileys. f«ar bnaá- kCal Itone <fiub. and 0. C. Hopper, 8r, •itiüüiCt uie »utiwr ot ttie »Ujiry ülaL oTllte country, lie membere are to be ' muniCipalities that Cranford did not was 2130 divided between the schools: School Board but owuig to their havuig Jutlu», IH zut»»«! to write up 111* •> intend to enter'Into the final agree- made satisfactory arrangemenu fot «ho Came out to Cranford specialty to made up of Ute Bmluui 'fram Maine to Qrant. 330: Sherman, 650; Lincoln. 480; tiful pool ' tables' and three beîSare pa aa the trip with his son. pòrteti«!* o l a aCoui z i Ute U ranio«! Texae and back agaUt bulb W»y», On­ pnetor r ■ ■ ment, and this led to considerable talk Roosevelt. .413, and Cleveland <Hlgh their present quarters they gave it up tables, as well its faotittee fee pCsyuv itu>» ütenjp «t Btlvir U tkt. Uk* » ,oou Evep beiore Uiat the Republican-Ciuu The good ship "Vtola.” In charge of ly UlUM who have: the |ii»torlc name of . l • “ot based on faCt. - Representatives of School) 367. This compares with a to­ »tout lit toòk Ui« Mtlgiuiwm uut ptr- Smith may Join but It la expected Uiat | Woodbridge, Rahway, Springfield and hod sought to secure *it. but steppeu Checkers, cards, dominoes, C t w e x , Cagk. -Wm A Me)*er. ploughed its way tal of 1879 Initial enrollment last year There t. m nmi nnéu s n e y ^ .fdoaxi bay and u)ua reaCting the lorinnl, b ut Ite mu»t trevo put Uto oren thoiuanda’ ol Uiettt will do eo. In i .. R“ ?U« Park were'at the meeting of dlvided:.as^oUowa^Gii^Li«sa&^herv aside. to'..allow..the-Bchool Bokrd lit« h"" 'fhh "TChWHtfii^eoEniati^ wmè'lì1 V n».«Iut ',i.«telluil itI« wtiou Iw»... reutiod-— ■Uto.tiowo- t_ * SO ini^lis'm ft I. _aiuns. h...-,. v.. .if II. ...Ujey .. ,.--u¿umbined, .. -1._ i».i _. 1_» CuuìU....i » .‘ ' y’ man, 588; LinColn," 43Î3*; Cleveland, purLof . Qie ■Republican Club Comnut- ><>> »»<»»»(IW S T — nlgh^-to-find-out-just-how-CTEnfont 42J,"The iatter Tnciudlhg High School t>r*pmty glxia. the . menu etxm^cizär'iä' O* tamQtchanCe>~bf sume qf thè P«[wr’ onto*’ur'w nor*vor"iio'w urio I v stands, they said. Mayor Wm A. tee the township omclals made a teiidei fruit - CoCktail clam chowder, bated Uutvo lU ’nn»- wook ll tbowod Up., .Ilu tiun of Uie. organiser that* if ev«r. Uis 305. and 7th and 8th grades 118. There which was accepted. • An annual renuu CadrtvOuals. as Oeny, in .gwtUng up the i \R yan, of Woodbridge. spoke of the ur­ will he jt considerable - additional çn- fish, roast. Frrrwh £nCd g***toe* partr. had. prtaniad faithfully that It nwUior found it—u moot moUwre du tìnilth» mafie Uismoelvea felt, they wUl I . - gent eltuatloji In that Township; where Commensurate, with-tiie- value ot the Utofo tluti»t for boyo. Futluwln« u do it litis Urn« and they wui bs on Uia rollment during the Cohilng weeks. ; place was agreed upon. The Club w hot rulla, pickks^ ciivr«, mìaxL mad bus Was to br an -lnsaifvftihlng party,“ l a cunslderable amount of sewer lateral At the meeting of the Board of Edu­ but not least., home-made pv*ch psè swnang an the bay and not in the whot Uiu ocout wrote. It u ziitUo Ut* Hoover band wagon. ’ I has already been laid, and City Attor- uake a number of improvements am, but It U UiteroitlUf utywor mid will bo It Is “not intended to make tills Club cation Tuesday night, 13 residents of proceed at once, to take it over. a la mode. MusiC waá fqjnuabe«i dee- u m a Howv^er, Oerry claims he had t . ^ ney Prank Dobbins of Rahway also Brookside--Place - and—Division- street «halrvrr-to-do wiUt-Uie-boat- eepetlttlty-smuiUts U) the kid»-wire kre a-jiemunent- or. loCai-Affalrv - It Is or-... ' spoke. ' Mayor Jeaklns of Springfield, -The-townalitp-commlttee-had-otfCTeo now «truxkllti» over oCltool book» u it «aniseti trow and wilt contimi« ita ex­ asked - transportation to . and from the house ur a portion of it to the Boy FeUx Dl Fabto. saxophone^ and Mr gdRg out to sea for about 10 miles,* and i and Councilman McNaughton of Ro Roosevelt SChool. These pupils have StuCk/piano.. The'eatheruag jotCed m far Can keep the atralgUtest. faCe. Pred wUl revive niomorloo ot week» »»o Mid istence until Innauguratlon day when ‘ selle Park alshspoke. ■ Scout organisation lor their use, rent It Is expected thetLt least 10,000 BmiUu . been attending Garwood sChools and .tree'. The tender was made' by Mayoi singing the songs of the LioCta Chd» Lang« claims it was a put-up Job tp. get of lliliure Ion« loat Ui lunb otor lliem. Mayor AldriC&usured all that Cran­ have been assigned- to the new Roose­ and tiu*n of the Rotary Ciuh . to n arsuaCk, but nobody will' admit U.
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