9th-12th List by Author's Last Name 2018-2019~S ZPD Points Author's Name Title Location 9.5 4 Aaseng, Nathan Navajo Code Talkers: America's Secret Weapon in WWII 940.548673 AAS 6.9 15 Abbott, Jim & T. Brown Imperfect, An Improbable Life 796.357092 ABB 9.9 17 Abdul-Jabbar, Kareem Brothers in Arms: 761st Tank Battalio, WW2's Forgotten Heroes 940.5421 ABD 4.6 9 Abrahams, Peter Reality Check 6.2 8 Achebe, Chinua Things Fall Apart 6.1 1 Adams, Simon The Cold War 973.9 ADA 8.2 1 Adams, Simon Eyewitness - World War I 940.3 ADA 8.3 1 Adams, Simon Eyewitness- World War 2 940.53 ADA 7.9 4 Adkins, Jan Thomas Edison: A Photographic Story of a Life 92 EDI 5.7 19 Adornetto, Alexandra Halo Bk1 5.7 17 Adornetto, Alexandra Hades Bk2 5.9 11 Ahmedi, Farah & T. Ansary The Other Side of the Sky 305.23086 AHM 9 12 Albanov, Valerian In the Land of White Death 919.804 ALB 4.3 5 Albom, Mitch For One More Day 4.7 6 Albom, Mitch The Five People You Meet in Heaven 4.7 6 Albom, Mitch The Time Keeper 4.9 7 Albom, Mitch Have a Little Faith: a True Story 296.7 ALB 8.6 17 Alcott, Louisa May Rose in Bloom [see Classics lists for all titles] 6.6 12 Alder, Elizabeth The King's Shadow 4.7 11 Alender, Katie Famous Last Words, Hollywood can be Murder 4.8 10 Alender, Katie Marie Antoinette, Serial Killer 4.9 5 Alexander, Hannah Sacred Trust 5.6 13 Aliferenka & Ganda I Will Always Write Back 305.235 ALI 4.5 4 Allen, Will Swords for Hire 5.2 6 Allred, Alexandra Powe Atticus Weaver 5.3 7 Alvarez, Jennifer Lynn The Guardian Herd Bk1: Starfire 9.0 42 Ambrose, Stephen Undaunted Courage (Lewis & Clark) 917.8042 AMB 7.7 15 Ambrose, Stephen The Wild Blue, Men & Boys who flew the B-24's over Germany 940.54 AMB 7.6 3 Anderson & Stephenson Scientists of the Ancient World 509.2 AND 4.5 7 Anderson, Laurie Halse Speak 5.2 11 Anderson, Laurie Halse Chains 5.4 10 Anderson, Laurie Halse Forge 5.6 11 Anderson, Laurie Halse Ashes 6.7 13 Angelou, Maya I Know Why the Caged Bird Sings 92 ANG 5.8 9 Angus, Sam A Horse Called Hero 6 9 Angus, Sam Soldier Dog 6.1 25 Appleman-Jurman, Alicia Alicia: My Story 92 APP 5.7 19 Apptleton, Scott The Sword of the Dragon Bk2: Offspring 5.8 14 Apptleton, Scott The Sword of the Dragon Bk1: Swords of the Six 6.1 19 Apptleton, Scott The Sword of the Dragon Bk3: Key of Living Fire 8 5 Aronson, Marc Sugar Changed the World: A story of magic, spice, slavery, freedom & Science 664.109 ARO 8 6 Aronson, Marc Up Close: Robert F. Kennedy 92 KEN 5.9 4 Asgedom, Mawi Of Beetles & Angels: A Boy's Journey from a Refugee Camp to Harvard 973.04928 ASG 7.6 2 Ashabranner, Brent Their Names to Live By 959.704 ASH 9 23 Ashe, Arthur Days of Grace, A Memoir 796.342092 ASH 9th-12th List by Author's Last Name 2018-2019~S 4.5 9 Asher, Jay What Light 6.0 10 Asimov, Isaac Fantastic Voyage 6.1 11 Asimov, Isaac I, Robot (short stories) 7.2 16 Atkinson, Jay Ice Time: A Tale of Fathers, Sons, & Hometown Heroes 796.962 ATK 4.4 8 Auch, Mary Jane Ashes of Roses 5.2 17 Aveyard, Victoria Red Queen 5 3 Aveyard, Victoria Cruel Crown; Steel Scars 5.3 20 Aveyard, Victoria Glass Sword 5.6 2 Aveyard, Victoria Cruel Crown; Queen Song 4.1 5 Avi A Place Called Ugly 4.8 7 Avi Crispin: At the Edge of the World 5.0 7 Avi Crispin 5.1 9 Avi Sophia's War 7.2 10 Ayer, Eleanor Parallel Journeys 943.086 AYE 4.8 13 Bachorz, Pam Drought 4.4 11 Bacigalupi, Paolo Ship Breaker 4.6 13 Bacigalupi, Paolo The Drowned Cities 6.1 16 Backman, Fredrik A Man Called Ove 4.8 15 Baldacci, David The Keeper Bk2 5.2 20 Baldacci, David The Finisher Bk1 4.9 15 Baldacci, David The Width of the World Bk3 5.9 15 Baldacci, David Wish You Well 6.5 13 Baldwin, James Go Tell It On the Mountain 7 12 Ballard, Chris One Shot at Forever 796.357 BAL 6.6 2 Ballard, Robert D. Exploring the Bismarck 940.54 BAL 8.0 1 Banks, Martin Conserving Rain Forests 574.5 BAN 7.9 1 Barbara, Tylor. Eyewitness - Arctic and Antarctic 508.311 TAY 5.3 12 Bardugo, Leigh Shadow and Bone 4 4 Barnes, Derrick We Could be Brothers 5.7 10 Baron, Ruth Defriended 8.4 3 Barron, Rachel Stiffler Lise Meitner: Discoverer of Nuclear Fission 539.7 BAR 5.0 9 Barron, T.A. Lost Years Bk3: The Fires of Merlin 5.1 12 Barron, T.A. The Lost Years of Merlin Bk1 5.2 12 Barron, T.A. Lost Years Bk2: The 7 Songs of Merlin 5.4 9 Barron, T.A. Lost Years Bk4: The Mirror of Merlin 5.8 14 Barron, T.A. Lost Years Bk5: The Wings of Merlin 5.9 11 Barron, T.A. Merlin's Dragon Bk1 6.1 9 Barron, T.A. Merlin's Dragon Bk2: Doomraga's Revenge 6.1 8 Barron, T.A. Merlin's Dragon Bk3: Ultimate Magic 4.9 5 Bartoletti, Susan The Boy Who Dared 7.8 6 Bartoletti, Susan Hitler Youth: Growing Up in Hitler's Shadow 943.086 BAR 7.4 8 Bascomb, Neal Nazi Hunters: How a Team of Spies & Survivors Captured Eichmann 956.9405 BAS 7.7 10 Bascomb, Neal Sabotage 940.54 BAS 5.0 16 Batson, W.T. & C. Hopper Berinfell Prophecies Bk1: Curse of the Spider King 5.0 19 Batson, W.T. & C. Hopper Berinfell Prophecies Bk2: Venom and Song 9th-12th List by Author's Last Name 2018-2019~S 5.4 21 Batson, W.T. & C. Hopper Berinfell Prophecies Bk3: Tide of Unmaking 5 11 Batson, Wayne Thomas Dreamtreaders Bk 1 5 12 Batson, Wayne Thomas Dreamtreaders Bk 2: Search for the Shadow Key 5.3 11 Batson, Wayne Thomas Dreamtreaders Bk 3: War for the Waking World 4.6 13 Batson, Wayne Thomas Isle of Swords Bk1 5.3 14 Batson, Wayne Thomas Isle of Fire Bk2 5.8 13 Batson, Wayne Thomas The Door Within Bk1 5.0 13 Batson, Wayne Thomas The Rise of the Wyrm Lord Bk2 5.2 14 Batson, Wayne Thomas The Final Storm Bk3 5.1 18 Batson, Wayne Thomas The Dark Sea Annals Bk1: Sword in the Stars 5.1 24 Batson, Wayne Thomas The Dark Sea Annals Bk2: The Errant King 5.1 6 Bauer, Joan Backwater 6.5 9 Beals, Melba Warriors Don't Cry 370.19 BEA 6.4 8 Beam, Christy Wilson Miracles from Heaven: A Little Girl, Her Journey to Heaven, & Her Story 92 BEA 7.3 13 Beamer, Lisa Let's Roll! (Todd Beamer, 9/11 hero) 973.931 BEA 5.0 7 Beatty, Patricia Jayhawker 5.9 11 Beatty, Robert Serafina and the Black Cloak Bk1 5.9 14 Beatty, Robert Serafina and the Twisted Staff Bk2 6.2 13 Beatty, Robert Serafina and the Splintered Heart Bk3 5.3 22 Beckham, David Beckham: Both Feet on the Ground: An Autobiography 796.334092 BEC 6.8 6 Beckham, David David Beckham's Soccer Skills 796.334 BEC 5.3 10 Bell, Alex Frozen Charlotte 4.9 5 Bell, Hilari The Prophecy 5.6 10 Bell, Hilari The Shield, Sword, & Crown Bk1: Shield of Stars 6.3 19 Bell, Ted Nick of Time: An Adventure Through Time Bk 1 6.1 19 Bell, Ted The Time Pirate: A Nick McIver Time Adventure Bk 2 8.4 1 Bender, Lionel Eyewitness - Invention 609 BEN 6.2 7 Benge, Janet & Geoff Gladys Aylward: The Adventure of a Lifetime chb 92 AYL 6.3 7 Benge, Janet & Geoff Corrie Ten Boom: Keeper of the Angel's Den 92 TEN 6.4 7 Benge, Janet & Geoff Harriet Tubman: Freedombound 92 TUB 6.6 7 Benge, Janet & Geoff George Muller: The Guardian of Bristol's Orphans 92 MUL 6.7 7 Benge, Janet & Geoff Amy Carmichael: Rescuer of Precious Gems 92 CAR 6.8 7 Benge, Janet & Geoff Nate Saint: On a Wing and a Prayer chb 92 SAI 6.8 8 Benge, Janet & Geoff Hudson Taylor: Deep in the Heart of China 92 TAY 6.9 8 Benge, Janet & Geoff David Livingstone: Africa's Trailblazer 92 LIV 7 8 Benge, Janet & Geoff Eric Liddell: Something Greater Than Gold 92 LID 7.1 7 Benge, Janet & Geoff Jim Elliot: One Great Purpose chb 92 ELL 7.1 8 Benge, Janet & Geoff Abraham Lincoln: A New Birth of Freedom hab 92 LIN 7.1 8 Benge, Janet & Geoff Daniel Boone: Frontiersman 92 BOO 7.2 8 Benge, Janet & Geoff William Carey: Obliged to Go 92 CAR 7.3 7 Benge, Janet & Geoff George Washington Carver aeb 92 CAR 7.3 9 Benge, Janet & Geoff Meriwether Lewis: Off the Edge of the Map 92 LEW 7.5 7 Benge, Janet & Geoff William Penn: Liberty & Justice for All 92 PEN 7.6 9 Benge, Janet & Geoff George Washington: True Patriot 92 WAS 7.7 8 Benge, Janet & Geoff John Adams: Independence Forever 92 ADA 9th-12th List by Author's Last Name 2018-2019~S 7.8 8 Benge, Janet & Geoff Christopher Columbus: Across the Ocean Sea 92 COL 8.5 8 Benge, Janet & Geoff Douglas MacArthur: What Greater Honor 92 MAC 5 8 Bennett, Sophia Sequins, Secrets, and Silver Linings 6.0 25 Bentz, Joseph Song of Fire 4.4 11 Bergman, Tamar Along the Tracks 940.53 BER 8.3 4 Bernotas, Bob Sitting Bull: Chief of the Sioux 92 SIT 8.1 1 Bickerstaff, Linda The Library of Nutrition- Nutrition Sense 613.2 BIC 6.5 10 Biles, Simone Courage to Soar: A Body in Motion, A Life in Balance 796.44092 BIL 7.9 20 Bird, Larry/Johnson, "Magic" When the Game Was Ours 796.323092 BIR 4.8 8 Bitton-Jackson, Livia I Have Lived a Thousand Years (Holocaust) 92 BIT 5.6 10 Bitton-Jackson, Livia My Bridges of Hope Bk 2 Searching for Life & Love after Auschwitz 92 BIT 5.5 8 Bitton-Jackson, Livia Hello, America Bk3 A Refugee's Journey from Auschwitz to the New World 92 BIT 5.7 4 Black, Chuck Kingdom Series Bk 3: Kimgdom's Edge 6.1 5 Black, Chuck Kingdom Series Bk 2: Kimgdom's Hope 6.2 6 Black, Chuck Kingdom Series Bk 1: Kimdom's Dawn 6.2 6 Black, Chuck Kingdom Series Bk 6: Kingdom's Reign 6.5 7 Black, Chuck Kingdom Series Bk 5: Kingdom's Quest 6.7 5 Black, Chuck Kingdom Series Bk 4: Kingdom's Call 5.2 10 Black, Holly Magisterium Bk3: The Bronze Key 5 8 Black, Holly Magisterium Bk3: The Silver Mask 5.2 11 Black, Holly & C.
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