ISSN 0229-2378 SUPPLEMENT Interim Report of the Ad Hoc Committee to Review the Aims and Objectives of gue h the University of Guelph ❑ UNIVERSITY NEWS BULLETIN Volume 28 Number 41 84 11 29 University football Mission champions statement goes public by Mark Harrison Sports Editor The Ontarion Senate sought — and is getting — University- wide distribution of the Interim Report of A record 19,842 football fans watched as the the Ad Hoc Committee to Review the Aims Guelph Gryphons stole the Vanier Cup from and Objectives of the University of Guelph. the Mount Allison Mounties at Varsity The document, distributed to Senators Stadium last Saturday. October 29, was presented at last Tuesday's On the strength of Parri Ceci's only two Senate meeting for its first public discussion. receptions, the Guelph Gryphons scored their Senators asked that the report be circulated first two touchdowns and finished with a to all members of the University community 22-13 victory. It was the Gryphons' first and in response, the report is reproduced as Vanier Cup and the first won by an Ontario a special supplement in this issue of the News University Athletic Association team since Bulletin. 1977. A story on the mission statement, Model Athletics Director David Copp told the of A Modern University appeared in the News Bulletin Monday that he'd like to Hoisting the Vanier Cup: left to right, Jed Tommy 84 11 15 News Bulletin. Extra copies of the put things in perspective: "Our defense (23), Blaine Schmidt (77). supplement are available from Information would probably rank only second or third Parri Ceci (70), with ball, got two touchdowns in Services, Ext. 8708. in the CF L," he said. the Vanier Cup game and was named most valuable Vice-President, Academic, Dr. Howard The come-from-behind victory was made player. Clark, chairman of the ad hoc committee to possible by the dominating play of the review the aims and objectives, says the docu- Guelph defence. Captain Jeff Yanchus play- ment is a preliminary report intended to ed brilliantly from his outside linebacking Tim Quirke then kicked a 23-yard stimulate discussion. The interim report spot. Fellow linebackers Rob Pavan and field goal with under three minutes to go to does not contain specific recommendations Tony Reis helped contain the mobility of win the game. On the final play of the game, for action; these will be contained in the Mountie pivot Jim Tierney. But it was the fullback Jed Tommy blasted over from the final report and will be formulated after front four who ultimately came up big. one to push Guelph's total to 22 against extensive discussion on the interim report. Guelph was down 13-7 in the fourth Mount Allison's 13. The committee also seeks to encourage quarter when quarterback Randy Walters The Mounties lone touchdown came discussion beyond the University community. looked for Ceci from the Mountie thirty- when Scott Cameron blocked a Mark Hurst Dr. Clark has announced plans to hold two eight. Walters hoisted a bomb to Ceci near punt and went 34 yards to score. Mount meetings with members of the private sector the goaline, who then stole the ball from Allison kicker Terry Baker added the single to get responses and input. Mountie Peter Estabrooks for the tying and also had two field goals in the contest. Dr. Clark stresses the importance of the major. Tim Quirke's convert attempt was Baker, billed as the nation's top kicker, aims and objectives document. It is becoming blocked, setting the stage for the front was good on only two of seven field goals increasingly important in shaping the Univer- four. throughout the day. Guelph's Rob Pavan sity, he says. It is essential that we proceed With just 5:12 remaining, Mount Allison blocked one of Baker's trys on the last play to set our own aims and objectives and do had a third and one at their own thirty-six. of the first half. it independently of external pressures. Pressing for the win, they elected to try for On offence, the Gryphons were sparked I n general, Senators praise the mission the first down. But their running play was by the running of Darryl Skuse who had statement as an admirable document. Some crushed by a massive surge of Gryphon 55 yards in the second half. Jed Tommy think more work needs to be done on the linemen. Brian Cluff, Blaine Schmidt, Les picked up 73 yards, rushing as Guelph University Aims, listed at the end of the Pyke and Grant Gooderich destroyed the totalled 396 yards in net offence. This report. Noted one Senator: "The aims do Mounties' running game like they had with paled the Mount Allison effort of just 161 McMaster, Calgary and Western. yards. ❑ Continued on page 2. Mission Continued from page 1. e not reflect the creative thinking and imagin- ation contained in the main report." Dr. Clark hopes further debate will help sharpen the statements about what E Guelph is and what is unique about it. Sena- z tors also hope that more discussion will clear up some of the ambiguities in wording about the institutional role of the Univer- sity in a fast-changing society and academic freedom, among others. Philosophy professor Bill Hughes noted at Senate that the three-semester system is in the document as one of Guelph's unique characteristics. "But some Departments pay a heavy price for it," he said, "Could we have another look at the spring semester system?" Dr. Clark said this was a fair point, and it may be a recommendation coming from this report. Members of the political theatre class illustrate the plight of the poor during the University Dr. Clark told Board of Governors chaplains' noon-hour program on the politics of hunger. members last Thursday that the biggest challenge facing the University is to define itself and to get that message out to the Our Daily Bread public. Edmund Bovey, co-vice-chairman of Board of Governors and chairman of the The politics of hunger were brought home by He answers: Remember, we have the poten- Commission on the Future Development of a powerful presentation sponsored by the tial to feed everyone; give so that others may the Universities of Ontario (see accompany- University chaplains last Tuesday. Eminence eat; volunteer wherever our services may be ing story) says he heard the same message at in the world of food sciences, they claim, useful; be informed and keep informed; all the Commission's hearings. speak out to government leaders and friends gives this University a special responsibility Comments on the interim report should to recognize that the problem of hunger is and neighbors, and influence policy towards be forwarded to Dale Lockie, assistant as much political as agricultural. the recognition of human need. secretary, University Secretariat, level 4, Chaplain Ed Den Haan, who devised the Chaplain Dorothy Barker brought the University Centre by January 31, 1985. noon-hour program, pointed out that while program to a close and chaplain Art Menu international rivalry continues to be placed fielded questions from the floor. Another The final report will be submitted to ahead of human concern, nations will buy joint program sponsored by the University's Senate by June, 1985 and then to the Board guns rather than feed people and structure chaplains is planned for January. ❑ of Governors. ❑ their economies to serve the rich rather than the poor. The point was hammered home with a dramatic intervention by members of the Reach out to Ethiopia Department of Drama's political theatre class. Grimy women, dressed in sackcloth, The Centre for International Studies will remind others who were planning to do wept over a coffin while Kathryn Edgecombe act as a clearing house for donations so, to do it now as an act of the collec- and Marnie Hayes performed a dialogue towards the relief of hunger in Ethiopia. tive concern of the University of Guelph. scene from a Mennonite Relief Committee Faculty, students and staff are The Canadian organizations collect- script contrasting the feelings of a rich and invited to write a cheque to the agency ing funds for the Ethiopia famine crisis a poor woman in a developing country. The of their choice (see list below). The are: Oxfam Canada cast then moved among the audience, offer- cheque should be marked "Ethiopia Canadian Red Cross ing gingerbread babies from the coffin, while Famine Relief" and bear the name and Gerry Butts read part of Jonathan Swift's address of the donor. It should then be Developpement et Paix bitter satire, A Modest Proposal, in which forwarded, via campus mail, to the atten- UN ICE F — Toronto he advises the poor to rear babies to be sold tion of Professor John Cairns, Director, Mennonite Central Committee for meat. The political theatre class is a new Centre for International Programs. CANSAVE (Canadian Save the experimental unit working this semester Children's Fund) All cheques, which should be under the direction of Department Chair- Canadian Lutheran World Relief received at the Centre not later than man, Professor Len Conolly. A special Ethiopian famine relief December 15, will be sent with a cover- The noon-hour program continued ing letter on behalf of the University, to initiative by the African Students' Associ- with a statement by Environmental Biology the specified agencies who will then issue ation has been announced for Friday, student Nana Asare Boamah, on the deteri- November 30. A day-long slide show/ receipts for tax purposes directly to the orating food situation in Ghana resulting individual.
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