Volume 45 Number 1 January 2011 nC2 Ethnomusicology Goes to Middle Contents School, by Patricia Shehan Campbell Judith Becker: 2010 SEM Honor- “No more to ask”, by “A.” ... more on p. 14 “Listen to the falls, and sighs, and ary Member, by R. Anderson Sutton trills of the cantor’s singing.” This was Ethan Chessin’s opening ques- Judith Omans Becker joined the Obituary: Theodore C. Grame, by tion to a group of 26 twelve- and faculty of the School of Music at the Constantine Grame thirteen-year-old students enrolled in University of Michigan as an Assistant Theodore Grame, a pioneer in the North Park Middle School band in Professor in 1972, expanding the the field of Ethnomusicology, passed Pico Rivera, CA ... more on p. 11 offerings in ethnomusicology ... more away on February 21, 2010. Mr. on p. 4 Grame was born in the Bronx on Jan- People and Places uary twenty-eighth, 1930. A prodigy at Judith Cohen, Deborah Wong, the piano ... more on p. 8 Laurie Kay Sommers, Tormod W. Welcome to SEM/CORD in Phila- Anundsen, Robin Harris, Brian delphia, by Carol Muller Schrag, Brita Heimarck, Jeff Titon, Candida Jaquez ... more on p. 3 The 2011 Joint Annual Meeting of the Society for Ethnomusicology (SEM) Summer Programs and the Congress on Research in Smithsonian Folkways Certifica- Dance (CORD) will take place in the tion Workshop in World Music Peda- city of Philadelphia ... more on p. 16 gogy; Summer Institute in Ethnomusi- cology and Global Culture; Center for Newsletter Updates, by Henry World Music ... more on p. 5 Spiller, SEM Newsletter Editor Announcements Last year, the SEM Board of Di- rectors directed that the SEM News- Joint Panel Ideas for 2012 Meet- letter be distributed electronically. The ing; Ethnomusicology Forum; Seek- current issue reflects some changes ing Field and Studio Recordings ... more on p. 3 Judith Becker to the Newsletter’s format to make navigating easier ... more on p. 11 Conferences Calendar Weapons of Mass Instruction, by Call for Contributions Gage Averill, SEM President: “A ... more on p. 15 (Copy)Right to Sing the Blues” ICTM Study Group “Anthropology of Music in Mediterranean Cultures” 2011 Annual Meeting of SEM, Phila- Like many ethnomusicologists, Website ... more on p. 14 delphia, Call for Proposals I’ve spent lots of time trying to sort through the confusing layers of com- ... more on p. 17 mon law, case law, and statutory laws that establish and regulate copyright as it bears on sound recordings and compositions. ... more on p. 9 Prizes Alan Merriam Prize; Robert M. Stevenson Prize; Kunst Prize; Charles Seeger Prize; Ida Halperin Fellowship; Klaus Wachsmann Prize; Nahumck Prize; Section Prizes; Chapter Prizes ... more on p. 6 “Board’s-eye view” of the membership meeting at SEM 2010 in LA (photo: Tomie Hahn) Internet Resources Ethnomusicology Sites The Society for Ethnomusicol- American Folklife Center ogy and the SEM Newsletter The SEM Website http://www.loc.gov/folklife/ http://www.ethnomusicology.org Editor, SEM Newsletter British Forum for Ethnomusicology Henry Spiller The SEM Discussion List: SEM-L Department of Music http://www.bfe.org.uk University of California To subscribe, send email message One Shields Avenue British Library Sound Archive to: [email protected]. Davis, CA 95616, USA http://www.bl.uk/wtm (Tel) 530.752.2603 (Fax) 530.752.0983 EDU. Leave subject line blank. Type (Email) [email protected] the following message: SUBSCRIBE http://cadensa.bl.uk SEM-L . Christian Musicological Society of India The SEM Newsletter yourfirstname yourlastname The SEM Newsletter is a vehicle for ex- SEM Applied Ethnomusicology Section http://www.thecmsindia.org change of ideas, news, and information among the Society’s members. Readers’ contributions http://www.appliedethnomusicology.org Ethnomusicology OnLine (EOL) are welcome and should be sent to the editor. http://umbc.edu/eol (home site) See the guidelines for contributions on this page. SEM Chapter Websites The SEM Newsletter is published four times Mid Atlantic Chapter International Council for Traditional annually, in January, March, May, and Septem- Music ber, by the Society for Ethnomusicology. Inc., and http://www.macsem.org is distributed free to members of the Society. http://www.ictmusic.org/ICTM Back issues, 1981-present [Vols. 14-18 Mid-West Chapter (1981-84), 3 times a year; Vols. 19-32 (1985- http://sem-midwest.osu.edu/ Iranian Musicology Group 1998), 4 times a year] are available and may be http://groups.yahoo.com/group/iranian_ ordered at $2 each. Add $2.50/order for postage. Niagara Chapter Address changes, orders for back issues of musicology the SEM Newsletter, and all other non-editorial http://www.people.iup.edu/ rahkonen/ inquiries should be sent to the Business Office, NiagaraSEM/NiagaraSEM.htm Music & Anthropology Society for Ethnomusicology, Indiana University, http://www.muspe.unibo.it/period/MA Morrison Hall 005, 1165 East 3rd Street, Bloom- Northeast Chapter ington, IN, 47405-3700; (Tel) 812.855.6672; (Fax) http://www.necsem.org http://research.umbc.edu/eol/MA/index. 812.855.6673; (Email) [email protected]. htm Northwest Chapter (SEM-NW) Smithsonian Institution Websites SEM Membership http://www.music.washington.edu/eth- The object of the Society for Ethnomusicol- http://www.folkways.si.edu ogy is the advancement of research and study in no/semnw.html the field of ethnomusicology, for which purpose http://www.festival.si.edu all interested persons, regardless of race, ethnici- Southeast-Caribbean Chapter ty, religion, gender, sexual orientation, or physical http://otto.cmr.fsu.edu/~cma/SEM/ http://www.folklife.si.edu ability are encouraged to become members. Its aims include serving the membership and society SEMSEC02.htm/ Society for American Music at large through the dissemination of knowledge Southern California & Hawai`i Chapter www.American-Music.org concerning the music of the world’s peoples. The Society, incorporated in the United States, has an (SEMSCHC) UCLA Ethnomusicology Archive international membership. http://ethnomus.ucr.edu/semscc.html Members receive free copies of the journal http://www.ethnomusic.ucla.edu/ar- and the newsletter and have the right to vote and Southern Plains Chapter chive participate in the activities of the Society. Life members receive free copies of all publications http://katchie.com/semsouthernplains/ University of Washington Ethnomusi- of the Society. Institutional members receive the Pages/SEMsouthernplains.html cology Archive journal and the newsletter. Southwest Chapter http://www.music.washington.edu/eth- Student (full-time only) (one year) .............. $40 http://www.u.arizona.edu/~sturman/ no/index.php?page=archives Individual/Emeritus (one year) income $25,000 or less ........................... $60 SEMSW/SEMSWhome.html income $25,000-$40,000 ......................... $75 income $40,000-$60,000 ......................... $85 income $60,000-$80,000 ......................... $95 income $80,000 and above ................... $105 Guidelines for Contributors Spouse/Partner Individual (one year) ......... $35 Life membership ..................................... $1200 • Send articles to the editor by Spouse/Partner Life ................................ $1400 email Sponsored* (one year) ................................ $57 Institutional membership (one year) ......... $115 • Please send faxes, disks, or Overseas postage (one year) ..................... $22 paper copies only as a last *Donated membership for individuals and institutions in soft-currency countries. Send sponsorship letter with resort. dues ($35) and postage (either $10 Surface rate or $25 airmail) to the SEM Business Office. • As of January, 2011, the News- letter no longer accepts adver- Ethnomusicology: Back Issues tisements. The Society’s journal, Ethnomusicology, is currently published three times a year. Back is- sues are available through the SEM Business Of- Copy Deadlines fice, Indiana University, Morrison Hall 005, 1165 East 3rd Street, Bloomington, IN 47405-3700; March issue ..............February 15 (Tel) 812.855.6672; (Fax) 812.855.6673; (Email) May issue ........................ April 15 [email protected]. September issue ......... August 15 ISSN 0036-1291 January issue .........December 15 SEM Newsletter tion in 2011 on musical practices of forward to more time for research People and Places (a selection of) African immigrants in writing and music-making. Judith Cohen (York University) Norway. The dissertation combines a Candida Jaquez (Chair, Music is the first recipìent of the Kluge Foucaultian perspective on discourse Department, Scripps College) has Foundation’s Alan Lomax Fellowship, with ethnographic observations and been named Director of the Hu- which she will take up at the Library performance analyses, linking the manities Institute at Scripps College of Congress in the spring and sum- micro-level of musical practices with beginning in the Fall of 2010 through mer. Specifically, she will work on a macro-level of political and cultural 2013. Scripps College is part of the Lomax’s Spanish recordings, which discourse. The dissertation is written Claremont Colleges, located in south- she’s been editing for several years, in English, and he hopes to publish ern California. along with other material in the hold- and present his findings in SEM Marcia Ostashewski is the first ings related to Lomax’s work in Spain conferences and/or publications in ethnomusicologist to be awarded She will coordinate this work with the 2011/2012. a Fulbright Visiting Research Chair followup fieldwork
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