1. ADDRESS OF HISTORIC RESOURCE (must comply with an Office of Property Assessment address) th Street address:__________________________________________________________________1501 S 10 St Postal code:_______________19147 2. NAME OF HISTORIC RESOURCE Historic Name:__________________________________________________________________Church of the Annunciation (Roman Catholic) Current/Common Name:________Annunciation,___________________________________________________ Blessed Virgin Mary R.C. Church (church only—no other contributing structures) 3. TYPE OF HISTORIC RESOURCE Building Structure Site Object 4. PROPERTY INFORMATION Condition: excellent good fair poor ruins Occupancy: occupied vacant under construction unknown Current use:____________________________________________________________________Active worship site 5. BOUNDARY DESCRIPTION Please attach a narrative description and site/plot plan of the resource’s boundaries. 6. DESCRIPTION Please attach a narrative description and photographs of the resource’s physical appearance, site, setting, and surroundings. 7. SIGNIFICANCE Please attach a narrative Statement of Significance citing the Criteria for Designation the resource satisfies. Period of Significance (from year to year): from _________1860 to _________1900 Date(s) of construction and/or alteration:______________________________________________1860; 1889; 1904 Architect, engineer, and/or designer:_________________________________________________Orig. unknown; later, E.F. Durang; Watson & Huckel Builder, contractor, and/or artisan:___________________________________________________Kennedy; Manderfield; Wm. McShane (1904) Original owner:__________________________________________________________________Archdiocese of Philadelphia Other significant persons:__________________________________________________________ CRITERIA FOR DESIGNATION: The historic resource satisfies the following criteria for designation (check all that apply): (a) Has significant character, interest or value as part of the development, heritage or cultural characteristics of the City, Commonwealth or Nation or is associated with the life of a person significant in the past; or, (b) Is associated with an event of importance to the history of the City, Commonwealth or Nation; or, (c) Reflects the environment in an era characterized by a distinctive architectural style; or, (d) Embodies distinguishing characteristics of an architectural style or engineering specimen; or, (e) Is the work of a designer, architect, landscape architect or designer, or engineer whose work has significantly influenced the historical, architectural, economic, social, or cultural development of the City, Commonwealth or Nation; or, (f) Contains elements of design, detail, materials or craftsmanship which represent a significant innovation; or, (g) Is part of or related to a square, park or other distinctive area which should be preserved according to an historic, cultural or architectural motif; or, (h) Owing to its unique location or singular physical characteristic, represents an established and familiar visual feature of the neighborhood, community or City; or, (i) Has yielded, or may be likely to yield, information important in pre-history or history; or (j) Exemplifies the cultural, political, economic, social or historical heritage of the community. 8. MAJOR BIBLIOGRAPHICAL REFERENCES Please attach a bibliography. 9. NOMINATOR Organization______________________________________Date________________________________ Name with Title__________________________________Celeste A. Morello, MS, MA Email________________________________ Street Address____________________________________Telephone____________________________1234 South Sheridan St 215-334-6008 City, State, and Postal Code______________________________________________________________Philadelphia, PA 19147 Nominator is is not the property owner. PHC USE ONLY Date of Receipt:_______________________________________________________________________4/26/2019 Correct-Complete Incorrect-Incomplete Date:_________________________________8/12/2019 Date of Notice Issuance:______________________8/16/2019 ___________________________________________ Property Owner at Time of Notice: (notice also sent to Pastor Martorano, Name:________________________________Rev John V Tolino Pastor, Roman Catholic_________________________________________ 1511 S 10th St, and to the Archdiocese th Address:_______________________________________________________________________1501 S 10th St of Philadelphia, 222 N 17 St) ______________________________________________________________________________ City:_______________________________________Philadelphia State:____PA Postal Code:_________19147 Date(s) Reviewed by the Committee on Historic Designation:____________________________________ Date(s) Reviewed by the Historical Commission:______________________________________________ Date of Final Action:__________________________________________________________ Designated Rejected 12/7/18 3 (staff supplemented) 5. BOUNDARY DESCRIPTION Situate on the Southeast corner of S. 10th Street and Dickinson Street, containing in front or breadth on said S. 10th Street approximately 76 feet and extending in depth Eastward along the South side of said Dickinson Street approximately 244 feet to a point; thence extending Southward along the rear of non- contributing carports approximately 112 feet to a point; thence extending Westward along the North side of Greenwich Street approximately 73 feet to a point; thence extending Northward approximately 35 feet to a point; thence extending Westward along the South side of the church building approximately 169 feet back to S. 10th Street, the point of beginning. Being 1501 S. 10th Street, and including the church building as the only contributing resource within the larger parcel. The carports at the far East of the property are considered non-contributing for the purposes of this nomination. The rectory is on a separate parcel, being 1511 S. 10th Street, which is not included as part of this nomination. TJ" f-t h -lf tn .rl ,+J 5 hD .{-1 I'J l.l-l i3 I ! 'ii:',': i l *l It c) l .{-} c.) g) il ol tl d arl :l rh IH i ..r ,(g +J .r{ jflilin c.) , i: i> ;l ;f ,f i' *|j T .l|r l l ! (U i{. ; o t+r r+l .dO C)]J N +J l-J 0)( Ar Jl ffid t.l e,) $ T OF -l r)- / c\J +J !) "'1 c.4) o tn ol +J r: -T-- -5- DESCiIIPTION: The l]oman catholic church of Lhe AnnunciaLion,, Blessed vir- gin Mary (hereaf. ter, "l\nnunciation" ) ir; a rarge bri-ck Gottric de_ sign at the southeast cr)rner of D.i-ckinr;on anrj Souttr 10th sit.reet in s<luth l?hira,je.lphia. Af ter the cornerst.one was r_aid in r-g60, a 55' wide by '"L26 deep strucLure arose with Lhe fac:ade of Lhree Gothic arch po::t.,als pel-ow two, smaller f lank:lng Gothic wiriLdows Lo the sl:lghtl'g proi!ct.:rng cenLer bay trording a 1_6t by 32, Gothic window with t tr'crery. A,, in" i-863 dedication, the 1.20, t.ower rose from Lhe <,:enLer baJrr topped .by with a 50' ripire (craimed to have been desiS5ned Edwin Ii. Durang). At. each corner are bases where origJ'nally Lal'lL pinnacles or f inials srood, but hav'e been removed. The s;pire also wils rbmc,rred, as it.s decoraLiv<l base and concret.e cappi'ng f i'nish<':d of f Lo bLunt the tower to its present appearanee. A ttMr ' Kennedyt' wa$ Lhe masonry ccrntraclor :Ln charge of cre- ating rrvrr a brjr-cl< design running rJ.irectly bel-ow Lhe roor cornice. unde:r'Lhis ar(3 long denLi.L b:r:icks in a cours€l encircling Lhe buil- ding. The Go L.trie areh i.s a s Lrong "ben L" of a line, resembling a type of Gc,thic ar:ch earr-ed "rrquilialeral, with no sof tness in the downward c'urv{3. Nine Got.hie arch large windows are on Lhe nort.h and rsouLh sidr:sr over shorLer bi-seeted windows; aL the deep (6') basenenL leve.l Lhe 'Lhe , base of church. A s Leep f light of s teps spans across ttrLe facade Lo a.Ll po::t.als which have the Gothie arch above the transronts. Buttr:esses separate the side walls' windows and are etL feigneil the c.hiirch's corners. Ther tower maintains t.he trio of windowsr 'n all f o'r sides under (agai.n) coLhic arches. This nomjr-naLion inc.lude;; the rg04 addition t.o the nort.heas t corner which ilclded "?z f eet"' to the church's length. This is Lhe only significilrrt addition for thii; church which Lras had many arch- Hl.era.Ld j" ]"ttrei::Cs1h.1i. November Z/+ t 1gG0. Philadelphia l{eral" Es [at.e Record & Buirders' Guide, August 3, tgo4 Wat'son &, jLtects laming Eluckel. ar:ch who- designedl:.an uOAition blen- ding well wirtr t.he 1860-1963 desi:rn. -6" :iteetural elements atLerched to the churchts nort.h, easit and south rsides through Lhe 20th cenLury. lfhis; chur,ch is t.he onl1, property noirilnat.ed hereiln, with no ot.her conLributing pr:operty. ilhe emphasis is; on whaL remains $l ' :..tjt I of Lhe 1860-1863 building t.hat. harl been r3onsecr:ated by' Arch- ):r|,l , bishop James F,, Wood. 3 Over:all, the br:ick consrtruct.ion is r,,rell-maint,,aj-ned, as are Lhe granite s teps l-era<1ing inLo the chur:ch. l){o visi,ble sig;ns of ifi wear were noted, or any, need for rl repair(s). l:i ,{tli l?ho Lograph ( tet I ) taken by nom- I'T inaLor in May, 2'.01-9. ? -"The tt (lathoiLic Hr,:.r'rald ancl VisiLor. Apr i l- 26, 1863 . - 6a* i* Locat.ed _Ln a light int,ers;ect-ion, It AnnunciaLion, EVM Church is an aet.ive worsh_Lp s j_Le. In ther phc,Lograph (le,f t), looking j.n a sou.Lheast dli:ecLj_on, t.he brj.ck pert terns and sharp equila.teral Gothic ar:ches; at the windows and portzrls ert Lkre f acade's bays gi.ve t.he buiJ-cling, a clean look. NoLe old blaek iron fencing aL ground/s t.reet. level. Befow is a wi-cler view of the sout.h wai"l wi-t.h the addiLion and rectory. The: meditaLive geLrden area i"s behind Lwo-tone !ti -.,.^vlt f,c^^^.4^- ErlL,rLtti. Gr:eenwich Str:ee t. is t.he cross st.reet to Sout.h 'Ilenth Street.. ,tii ' sa1.: til -', .*..*-:*i{la*+-:c-t -T "6b- Seen from the southwest corner of Annunc.iation, BVM Church is a closer view of Lhe equilateral tiothie arch and Lhe ttdenLil" pat- 1[ern in the brick below Lhe Ilacev" pattern under Lhe cornice. t iil*,1. t', i' ILd& E trast or rear wall o.f Annunciiat.ion Church has many add:it.ions.
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