Shomrei Torah Shabbat Beha’alotcha 19 Sivan, 5776 / June 24-25, 2016 Benjamin Yudin, Rabbi Parsha/Haftorah: Artscroll: 774/1182 The Living Andrew Markowitz, Associate Rabbi Torah: 702/1189 Hertz: 605/620 Shabbat Schedule CONGRATULATIONS TO OUR 2016 GRADUATES Erev Shabbat - June 24th Early Mincha 6:48pm KIDDUSH IS SPONSORED BY THE FAMILIES OF THE GRADUATES Early Candle Lighting 7:03pm Candle Lighting 8:14pm Samantha Barth Ambinder- Brooklyn College( Graduate Program in Speech & Language Pathology) Sha- Mincha 8:19pm char N. Avraham- Binghamton University; Sarah Beckoff- The Wharton School of Business; Yael Berger- Shabbat - June 25th Ma'ayanot Yeshiva; Jake Berman - University of Michigan (Ross School of Business); Jonathan Bloom - Semicha Rabbi Isaac Elchanan Theological Seminary; Sharone Bloom - NYU (MPA in Finance and MA in Morning Judaic Studies); Miriam Apter Brander- NYU (Masters of Public Administration); Sam Eisenstadter- Sof Z’man Kriyat Sh’ma 9:13am TABC; Sarah Eisenstadter- Ma'ayanot Yeshiva; Yitz Emerson - Maimonides School of Los Angeles; Sadie Daf Yomi - Bava Kama 25 8:00am Engelsohn- Yavneh Academy; Meir Englander—Katz Hillel School of Boca Raton; Daphna Friedman - Shacharit Shulamith School; Milla Gitlin- RYNJ; Daniella Glass- Kol Chaverim Nursery School; Jenna Gore- St. Beit Medrash 8:00am James High School (Myrtle Beach, SC; Zachary Gore- College of William and Mary; Avigayil Jarashow- - Shiur by Rabbi Smuel Leifer “ Ribui B'Shiurim: What is it; when mutar, assur.” Stern College; Zev Jarashow- TABC; Chana Kagan- RYNJ (3rd Grade); Sara Kagan- RYNJ Main Shul 8:40am* (Kindergarden); Steven Lowinger - Columbia School of Engineering; Aviva Mendelshon- University of *Starts with Reb Yishmael Omer Michigan; Alec Rabinowitz- Rae Kushner Hebrew Academy; Drew Rabinowitz- Joseph Kushner Hebrew Young Couples 9:00am Academy; Ben Rosenbaum- Westchester Hebrew High School; Bryan Slominsky- Muhlenberg College; Shabbat Afternoon Rachel Fleisher Vinik- Columbia University (PhD in Chemistry); Dov Weinberg- North Shore Hebrew Acad- Perek in the Park Juniors 5:05pm emy; Shimon Zharnest- Leah Sokoloff Nursery School. Perek in the Park Adults 5:50pm HAKARAT HaTOV Pre-Mincha Shiur 7:15pm with Rabbi Yudin Ba’alei Tefilah Upstairs- Zev Jarashow, Avi Eisenstadter, Elie Pavel, Jared Zimbalist, AJ Zimbalist, Mincha 8:03pm Yakir Mayefsky, Aaron Pavel, Ari Sher. Dvar Torah at Seudah Shelishit Ba’alei Kriah Upstairs - Elie Jarashow, Sam Eisenstadter, Avi Eisenstadter, Dov Weinberg, Ari Mayefsky, David Robin. with Rabbi Aryeh Grinberg Gaba’aim Upstairs- Elie Jarashow, Avi Eisenstadter Shabbat Ends 9:27pm Dvar Torah Upstairs by - Micah Picket Ba’al Kriah Young Couples Minyan - Daniel Krich Seudah Shelishit is sponsored by the Alster and Kaynan families to commemorate the Yarzeit of Anita Weekly Schedule June 26th - July 1st Alster, Chana Raizel Bas Ahron Dovid. Sun. 6:30,7:00,8:00am Last week's security volunteers: Zev Safren, Yisroel Sokel, Yitzy Horowitz. Mon., Thurs. 5:45,6:30,7:45am Tue., Wed., Fri. 5:55,6:30,7:45am Mincha ANNUAL YOUTH SHABBAT Sun., 2:00, 8:15pm This Shabbat we are proud to welcome the participants of the Shomrei Torah Teen Minyan who are leading Mon. - Thurs. 8:15pm the davening in the main shul, as part of our annual Youth Shabbat. Special thanks to Neil Paris who volun- Maariv teers his time each week to coordinate and run the Teen Minyan. Sun. - Thurs. 8:37pm, 9:30pm Erev Shabbat, July 1st Parshat Sh’lach - Shabbat Mevarchim REFUAH SHELAIMAH Early Mincha 6:48pm Batsheva bat Sara, Faiga bat Yita Rivka, Tzivia Rivka bat Naomi Chedvah, Jeff Packard (Chayim Zelig ben Sarah Early Candle Lighting 7:03pm Rivkah), Stuart Schochet (Shimon Yaakov HaKohen ben Chava Sheindel), Zvi Yerachmel ben Shaindel, Chana Candle Lighting 8:14pm Tova bat Shoshana, Avichai ben Rivka, Henia bat Chaya Toba, Shlomo Eliyahu ben Fayala, Lea Rachel bat Leah, Miriam Perel bat Rochel, Aryeh Peretz ben Elke Gittel, Moshe Menachem ben Dvora, Amatzia Chaim ben Chedva Mincha 8:19pm Malka, Yittel bat Shaina, Dovid Shimon ben Shayna Yenta, Yehuda Leib ben Rachel, Nachum ben Esther Fayga, Shabbat, July 2nd Gittel bat Baila, Zahava Aranka Golda bat Pessya, Orly bat Shaina, Shmuel Lippa ben Charna Leah, Yekutiel Aharon Hakohen ben Sara Gittel, Binyamin Moshe ben Netanella Rachel, Ezra Chuna ben Fayella, Malka bat Shacharit 8:00,8:40,* 9:00am Sara, Yisrael Yakov ben Devorah, Tzipora bat Chana and Talia Rachel bat Tamar Sarah. *Starts with Reb Yishmael Omer Sof Z’man Kriyat Sh’ma 9:13am Mincha 8:03pm PACHIM KETANIM IN HONOR OF PARSHAT BEHA’ALOTCHA AND THE MOST HUMBLE MAN The Torah testifies (12:3) “that the man Moshe was exceedingly humble, more than any person on the face of the earth.” The Talmud Nedarim (38a) teaches in the name of Rabbi Yochanan that Hashem does not bestow Bulletin Sponsored by His Shecinah - His prophecy but on one who is all-inclusive: a gibor - strong individual, both physically and of character, a wealthy individual, a wise person, and a humble soul. The Talmud continues and proves that Carol Weissmann Moshe himself possessed all of these qualities. Says the Tosefes Bracha (Torah Temimah) it is only if one possesses strength, wealth, and wisdom that they can then still be modest. That indeed is the message of the Re/Max Properties Select popular song ana-ana-ana avdah d’kudsha b’rich hu - I whom You Hashem have endowed with so many gifts 201-390-6600 have not let it go to my head, but I am a proud servant of Yours. [email protected] MS WALK - IT'S NOT TOO LATE! The MS Walk was Sunday, April 19, 2015! There is still time to support Sam Heller in the MS WALK! The NMSS helps people with multiple sclero- sis on a day to day basis. Please send your tax deductible checks to Sam Heller. SHIURIM SCHEDULE TORAH TUESDAY Fogelman Memorial Beit Medrash Learning - Mon - Thurs.: 8:00-10:00pm. Torah Tuesday on Sponsored by Yahrzeit of Chavrusas, plus: Monday with Ely Shestack at 8:15pm, discussing the thoughts of June 28 Elaine and Irwin Markow Rebecca Glassberg Rav Soloveitchik; Tuesday with Dovid Ambinder at 9:15pm, discussing Gemara June 28 Honey and Ralph Cheifetz Julius Cheifetz Sanhedrin; and Wednesday with Shimon Kronenberg at 8:15pm, discussing Hil- June 30 Carol and Peter Weissmann Erwin Weissmann chos Shabbos. Torah Tuesday - Rabbi Yudin - Mon. and Thurs. at 9am, Tue. at 8:45am; Dr. TORAH TUESDAY THIS SUNDAY, JUNE 26, is sponsored by the Loewy Howard Nuer - Mon. at 9:20am; Rabbi Markowitz - Tue. and Thurs. at 9:20am . and Aron families in memory of Harry Loewy and Harry Aron. The fea- tured speaker is Dr. Zvi Loewy speaking about, “Torah and Science: Monday 8:10pm - Shiur with Rabbi Yudin: Concepts from the Weekly Parsha. Halachic Perspective on Using Pharmaceuticals on Shabbos. Topic on Tuesdays– Will resume in September (details to follow) THROWDOWN begins at 8:30am JUDGES’ Taste Testing-9:00am Wednesday 12:45pm - Women’s shiur with Rabbi Yudin: on Sefer Hachinuch Dr Zvi Loewy Speaking- 9:15am EGG CHAMP Announced- 9:50am Wednesday 8:45pm (note change in time) - shiur with Rabbi Markowitz Watch the THROWDOWN .and have a delicious breakfast consisting of Thursday immediately following Maariv- Fogelman Memorial Beit Medrash our special eggs, Zaidy's onion buns, bagels, French toast, Belgium Waf- Parsha Shmooze will be given by Chanan Strassman. Cholent will be fles topped with strawberries and ice cream and more. This event is by served. To sponsor this week or future weeks, please contact reservation only. [email protected]. Contestants-Mendy Aron, Millty Frank, Alex & Zack Gitlin, & Jay Tepp Daf Yomi: Sun. after the 7am minyan; Mon. at 7:30pm; Tue. at 9:00pm. Judges- Mike Glass, Arlene Glassman and Jerry Kranson, MC- Shani Horowitz SPECIAL SUMMER CHABURA ON MISHNAYOT SUKKAH COME AND GIVE SUPPORT TO YOUR FRIENDS! The Fogelman Beit Medrash Program is excited to announce the begin- ning of a special summer Chabura given by Shimon Kronenberg learning Mishnayos Sukkah. The Chabura will take place Tuesday evenings begin- SHOMREI TORAH OFFICE EMAIL ANNOUNCEMENT ning July 5th from 8:45 - 9:30pm. No learning experience required! Free illustrated Mishnayot for all those who join! For info email Shimon We have changed our email address to [email protected]. at [email protected]. Please use this email address to reach the office from now on. SHOMREI TORAH BULLETIN EMAIL ANNOUNCEMENT YOUTH DEPARTMENT NEWS The email address for those contributing articles or announcements to our There will be no Youth Minyan this Shabbat; youth are leading upstairs Minyan. Weekly Bulletin, has been changed to [email protected], effec- Groups for 3-5 year olds and groups for 5-7 year olds will meet at 9:30am. tive this Sunday, June 26. Jr. Congregation for 8-10 year olds will start at 9:30am in the small classroom. Tot Shabbat will meet in the Youth Minyan room at 10:30am. LOST PROPERTY NOTICE A camera was found in the Beit Medrash. If you lost your camera call SECURITY ANNOUNCEMENT 201-791-7910. As a reminder, please leave all strollers in the designated area next to the shed in back of the building. Please do not leave them on the side of the building where they are easily visible from the street or by the back door ERUV UPDATE: MEMORIAL PLAYGROUND where they may block people from exiting in an emergency. Any stroller not left in the designated area may be moved by a member of the security team We are pleased to announce that the Fair Lawn Eruv has been extended without further notice. to include the playground at Memorial Park. Only the entrance on Essex While the sight of strollers in front of shul is a wonderful sign of a vibrant and Street should be used, as the pool in not in the Eruv, and the entrance on growing community, it also increases the appeal of our shul as a potential target.
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