2017-18 Indiana High School Athletic Association, Inc. School Directory 9150 N. Meridian Street, P.O. Box 40650 Indianapolis, Indiana 46240-0650 Telephone: 317-846-6601 Fax: 317-575-4244 Web: IHSAA.org | IHSAAtv.org | Twitter: @IHSAA1 E-mail: [email protected] Hours: Monday-Friday, 8 a.m.-4 p.m. ET Incorporated: April 26, 1976 National Federation Member Since 1924 Copyright © Indiana High School Athletic Association, Inc. -- IHSAA. All rights reserved. 1 A Letter From The Commissioner The Indiana High School Athletic Association, Inc. is honored to provide support and guidance to our 410 member schools in their offerings of education-based athletics to over 160,000 Hoosier student-athletes. It is our belief that participation in these activities will shape the future leaders of our society while providing a fabric that will unite communities across our great state. The educational knowledge gained through participation in interscholastic athletics is both critical and unique. Lessons of self-discipline, teamwork, tolerance, dedication, sportsmanship and work ethic are all values acquired through participation in education- based athletics. These attributes along with the understanding that victory is not final and that defeat is not fatal allows our young people to acquire valuable life lessons which are applicable in the real world. Integrity is a characteristic that is most important to the IHSAA. An uncompromising adherence to the principles of fair play, impartiality and good sportsmanship are at the center of our core values. Our objectives have remained constant for over a century and take residence in the promotion of wholesome, amateur interscholastic athletic opportunities for the student-athletes of our member schools. It is why we promote the IHSAA as Pure Spirit, Pure Sport, Pure Indiana. The Association staff is most appreciative for the opportunity to serve our member schools and will continue to provide the excellence in service our stakeholders have come to expect. On behalf of the entire IHSAA family, we extend our best wishes for a successful school year. We hope you are looking forward to the events of the coming year with the same enthusiasm and energy that is held by the IHSAA staff and Board of Directors. Cordially, Bobby Cox Commissioner 2 IHSAA Executive Staff Bobby Cox Robert Faulkens Chris Kaufman Commissioner Assistant Assistant Commissioner Commissioner Paul Neidig Kerrie Schludecker Sandra Walter Assistant Assistant Assistant Commissioner Commissioner Commissioner Luke Morehead Jason Wille Robert Baker Technology Sports Information General Counsel Director Director 3 2017-18 IHSAA Board of Directors Patti McCormack Dave Worland Stacy Adams David Amor Lowell Indianapolis Cathedral Griffith LaCrosse (President) (Vice-President) Mike Broughton Jim Brown Victor Bush Steve Cox Jennings County Fishers MSD Lawrence Beech Grove Township City Schools Nathan Dean Jeff Doyle Don Gandy Ed Gilliland Jimtown Barr-Reeve Wheeler LaPorte Tim Grove Charlie Martin Matt Martin Brian Strong South Knox Riverton Parke Knightstown Logansport School Corporation Mike Whitten Rae Woolpy Boonville Richmond 4 2017-18 IHSAA Board of Directors District, Seat Board Member Term Ends District I, Class A David Amor, LaCrosse June 2020 District I, Class AA Don Gandy, Wheeler June 2018 District I, Class AAA Nathan Dean, Jimtown June 2020 District I, Class AAAA Ed Gilliland, LaPorte June 2018 District II, Class A Charlie Martin, Riverton Parke June 2018 District II, Class AA Matt Martin, Knightstown June 2020 District II, Class AAA Steve Cox, Beech Grove City Schools June 2018 District II, Class AAAA Jim Brown, Fishers June 2020 District III, Class A Jeff Doyle, Barr-Reeve June 2020 District III, Class AA Tim Grove, South Knox School Corporation June 2018 District III, Class AAA Mike Whitten, Boonville June 2020 District III, Class AAAA Mike Broughton, Jennings County June 2018 North District, Female Patti McCormack, Lowell* June 2019 North District, Minority Stacy Adams, Griffith June 2019 North District, Urban Brian Strong, Logansport June 2019 South District, Female Rae Woolpy, Richmond June 2019 South District, Minority Victor Bush, MSD Lawrence Township June 2019 South District, Urban -- -- Private School Dave Worland, Indianapolis Cathedral** June 2019 * President ** Vice-President 2017-18 IHSAA Executive Committee Ed Gilliland, LaPorte (Chairman) Jeff Doyle, Barr-Reeve Charlie Martin, Riverton Parke (Vice- Don Gandy, Wheeler Chairman) Tim Grove, South Knox School Stacy Adams, Griffith Corporation David Amor, LaCrosse Matt Martin, Knightstown Mike Broughton, Jennings County Patti McCormack, Lowell Jim Brown, Fishers Brian Strong, Logansport Victor Bush, MSD Lawrence Township Mike Whitten, Boonville Steve Cox, Beech Grove City Schools Rae Woolpy, Richmond Nathan Dean, Jimtown Dave Worland, Indianapolis Cathedral 5 Future Important Dates in Boys Sports 17-18 18-19 19-20 20-21 21-22 Baseball 1st Practice 3/12 3/11 3/16 3/15 3/14 1st Contest 3/26 3/25 3/30 3/29 3/28 Sectionals 5/23-26,28 5/22-25,27 5/27-30; 6/1 5/26-29,31 5/25-28,30 Regionals 6/2 6/1 6/6 6/5 6/4 Semi-States 6/9 6/8 6/13 6/12 6/11 State 6/15,16 6/14,15 6/19,20 6/18,19 6/17,18 Basketball 1st Practice 11/6 11/5 11/11 11/9 11/8 1st Contest 11/20 11/19 11/25 11/23 11/22 Sectionals 2/27,28; 3/2,3 2/26,27; 3/1,2 3/3,4,6,7 3/2,3,5,6 3/1,2,4,5 Regionals 3/10 3/9 3/14 3/13 3/12 Semi-States 3/17 3/16 3/21 3/20 3/19 State 3/24 3/23 3/28 3/27 3/26 Cross Country 1st Practice 7/31 7/30 8/5 8/3 8/2 1st Contest 8/12 8/11 8/17 8/15 8/14 Sectionals 10/7 10/6 10/12 10/10 10/9 Regionals 10/14 10/13 10/19 10/17 10/16 Semi-States 10/21 10/20 10/26 10/24 10/23 State 10/28 10/27 11/2 10/31 10/30 Football 1st Practice Non-Contact 7/31 7/30 8/5 8/3 8/2 Contact 8/3 8/2 8/8 8/6 8/5 1st Contest Varsity 8/18 8/17 8/23 8/21 8/20 JV 8/17 8/16 8/22 8/20 8/19 Sectionals (A-5A) 10/20,27; 10/19,26; 10/25; 11/1 10/23,30; 10/22,29; 11/3 11/2 11/8 11/6 11/5 Sectionals (6A) 10/27;11/3 10/26;11/2 11/1, 8 10/30;11/6 10/29;11/5 Regionals 11/10 11/9 11/15 11/13 11/12 Semi-States 11/17 11/16 11/22 11/20 11/19 State 1A, 3A, 5A 11/24 11/24 11/29 11/28 11/26 2A, 4A, 6A 11/25 11/23 11/30 11/27 11/27 Golf 1st Practice 3/12 3/11 3/16 3/15 3/14 1st Contest 3/26 3/25 3/30 3/29 3/28 Sectionals 6/1,2,4 5/31; 6/1,3 6/5,6,8 6/4,5,7 6/3,4,6 Regionals 6/7-8 6/6,7 6/11,12 6/10,11 6/9,10 State 6/12,13 6/11,12 6/16,17 6/15,16 6/14,15 6 Future Important Dates in Boys Sports 17-18 18-19 19-20 20-21 21-22 Soccer 1st Practice 7/31 7/30 8/5 8/3 8/2 1st Contest 8/12 8/11 8/17 8/15 8/14 Sectionals 10/2,4,6,7 10/1,3,5,6 10/7,9,11,12 10/5,7,9,10 10/4,6,8,9 Regionals 10/14 10/13 10/19 10/17 10/16 Semi-States 10/21 10/20 10/26 10/24 10/23 State 10/27,28 10/26,27 11/1,2 10/30,31 10/29,30 Swimming 1st Practice 11/6 11/5 11/11 11/9 11/8 1st Contest 11/20 11/19 11/25 11/23 11/22 Sectionals 2/15,17 2/14,16 2/20,22 2/18,20 2/17,19 Regionals (Diving) 2/20 2/19 2/25 2/23 2/22 State 2/23,24 2/22,23 2/28,29 2/26,27 2/25,26 Tennis 1st Practice 7/31 7/30 8/5 8/3 8/2 1st Contest 8/12 8/11 8/17 8/15 8/14 Sectionals 9/27-30 9/26-29 10/2-5 9/30-10/3 9/29-10/2 Regionals 10/3,4 10/2,3 10/8,9 10/6,7 10/5,6 (Singles/Doubles) 10/14 10/13 10/19 10/17 10/16 Semi-States 10/7 10/6 10/12 10/10 10/9 State (Team) 10/13,14 10/12,13 10/18,19 10/16,17 10/15,16 (Singles/Doubles) 10/20,21 10/19,20 10/25,26 10/23,24 10/22,23 Track & Field 1st Practice 2/12 2/11 2/17 2/15 2/14 1st Contest 2/26 2/25 3/2 3/1 2/28 Sectionals 5/17 5/16 5/21 5/20 5/19 Regionals 5/24 5/23 5/28 5/27 5/26 State 6/2 5/31 6/6 6/4 6/4 Wrestling 1st Practice 10/30 10/29 11/4 11/2 11/1 1st Contest 11/13 11/12 11/18 11/16 11/15 Sectionals 1/27 1/26 2/1 1/30 1/29 Regionals 2/3 2/2 2/8 2/6 2/5 Semi-States 2/10 2/9 2/15 2/13 2/12 State 2/16,17 2/15,16 2/21,22 2/19,20 2/18,19 Unified® Track & Field 1st Practice 3/5 3/4 3/9 3/8 3/7 1st Contest 3/19 3/18 3/23 3/22 3/21 Sectionals 5/19 5/18 5/23 5/22 5/21 State 6/2 6/1 6/6 6/5 6/4 7 Future Important Dates in Girls Sports 17-18 18-19 19-20 20-21 21-22 Basketball 1st Practice 10/16 10/15 10/21 10/19 10/18 1st Contest 10/30 10/29 11/4 11/2 11/1 Sectionals 1/30,31; 2/2,3 1/29,30; 2/1,2 2/4,5,7,8 2/2,3,5,6 2/1,2,4,5 Regionals 2/10 2/9 2/15 2/13 2/12 Semi-States 2/17 2/16 2/22 2/20 2/19 State 2/24 2/23 2/29 2/27 2/26 Cross Country 1st Practice 7/31 7/30 8/5 8/3 8/2 1st Contest 8/12 8/11 8/17 8/15 8/14 Sectionals 10/7 10/6 10/12 10/10 10/9 Regionals 10/14 10/13 10/19 10/17 10/16 Semi-States 10/21 10/20 10/26 10/24 10/23 State 10/28 10/27 11/2 10/31 10/30 Golf 1st Practice 7/28 7/27 8/2 7/31 7/30 1st Contest 7/31 7/30 8/5 8/3 8/2 Sectionals 9/15,16,18 9/14,15,17 9/20,21,23 9/18,19,21 9/17,18,20 Regionals 9/23 9/22 9/28 9/26 9/25 State 9/29,30 9/28,29 10/4,5 10/2,3 10/1,2 Gymnastics 1st Practice 11/13 11/12 11/18 11/16 11/14 1st Contest 12/4 12/3 12/9 12/7 12/6 Sectionals 2/23,24 2/22,23 2/28,29 2/26,27 2/25,26 Regionals 3/2 3/1 3/6 3/5 3/4 State 3/10 3/9 3/14 3/13 3/12 Soccer 1st Practice 7/31 7/30 8/5 8/3 8/2 1st Contest 8/12 8/11 8/17 8/15 8/14 Sectionals 10/2,3,5,7 10/1,2,4,6 10/7,8,10,11 10/5,6,8,10 10/4,5,7,9 Regionals 10/11,14 10/10,13 10/16,19 10/14,17 10/16 Semi-States 10/21 10/20 10/26 10/24 10/23 State 10/28 10/27 11/2 10/31 10/29,30 Softball 3/5 3/4 3/9 3/8 3/7 1st Practice 3/19 3/18 3/23 3/22 3/21 1st Contest 5/21-26 5/20-25 5/25-30 5/24-29 5/23-28 Sectionals 5/29 5/28 6/2 6/1 5/31 Regionals 6/2 6/1 6/6 6/5 6/4 Semi-States 6/9 6/8 6/13 6/12 6/11 State 8 Future Important Dates in Girls Sports 17-18 18-19 19-20 20-21 21-22 Swimming 1st Practice
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