1 Nfld. Skies I • GOOD NEWS R, RAILEY r.. VR.o\NK ~. SIX CYL. VELOX. AND CREST A Tlli."Tl~;).\ Y, Sq1l~mh•r t;.lh. Sun<rf fn•l;oy ........ , ... 6: I~ .pm. ~ VAUXH~L~S NO\Of TEMPORARILY . Sunnsr lnmnrrnw ... , •.•• !i:~rl a.. m THE' DAILY·' NEWS ~loonrisr tomorrow . • • • , • 1.05 a.m. :-- rw ~I oon . .. .. .. .. .. Sept. 20 ~ Ltd. T())f.S Ili~h .. .. .. .. 3:05 a.m. 3:20 p.m. THE DAILY NEWS, ST. JOHN'S, NFLD., THURSDAY, &EPT •.15, 1960 (Price. 7 Cents) Low ... , ••. , . 9:16 a.m. 9:46 p.m. Vol, 67. No. 205 ··-- iiduto rmy ave ation Asks For Support Of UN Airliner Crashes, - No Lives Lost rc .Ian ! Ry :\UTI WI! E\'ERE1T l satcty kits fastened for ~ land· ' .. i s NEW \'ORK 1.\Pl-An t\meri-: ing was regarded as a maJor lac· And Foreign Te Ch n can Airlines Elcclnt, bound from. tor in their smTi,·aJ. Boston to St. Louis, tripped a 1 "The safety belts saved all : I .EOI'OLD\'ILLE-:\P - The · chief of sta£f of 1 wing on a dike coming into La their lives," said New York po· 1 the Congolese nnl)y said Wednesday night the anny Guardia Field Wedneoday, cart· lice inspector .James Knoll, on : is ! aking control to s:l\'c the Congo, Big Ben wheeled erashed and burned. AU the scene. "The stcwardes,es II Col. Joseph ~lobuto said the nrmy will rulll until 76 pars~ns al>oat'd walked away must have done a hell of a jOb,'' , the ~lrug~lc for power is settled hetwt'cn President alive The t1vo stewm·dcsse~ laudc<l I Juy•ph 1\asa\'uhu and Premier P11tricc Lumumbn. Too Slow Th~ pilot-a supel'visory substi· i for their heroism were ~laggie I . tute ehccldng on the proficiency Fleming, 24, of London, t;ngland, In the shiftin~ fortunes o£ the Congo, Mobuto I I I,ONDON !Reuters I - The I of the regular cockpit crew-! and Donna Gilligan. 2\ o! Pari( ha~ hrcn u 1\nsavubu mnu. ~ lobuto asked full UN sonorous tolling of l:lig Ben, the blamed a sudden wind gust. He · Forest, Ill. Said :\!iss Flemmg: : ~upunrl. He also nppcalcd for the co-operation of world's most famous clock, is said it drove the left wing down l "We could feel the llCat coming : Con~~nlcsc and foreign technicians, too slow for the supersonic age. so it hit an eight-foot dike some I up through the plane .... there I Starting Sunday, the BBC 500 feet short of the runway. I was no panic at all. the pas- \ l'ofobuto salrl !t still Is not clear :~nd has decided that only the fin:l I Police credited the toolness of · sengers were e1 ac~at~d in one or 1 ~ll:tt the po;itions of Kasarubu stroke of the clock will be 1the 70 passengers and the quick two minutes. The mtcnor of the . and Lummnha would be. bnt he broadcast ~t the stm·t of its I thinl;in:: ~uperl'i~ion ol two stew·! plane became filld with smoke.": :a!lcj for tile army to carry on mnin evening news program. : ardesses h1r the escape of all' The four·cngincd, 1uriJ.o • ~rop i tnd sa\ e the nation. Ills an· During the Battle o! Britain. ·aboard. They groped through \he , Electra was Amcnc;m ~ fhghl sounccmcnt was m~de in a brief the tolling o[ Big B~n at the 'smokr·filled. upside . down fuse· i 361. It left Boston shortly ~Iter 8 ~adio broadcast. · JSL.\\IOH:\DA Fla.-Low-lying mc;ts in the Florida Keys bc!(an to start of the BBC nightly broad· [!age to safety. i a.m. E~T on a !our·hot~r fhgl.'t.~o 1 Lntl':\18:\ FLEEIXG~ ! I it. f··l'i the \IT;llh or hurricane Donna (':Jrh· S•·pt. \lth ll' tide' hc;.:an to cast was a symbol to the world ; The fact that the PH~sen~crs ·St. LolliS by way of :\ew ot 1 Therl.' were reports that Lu·f that Britain was still fighting. :and six cr~1' mt;mbcr.; had their l It crashed at 9:02 a.m. · riw. floodin,c; are:•• ~n~h as thi, sndl r;~'.in•!, (':·.·.·p :~l l·,;orad;t. numba was fleeing to his home Now it ha, been decided that _ ..... -.... ·-·--·--- · .. -· · - · · · :own of Stanlcy,·illc, but these ac· the old cloek and its cracked. :ounts co!tlrl not be confimwd. 13~~-ton hell takes too long to ' The announcement !Jy ~lobu\o toll the hour, BARRETTE RESIGNS :an~t' >horlly aflcr Joseph !leo, The~ BHC :UillOtlllC't'llWllt said: ~ ho 1ras named premier by I\ a· "The world's most ma.it•>tic , 1a1 ubu to repl;~ce Lumumha. Depcrlat~nn OJ clock Is in ils own nwje,;lic :!aimed the army was swinging 1 AS PARTY CHIEF 1 wa~ among lilt' slowc'l." I~ support to the president. After all, I~e nBc puinlrd Jl,· .TEA:'\ I.Ol'IS L\FR:\:'\CE .l;m. 7. He was Qul'lwe premier I!('O al>o told reporters 1\asa-j out, "when it ha' linisl.ect strik· l'auadian Pr·ess Starr Writer 'from that tih1c on until hio go\·· rahu had remo1·cd Gen. Victor ing 10, the time has already QUEBEC •l'l' 1-t\nlonio nar· ernmenl resigned .July :, following ~unctula !rom his post as army I advanced to almost thrcc-quar· rctte, Ul·year.old ('hief of the lin· the Liberal party l'iclnl·;· in the with Reeves. :ommandcr, replacin;: him ion Xationalc party, Wednesday .June n provincial election. tcrs of a minute pa;.t the hour.·· I 1 \lohuto, A protest o1·cr the ahhrel'i· announced he has rc.-;igncd as ~11·. Ban·cttc named no suecro· Ry HH'll.\l:r: 1\.\S!~('I!I\E nwnt hn'• , t-: ,. : ,;, • 'i'"''"'" · ::: .. :.- ! . Me hi!lrrly Hr·ti·Briti;h The support o! the army has atcd loUin!( ol Big IJcn Ol'et· the ·leader of his political grour and sm· to lhe part.v leadership. .IIJII.\\:\t·:SDl'HG •.\!'•- riw ci:11:1h .\lril':lll'... :·.-,·~:· • ···:--·n:·, ..,·ere.;,.;. olcd b. :!~.'en seen as a possible decisive PATRICE LUIUUMBA BBC has been filed by the' Big as Jegjslalurc member lor J?licttc; Hr was shaking with _emotir.m ;uddcn di•porlation of the .\n~li· T11t· n<J\inn"'i'l : n ,. r rnmrnl j; ·it<1in 111 tile f)r,•l' War. I I I I' I !actor in the fight between Kasa­ riding. I as he met rcpor l crs at Ius I e;:1s· can B1s. lOJI of . u wnne:: IHi:·~. ['l' . .-au't .. :·it" ·-•~ 1'1'· "'I. '1 s IIIJ'"l'l" - .\),·•11\' •,;,,·,·,tli'l .·\fi'i.C:Jil; of Briti Ben Council. a gro1tp scl up in • 1 · 1 1 ' t IJ" "tt· f tl1c '•·.Jc· 1 ·.~~:o·,•.•.J·t ·,•.·,·1111 to tetain ~o:· ;ubu and Lumumba for leader. Lumumha dictatoral p o w e r s 1940 for prayer and meditation His announcement, mHde to a llnlive office. ll e1· ..\ mb rose I,ec1·es. ws ra1scr W<i' <.e;:ot.t•r "'" 'c o '- - ·~ies with i<n·.::·~ltlrl. 1hip. But the army has been Tuesday, while Big Ben tolls. group of reporters, indicated PROFOUND DISAGREEMENT a storm that may have ~re<1\ pol- tone u, which ilc u;:iciw\ rac1Jl )adiy split along tribal lines and Kasavubu, meanwhile, sum· there is a split down the middle j He said he is in "profound dis· itical repercussions in this raei· · sc~~·e~<JI ion. The 5 ep~1:·~:'c~n wUhin the I': las heen marked by a wide· moned numerous political lend· in the Union Nationalc, forged agreement" with Hon. Ger~ld ally iroublcd nnlion. .\I,IJOu~h man,· En::li,h-,pr"k communi!;· aloo is religious. 1pread lack of discipline and con. 1 crs, In c I u d in g some or LU· into a powerful political party by I Martineau, member of the Legis· The bishop has hustled aboard in~ S•JtJI '1 .\ fric;;ns rif: nnl li~e :rol. 1 mumba's own ministers, to meet Jets Collide the late Maurice Duplessis in !alive Council and Union Na· a plane ~!onday lt•,s th;;n ·ln thr hi>hop or his w;1y of rloin:; .\ln>t Afrikaners helon~ to f Lundula was a former ser11eant with him at his official reslden~. 1936. tior·· !e :'arl:l treasurer: ,J.D. Be- hours ~Iter llr re1•1rnrd from 1liin~-'. thny h:ne ll;•C!l o:rrnllc.'l\ ;):,tc11 lldormrd l'hCJrch, "'''· ·; I 1 1 lnrler the Belgians and became TRY TO PATCII QUARREL SHA!'.JNON, Ireland IAPl-Two Mr. Barrette was the party's ·gin. former colonization minister ! England. He had tcff in A;u·i: at h1· ti:c Y:;,.· \.c ,._.. ,: ·• '"'""' '' h:~> wl lo 1oier firm o:'P 11 ' ' • general and commander after I · It appeared that some respon­ u.s. Air Force B-47 .iet bombers third leader. Mr. Duplessis, its and chief party organizer, and :the- height of the radal crisis UC· return ;md. I hen ril'p;;\'ft•d \I 'I. I In tile nationalists' .-e~;·cg.·: "·' :he Congo received its indcpen- sible leaders on both sides were collided high over the Atlantic founder died Sept, 7 last year. Hon. Jean Barrette, a member of 1 cause he feared arrest.. 'out legal <HII'ice nr a llllir.l policy.
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