370 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD-HOUSE MARCH 14 The PRESIDENT pro tempore. The Chair has held that country. The amendment I have suggested wm keep them it is not a substitute. on the roll, but will give the President the power to reduce Mr. HARRISON. Mr. President, in view of the fact that their compensation. there are several Senators who want to discuss at length Mr. McKELLAR. Mr. President, will the Senator yield? some amendments, I want to submit a unanimous-cQnsent Mr. DILL. I yield. request that when the Senate concludes its business tonight Mr. McKELLAR. I call the Senator's attention to the it shall recess until 12 o'clock noon tomorrow; that the bill last words of his amendment: be taken up at that hour and that no Senator shall speak But the President may reduce the rate of pension as he may longer th::m 30 minutes on the bill or longer than 15 min­ deem proper. utes on any amendment to the bill, and that no Senator That would mean that he could reduce it to any sum that shall speak mere than once on the bill. he might deem proper. The PRESIDENT pro tempore. Is there objection to the unanimous-consent request? Mr. DILL. Yes. Mr. LONG. I object. Mr. McKELLAR. When we apply the rule of 15 percent to other reductions, why should we make a distinction by Mr. McCARRAN. I object to the request. allowing the President to reduce to any amount he might Mr. BORAH. Mr. President, may I be permitted to say see fit or to cut off entirely the pensions received by Spanish .. that I have no objection to the request for unanimous con­ American War veterans? sent which the Senator has preferred, if he will not include the restriction as to speaking more than once. Mr. DILL. I thought the President could be trusted in this matter, and I did not want to fix a percentage because Mr. HARRISON. I withdraw that part of the request. I did not want to get into an argument over it. The PRESIDENT pro tempore. The Senator from Missis­ The PRESIDENT pro tempore. The question is on agree .. sippi will please state his request in the form he now desires ing to the amendment offered by the Senator from Wash­ to present it. ington. Mr. HARRISON. I ask unanimous consent that tomorrow Mr. BORAH. One moment, Mr. President. Is it proposed no Senator shall speak longer than 30 minutes on the bill to have a vote on this amendment tonight? or longer than 15 on any amendment thereto. Mr. HARRISON. If there is no objection, I think we Mr. JOHNSON. Mr. President, may I inquire what the might vote on it. wi~hdrawal of the suggestion that no Senator speak more ­ Mr. BORAH. There has been so much conversation car .. than once means? Does that mean that a. Senator can ried on on the other side that it was impossible to under .. speak 20 times on the bill? stand the discussion and I insist that this matter go over Mr. HARRISON. No; I think a Senator could not speak until the morning. more than once on any amendment; but I imagine, in view 1\fi". HARRISON. Very well. of the objection which has been made that a Senator could speak more than once in occupying his 30 minutes of time ADDITIONAL Bll.LS AND JOINT RESOLUTION INTRODUCED on the bill. Mr. COPELAND, by unanimous consent, introduced bills Mr. JOHNSON. I beg pardon. and a joint resolution, which were severally read twice by Mr. BORAH. A Senator could divide his 30 minutes· to their titles and referred as follows: suit himself. A bill (S. 451) to amend section 3 of the act of May 28. Mr. JOHNSON. I understood that there was objection to 1928, relating to salary rates of certain civil-service posi .. the request. tions; to the Committee on Civil Service. The PRESIDENT pro tempore. Is there objection to the A bill (8. 452) for the relief of the owners of cargo laden request of the Senator from Mississippi as now submitted? aboard the United States transport Florence Luckenbach on Mr. LONG. Mr. President, I will ask what the request or about December 27, 1918; arid was. A bill (8. 453) for the relief of owners of cargo aboard The PRESIDENT pro tempore. The request was that on the steamship Boxley; to the Committee on Claims. the convening of the Senate tomorrow, speeches shall be A bill (S. 454) to amend section 24 of the Trading with limited to 30 minutes on the part of each Senator on the the Enemy Act, as amended; to the Committee on Finance. bill and 15 minutes on each amendment. A bill <S. 455) for the rellef of James W. Kelly; to the Mr. LONG. Reserving the right to object, would the Sen­ Committee on Naval Affairs. ator from Mississippi permit me to offer an amendment in A bill (S. 456) granting a pension to Juan Lopez; to the order that it may be printed so as to be available tomorrow Committee on Pensions. morning? A joint resolution (S.J .Res. 21) authorizing the erection Mr. HARRISON. I have no objection to that whatever. in Washington, D. C., of a monument in memory of Col Mr. LONG. I present the amendment and a.sk that it Robert Ingersoll; to the Committee on the Library. may be printed and lie on the table. RECESS The PRESIDENT pro tempore. Without objection, the Mr. HARRISON. I move that the Senate take a reces.CJ proposed amendment will be received, printed, and lie on until 12 o'clock noon tomorrow. the table. Is there objection to the request for unanimous The motion was agreed to; and <at 10 o'clock and 20 consent preferred by the Senator from Mississippi? The minutes p.m.) the Senate took a recess until tomorrow, Chair hears none, and it is so ordered. Wednesday, March 15, 1933, at 12 o'clock meridian. Mr. DILL. Mr. President, I think that my amendment may be agreed to without much discussion if I may be per­ mitted for just a moment to explain it. HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES Under the terms of the bill as it is now written the vet­ TUESDAY, MARCH 14, 1933 erans of the Spanish-American War who are receiving pensions because they have reached the age of 62 years The House met at 12 o'clock noon. DD.. cannot when once removed be placed back on the rolls by The Chaplain, Rev. James Shera Montgomery, the President; they are out completely and finally. The offered the following prayer: amendment will require that they be kept on the rolls, but 0 ·Father, Lord of heaven and earth, Thou who didst will permit the President to cut their compensation. build the world in order and the atoms that march in tune, It seems to me, in view of the rule that has been estab­ condescend to us, we beseech Thee. Enable us to take up lished so long in this country, that when a veteran reaches the labors of these hours with earnest, sincere, and generous the age of 62 years he shall have a service pension, if we hearts and minds. Saturate our very breasts with the at­ take the Spanish-American War veterans who are now past mosphere, light, and courage of patriotic devotion. On the 62 years off the roll, we will simply transfer 90 percent of altar ·of every heart may there flame forth the spirit of a them from the pension roll to the cllarity rolls oi t-he genuine, mutual cooperation; in every way may we protect 1933 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD-HOUSE 371 the claims, just and righteous, of a free people. May the South Carolina; Glover H. Cary, Kentucky; Bernard M. Jacobsen, Iowa. golden rule of the Master be the climax of our hopes, the Banking and CUrrency: Henry B. Steagall (chairman), Alabama; height of our· ambitions, and the ideal of what we would Charles H. Brand, Georgia; T. Alan Goldsborough, Maryland; like to practice. In the silent moments at the close of the Anning S. Prall, New York; Jeff Busby, Mississippi; Michael K. day let us recognize the voice that has been with us since Rellly, Wisconsin; Frank Hancock, North Carolina; Clyde Williams, Missouri; Wesley E. Disney, Oklahoma; 0. H. Cross, Texas; Brent the morning. Through Jesus Christ our Lord. Amen. Spence, Kentucky; Denver S. Church, California; Prentiss M. The Journal of the proceedings of yesterday was read and Brown, Michigan; Fred J. Sisson, New York; James I. Farley, Indi­ approved. ana; James A. Meeks, Illinois; Herman P. Kopplemann, Con­ MESSAGE FROM THE SENATE necticut. Census: Ralph F. Lozier (chairman), Missouri; John E. Rankin, A message from the Senate by Mr. Craven, its principal Mississippi; John H. Kerr, North Carolina; William H. Larrabee. clerk, announced that the Senate had ordered that the Indiana; WUliam L. Fiesinger, Ohio; Lynn S. Hornor, West Vir­ House of Representatives be requested to return to the ginia; Edward H. Crump, Tennessee; Brooks Fletcher, Ohio; J. Mark Wilcox, Florida; Sterling P. Strong, Tell.M; Cleveland Dear, Lou1- Senate the joint resolution CH.J.Res. 75) entitled "Joint siana; Martin A. Brennan, lllinois; Finley Hamilton, Kentucky; resolution to provide for certain expenses incident to the Matthew A. Dunn, Pennsylvania; W. M. Colmer, Mississippi. first session of the Seventy-third Congress." Civil Service: Lamar Jeffers (chairman), Alabama; William L Sirovich, New York; Robert Ramspeck, Georgia; Russell Ellzey, SWEARING IN OF MEMBERS Mississippi; Edward C. Eicher, Iowa; Jennings Randolph, West Hon.
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