I, ', .'■ ’ ••' ' V ' } A' ' .(* r,>^ ■ p o/• *', 1^ •». ;,V- ■ . • L • . - ; ^ i J.- SAi'U|lDAY, JANUARY 19, 1967 PA6B TEN Averauc Dkily Net Prase Run For the Week Ended The Weather fllattrbPBtrr l^ttrnituj SrraU> January 19, 1957 Peroenat af D. 8. Waetfear a short story he had submittad.. 1 2 , 4 4 5 Perlodo'or Hght min o* ditnaM The a^ry, which had a Chriatmaa GENERAL tonight and Tneeday. Ooneldemkle About Town theme, waa the second fiction piece Member of the Audit r«g toaight Low tonight .hi neper Heard Along Main Street of his the Mirror had accepUd. TV SERVICE Bureau of Ctrcniatlon 'Am«ri<w> L«|1on AuxUlary mam- Mnnehester—^A City of Village Charm 56s.' High Tneoday 45-M. beta are reminded Uiat the next So They Say Day. 5JJ5 BOM roeetlna will be Tueaday evening And on Some of Mancheater*M Side Streets, Too Prior to Jan. 1, 1952, the penny NlghM 4As99 Pina Parti instead of Monday night, and they post card waa in existence many a TEL. Ml S-54M VOL. LXXVI, NO. 94 (TWELVE PAGES) ■re pMo aaked to bring articles for '^weather, and it Involved a great business firm . took advantags of MANCHESTER, CiONN., MONDAY, JANUARY 21, 1957 (Clasaifled Adrertiekig on Pngo 19) PRICE FIVE CENTR- the white elephant sale. Pay Atteattonl A frtCnd of ours dropped around deal of sacrifice. the bargain to advertise its busi­ A salesman of tires and bat­ ness, epecial tales, auctions, and The Holy Name Society of St. the other day and somehow the teries who works in a Main St. what have you. Jamas' Church will hold its month­ conversation got a*jund to doga store was lying in bed about 7:49 In looking over a collection of ly meeting Monday evening,' at 8:30 probably because he wanted to am. Tuesday morning, with at odds and ends that might be use­ SNOW at S t James' School Hall. The Rev. tell this little vignette concerning least a good half hour of sleep ful for 'our 75th anniversary tab­ Meonard Goode, chaplain of Rocky his own mongrel. before it was time to get up and loid, we came across Hie follow­ HUl Veterans HoapiUI, will be the. His dog, "Dusty," althotigh only; «'«‘ dy himself for work, ing. all printed in Italica, on the P L O W tN G fueat speaker. four mo.iths old, has successfully “ P ">bch ***'lier, back of a penny post card. It was Ike Dedicates Second Term to been hbusebroken. and when its «*** sent out 20 years ago by a local • DRIVEWAYS The Grace Group of the Oenter time to go outside,ouisiae, henc \isuallyusumiiy k . firm. • PARKING LOTS Oon^gational Church wtl meet ■"v 11 nudges his owner’s leg and whines * 1 getUng his car "H'HEN Monday night at 8 o'clock in the Women wore hoop skirts, bus­ TEL. Ml 9^100 Just a little. Perhaps it was the loud curses Federation room for an evening of Shortly after his owner 80t tles, petticoats, corsets, cotton book ravievia. Mrs. Hooka Johnston this and general stomping around that stockings, buttoned shoes, frilled home from work one day woke the sleeper up. Whatever it TURNPIKE win review ‘The Mind Goes Forth." week the puppy begai nudgir’g reached his cotton drawers. They did the clean­ by Overstreet; Mrs. Philip Emery. and let out Just a tiny whine. ears that the temperature was ing, washin{f, ironing, raised big AUTO SERVICE " Battle a f "Hymn." --------------------------- by Dean Hess; and- families, went to churph Sundays Linda N* (ieorice Nandra A. Withaijp Marianne E. Hoppe Peace with Justice’ to Curb Communism Being preoccupied, the owner paid Ufa, <>»rlea'Cipaon. “-When God way below sero, the 'sleeper star­ 164 WEST MIDDLE TPKE. no attention. "Duaty_’!Jiecame Just tled the household by bounding and were too busy to be sick. MeiL Saya No," by Jdargaret BlalrJohn- a little more nersistent, nudged a down into the kitchen sho'iitlng, wore whiskers, hats, ascot ties, A nndunce Engagements atone. Mrs. John Mortimer will lead little harder and wined a little “Let's get some breakfast going, red flannel underwear, chopped the worship service, and refresh­ Under. here! Got to get downtown and wood, bathed once a week, drank ments will be served by Mrs. Henry Mr. and Mrs. Raymond D.< Allan R. Witham, 5 Hendee Rd.,?> Announcement ia made of the When he takes the pup outside, sell those batteries!" 10-cent whiskey, 5-cent bc«r, rode George, 82 Turnbull Rd., announce; Miller and her committee. bicycles and buggies^ went in for announces the engagement of his | engagemeht of Miss Marianne E. tlie owner told us, he usually the engagement- and coming mar- | daughter. Miss Sandra Anne W it' Hoppe, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Massed Thousands hli.vhea. r chain to his halter and politlca, worked 12 hours a day Waahington Jan 21 >m - - Cites Wealth of U.S. It’s Really Very Simple and lived to a ripe old age. Stores rlage of their daughter, Mias Unda i ham, to William Francis Hoffman4Bmst Hoppe—of Marburg, Qer' L o o k O o t L "Preaiuent Ktaentiower opened The postponed meeting of the In turn hooks It on his backyard Nancy George, to Gerhardt Karl' Jr., son of Mr. and Mrs. William' many, to Morton Handler, son of 1- Maacheater Fine Art Assn, will be cUthesline. At this time, the Breathes there a crossword pux- burned coal oil lamps, carried his second inaugural addreaa sle addict, even a novice, who does Jansen, son of Mr. and Mrs. Henry' Hoffman of Shnabuiy. - I Mr. and Mrs. Irving Handler, 39 held Wednesday in the Whiton cl<ain' was on top of the kitchen everything from a needle to a today with a plea for "the favor not know that an ”em” and an plow, trusted everybody, never A. Jansen, 11 Avondale Rd. | Miss Witham, who is also the Gerard S t At Public Ceremony of almighty God” on the com­ •udltorium at 8 p.m. Two films in radiator. The wedding will take place on daughter of the late Mrs. Jenny | Miss Hoppe is employed by Paul And Want in World sound and color, entitled "Artists e^ ' are prihter’a meaaures? took inventory, placed orders for mon la ^ r of all Americans. After five minutes or so, Probably not, but how many Feb. 9 In the "Center Congregation-! Witham, is a senior at Manchester; r . Shafer. Hartford photographer. and Methods of Working" and "Dusty" really became desperate. goods a year In advance and AL­ I "And the hopes of our hearts know what they measure? WAYS MADE MONEY. al Church. 1 High School. Her fiance waa grad- j Her fiance, a graduate of Manches- Washington, Jan. 21 (fp)— •alona. Pennsylvania’ Avenue. The! fashion the deepest prayers of i Wsnhington, Jan. 21 )— President Eisenhower pledfiied "Water Colors in Action.” will be Seeing his nudging was doing To start with, a printer divides uated from the same achool in ter High School, attended the Uni- i/P shown. The*public is invited. "AND NOW President, Nixon, their wives, and j our people," Elsenhower said. absolutely no good, "Dusty” pulled an inch into 72 units which he calls June 1951. He served four years veriity of Connecticut and served President Eisenhower took congressional' leaders, drew thun-1 "May we. pei-use the right— i today-his second term will be dedicated to “ the huildini o f a the chain down with his paws, points.” He also divides the Women lyear silk (or no) stock­ in the Sea-Bee division of the Navy with Uie U.S. Infantry in Germany;- the oath of office for a sec­ without aelf-righteousneas. peace with justice" to thwart “internationar communism and ings, no corsets, an ounce of un­ Cubs Given Flag ; derous cheers as they drove from ' Members of Hose Co. No. 3. picked it up in his mouth and inch into six uniu which he calls, and ia presently employed as a A spring wedding is planned. ond time today. Sunday i the White House up the hill to the "May We know unity—without the power it controls.” 8MFD, will meet at the flr^ c> ^ dropped it at his owner's feet. picas.” derwear, have bobbed hair, heavy equipment operator for conformity. smoke, paint, powder, drink cock­ morning, on the constitu­ ' capitol. In his inaugural address, Eisenhower painted a picture of tomorrow night at 7 o'clock to pro­ Ai.d 'as though this Avas not defi­ He measures the height of type By VFW Women Welch Consthiction Co., Burling' The Eisenhowers and the Nlx- VMay we grow in strength— ceed from there to the Holloran nite enough, he gave out the by points. This type, for In- tails, play bridge, drive cars, have ton. tional date for his inaugura­ without pride of self. a prosperous, strong America. * pet dogs and go in for politics. I ons came in aeparate cars. Funeral Hoiaa to pay reapects to loudest bark his o-vner ever re­ tUnce, is 8 poinU High (Don't try Members of Anderson - Shea No definite date has been set tion, private rites were held The wives sat nearby as the "May we. in our dealings But he added “ this ia not the whole of our world.” Timmy Holloran. who was an hon members. to measure it; it'a not as aimple Men ' have high blood pressure, Al xi!iar>’, VFW, attended a ape- for the wedding. Insuronc* policiot with all peoples of the earth, wear no hats, little hair, shave in the White House for Eisen­ President and Vice Preeident were “ In too much of the Earth there is want, discord, danger,” erary member of the company.
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