THE WESTFIELD LEADER THE LEADING AND MOST WIDELY CIRCULATED WEEKLY NEWSPAPER IN UNION COUNTY Entered nH Second Claaa Muttor YEAR—No. 5 Post Office, \Vent()ptil. N. J. Published WESTFIELD, NEW JERSEY, THURSDAY, OCTOBER 15, 1953 Every 'I'liurnrtiiy 38 Pages—5 Cents jnited Campaign New Building President Names Adds Ratables Former Resident Meters On Town Parking fets 45# Of Goal In Westfield Labor Secretary' Lots Approved By Council Figures Show Town Director James Mitchell irst Reports Sixth in County for Replaces Durkin Adaptive Aquatics Comes As Pastor Total Increases In Cabinet Post lourse Still Open Law Eliminates olal$4^2 New construction since October James P. Mitchell, formerly of Any disabled or handicapped Free Parking Area 1, 1952, has added $849,200 to 819 Kimbull avenue, was sworn in persons mny still register for the Three-Quarter Mark Westfield's tax ratables. The town last Thursday as Secretary of fall course of adaptive aquatics is sixth in increases in the county, Labor. Named to his new post by being given at the YWCA by call- New Business Area Sought by Tonight falling behind the four "million- President D'wight D. Eisenhower, ng We. 2-2833. The course starts dollar" towns of Union, Linden, tomorrow. Classes are held at 40 Decision Postponed Mr. Mitchell succeeds Martin P. minute intervals from 9:30 a.m. H total of $44,682 of the goal Scotch Plnins and Summit and Durkin, a Democrat who resigned Cranford. to 2:30 p.m. Despite protests by two local 199,700 was repdrted at the a month ago and returned to his merchants, spokesmen for all-day ,t report meeting of the United Totals for the entire county job as AFL Plumbers Union pres- parkers at the two municipal park- apiign volunteers held at the amounted to $14,934,295, the Un- ident. ng lots on Prospect street oppo- ICA, Monday evening, it was ion County Board of Taxation an- Mr. Mitchell, 52, resided with Hallowe'en Parade JAMES P. MITCHELL site the Municipal Building, Town . jounced by Campaign Chairman nounced Friday. F. Edward Bier- his family here for two years while Council Tuesday night passed an jert A- Hally. This total rcpra- tuempfel, of Union, tax board he was vice president of Bloom- ordinance making a number of k 45 per cent of the goal in president, said the pro-rated as- ingdalcs, Inc., a New York depart- Contests Open changes in traffic and parking reg- campaign for 1S54 support of sessments, covering the period for Junior Program ment store. He was appointed to ulations. At the public hearing, Boy Scouts and Girl Scouts, which the properties actually will the position of assistant secretary Mystery Pictures the spokesmen asked what provi- , YMCA and YWCA, the Dis- be taxed, amount to $7,977,410.13. of the Army last April 7 and sion wns to be made for all-day jt Nursing Association and the Westfield's pro-rated assessment is Series Starts Soon moved to Washington a short time Appear in Leader parking of persona employed in BtMd Community Center. .$385,250. ago. town. They said that the ordinance, Kr. Hally, who presided at the Last year, the county's added Sponsored by School The onth of office was admin- High school students and,young- which was introduced by Council eting, expressed optimism that WILLIAM D. McRAE assessment total was slightly istered in ceremonies at the White er children can start guessing tho Sept. 28, would coat each person i people of Westfield would con- lower, $14,746,003, but the pro- Welfare Council House Thursday with President names of tho mnsked "Mystery about $50 a year to park their ic to help the volunteers reach rated amount was somewhat high- Eisenhower looking on. Mr. Mit- Minor" and "Mystery Major" cars if meters are Installed. > er, $8,359,774.70. SEWELL HALL goal this year. He said, "It is The 1953-54 junior program se- chell attended his first cabinet whose pictures appear on page 32 The new assessments cover meeting Bhortly after. In announc- Those opposing the ordinance waging to note the increases Bucknell Choir To rica of the School Welfare Council of this issue of the Leader. Win- which will eliminate four-hour property on which construction be- will be presented in the Senior ing the appointment to his news ners in the contests will share iorted. If the pattern of in- gan after October 1, 1952, the free parking in the town lota, aald •sei continues, we have a good High School Auditorium, it wns conference, Mr. Eisenhower over $40 worth of prizes being of- New Minister At Present Concert deadline for regular 1953 assess- praised Mr. Mitchell's ability and they did not want to hold up the nice of reaching our goal. If all announced this week by Mrs. T. fered by the Y's Men's Club, spon- entire ordinance for the one clauie ments, and completed by Sept. 1 William Rodes, chairman. "This is long experience in handling labor sors of the competitions and of •e who haven't yet contributed, of this year. Each property owner on mctcred parking, but they "did itinue the trend set by those a real opportunity for the children relations problems. Mitchell him- the annual Hallowe'en parade. Echo Lake Church Singers to be Guests starts paying taxes when his build- self promised to try "to the best Rules of tho contests appear with feel some provision should be already gave, we will reach of Westfield to experience first made." The parking lots are now In Local Homes ing is "substantially completed." class theatre going," said Mrs. of my, ability to do the best pos- tho pictures. goal this year." sible job for the people of the Sewell Hull Was used extensively by employees of Individual communities, all with Rodes, "and great care has been After sharing the honor of lead- many local stores and businesses. Chen the United Campaign vol- The Bucknell University Chapel more than $1,000,000 in added taken to assure fine quality pro- United States." ing the goblin night procession teers meet for the second re- College Professor They pointed out the municipal. Choir of 39 voices will present a ratables, are: Union, which added ductions." A native of Elizabeth, Mr. Mit- through the business district the parking lot on the south lide of It this evening, the production sacred concert in the First Bap- $3,467,675, Linden, $2,239,940 "Mystery Major" and "Minor" Sewell Hall, formerly of Mont- |tt will be 75 per cent of the The performances, designed es- chell is the son of Mrs. Anna town which is used by communt- tist Church Sunday, Oct. 25, at Summit, $1,368,250 and Scotch pecially for children, are as fol- Mitchell of Elizabeth and the late will bo unmasked on tho judging gomery, Ala., has arrived in West- ers from Clark Township and ley needed in this campaign. 8 p.m. Announcement was made Plains, $1,194,450. stand. The first prize winner in field to serve as a minister of the Italian Hally said that "to reach lows: Saturday, Nov. 21, the Sal Peter Mitchell, and is married to Scotch Plains as well as Westfield, today by Harry Bowser, chairman The added assessments will be omo Gaynor Theatre for Children Isabclle Nulton Mitchell, slater of each contest will have the privi Echo Lake Church of Christ, ac- will remain a free parking lot but I goal the volunteers will need of the special committee sponsor- incorporated in the regular 1954 lego of removing tho respective cording to an announcement made I help of everyone in the com- will present a dramatization of Union County Clerk Henry G. similar provision is not made on "ng the event. assessments which will be filed "The Tinder Box". The story is Nulton. They have a daughter, false faces. Since the "Major" is this week. The church meets at the north side. laity." with the board in January. The a well known Westfield adult and (iOO Springfield avenue in the William McRae, professor of one which is familiar to all chil- Elizabeth, 13. Mayor Charles F. Bailey stated fa each section chairman was gain next year is expected to bo dren who read, or have read to Mr. Mitchell's business career the "Minor" is a. noted Westfield stono building formerly known as music at the Lewisburg college, High School student It is expect- that the change in parking accord-' reduced, he in turn introduced will direct the choir. A graduate at least $20,000,000 above the reg- them the tales of Hans Christian began with Western Electric at its the Branch Mills Chapel. district co-managei'3 who ular 1953 ratables total. ed that a large crowd^ of all Bges ing .to the now ordinance, is not of Oberlin College and the Ober- Andersen. January 16 will mark Kearny Works which he joined Mr. Hall was born in Alabama for revenue purposes. Councilman ed on their respective captains the Children's World Theatro de- after leaving New York Univer- will be on hand to join in the fes- and attendeil elementary schools in Conservatory of Music, Mr. tivities. Emerson Thomas added that Coun- their reports. These reports McRae has been at Bucknell since but in We8tfield. A professional sity. In 1934, he was called into in Birmingham and Tuscumbia it tabulated on a gigantic The "Minor" contest is open to cil has made a detailed study of 1936 in the capacity of teacher, adult cast will present "King Mi- nnd high school in Chattanooga, the parking problem in town ind [board which had each cap- Guild Announces das".
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